simssimi · 3 years
Cottage living Legacy challenge
I have been playing #thesims4 for years and I really like the community that the game has created. However, when I searched for a legacy challenge for the new pack, I couldn't find any. So I tried my own hand at creating one. Here are the rules:
The main goal for the legacy challenge is that you start a farm, make it successful and keep it successful throughout 10 generations.
Main rules: 1. Each generation must be raised on the farm. 2. Every generation will have a specific goal, however the first five generations must quite their job and move back to the farm when their first child is born or when the previous generation dies, which ever comes first.
Lot challenges: Wild foxes, Simple living
With that let's get into the challenge:
Generation 1: The Founder
You are tired of city life and want to start fresh, so when you heard that your aunt left you her land in Henford-on-Bagley, you packed your bags and moved straight away. However, when you got there, you see that it is really just a piece of land. Now you have to start from scratch to make it a nice looking farm.
Packs needed: Cottage living
Aspiration: Country caretaker
Traits: Animal enthusiast, loner, vegetarian
Move into the empty lot in Old New Henford.
Marry a sim with the outgoing trait.
Have four children (two sets of twins).
Complete the aspiration.
Have a good relationship with a cow, a llama and three chickens.
No jobs allowed! Live on the money the farm makes, or what you can make from your farm (Knitted things, soda, candles etc.).
Generation 2: The Artist
This generation must be a female heir.
You grew up on a farm, struggling to get by on the funds the farm makes, but during all the chaos, you found a love for painting. Your parents and siblings were very encouraging of you pursuing your dream, and with their blessing, you moved to the city to become a successful artist. However, one drunken night, you had a one night stand and got pregnant. You decided that you want to move back to the farm, so that your child can have the same loving childhood that you had.
Packs needed: City living
Aspiration: Painter extraordinaire
Traits: Creative, art lover, outgoing
Complete the aspiration.
Master the painting skill.
Move to the city when you reach young adulthood.
Join the painter career when you move out.
Have a one night stand with a friend and get pregnant.
Move back to the farm when child is born.
Quite job.
Never get married.
Generation 3: The Jokester
You grew up without a father. To hide the hole in your heart you make jokes. People find you hilarious and you start to feel that this is what you were meant to do. Your mom, however, doesn't think that you should follow this path, because other comedians struggle to get by. You move to Willow Creek anyway. However, soon you realize that your mom was right and you move back with your new spouse.
Aspiration: Joke star, Successful lineage
Traits: Hot-headed, goofball, clumsy
Move to Willow Creek when you are a young adult.
Master the comedy skill.
Meet and marry a sim with the gloomy trait.
Fail as a comedian.
Change the aspiration when you move back to the farm. (DO NOT COMPLETE THE JOKE STAR ASPIRATION.)
Quite job.
Have two children (have second child when the first child is a teen)
The next heir must be your first born.
Generation 4: The Academic
Your parent is a failed comedian and because of that you decided that you want to be prepared for what life gives you. So you decide to work hard and go to university. However, your roommate doesn't take university seriously and throws a party every single night. After a while your anger turns into love and you end up marrying the sim.
Packs needed: University
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Bookworm, genius, perfectionist
Sign up for university.
Master the research and debate skill.
Attend the University of Britechester.
Have a roommate with the bro trait.
Argue with roommate at least once a night.
Fall in love with roommate and marry him.
Complete half of the aspiration.
Move back to farm when you have your degree.
From here on, some generations would have outside businesses. These generations stay on the farm.
Generation 5: The Chef
You loved to cook together with your family and would love to become a world renown chef. With that, you practice your cooking skill everyday, in the hopes that one day you will have your own restaurant. You succeed, and your restaurant is the best in the world. Things could not be more perfect, but you feel very lonely. You worked so hard that you never stopped to look for a soul mate.
Packs needed: Dine out
Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits: Foodie, glutton, proper
Cook together with your family every night from childhood.
Master the cooking and baking skill.
Meet a sim at the restaurant.
Have one child.
Have a successful restaurant.
Generation 6: The Serial Romantic
You know your parents met only after the family restaurant reached the top. You don't want that, however you also don't want to be tied to a sim for the rest of your life. You set out to be unmarried for the rest of your life. You start on your heartbreak journey when you are a teen and when you become a young adult it intensifies.
Aspiration: Serial romantic
Traits: Noncommittal, romantic, self assured
Complete the aspiration.
Master the charisma skill.
Have three children with three different sims.
Let the children live with you.
Neglect your children.
Never get married.
Generation 7: The Animal lover
Your parents were never around while you were growing up. The only family that you had was your half siblings and your family pets. This is what makes you decide to become a veterinarian. You are thrilled when your grand parents restaurant is left to you and your siblings when they die and you decide to turn the rundown, once loved restaurant into an animal hospital.
Packs needed: Cats and Dogs
Aspiration: Friend of the animals
Traits: Gloomy, good, family orientated
Complete the aspiration.
Master the vet skill.
Turn your grandparents' restaurant into a vet clinic when they die.
Marry a childhood friend.
Have twins.
Generation 8: The Photographer
You have always loved photography. When their was a photo opportunity, you were always there to snap the camera. So it would make sense that you become a photographer.
Packs needed: Moschino stuff pack
Aspiration: Friend of the world
Traits: Outgoing, active, cheerful
Complete the aspiration.
Master the photography skill.
Join the freelance career as a photographer.
Fall in love and marry a model from one of your photoshoots.
Have two children.
Capture important moments in your family's lives and put it on the photo wall.
Generation 9: The Simstube Sensation
You grew up with a photographer as a parent and you love the way you can edit a photo to make it look perfect. Then you are introduced to the world of vlogging and you know that is what you want to do.
Packs needed: Get famous
Aspiration: World-famous celebrate
Traits: Jealous, self-absorbed, ambitious
Complete the aspiration.
Master the media-production skill.
Start vlogging when you are a teenager.
Marry a sim that you met while out vlogging.
Post a video everyday.
Have one child.
Retire from vlogging when you become an elder.
Write an autobiography when you are an elder.
Generation 10: The Actor/Actress
You grew up with a famous parent and from really early on you knew you want that too, but you don't want to be a vlogger. You are going in with a bang. You decide to become an actor/actress. You also want to leave this farm life behind. It has been in your family for generations and it is time for a new start. You want to own the biggest house, best clothes, newest electronics etc. Materialistic much?
Packs needed: Get famous
Aspiration: Master actor/actress
Traits: Materialistic, snob, neat
Complete the aspiration.
Master the acting, singing, guitar, piano, violin and charisma skill.
Start drama classes when you become a child.
Enter the acting career when you become a young adult.
Marry a fellow actor that is materialistic.
Move to Del Sol Valley with no looking back.
Own the biggest mansion.
I really hope that you enjoy this challenge. Share your families with me if you decide to do this challenge. ❤
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