skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          A punk? It was the only thing that came up into his mind when the stranger suddenly appeared before his eyes. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be a delinquent of some sort perhaps? Emerald oculars blinked towards the customer who out of the blue, pushed the others and made his way to the register without any consideration for this man here who got earlier, ready to step up for his turn.           "Um, sir?" he called, a bead of sweat falling from the side of his face. "You aren't supposed to cut the line actually. Aha..." Normally, he wouldn't be this bothered if anything like this happened. Today, however, was an exception. He was about to treat himself for doing a good job cleaning his house all by himself without anyone's help previously before arriving in the cafe. And now someone just had to appear and ruin his day.           Though on a second thought, this punk might not really be a bad person-- despite the fact that he kind of poked him with a finger a little too harshly before saying that he'd treat him. "Ah--!" Eyes widened, he took a glance to the stranger before stating, "I-- I guess I'll have the same thing?" What was cold and sweet though? His brain was slow to process. Turning towards the strange man, Ryosuke slightly bowed his head. "Thank you. I guess... Oh--! May I have your name? Of course, if that's alright with you?" The male questioned last minute, but it should be fine, right?
inkina / kurooouji / gratie / resplendent—reverie / skysegment
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          It was a rare sight to see the dark-haired in a mall, inside a famous clothing brand shop-- though he didn't really know that it was famous as he isn't the type of person who'd catch up with the latest trends and styles. The reason he was there was because there was a discount, and there were crowds inside. He was wondering what was happening, thus, stepped into the shop, wandering aimlessly as he observed his surroundings. Some of the staff were looking at him curiously, glancing occasionally, and he would hide himself behind the other people who were present at the moment-- it was like playing hide and seek. Once he was tired with playing around, Ryosuke finally made his exit. In the end, he didn't buy anything, and that probably made the staff furious. Furthermore, he almost bumped into another male while walking out, due to the reason that he was looking backwards to the staff and customers instead of his front. Clumsy, clumsy. Upon recognition, he immediately apologized, bowed his head and claimed it to be his fault for being careless.
a lost azulrememdium / irridentes-avem / igneusbeauty / illuxsia / skysegment appeared.
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It’s not like he has a choice so instead of goofing off and eating whatever is on his hands, he went out to visit a nearby mall to interview people and do a survey. It’ll be a part of his thesis so he needs accurate results based on whoever it is, that he’s gonna interview. They better not refuse or else it’ll be such a waste to allow the sun to touch his skin for nothing. He had been in front of a famous clothing brand and was simply watching people walk in and out of the entrance because hell, how do you approach people?
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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記憶裡的花瓣 by (Rosy329)
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          This woman... How kinder can she get? She was his savior from a possible amnesia, spoke so nicely to him and treated him with such kindness that left him surprised that such a person who would do so actually exist. Ah, nobody had treated him this nice before-- not even his aunt-- instead, she'd complain all the time about he was not socializing with others well, and sometimes, even forces him to get out of the house to find a girl, befriend her and make her his own. Getting such treatment-- from a family member especially-- made him believe that nobody as kind as this girl before him would exist.
          Perhaps he was underestimating reality too much. "Thank you, I--" Sentence cut short, he blinked at the female twice before she placed the book back to where it belonged and gazed towards him once again. Ryosuke was even more blank, clueless-- he was taken aback when the female explained that she was a transfer student, still getting the gist of things. He had never heard of anyone transferring to the place before but he believed that it was his fault for isolating himself most of the time, resulting in his lack of knowledge of what was going on around him, in other words, this meant that he didn't disbelieve that she was new. It made him quite happy actually. Maybe this time he would be able to socialize better-- this girl, she was a rare gem, so kind that the others must've adored her already before he even knew it.
          Nodding his head vigorously, the dark-haired male was excited to show the girl around the campus. Or perhaps he was a little too excited. Hnn, must keep your cool. Don't look so stupid in front of such a kind young lady, ugh--
          "Ah, don't worry. It's not a hassle at all! I'll help you as best as I can!" Extending his right hand for a handshake, he tried to smile without looking awkward as he introduced himself. "The name's Yamaguchi Ryosuke." He smiled, and this time, it was sincere-- not awkward at all as he had raised his confidence somehow. "And you, miss?"
     Lips pursed into a smile at the mutual response as a result of the current situation; looked like his brain processed earlier’s position as tediously as her own, in addition to harboring the evidence of embarrassment reflecting one that the optimist desperately hoped to deplete. Regardless, the sight of a familiar crimson shade dusting across the vicinity of his own cheeks offered some sort of reassurance—it’d been an adorable sight, really, but Emerald was aware that neither of them hoped to make it significantly evident.
     A nervous chuckle passed through parted lips, not as a result of being suspended in an awkward dilemma, but an attempt to ease  the tension in hopes of appearing normal. Ears took in every syllable of this male’s ramble; not a single one offered her a negative image of this man’s persona, and her head began to shake from side to side in disagreement with his proclamations. “Hey, really, there’s no need to apologize at all — promise. That wasn’t idiotic; heck, I’d be amazed beyond belief if you had such superior detection skills. Whether it’d been myself or another individual, that falling book would be unnoticeable. Especially in a library; so please, don’t call yourself an idiot. Don’t say it’s your fault. Aha; you’re a sweetheart for being so grateful. That itself already makes me aware that you’re a pretty cool guy. I’m glad I was there at the right time; it’d be disheartening to see you get injured like that.” Fingers uncurled from the male’s grip once hues ensured his stability in balance. The notion of bowing down was respectful, but it made her feel strangely guilty; the only cure was performing a similar action for a short moment. Soon after, the optimist bent down to retrieve the book. “Aha, and man—I’d never let anyone get hit by a Biology book. Yeesh~”
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     Heels lifted off the floor to slide the object back in its rightful place before optics shifted over to meet the male’s gaze once more. It’d been difficult to halt the curl of glossed lips; kindness like this was both rare and extremely warming, especially when one was truly in need of assistance. Guilt would naturally follow. “…if it isn’t too much trouble, I—aha, might need a little help getting familiar with this place. I’m a transfer student, actually, but I’m still getting the gist of things.” A pause. “—and additionally, if it isn’t too much of a hassle, can I get…your name, too?”
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          Aha-- what had he done? Now the books are all scattered on the ground. What a clumsy man, perhaps he had gotten too old that his hands were starting to tremble and becoming weak? He is only twenty-one though, maybe at such age, it would be too early for him to have hands shaking like an old man in his sixties. Anyway, perhaps it was best for him to listen to his friend's advice to carry the books little by little-- now he had to pick them up for the second time and carry it carefully so that it won't fall again.           Just as he began picking up the cooking books, Ryosuke could feel eyes staring at him-- and now he felt awkward. This happened to him twice-- and on the same day too. Maybe he was just in a terrible luck.           Pilling up the books on top of each other, he tried to carry it carefully, not wanting them to fall again-- or that would be the third time. If that happened, then that must've meant that he really did have a terrible luck today.
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          Eh? Osaka? The waiter knew-- was it that obvious? If that was simply a guess, then it'd be correct though if it wasn't he really wondered where he found out. Pushing the thoughts aside, he nodded his head in agreement. "Mhm, I came from Osaka."
          Ryosuke willingly listened to the others' words, while at the same time, observing his movements as he was pressing the tray onto his lap firmly before he continued with admitting that he fluently knew four languages-- no, wait-- four?! Emerald hues widened, sparkled with amazement once again. "Are you kidding-- four languages, that's-- I can barely even speak other languages beside Japanese, and a little bit of Englsih. Nope, you're amazing." Giving a pat at the shoulder, the next second he realized that he was travelling because he was looking for something, that made the customer wonder. "What are you looking for?" he casually questioned, "Maybe I can help you find it?"
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 He was by no means as talented as the day attendant. The creations she could make in little time defiantly screamed art student. Rubbing his left arms with his right, trying not to be rude and ditching this customer, it took effort. “Yes. Busan. It’s why I have a funny accent when I speak sometimes. I think the equivalent is like talking with someone from Osaka?” He sure hoped that was the correct place. Japanese culture wasn’t something he studied often, or at all really. Taken back , face swirling into a confused gesture. “Me? I’m not amazing at all sir, really.—” Pressing his tray into his lap firmly, he dared go on. “I do travel a lot, I’m looking for something. Languages come fairly easy to me.  I think I only fluently know, uh, four?”  This man was glowing like he had found money on the ground. Was he really that excitable?  Overwhelming, honestly.  ” Yeah, I was visiting family. I am half Korean, half Chinese, though I spend a lot more time in South Korea.”
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          "Ah--" Blinked. Deep emerald hues blinked-- once-- twice-- Oh, no. It wasn't as a result of him feeling nervous or anything, he was simply clueless-- the stranger who called herself Rei came and went so easily-- she seemed rather demanding previously, and now she was apologizing and walking away so casually. Everything seemed to be so easy for her to do? He wasn't certain what made him think that way but what he was certain of what that his brain was quite slow as of then, and because he wasn't feeling as cheerful as usual, he was going to be a little irritated-- or maybe a little too irritated.
          Lithe shoulders lifted into the semblance of a half-shrug, he then pushed his thoughts away as he deemed it to be troublesome. She told him her name, perhaps he should do the same thing to avoid rudeness. "I'm Yamaguchi," an unnecessary pause and-- "pleased to meet you as well." It could barely be heard but there was a soft whisper of I guess at the end of his sentence-- he was doubtful, hesitated.
          A slender eyebrow rose once oculars fell upon the female, and with that-- she simply walked away like nothing happened. For a moment there, he spaced out-- thought of nothing in particular, just that his mind was blank and his brain was slow processing the information he received. The shock of impact quick to wan. Recognition dawned quickly upon the ebony haired before an idle hand rose to-- to call over the stranger? "E-excuse me--" he managed to say as he lazily stood up. Would it be bad to have coffee with a stranger? He hoped not.
          Oculars cast a side-glance toward the female. She attempted to befriend him (or at least he thought so), and he was brushing her away-- he should apologize as well, and he planned to by having his favourite drink with her, or maybe even treating her-- well, yes-- yes, of course, she was a female and it would be rude for him to let her pay-- unless she was like Aida, being rich and all. With fluid movements, he walked over and they were then only a few distance away. "Sorry, uh-- I'm heading to a coffee shop so-- would you like to--" another unnecessary pause before he continued, "never mind, I guess your brother doesn't like coffee? Then how about I treat you guys for some ice-cream, or something?" Gah, his words were all messed up. How unpleasant.
"Um - Are you lost miss?" Upon hearing that sentence, the blonde blinked twice or thrice before giving the male a slight smile as an attempt to look friendly and approachable. " Pardon my manners. I’m," she paused a moment to wonder if she should give an alias or tell him her real name - oh well. " Rei, pleased to meet you." Settling on a false name instead, the teenager then continued, answering his question. " I’m here on a trip, and my brother, Haruka, is in a meeting with a businesswoman over there at the hotel. " She pointed towards the small, two storey building near them.
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Was that alright? Did her expression give away her lie? She did not know. All the young lady knows is that she is undeniably attracted to this male in a non-romantic way. The attraction she felt towards the young male is like the attraction she felt towards the people who her supervisor arranged for the young lady and the other students studying the same subject as her to profile them or diagnose them with the accurate mental illness.
Either way, she should be alright as long as he doesn’t probe too much into her personal life. Sensing that she was probing a little too much, she gave a little wave and made up an excuse about seeing her brother before she hurried away. Ah, I’m such a busy body. The young lady thought.
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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untitled by *dapple dapple on Flickr.
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          Sitting on the soft grass, he took a last look of the stars before laying his body on the ground, eyes closed. It was peaceful, and he felt lonely-- he liked it though, and actually didn't mind the feelings as much. Wondering why, he did a lot of silent thinking before he could hear rustling sounds nearby that made him almost immediately turn around.
          The brunette was certain that the feeling of being watched he felt earlier was just his imagination, perhaps a result to the longing feeling inside his heart that he was having a few moments ago. Now, however, Ryosuke began to doubt himself. When his eyes opened, upon turning around so quickly, everything was a bit blurry at first. He was groggy and sore and there was a constant beating of his heartbeat. It was beginning to give him nausea, he was nervous all of a sudden. He shook his head, and glanced at his surroundings. Once his vision cleared, emerald oculars widen before it fell on a young woman hiding herself, perhaps from him.
          "Oh--" Was this also the result of his loneliness? Delusions? He had to admit that the redhead-- if he wasn't mistaken-- was quite beautiful under the starry sky, but do such beautiful women with a voice as beautiful as her appearance exist? If anyone saw him talking alone, they would think of him as crazy, surely. But somehow, he just wanted to reply to her question. "Um, not exactly, I guess..." he answered, voice a little rough. A company would be useful, considering his lonely feeling right then. Maybe that was why he wanted to talk to her. "If you don't mind me asking you a question, uh... what are you doing?"
Stars were such divine, mystical jewels spread along a dark outcast; they harbored a strangely captivating aura that casted some sort of calming magic upon one’s soul at the very glance of them, almost encasing an individual with warmth that eliminated negativity, especially mental inflictions as a result of loneliness. Even in solitude, lingering underneath a starry sky was a pleasant instance. It’d been a habit in the perspective of one particular redhead to muster up potential images that the stars portrayed, whether they were as bizarre as the figments of her imagination or replicas of objects she’d witnessed with her own eyes. How symbolic it was, not to mention nostalgic…—through thick or thin, star-gazing never failed to spread a smile upon painted lips.
There she rested, on a bed of tall grass, unaware of how exactly her mind drifted off into a slumber. It’d been the faint creaking of crickets that prompted for lids to flutter open, revealing grey hues that gradually regained focus. A groan initiated the lifting of her upper body, arms extending upwards in a nice stretch. Today had been such a dreary, boring day; the calamity of both the environment and the air they’d been suspended in must’ve eased the redhead into a sleeping state. Peripheral vision allowed her to take in the presence of another soul; crimson brows lifted and hands combed crimson tresses into a neater manner. Oh dear, that was embarrassing.
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“…sorry, was I—disturbing you?”
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
          This loneliness, it urged him to make more friends, both in the city and his home, the countryside. However, thinking of the peacefulness of being alone-- ah, this familiar feeling, he knew that the loneliness and comfort he felt from being alone were rivals, and now they fought against each other-- again, just like how they used to. He wouldn't mind normally, but if this keeps going on then he might never actually make a decision to become more friendly or stay the way he is right now.
          Thinking too much, the brunette stood up straight, dug around his pocket for his cigarette and lighter as he turned around only to see a blonde woman a distance away from him, bluntly asking for his name. "Oh--?" He wasn't expecting anyone to come, and a sudden question-- he was left blank and clueless. The smoker wasn't very certain whether to answer the stranger's question or the opposite. After all, she was just a stranger-- and actually approached him at the wrong time-- when he was feeling sick with his own thoughts.
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          Even though he wanted to make more friends and socialize like those his age would, Ryosuke was not in the mood to befriend someone right then. He felt guilty for not answering the stranger's question-- wanted to say sorry (even though a friend once told him that he says sorry a little too much), but he just didn't feel right. Nothing felt right at the moment. And he was beginning to become moody. Will this blonde be able to stand him though?
          "Um-- Are you lost, miss?"
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Walking down the streets in the warm summer with her younger brother, the teenaged blondes attracted many stares from the locals and aroused whispers from them. Though the streets were not crowded, the young lady felt suffocated - perhaps by the stares and the whispers. Her younger brother tugged at the hem of her long sleeves and arrogantly declared to her that he wants an ice cream, pointing to an ice cream stand nearby. Yielding to him, the young woman bought a strawberry flavoured ice cream for him before he left with his butler.
Continuing her stroll, the blonde soon found herself at a grassy field with nothing but benches scattered around the fields and short metal fences surrounding the edge of the cliff as an attempt to prevent anyone from falling. The young lady chuckled mentally before sitting down on a bench nearby a hill. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a young japanese teenager an eccentric hairstyle sitting on a hill. Curious about the teenager, the young woman got up from her seat and made her way towards the young man before asking him, ” What’s your name? “
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          Oh, she was worrying about him? Emerald hues blankly stared at the girl for a second before blinking twice. He wasn't able to tell, even from her stammer. Most people think of a stammer as one where the first letter of a word gets repeated before the word is finally spit out. Some think it is a sign of nerves. Others think it is because one doesn't know what to say. But for him, he wasn't very certain... He wasn't able to tell-- Ryosuke was never a good expression reader at the first place, he was even told that a few times before. Although there was one thing that he thought he was certain of; the girl who stood before him that looked a lot younger than him, was... a little adorable... he had to admit, as she was speaking to him softly.
          Considering her small size, she could've been hurt more than he was. However, instead of worrying about herself, she asked him if he was hurt. This trait of hers was what made him think of her as fragile, and not to mention, very kind as well. "Oh, no. Please don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine. It's just that you..." an unnecessary pause and-- "are you hurt or anything? I'm sorry."
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|| ♥ || — Yuno looked up at the stranger, observing his facial features silently. he was a bit on the handsome side, but he smelled of cigarettes. He was maybe a head taller then her, which was no surprise since Yuno was shorter then everyone she met. The girl pushed pink bangs out her eyes as she took a step back to give him space.
"I- I’m fine," she stammered and shifted a bit where she stood, "I was the one that ran into you in the first place," she chuckled softly and rubbed the back of her neck lightly, she can be quite cute when she wanted to, but most of the time, she was a bit anti social and didn’t like talking to other people that much…
But today she was in a good mood, so she can treat this stranger with kindness. She cleared her throat and looked up at him, “Are you okay? I- I was walking pretty fast,” she murmured softly, clutching the book she just purchased to her chest.
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
          The older chuckled as Aida complimented him and clapped her hands. Proud, eh? He shrugged in a laid back manner, and flattered by the praise. At first, she was just a stranger but now he could at least call her a friend, right? They exchanged names, had a conversation. Wouldn't that make her a friend of his?
          Face beamed with sheer delight, he was as happy as a rabbit in a carrot field to know that she knew what books were like. Perhaps he could even exchange books with her sometime, he was assuming that she is an avid reader by the way she previously described books; a magical portal to other lands, though he didn't expect her to say that the world could be cruel sometimes. "You think the world is cruel?" Saying it like that, he began to wonder if something bad happened to her. A tragedy maybe?
          Lips pulled back, a grin widened across his cheeks. "Why don't you then?" he questioned. He always thought of her as a girl who lives in luxury, who could get whatever she desires simply. If she is into stargazing and taking photographs of different kinds of scenery, he could easily guess that she'd like being in the countryside-- perhaps even more than the city.
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A brow arched at him as he started to speak, blinking at him with an expectant gaze. When he had caught herself, she found her lips curling, a dainty hand rising to cover the gape of her mouth as a small giggle passed through the pale rims of her mouth. “Good catch there,” she praised, giving a small clap of her hands. “I’m proud of you.” Eyes fluttering open, she once more wrapped her lips around the edge of her mug, sipping at the rest of the contents.
She was probably a lot more mature because she was never given a chance to really be a kid. Even from a young age she was raised and trained to live the life of the proper princess she was meant to be. Such a terrible burden yet if shaped and formed her into who she was now. And quite frankly, she was not entirely ashamed of who she was.
"Books are magical portals to other lands. You’d think more people would want to escape considering how cruel this place can be sometimes," her eyes closed, though she kept the mug in her grasp. Sighing out, she gave a small shake of her head and the smile returned on her lips.
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Her head inclined to the side before she shook her head in answer. “I’ve always wanted to go; but as you’ve said, I don’t travel much.” Or at all. She’s only been to Italy once before, but was on a business trip. But she was not allowed to explore the city. So she honestly did not really count it. 
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          The smoker dug around his pocket for a minute before pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. His gaze concentrated on his lighter, he then carefully lit the cigarette on his mouth and blew out a sickly smelling puff of smoke. Ryosuke blew several times clouds of it as he walked. It didn't took him a long time until he threw the cigarette away though. The throbbing headache that pained him earlier was already gone, thus, there was no reason for him to smoke for the time being.
          He was simply taking a stroll as there was nothing else better to do at home. His aunt was out to do her work and he had gotten bored of continuing reading his books repeatedly. As of then, he didn't have the time to go to the bookstore, and also left his wallet at home, carrying only a little amount of money in his pockets. He began to daydream, ignorant of his surroundings until someone bumped into him from behind and apologized.
          Turning around, the brunette saw a petite young girl with long, pink hair-- not a familiar face. "Oh, no. It's fine," he assured her, lips curving into a smile. "I'm also careless so please don't apologize, haha." He took another glance, observed for a second before querying, "Are you alright, miss?"
a lot of people started following you
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|| ♥ || — "I’m so tired…" the petite pinkette murmured to herself as she absentmindedly played with her bangs, her half lidded eyes looking out the window of the bookstore she was currently in. Maybe she’d be able to stop at that bakery and pick up something sweet on the way home.
She went up to the register and paid for her book. Telling the lady at the counter to have a good day, she left the store and walked down the sidewalk. She wasn’t really paying attention to where she was going, and ended up bumping against someone due to her spacing out.
"Oh, sorry," she apologized and looked up at who she bumped into, "I didn’t see you there."
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
          But it was slowly becoming his habit, even when he didn't realize it. After he's done something wrong, he'd immediately apologize. Now that Aida told him to stop apologizing, however, as soon as he noticed it, Ryosuke immediately stopped. "Aah, I'm so sor--" Coughed. "--I mean it's nothing!" Upon being told that being himself than anyone else was better, he almost went too far with thinking about the words that his expression became gloomy somewhat.
          He chuckled. Perhaps she was right. Despite the age differences, Aida seem to be more mature than he actually was now. Oh, how shameful that someone younger than him had surpassed his level of maturity. "I've got to admit that you're right. Not many people read these days, it's a pity."
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          Ryosuke's emerald oculars widened when the female mentioned that she had never been to the countryside before. That must've meant that she does not travel that much? Well, he occasionally does and would never be too busy to bring her there, of course, if she wants to. "You really have never been to the countryside before?" he asked, making sure if he heard her right. "That's sad, it's really nice there. You should go once. Well, there might not be any internet connection whatsoever like the ones in the city but the scenery is still breath-taking! I guess you don't travel often, do you?"
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"Stop apologizing I said. There’s no need to worry about the things you say or do; it’s better to be yourself than anyone else." Too bad that was probably easier said than done, but it was still good advice. Maybe one day she will take it into consideration herself. Unfortunately for her, she had no choice but to put on a certain mask, but at least she knew it was not who she really was.
The smile remained on her lips, lacing her fingers as she propped her elbows on the table-top. Eyes studied the other across from her, awaiting for an answer. Her expression may seem stoic—despite the smile on her lips—but it was soft and gentle. Small talk was a little easier as soon as she eased into it. Once she gets past the awkward stages.
Her eyes seemed to brighten a little as the other talked of himself. He seemed to be more animated when it came to speaking of his hobbies and such. “Book stores, huh? I love books, not too many people these days seem to. As for going to the countryside, I’ve never been—though I heard from someone I met that it’s really nice and quiet there. Is it?” There was genuine interest in her tone as she found herself leaning closer. 
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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          Facepalm. Only when the other pointed at her crumpled clothes did he realize that it was laying on the ground, a little bit further from where he stood awkwardly. Why exactly would she put her clothes a distance away from where she was taking a shower? Shouldn't it be better if she placed it nearer so that she could get it easily?           It's alright though, everything was fine. He understood her situation. Yes, he did. He just needed to keep his mind positive and stay that way-- anyway, perhaps she wasn't expecting someone to notice her, which explained the reason why her clothes was lying closer to him than her. Ah, Ryosuke didn't want to think about such a thing now, it could be done later when this is over.           First things first, he should walk away-- away from the girl, let her grab her clothes on her own. Or wait, was he supposed to bring them to her? Wait, wait. What was he supposed to do? "Oh, you..." he sighed. Never mind, he had chosen the answer himself-- made a quick decision without much thinking. She sounded as though she was teasing him, with that kind of smile on her face too. Wasn't she supposed to be the one flustered here? It looked like she wasn't very embarrassed about it anymore if you ask him.           "What are you saying?" He turned, hid himself behind a tree nearby. She was going to pick up her clothes on her own, right? Even if it's a little far... Because otherwise, wouldn't that mean he would be invading her privacy or something? "Of course, I won't!" he answered. "Haha, that would be crazy. I'm not a perverted man, I assure you." And now that he wasn't looking, she could dress herself without much doubts, right?
—A van? Oh no, she hated it when people repeated her words. Or not the people, but herself. Her own thoughts. It made her doubt herself, thinking that she may not have pronounced the word correctly, that it had been unclear what she had meant, with as little as she spoke— on those rare occasions she spoke at all.
Ciri tried to comfort herself with the thought that the male seemed at least as embarrassed and nervous as her. The fact that he had found himself standing eye in eye with a naked women clearly didn’t have a good effect on his brain. She could tell by how his emotions fluctuated from annoyance, to curiousness, to being considerate. Well. She was used to being naked at least.              Her shyness disappeared a little when he asked her that question so clumsily, stuttered and all. He was right. She may get a cold if she’d stay here for long, it’s not as if the weather was particularly warm out. But Ciri assumed he hadn’t bothered to look around too much yet— her clothes were laying a bit further, a few steps from his feet.               “—And. You’ll watch, sir?” She asks, pointing at said crumpled clothes, in a much calmer voice that she had initially felt. And despite the slight amusement that could be heard in her tone, it was not unfriendly nor mocking. Ciri had always assumed that the voice she so rarely used, was simply too soft and relaxing to come off as rude.
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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Aida was a woman of perspective. She was good at studying others, reading them with mild ease. Lessons of psychology has taught her well, after all. When the other applauded her, she felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment and her gaze dropped, the corner of her lips curving into a humble smile. “Don’t they say that you shouldn’t ask a woman their age?” She remarked, but laughed it off—considering the fact that she did not really care about that. “I’m eighteen, nineteen in January,” she answered, giving a small shrug of her shoulders.
When the other started to panic a little, the princess stared for a moment, this time her laughter filling the room a little more louder. “Yamaguchi-san, stop that. I don’t mind these questions, I really don’t. It’s going to take a lot more than that to upset me,” assuring him, she brought the rim of her coffee to her lips once more, sipping at the contents. “Will you now? I guess I should rely on you then,” she murmured, smiling at him around the rim of her cup.
Setting the cup down once more, the princess leaned back in her seat, looking him over. “So, if you don’t go to parties and you’re too old for trick or treating, what do you usually do other than sit in cafes and have drinks with complete strangers?” Her tone was mildly teasing. 
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          And now he was caught. Ryosuke isn't a gentleman after all-- just wanted to be one, thus, acted like one as best as he could but whenever he does it, he'd always forget some of the things a gentleman shouldn't say or ask. When he thinks about it, it looks like he would never get better at this and might just as well quit it sooner or later.
          "A-ah, I'm sorry!" the man apologized, panicked for a second before calming down again as Aida smiled-- laughed. Ever since he called out to her, she looked all gloomy. She barely even smiled towards him at first, but now she laughed, and did it once again, louder than the first time. His mouth opened slightly, an airy 'eh?' escaping. He could make her smile in the end, and that made him feel the victory of getting something accomplished somehow. Just by thinking of it, his lips already curved into a smile.
         So she is eighteen, and January... January... That must meant that she is a Capricorn? Aquarius? Putting aside the troublesome thoughts, he began to realize that what he said might not be possible. He doesn't really believe that Aida would meet the same person twice, but she smiled to him and he couldn't help but return the smile. The brunette twitched at the female's teasing. He was not very certain of how to answer this but perhaps what she said was true. Perhaps... Because he was used to isolating himself, but he wasn't going to admit this to a girl. It would only make him look strange, or so he thought it would be. "Uh, I... I don't just sit in cafes and have drinks with strangers, you know," he pointed out. But is that the truth really? The older began to stutter, speaking while thinking of an answer logic enough to give. "I... I do go out with friends, and-- oh! I go to bookstores too, and out to the countryside to go stargazing. I should be doing that right now but I just felt off earlier so I thought I should drink something first, haha..."
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skysegment-blog · 11 years
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Shishio expressions pt. 3
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