sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
            she said she’d turn around and walk away yet her feet failed to cooperate. his words caused a dry chuckle to slip out followed by a shake of her head.   ❛ your night is ruined ? ❜   daeun asks sarcastically in slight disbelief at his selfishness and obliviousness to what this was doing to her.   ❛ why can’t i come in ? what are you hiding ? ❜   she takes a daring step closer to him and clenches her jaw, their bodies less than a foot apart from one another.   ❛ what are YOUgonna do to me if i don’t listen, huh ? ❜   she should have been scared — no… terrified, but her stubbornness and anger only fueled her courage. 
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‘ daeun. ‘ he speaks in a  calm  yet warning tone as he follows after her , also taking a step forward , now  completely  closing the small gap that was left between the two of them    ; making their bodies collide. he couldn’t lie  , the fierceness she carried attracted him , ever since they first met. his gaze steady locked on the smaller female as he leans down to bring his lips close to her ear , the soft skin of their cheeks brushing against each other. ‘ you know better than to test me. ‘ he whispers , voice husky. being this close to her - her scent. her soft skin. the warmth of her body . he can feel a tingle spreading inside of his body and this time it’s not caused by the thought of the danger behind the shut door. admittedly , not the right time, not the right place. but there was a reason it was so hard to stay away from her, even though he knew it meant trouble , and he is just being reminded of that reason. he lets his fingertips wander along her arm, until he eventually rests his palm around her neck. ‘ i will escort you out of here myself and you don’t wanna know what i’ll  do  to you. ‘ as far as his brain is still able to function properly at this point , he knows angering her more will only result in a tragedy. he might just disguise this  foolishness  as a plan b.
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
can i have a plot where instead of the older guy corrupting and tainting the younger girl, it’s reversed ?? where muse a is this vixen of a teenager, in her senior year of high school. she’s got a permanent smirk etched onto her scarlet red lips, and her hips sway with every step that she takes. muse b on the other hand is in his first year of university. not exactly a social outcast, but he’s definitely not on the radar either. he prefers staying in and playing video games over going to some stupid frat party; the type of guy to fumble over his words upon talking to a girl. muse a and muse b start dating and she’s the one that’s constantly dragging him into alleyways to have her wicked way with him, and it’s her hand that’s inching up his thigh when they’re sitting at dinner with his parents. and she’s the one who convinces him to go to frat parties ( and obviously take her along with him ). all of muse a’s friends spill with envy at the thought of muse a having an older boyfriend, but they don’t realize that muse b might be the biggest dork to ever walk this planet though muse a adores him for it.
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
DΞΔN x Eric Bellinger - I’m Not Sorry
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
             daeun seemed to have nasty luck and always go after the most unconventional guys.   ❛ you are fucking unbelievable. ❜   she narrows her eyes at him and mimics his stance, crossing her own arms over her chest. ❛ i’m not a MATCH for you ? that’s bullshit and we both know it, if that was true you would’ve done this a lot sooner. look me in the eyes. if you look me in the eyes and tell me that i never mattered then i’ll go. ❜
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                          this dilemma was awaiting him ,  he basically provoked it. ghouls and humans - that’s just against the nature . bound to end badly. but he never thought it would be like this   ; only a thin layer of wood seperating her and a room full of ghouls. the image of her being ripped apart right in front of his eyes replaying in his head  , vivid as ever. and he couldn’t be responsible for that.  he took a deep breath , building up the courage to face her - look her in the eyes.  agony lingering inbetween his stern demeanor. ‘ you’re funny. why do you think you’re so special ? you’re not. i mean look at you, you just don’t fit into this world  . so get out of here. and don’t come back.   ever again. do you understand ? you’re ruining my night. ‘
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
open to :   anyone !!
muse :   hani. ( zombie. messy , rich & dramatic )
connection :   foes / foes in the same friend circle 
plot :   hani found your muse’s love letter for her best friend in your bag and now she knows
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                             on this day,  excitment was rushing through each vein of hani’s body. especially as she spots the other entering the room , the grin she was already wearing on her lips only growing  wider . normally , that sight would ruin her whole day and she would do anything to avoid it - but not today  ;  today was different. it was petty of her ,  totally so. turning an innocent little crush , something meant to be so beautiful and pure into a blackmail resource - might even someone’s worst nightmare ? how  evil  did she have to be ? but as she remembers all the fights she’s had with the other in the past , she’s certain that her finding the letter is karma. ‘ hey, love bug ! ‘ she greets the other , overly emphasizing her last words. ‘ nice outfit. wearing it for someone special ? ‘ she teases, her eyes shifting between them & their crush who was very much present in the  same   room. she  couldn’t   get any more obvious without spilling it.
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
“fire in her bones, honey in her soul. she’s sweet when she has to be, and fierce when she needs to be.”
— iambrillyant
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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                    ‘ you can’t come in. ‘ he stood in front of the entry to his party apartment ( yes ,  he has an apartment just for parties ) arms crossed in front of his chest . ‘ matter of fact, you shouldn’t even be   here. how did you even get into the complex ? ‘ he shook his head,  in an attempt to clear his already toxicated mind to focus on the issue at hand .  ‘ look, nobody even knows that we know each other  , that i know you -  and it’s better to keep it that way. ‘ broad shoulders shrug , turning his head to the side so he didn’t have to face the other while saying these words that hardly even rolled off his tongue , avoiding the other’s reaction . it was easier - for him. ' you’re not a match for me. ‘
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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                            ‘ keep your voice down. ‘ she hissed at the other. ‘ i almost have it. ‘ she mumbles , too concentrated on twisting her hair clipper  just  the right way so that the engine of the car could  finally  flip on and they could get out of here . in her head  ,  this was not theft at all. this was her car in the first place  ,  sure , she got it confiscated for driving without a licene but now   she really needed it back ,  after being confronted with the devastating fact that her money had been temporarily frozen.  she told the other that she had to pick something up  ;  which wasn’t  necessarily  a lie.   and if the cops come , having back up can’t be wrong.  
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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minho stumbled all over the place ,  a bottle of vodka steady gripped within his palm   as if it was his most prized possession.  and until the morning comes ,  it would be. 
                        a muffled laugh rings from his liquor - filled mouth as he spots a strangely familiar seeming face amongst the crowd of his party guests.  never having known anything like timidity , he sloppily steps directly over to the other. ‘ that’s craaazy. you look just like my ex - ‘ he now tilts his head, directly staring at the other with squinted eyes    , just when ; his stomach seems to drop to his pants as his blurry vision, caused by the excessive liquor consumption , begins to clear up. ‘ oh shit. ‘ he curses faintly underneath his breath. that could be no other. minho quickly lets the liquor bottle in his hand disappear behind his frame . that was it. the upmost embarrassment  ;  to see them here , them seeing him here  , like this.    knowing    that solely the partying, his lifestyle of carelessness, alcohol, drugs, sex - and his drunken antics were the reason their relationship fell apart. 
nonetheless, minho wasn’t going to give the other any type of satisfaction by letting them notice that his life spiraled downhill ( as far as any more is even possible ) after they left. he inhales deeply, bracing himself for the upcoming conversation .   putting an unbothered, almost provocative grin on his features. ‘ hey. never thought i’d meet you again in a setting like this. have you finally come to accept that my lifestyle is the better choice ? ‘
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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© Focus
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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                              oh no. after the other told her,  that someone broke their heart  ,  the witch was up in guards and eager to revenge their friend.  but all yoomi was familiar with, were healing spells, natural spells - those of positive nature. so she took something she never practiced before but deemed as harmless out of the spell book to cast it on that person and teach them a lesson. but when her friend texted her ,  saying that person ended up in the hospital, she knew something had gone  terribly  wrong. she could feel a knot building in her stomach, wide eyes hovering over the text message.
[ txt ]: listen....
[ txt ]: i have to tell you something
[ txt ]: i think i messed up ??
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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                                  tara skeptically eyes the other up and down,  a couple of times, eyes squinted and highly concentrated on the other’s outfit before her features finally ease up again. ‘ nope. you can’t go like that. ‘ she shakes her head, straight satin-like hair falling over her shoulders . ‘ it’s matching attire. ‘ she says while pointing at her little jet-black dress with golden highlights and golden shoes. it really wasn’t. but she wanted it to be and whatever she desires are the rules , in  her  head.  plus,   it would be a lie to deny she didn’t have any ulterior motives - also to benefit herself  , of course. ‘ you’re lucky i have my own clothing line. i will give you something. ‘ tara saw the chance and took it .   the other was good looking. the perfect model .   people would definitely ask what they’re wearing - no matter  what it was.
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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‘ i’m mina. ‘ the ghoul speaks with a smile on her lips as she plops down on the  unfamiliar  rug, in the  unfamiliar   apartment, right in front of the   unfamiliar   face.    with her kagunes still snaked around the other , but she looses them up until they are just floating in the air.  
                          her smile is so gleeful that you’d think there weren’t ear-breaking sirens  surrounding them and  approximately hundreds  of officers gathered around  the residence she had just broken into .  the other did nothing but be at the wrong place,  at the wrong time. mina  knew  it wouldn’t take much longer until the investigators would catch up to her, but she  never thought it would be  this  soon.  so she had to come up with a plan,  she couldn’t run forever ; they’d kill her. she couldn’t hide forever ; they’d kill her. and when she saw the other in their apartment as she broke through the window ,  it hit her - a hostage    like it was sent from the devil himself. and now there they were. mina didn’t exactly love that she had to do this  ,  and after threatening the authorities over a dozen times, yelling out that she will   ; kill and eat the other for dinner if anyone makes a move.  they must’ve been frightened.
 ‘ i’m sorry i dragged you into this. but i just don’t wanna die. . . ‘ the ghoul let out a sigh  ,  before her eyes lit up in excitement again. ‘ but i’m sure they won’t blow this place up, because  you’re  in here. you’re my only  hope  to survive this at the moment. so  ,   will you help me ? ‘ it seemed absurd to ask the hostage for help but the truth was, if they don’t cooperate she might has to kill them ( which,  believe it or not. she didn’t want to ) and if they die, so will she.
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sinistcrs-blog · 6 years
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                                         by his facial expression it could be  easily  determined that he didn’t take mina serious . one bit. and his following statement only confirms her theory.  it was in the heat of the moment  , she had the  stupid  idea that breaking into someone else’s territory with her hands up could go peaceful but instead - she was met with ressistance and force. so here she was. finding herself slightly puzzled & irritated by her opponent’s nerves to still calmly talk smack in a situation like this.     a smile that says   if only you knew     curves upon her blood-red lips. humans   ;  always think they’re so superior. and the ghoul could tell he was human by his scent. the scent of flesh which was so enticing to her, that this sweet little gathering could rapidly go down another road if she lost focus. ‘ i won’t do it ? ‘ she grins at the other, while leaning forward , her face not even a centimeter away from his now  ‘ are you sure ? do you trust me that much ? remember we just met. ‘  , she shifts her weight to apply just enough pressure to the blade pressed against the thin skin of his neck to feel it smoothly & slightly cut through the first layer. hiking up her nose up and letting her eyes flutter shut as the smell of blood & human flesh manifests in the air. mina can’t help but slide her tongue over her bottom lip, imagining the feast . he would taste so sweet, she could tell.
open. m/f/nb
muse. kang jimin, a mafia member with an affinity for weapons, violence, etc. bad boi alert
plot. your muse just put a knife to his throat and he’s not impressed
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it’s not shock, fear or surprise that makes its way onto the male’s face when he’s pulled against the other, cold steel blade pressed to his neck. no, in fact, an AMUSED look makes it’s way on to jimin’s face as he laughs. “you’re planning on killing me? how cute. how long have you been planning this out? or was this just a spur of the moment decision?” he muses
he smirks, hand reaching up to brush against the blade. he knows the other won’t do it, and yet there’s a thrill to it, an adrenaline rush. what would happen? what would the other do? jimin finds himself breathless, but only from anticipation. “what are you gonna do, hm? if you were gonna kill me, you would have done so already.”
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