Valerie refused to look up from the task at hand, though her ears had picked up on the carpeted footsteps behind her. She puffed a breath out, wondering who had come to bother her this time. “You know, if you really have nothing else to do, I could use some help down here,” she murmured pointedly, straightening from her crouch to stretch her back. She sighed in content hearing the joints crack, waiting on the apparition behind her to speak its name.
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Skip wasn’t entirely sure where he was. Coach had called him to his office — his teaching office, rather than the usual that lay tucked in the corner of the locker room hallway — and Skip had not once in his life set foot in that area of West Pine. The room he was in now was most definitely not an office, and though he most definitely did have something else to do, Valerie had already piqued his curiosity. “Uhh... yeah, sure?” He scurried to stand next to her, eyes dropping to the mysterious substance. “...The hell is that?” 
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“No, sorry man- what the heck happened to you?” Blake wished he’d been slightly more prepared, giving the state his buddy was in. “You look a little funny, do you hate blood or something?”
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Look funny? He didn’t think he looked funny, and he’d never been particularly squeamish about blood... oh god, was he dying? “Dude... do you think I’m dying?” He hiked up the leg of his gym shorts to reveal a deep and almost purple gash. “Usually my mom just gives me one those Hello Kitty bandaids and it’s good...”
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TEXT || Yeah the BOYS 💦
Blake: New CoD and pizza at mine tonight ay ✌️
Skip: 😮😮😮
Skip: hell yeah my man!
Skip: when should i come over? 🤔
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Skip stumbled haphazardly into the room, stopping abruptly when he noticed he had company. A stream of bright crimson was slowly twisting it’s way down his leg. “Uh… hey,” he said, face adorned with a sheepish smile. “D’ya happen to have a band-aid?”
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“Eragon?” Malin’s brow furrowed deeply, “Like the movie and the book?” she asked quickly, her face wreaked of confusion. “Remind me not to cheat off of your test.” she teased Skip playfully, poking fun at how little attention the two of them were actually paying to the class.
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There was an extended pause, and then, “...there was a book?” He let out a defeated sigh, head falling into his hands, fingers dragging across his face.  “I’m totally gonna fail, dude. I didn’t even know we were learnin’ about Eragon this semester.” 
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Malin had a good buzz going, after discretely sparking up in the girl’s bathroom, she had easily drifted off into her own world, aboard her train of thought and along for the long ride. When she actually took a moment to hone back into her class lecture, she was at a loss. “What are we talking about?” she whispered nonchalantly to her neighbor, sinking further into her seat she rubbed some hand sanitizer on her hands from a tiny clear tube. Good for hiding the scent of the devil’s lettuce.
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Skip was entirely sober, and he still had zero clue what was going on. He heard the name Henry dropped a few times, and something about... Eragon? Then he started thinking about the movie, and how cool it’d be to own a dragon... the notes that sat in front of him were completely empty. “I think Eragon?” His brows furrowed. “Dunno why, though.” 
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“Stranger Things is some creepy stuff, ay but I reckon I’d have been so good if I’d grown up in the 80s. Wicked music, sweet cars- nobody had to worry about Instagram likes- I’d miss SnapChat but seeing a Van Halen show would totally make up for that,”
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“Oh yeah, do you have the answer to question three on our math paper?” Blake added, remembering why he’d piped up in the first place.
“...Dude, totally. Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Queen ...” he trailed off with his pencil hanging loosely in his hand, a dreamy look in his eyes. “...Yeah, that’d be awesome.”
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He swiftly dropped back into reality when Blake questioned him, his eyes falling on his own entirely blank paper. “Uh.........” His lips quirked into a slightly pained grin. “Do you have the answer to number one?” 
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     Halloween, parties and booze were a holy trinity if you asked Rhys. He loved this time of year, and would honestly die before he stopped getting dressed up. This year it was as Cosmo, the famously odd fairy that Rhys had loved when he was younger. Thomas was somewhere at the party as well, dressed up as Wanda with bright pink hair.
     “Listen, I love this costume and all, but I can’t help but feel like I belong in 2010 blasting My Chemical Romance or some other emo band as loud as I can.” He said, shifting in the almost uncomfortably tight jeans to try and feel a bit more at ease. “At least tell me my ass looks good in these though, I need some sort of comfort from this pain.”
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Skip was also a firm believer in the power of the Halloween + party + booze trifecta. He’d always been a bit intense with his Halloween festivities, and this year was no exception. Somehow, through the magic of the internet, he’d found an inflatable dino costume large enough for his 6′3 frame, and had been proudly barreling his way through the party crowd all night. 
He pulled down the head of the T-rex to his shoulders, popping his own head out to get a better look at Rhys. “Hell yeah, dude. those are like, scene kid jeans.” he nodded enthusiastically, before shifting his body to jut out the dinosaur’s tail. “How about mine?” 
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It had to be some sort of masochism, dressing up as little red riding hood when she spent so many of her former years trying to duck the variety of redhead nicknames, but Evelyn really couldn’t be bothered to dwell very long on it, not while people swarmed around and let her exist in a semblance of anonymity on Halloween. Lights went hazy with a telltale alcoholic blur – just drunk enough to be content standing by the throng of people near the kitchen and not feel out of place; not nearly enough to match the antics she was sure the rest of the soccer team were pulling in some odd corner of the room.
She found a dry enough spot to drop her elbows onto and rest her chin in her hand, smiling and loosely shaking her drink at the nearest person. “You look far too sober to be in a crowd like this; if you’re not driving, I’ll mix you something that won’t be terrible, probably.”
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Skip was truly high off his ass. It’d been awhile since he’d hit this state — the fear of being swiftly booted from the football team had been enough to keep his hands from reaching for the green. But hey. It’s halloween, he’s dressed in an inflatable dinosaur costume, and the allure of free weed had been enough for him to take a few hits. 
Which is why it came as an absolute shock when the girl perched next to him threw out a comment about sobriety. It took her a minute to process who she was — even with the red hair, he was still struggling with facial recognition through the haze of total brain fry. “Evelyn! Heeeey,” he threw an arm around her, flashing a truly killer grin. “That’d be awesome, dude. Y’think you could snag me a Reese’s cup too? Someone’s been hoggin’ the bowl.”  
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hello hello! this is your local admin h swooping in with a nice intro post for skip. i have an about page for him over here, but i’ve also put some tldr deets about him below the cut + a few really loose plot ideas. please feel free to drop a like on this if you wanna plot, and i’ll roll on over!
he was born & raised in seattle, and lived there up until halfway through junior year. his mom moved them out to her hometown to open a korean restaurant with her new husband 
he works as a waiter in said restaurant ( so if any of your characters are waiters/restaurant workers of some sort and you’d be interested in them being coworkers…. hmu )
he’s had four father figures in his lifetime, only one of which has been a decent guy ( luckily, the current one ), and the rest are Garbage Men
he also has three sisters!! they don’t live with him, but they visit pretty often. his mom is also preggo so he’s about to have a brother as well lol
he is SUPER promiscuous and very scared of commitment, but not in a douchey way. ( okay, kinda in a douchey way, but he doesn’t mean it like that ). he still likes romance and going on dates w/ people, but he’s just seen what’s happened to his mom in the past and doesn’t want a repeat yikes
he’s on the football, baseball, and track teams. he pretty much thinks the only useful thing about him is his body/athleticism, and since he’s never going to make it into school with his brains, he threw himself fully into sports his senior year to hopefully snag a scholarship
he’s also really into magic!! his dream would be to become a pro baseball player who moonlights as a magician, but he’s kinda assumed that it wont happen at this point :/
he’s also fairly good at cooking, because his mom is a really good chef, but everything he makes comes out looking AWFUL… but tasting fantastic. no one can figure out how that works.
dude also loves to eat. he’ll eat anything you hand to him. even trash, as long as you pose it as a dare 
bonus fun fact: no one knows why he’s called skip. he’s had the name since he was a kid, but his mom wont tell him where it came from. despite that, he absolutely refuses to be called michael by anyone but his mother and Significant Others
( romantic plots can be with anyone! )
- casual hookups abound. whether both parties are chill with it, or one is not happy about it being a one time kinda deal - a crush!! whether skip likes someone or someone likes skip, i think it’d be fun to play out - exes, whether it ended well or In Flames  - a best friend, but specifically, someone he would have met for the first time at the party! they had never spoken before, but really hit it off and are now super close buds.  - a best friend, but specifically, someone he would’ve known before the party!! skip hasn’t been around for long, so i’d assume it’d prob be someone on a sports team with him.  - a pessimist he’s constantly bombarding with magic tricks n stupid jokes to try and make them crack a smile - someone who is deeply irritated by him ( could be the same person as above lmao )  - a tutor!
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Iron Maiden - 666 The Number Of The Beast
1982. The Number Of The Beast
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