siyadalhanbali · 15 days
It's Sunnah to fast on Monday and Thursday. Fast tomorrow it's Thursday
#sunnah #Quraan #tawheed
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siyadalhanbali · 15 days
The people of knowledge are not criticized except by the people of innovation
And the people of whims and those who follow their path !!
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siyadalhanbali · 19 days
If you advise someone, Advise him seeking the reward of Allah.
And intend to guide him to what is good and guide him to what will benefit him
And rid him of evil if he has fallen into it, and seek help from Allah.
“If the word of truth comes out of a sincere heart, it will have an impact
has a significant effect, either now or in the future.”
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siyadalhanbali · 21 days
Al-Tabi’i Masruq ibn Al-Ajda’ said:
If one of you reaches forty years of age
Let him be careful of Allah Almighty
📚Asceticism by Imam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy on him
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siyadalhanbali · 22 days
be careful not to ignite the fire of sedition(fitnah) with your tongue!!
So preserve it
Ibn Abbas رحمه الله said :
Indeed the fitnah (trial) is with the tongue but not the hand.
Reported by Dhani in Fitan (2/445)
We ask Allah for safety and well being
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siyadalhanbali · 22 days
They cover themselves for fear of the enemy but they do not fear for women and children.
Such (cowardice) and such (villainity) have never happened in history, search the history books
They sacrifice women and children and make them face the enemy while they flee underground for fear of the enemy.
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in all his battles, placed women and children in a safe place before the battle. For example, in the Battle of the Trench, he secured them in a fort far from the battlefield.
What manliness do they have when thousands of women and children are killed and then they come out and claim heroism and victory?
▪️They cover their faces for fear of the enemy
▪️Children and women are killed and abused
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siyadalhanbali · 22 days
Shaykh ʿAlī al-Ḥudhayfī on Population Control Through Wars, Conspiracies, Epidemics and Vaccines
These (and all connected subsidiary issues) come under the broader umbrella and cloak of "Environmentalism", which means saving the planet from destruction by the plague, parasite and leech of man.
Environmentalism was made the basis for a new pseudo-religion to be pushed upon the masses, through which to govern and dictate social and economic behaviour. From its precepts, for example, is that raising cattle and eating meat is inherently harmful and destructive to the planet, and thus farming should be restricted, (with food production moving to labs and private industries).
This is a revilement upon Allāh’s rubūbiyyah and in His wisdom in creating what He created. It is an attempt to deprive people of their provision. This is why these contemporary disbelievers are the most evil of disbelievers in their kufr (disbelief) and kibr (arrogance), having surpassed their predecessors from the allies and worshippers of Iblīs.
Below is an excellent research paper outlining the 30 year continuity between "global warming" (now climate change) and "infectious disease" (in the form of "Covid-19") and the use of manufactured personalities and child actors for the normalisation and acceptance of collectivisation (communism, loss of all property rights), eugenics and population reduction measures
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siyadalhanbali · 23 days
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
Umm Saleh lived with me for twenty years
She and I did not differ in a single word
📚Tabaqat al-Hanbali by Ibn Abi Ya`la
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siyadalhanbali · 23 days
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