sjpielsewolf-blog ยท 5 years
No fb, and a new instagram
It's been a while since I've been on tumblr - espacoally on this page... Haha I used a different tumblr, because everyone used to know tumblr is for P.... ๐Ÿ˜‚
But since I'm a nice person, I immediately quit using that account once the policy change reached me as well and figured "oh well, i'm plenty creative to have good alternatives"๐Ÿ˜†
With that independent mindset i also quit fb, twitter & instagram last year - because of the privacy riots, big data collecting etc by Mark Zuckerberg & Google - that i thought "screw them" - i dont need that crap anyway - and just deleted and closed all those accounts ๐Ÿ˜‰...
I don't think i deleted my "medewolf tumblr" - because indeed it's only reblogs of kinky stuff that i found in my timeline just before sleeping ๐Ÿ˜‚ - feel free to check if it still exists, i dunno - i'll check after i finished typing this...
I went back to instagram 2 months back i think - first to just to be able to browse arround a bit... But slowly i started posted again... Wolf19818 is my new name on IG...
For twitter i use Twidere now - same username as my IG but i only give likes... Twitter is more fun for political news and reading ideas of people that might differ from what you hear and read in the mainstream media - I like having an open and independent mind and be exposed to varioys views & ideas ( #HandsOffVenezuela for example)
So indeed im looking for a new creative expressive hangout place with a community feel :)...
I'm a bit of a musician: irish / celtic folk mostly, on #lowwhistle, #bodhran, #didgeridoo & #djembe and trying to add guitar to the list haha - but on guitar im really a newbie - great fun to do tho! So im playing everyday :)
On my #youtube channel (search for sjpielsewolf) you can find the noise & expressions i make - on #IG as well...
So please be kind and leave a like if u saw this in ur timeline in some magical way ๐Ÿ˜‚
Does this app use #hashtags?
Im a #dutch #pagan from the #netherlands - I like #irish #music, am a #folk #musician and #artist - i play #traditional tunes and #instruments haha... Im #newhere looking to find some #friends with common interests...
So just leave a like if u read this, to be sure this app isnt that and there are actually some active people in this community โœŒ๐Ÿ‘
Take care! Lol & thnx for the reading :) - i hope i'll like ir here and meet some new cool people ๐Ÿ‘Œ
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sjpielsewolf-blog ยท 12 years
well if you really want to connect to me I suggest you connect to my facebook, wordpress blog and/or twitter account. I only signed up to tumblr so I am allowed to like and share certain blogposts. I'm an indiginous germanic heathen that likes to connect to other heathens arround the world to share common interest. I suppose that contains all the info you might need if you would like to get in contact.
This is the first and last blogpost - since I allready have a blog. So goodluck :)
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