slowardblonkey · 12 days
the shuddering and subtle hip bucking that guys do whenever they’re close to coming is so fucking addictive. i genuinely will never get enough of it
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slowardblonkey · 12 days
I wanna see a pretty priest grinding against a pillow so desperately, trying to cum without touching themselves. I wanna be the incubus that planted these lustful thoughts in his mind and watch that holy light drain from his soul as he cums
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slowardblonkey · 3 months
15 Omo-Fantasies That I Could Never Speak Aloud
Secret One: Anything that forces one’s thighs spread when one has a full bladder. My personal favorite fantasy is two women sitting -one in front and one in back. The one in back would force the girl in the front to spread her shaking thighs apart -while holding her hands up and away from her crotch so that she’s just waiting until she bursts. The girl’s tender pussy lips would be trembling while only her muscles could work hard to keep her huge dam from breaking.  
Secret Two: A dom demanding touchy-feely lap-dances from a bursting stripper who must follow through.
Secret Three: Bondage with intense and longggg drawn out Female-Desperation. Where you can see every twitch and squirmy struggle.
Secret Four: Running Faucets and Forcing to wash dishes nursing a full bladder.
Secret Five: Being trapped in a room when its raining outside making one feel the urge to pee.
Secret Six: A private detention where a professor doesn’t let his/her bratty 19 year old female student be excused to use the restroom. 
Secret Seven: Tickling a bursting individual.
Secret Eight: Forcing a significant other to drink tons of liquids before bed, then holding them in place especially if its their morning pee.
Secret Nine: Stimulating someone sexually to make it harder for them to hold it.This could be anything from small clit teases, to full-out sloww agonizing intercourse when every thrust presses into the growing need to pee. 
Secret Ten: Teasing someone aloud about how full they feel.
Secret Eleven: Gentle female bladder bulges that are just begging to be touched.
Secret Twelve: Tribbing with both females incredibly desperate
Secret Thirteen: A dom who forbids their sub to use the restroom, with punishment being longer denial if they leak.
Secret Fourteen: Being forced to listen to a person/people relieve themselves while needing to pee.
Secret 15: Preferably being the one forced to be desperate but okay with being the evil one initiating it.
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slowardblonkey · 3 months
Car omorashi
-Trying to squirm subtly because they’re right next to the driver, bouncing slightly in the seat, adjusting position, shaking their legs.
-Someone trying really hard not to grab their crotch because it’s embarrasing and makes it obvious they need to go, but at a bad spasm they’re forced to. The driver notices and asks them if they need to go to which they either shyly admit feeling silly they had to be asked like a child or shake their head and look even more like a child denying they need to go when they clearly do.
-Someone waiting until they’ve already dribbled to ask for a rest stop. The driver says sure there’s one in fifteen minutes, but they’ve waited so long already they wet themselves after ten. 
-Alternatively, never asking for a rest stop and slowly leaking the whole journey. They never fully lose control but by the time they’re at their destination they’ve leaked enough that there’s a wet patch on their pants and seat, and they don’t want to get up because then the driver and other passengers will know what’s happened.
-The pee making a puddle on a leather seat and running over the edge or soaking into a cloth seat making a big wet patch
-Someone making it to the rest stop and running in only to lose it before they can undo their belt and being forced to walk back to the car in soaked pants. 
-Someone who hates public restrooms going out for a day trip and hasn’t peed all day and by the time they’re on the ride back they’re absoloutely bursting.
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slowardblonkey · 6 months
This is based on a true story. Since it was years ago, I had to sort of fabricate some of the fine details and dialogue, but for all intents and purposes, you can consider this a true story.
Feedback welcome ?
Some years ago, I had an online omo friend, who took joy from making me hold for her, so I told her that she could control what I drink, and when I would be allowed to release it. I would come to find out, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
At the time, I had been doing quite a bit of holding, and had developed a rather large bladder from it. I believe at the time I could hold somewhere around 1700 ml.
The morning we began, I was allowed to pee at 11 a.m. and told only to drink if I was thirsty. Now, this struck me as rather odd, since I was expecting her to want me desperate that night, after my parents went to bed. (I was in college, but staying with them for the summer)
They day carried on as normal, with me drinking fairly little. (which is about normal for me. Terrible, I know.) I had a glass of water with my lunch, and sipped down another over the course of the afternoon. What also surprised me was how little I heard from the girl in charge of my bladder. It was getting close to dinner time when I got the text: “Have an extra glass of water with dinner ? ” and of course my response was “yes ma'am” as always. For the time being, it had to be. I wasn’t worried about the extra glass, I barely felt anything in my bladder at all at this point.
So, as 7:00 approached, dinner came, and as instructed, I had my glass of water, finished it as I ate, and had another before it was over. By 8, dinner was done and cleaned up, so I texted her again, asking if I had any more instructions. No reply. The next few hours went by without much excitement. I watched some tv, and felt the water from dinner make its way into my bladder. By 10:00 I was feeling those little bladder twinges, hinting at me to go to the bathroom. Not anything I would call urgent, though.
By 11, I was growing tired, and a little impatient. I was ready to give up this game and go to bed, since it wasn’t really turning out to be that exciting.
“Hey, I’m getting ready to go to bed pretty soon… Can I go pee now?”
Finally! A response.
“No, you can hold it. Goodnight ;* ”
Well that’s not how I thought that would go…
Usually that’s when these things end..
It’s a little concerning, but at least it’s interesting now.
So I head to bed. For someone that usually pees right before bed every night, going to bed with a slight urge to pee was a very strange feeling, and so it took a good while for me to finally drift off to sleep.
7:00- I wake up, and the very first thing I notice is my bladder, now with 20 hours of urine collected inside it. It was full. Not bursting, but definitely uncomfortable. I could definitely do with some relief at this point, so I text her.
“Good morning”
“Good morning! How did you sleep?”
“Pretty well. It took a little while to get there though. But um… I kinda need to pee.. pretty badly now.. Can I go please? I haven’t since yesterday morning”
“Aw, does someone need a potty break? How bad is it?”
“Well, it definitely wants out, although the urge has died back a little since I first woke up. It’s under control. It feels full and heavy, like there’s a canteloupe in my stomach.”
“So it’s under control? Good! Because I wasn’t planning on letting you go. If I did, then you wouldn’t be full for tonight ? ”
“TONIGHT?! I can’t wait that long! I already really need to go!”
“I think you can do it ?
Oh, and make sure you have a glass of water with lunch ;* check in with me after that. TTYL”
I really had no idea how I was going to wait that long.. But I had my orders.
So I went about my morning as usual, doing some chores and working on a couple little projects I had going on. As I got used to the fullness in my bladder, it became slightly less distracting, but it was always there, and it would always catch my attention again sooner or later. All I could do was bounce my knees a little and try to push it to the back of my mind.
The morning dragged on, but eventually lunchtime came. I just made myself a sandwich, nothing fancy, and the obligatory glass of water to wash it down. My bladder was not happy about the water. Every drink seemed to go straight into it, even though I knew better. I spent much of lunch bouncing my knees under the table to cope with the water I had to drink, but nobody was around too close, so I could get away with it. And as instructed, when I finished my lunch, I texted her an update on my condition.
Afterwards, I took to some reading, hoping that getting lost in a book would help take my mind off my bladder. And after 30 minutes of trying to get focused on it, it did start to work. Unfortunately, it was short lived, as right about then, my phone buzzed.
“Glad to hear you’re holding up so well. I think now would be a perfect time for you to do the dishes, since you’ll need to anyway, and your bladder isn’t going to get any better, don’t you think? ? ”
*Oh no.. dishes.. Just what I need. *
I get up, and notice that while I was reading, the water from lunch had made its way to my bladder, which had now reached the next level of fullness. I felt like I had a large water balloon in my stomach. It was so full that it made me want to bend forward slightly, and I had to put extra effort into standing up straight and not drawing attention to myself.
*Oh no, this isn’t good… It’s only 1:30.. I still have at least 9 hours until everyone else goes to sleep… I don’t know if I can do this..*
So I go downstairs and start on the dishes. Ohhh dishes on a full bladder is not fun.. It took everything I had not to squirm around while the water was running. Even worse when my hands were in the water. I’ve never done dishes faster in my life. I just wanted to be done with them.
After what felt like 2 hours, and was really probably only 20 minutes, I was finally finished with the dishes, and ohh boy my bladder was not happy.. As soon as I dried my hands, I retreated to my room so I could make a private show of squirming around and grabbing myself to try and get the urge back under control. After several minutes of this, my bladder started to calm down a bit, and reverted to the (mostly) dull fullness that I had been getting used to. Although, it still felt fuller this time… so full..
“Hey.. doing the dishes with my bladder like this was really hard! I really don’t know if I can make it to tonight.. it’s so full.. I’ve never even held it this long before! Are you sure I can’t go pee? Pleasseee?"
After a few minutes with no reply, I decide to go back to reading again. It’s even tougher to get into this time. I can’t even find a comfortable position to sit with my full bladder being unhappy with even the slightest pressure on it. But I keep trying, because I’m sure that being totally distracted by a book is the only way I’m going to make it through the many hours that I have left to hold.
Eventually, I do get into the groove with reading, despite being interrupted by a strong urge from my bladder every ten minutes or so. Read, squeeze, read, don’t pee, read, just hold it, read, don’t look at the clock, read, squirm, read. Amazingly, I was able to get invested in the story, and not realize that hours had passed while I was reading.
When I came to, it was close to 6:00, and my bladder was making itself known, constantly. It had become too distracting to read. There was a constant urge to squirm. I needed something more engaging than a book now.. I noticed I’d missed a message:
"Aw, but you’re doing so well so far! I know you can do it, just hang in there ? Oh, and don’t forget to drink a glass of water with dinner ? AND fill up a glass to take back to your room afterwards. I’ll talk to you then ;* ”
Aghh even the thought of having to drink more water made me squirm again.. I really didn’t know how I was going to keep this up. I was getting depserate and I still had something like 4 hours to go. So I fired up the gamecube to try and get distracted. Legend of Zelda usually keeps me pretty occupied, so I give that a shot. And it works. Sort of. It does take my mind off of my bladder, but it doesn’t stop me from bouncing my legs and shifting around almost the whole time I’m playing.
Next thing I know it’s 7:15, and I’m being called downstairs for dinner. Or rather, to help get dinner on the table. When I stood up, the new fullness in my bladder hit me hard. I couldn’t believe how full it was. I had to bend over and squirm for a minute before I could go down there. At this point, I was worried.. I really didn’t know how I was going to hide it while I was down there with everyone else..
Downstairs helping get the food ready, it was difficult to stay stood up straight, and stay still, and don’t pee. Hold it, hold it, hold it. After a few agonizing minutes on my feet, I finally got to sit down again. But the struggle wasn’t over yet. Did I mention we have a glass table? Which means no cover for me. So I spend the next 45 minutes sitting there, surrounded by family, doing everything I can not to fidget and squirm with 33 hours of pee trying to burst out, all the while adding to it by drinking the glass I had been instructed to have, every drink feeling like a whole glass being poured into my bladder, all while trying to stay in conversation and seem like a normal person who hadn’t been holding their pee for over a day.
Finally, dinner was over. But this didn’t mean relief. No, instead it meant that it was time for me to help clean up. Which was absolute torture. It was just like getting ready for dinner all over again, but this time with the added torture of the water I drank with dinner gradually filtering into my bladder. I rushed to get everything cleaned up as quickly as possible, because my bladder was filling, I was already close to my limit, and it showed no signs of slowing down. As soon as I figured it was acceptable to do so, I retreated to my room once more, this time to make an even bigger spectacle for whatever ghosts were watching, doing a full on pee dance and holding myself, so glad to finally be alone again so I can tend to my ever-fuller bladder.
*Ok, it’s 8:45.. they usually go to bed around 10 or 10:30.. So.. an hour and a half? Can I hold it for an hour and a half? nghhh I don’t knowwww*
“Hey.. that water from dinner is setting in.. I’m getting really desperate now.. please, I really really gotta go ? ”
“Aw, you poor thing.. you must be so desperate by now! But you haven’t leaked yet, have you?”
“Miraculously, I haven’t… but I probably will soon! Please let me go”
“I’m glad to hear you haven’t leaked yet! I think you’re gonna be okay. You’re just gonna have to hold it a little longer, okay? At least until everyone is in bed. Let me know when that happens, then we’ll discuss getting you some relief. No leaks! good luck ? ”
*aghh nghh fuck.. I don’t think I can do this *
9:00- At this point, my bladder was so full, I was constantly putting forth effort just to keep the pee from spurting out, squirming, grabbing myself, I couldn’t even think straight. I thought about reading, but I couldn’t possibly concentrate on it, being so desperate. I thought about trying to play LoZ again, but I felt the need to hold myself about 1/3 of the time, and I knew I was gonna need to hold myself as much as possible if I was going to make it for another hour or more. I finally settled on getting on youtube to try and pass the time. So there I sat for the next 30 minutes, holding myself, squirming, fidgeting, and doing everything I possibly can to alleviate the urge even just a little bit. Then my phone buzzed.
“Oh, and that last glass of water you were supposed to bring to your room after dinner? I want that finished before you text me again ? ”
I really wished she would have just forgotten about that glass.. just like I had… Dammit. Now I had to go back downstairs and get that glass.
I stood up and gave the pee dance everything I had for a minute, just to try and get it all out of my system for the 2 minutes it would take to go down and get that glass. I took everything I had to stand up straight, keep my legs still, and go downstairs. I had to keep my composure solid as I walked through the living room to the kitchen (where I was still in view). I started pouring the water. I really thought that was going to break me. My breathing all but stopped while the water was flowing, and the stress that seeing it put on my bladder caused me to leak just one tiny little spurt.
*Shit shit shit! I’m leaking, standing 30 feet from my parents! *
I made a beeline back to my room, luckily without any more incidents. This was getting out of hand, I was so desperate. Once in private again, I did a full on pee dance.
After I had managed to calm my bladder down just a little (LITTLE) bit, I went back to watching youtube, this time with more squirming than last time, and a constant grip on myself, just to make sure there were no leaks.
*9:45… okay, just keep holding it, you can do it.. just don’t pee.. hold it, hold it, hold it*
*10:00.. okay, 1/3 of my glass is gone, so that’s good, and hopefully it won’t be too long until everyone’s in bed.. *
At about 10:10, I had to stand up and pace around the room, doing a pee dance and squirming and holding myself, I just needed to move around to take the edge off. 10:20 I sit down again.
*10:25 gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee aghh fuck I’m so desperate I have to pee NOW nghh…
Wait… no, they can’t.. are they watching a movie?? fuck I’m gonna piss myself *
*10:30 shit, I have to drink that water too nghhhh *
At this point, I finished off another 1/3 of my glass, and my bladder revolted. It cramped and squeezed and forced another spurt out before I could even reach down to stop it.
*10:40 Dammit! when are they gonna go to bed! I’m pissing myself over here! *
At 10:45 I finally heard them turn off the tv and start heading to bed. Meanwhile, I’m pacing around my room, bent over, squirming all over the place, holding myself with two hands, doing everything I can to hold onto just under 36 hours of boiling piss that’s just ready to explode.
With great effort, I pull one hand away to text her.
“Okay, they’re going to bed now, and I’m holding with two hands just to not piss myself! Please, I need to pee, now!”
10:50, I heard them close their door. Now I had the freedom to move about the house, as long as I was quiet, but that didn’t help me much, because I still didn’t have permission to pee!
*aghh fuck, the water *
So I finished my glass of water. This time I drank with one hand and held myself tightly with the other, and fortunately I was able to prevent any leaks, but not for a lack of trying on my bladder’s part. I was fit to burst, any moment now.
10:55: “Aw, someone really really needs a potty break now, huh? You poor thing.. but you can hold a little more for me, can’t you? You can ? ”
“No, I really can’t, I’m about to burst, please let me go!”
“Hmm I guess we’ll just see about that… Go downstairs bathroom and get on skype with me”
11:00- We started the skype call. These never end well for me..
H: aw, look at you, so desperate, squirming around.. you really need to go, don’t you?
M: Yes, I really do, please let me go
-At this point, I’m holding myself, my knees pressed tight together, bobbing up and down, breathing heavily
H: mmm not yet, I’m just starting to have fun. You can hold it for me a little longer, can’t you? 5 minutes?
M: i..I’m sorry, but n.no, I don’t think I can hold it another minute..
H: What’s that? Are you telling me no?
M: Agh.. i..I’m sorry, I mean.. Y..Yes ma'am, I’ll hold as l.long as you say..
-Trembling at this point, leaks threatening to burst through my fingers
H: That’s more like it ? Now, let’s try taking those hands away..
M: I ccan’t.. please.. I’ll pee..I..
H: Do it.
M: Y..yes ma'am..
-As soon as I release my grip, a large spurt bursts out, and I have to squirm and dance like crazy just to reduce it to a light drip
H: Stop that!
M: I’m t..trying
-I barely manage to gasp out. I’m so desperate I can barely breathe. With 36 hours of hot piss in my bladder, some of it keeps dribbling out, and all the squirming and dancing I can do can’t stop it
And that’s when I feel it.. that last drink I took from my glass of water.. It was choosing this moment to enter my bladder, and that was it. That was all I could take. I felt my already watermelon-sized bladder expand a bit more for just a second, I felt fuller than I had previously thought possible, and then the leaky dam burst. The dribble turned into spurts, into a stream, into a torrent, and next thing I know, I’m soaking from the waist down, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it. After 36 hours, my bladder finally won.
H: Aw, you’re having an accident? You really did have to go didn’t you? tsk tsk.. It looks like you’re going to need some more practice controlling your bladder…
Via Kenn on Omorashi.org
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slowardblonkey · 6 months
cute date idea: take polaroids of me sucking on your dick and put them in your wallet
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slowardblonkey · 8 months
She’s crossing her legs and staring at the map of the nature trail, frantically searching for a restroom. But there are none for at least another mile, and she’s already close to wetting herself. It only took a little thermos full of water and an hour of hiking to get her to this point, and you watch as she squirms and dances there helplessly, knowing she only has two choices— wet herself or pee in the woods.
“I can’t do it. What if someone sees?” She asks. But the pressure is so intense. She can feel it right there, about to spill out of her if she tries to wait any more. You assure her you’ll keep guard, and together you stumble off the path as she tucks both of her hands between her thighs. She finds a tree to hide behind and looks around before starting to undo her shorts. She’s shaking both from the desperate need to release her bladder and from the nervousness that comes with being so exposed in public. But finally, just as it’s dripping out of her and she can no longer control it, she drops her dampened panties and shorts just in time. You can hear the hiss and splash as it rushes out of her and she sighs in relief.
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slowardblonkey · 8 months
7 omorashi challenges to make certain chores more fun
1. Before you go to the grocery store, drink a lot of water. You’re not allowed to pee until you get back home.
2. Wait to clean the bathroom until you’re super desperate.
3. Make a list of all the chores you have to do and drink a glass of water after each one is done.
4. Wash your dishes in warm water while desperate.
5. Drink a lot of water before putting your laundry in. You’re not allowed to pee until all of it is done and put away.
6. Clean while desperate and instead of listening to music listen to water noises.
7. Before your morning pee, you have to make your bed perfectly.
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slowardblonkey · 8 months
i used to not like omo in professional settings but umm i have an oc whos a sort of intern or new hire and I've been thinking abt him in some situations sooooo
-character sitting at an important staff meeting that keeps dragging on and on and theyre getting increasingly desperate. this could have many different endings! they could ask to leave and are told to wait until the end, or they could be too embarassed to ask and start leaking.
-character desperate on the bus home from the office, but the ride gets delayed by weather or traffic
-character being asked to do a bunch of little tasks, including picking up and moving boxes, chairs, etc. unfortunately, bending over can be difficult when you really need to pee...
-character getting caught up in their work and ignoring the need to go, and when they finally finish their boss interrupts them as theyre about to head to the restroom, leaving them in a very uncomfortable situation
-something something water cooler gossip
-character being embarassed to use a urinal next to someone they greatly respect/a higher-up (not rly my thing but im sure someone will enjoy)
feel free to add on with more ideas!!
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slowardblonkey · 8 months
that state of sheer desperation ppl reach where they’re so, so far past the point of full and just barely hanging on by a thread to the point that they can’t risk another step forward
they’ve had so much to drink and waited so long, and the sensation in their bladder has grown from a tickling pressure to a nagging fullness to a thundering demand to be emptied that they can’t ignore a second longer
their bladder heavy and taut inside of them, swollen to the absolute limit of its capacity, like an overfilled water balloon stretched so tight to contain all that liquid that the slightest jostle might make it burst
their legs locked together and their teeth gritted and their eyes squeezed shut as their body teeters on the edge of letting everything come flooding out whether they like it or not
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slowardblonkey · 8 months
Recent Hold
So since my last post this summer I’ve been working on stretching my bladder and building my capacity; so now I can comfortably hold about 700 ml for multiple hours and about 1000 ml if Im desperate. However recently I was really pushed to my limit. For context my school locks all but one bathroom for each gender. So they get so crowed and dirty that I can pretty much never use them, which usually isn’t a problem because I get to use the bathroom right before I go in to school, but not this time.
It started when I was running late after morning practice and had to rush to school. I had been sipping water throughout, but didn’t really need to go yet. I could feel a little tingle but I definitely didn’t have time to pee before I left so I decided just to hold it.
When I got to school I filled up my water bottle and grabbed a bubbly drink from my school lunch line, which I didn’t realize was caffeinated. I have a caffeine sensitivity which can really make it act like a diuretic in my body.
At around 11:00 am the water and caffeine was really starting to hit me. I had drank around 500 ml of water plus another 400 ml of my other drink. I had to cross my legs and really push my crotch in to the chair.
By lunch at 1:00 I was in PAIN. I had finished my water bottle and had now drank over 1000 ml of liquids since peeing that morning. It was like I could actually feel the urine being pushed in to my aching bladder. I was so full that my bladder was pushing out from my tummy and was so hard I had to unbutton my pants. I only had around and hour left of school but I honestly wasn’t sure if I could make it.
For my last class I was practically crying from how desperate I was. I could feel my bladder letting out little spurts in to my underwear, and I could feel my bladder throbbing every time I had to bend and grab something out of my bag. Finally the bell rang and I quickly rushed out to my car. The entire ride home was torturous, I had to have one hand squeezing my crotch like a vice while the other gripped the wheel until my knuckles were white. By the time I got home I felt like I was going to pass out, I looked like I was four months pregnant (thankfully the sweater I was wearing hid it) and I could actually feel my tired muscles contract with every step I took towards my house. My hands were shaking so bad that I couldn’t even get the key into the lock. In the end I simply just couldn’t take it anymore as I could feel my muscles give out, and I ran to the back of my house where I barely managed to get my pants down before I released a torrent of piss in to the grass. I must’ve peed for close to a minute before the stream started to calm, and I nearly fainted from relief.
Definitely an improvement from this summer 😅
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slowardblonkey · 9 months
i wasn't sure if i was going to post this one here because i was so embarrassed by it
but a while ago i completely, fully peed my pants in the car. and it was...not at all on purpose
i was out at a bar with friends (pre-covid obv) and i ended up leaving abruptly because my ex showed up and i couldn't deal w/ it
so i just rush off and jump in the car and start heading for the highway and only a few minutes pass before i realize i have to use the bathroom pretty badly. it wasn't dire (or i didn't THINK it was 🤦🏻‍♀️), but definitely there. so i start getting a little anxious.
20 minutes or so later, i don't know how it happened so fast, but i am BURSTING for a toilet. i have honestly never had to pee so badly in all my life. i'm bouncing up and down in the driver's seat, fanning my legs. and i realize, i will not be able to make it home. period.
so i start panicking and trying to think of a plan B. my bladder is so swollen it HURTS, and i'm rubbing my thighs together like a cricket. "just keep moving, maybe you can hold it in," i think to myself. i decide to get off at the next exit to stop at a McDonald's or a coffee shop or somewhere with a restroom, because again, i wont make it home. i CAN'T make it home
and then as i pull off the exit and start scanning for a gas station or something, i realize something even worse - i'm not even going to make it to a gas station. i'm so desperate. it's basically now or never.
i clumsily pull the car over into this like empty lot. i can feel tears in my eyes as i squeeze my hands between my legs.
the only thing i can think of - and i'm blushing now just writing this down - is that i think i have a plastic bin or bucket in the trunk. and maybe i could sit down on that in the backseat and...go
keeping my legs tight together, i rummage through the junk in the back of the car and i find a plastic bin. anticipating relief is making it so, so much worse, and i can feel tears in my eyes as i squirm awkwardly and try to shove the bin into place.
i undo my belt, jiggling up and down, and then i try to undo the button on pants, but my hands are shaking. im shifting my legs back and forth and i'm muttering "oh god, oh my god" out loud to myself even though i'm the only one here.
and then...i can't hold it. i just can't hold it for another second. my body sort of freezes up and i can't hold it any longer and i can feel that my face is bright red and i can feel pee absolutely gushing into my underwear, filling up my pant legs. i just keep going and i'm so embarrassed but there's nothing i can do. a moan of complete relief involuntarily escapes my lips.
when my body finally finishes peeing, i just stand there for a minute, humiliated. i can't believe i couldn't make it not only to a bathroom, but even to a plastic bin in the back of my car.
and then i take my pants off, shove them into the bin, and drive the rest of the way home in my underwear. thank goodness my roommate was already asleep when i got home.
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slowardblonkey · 10 months
nom sexy add on to the towel post
character staying a hotel/rental and still pissing in the towels bc habit duh. they either use like £20 at the laundromat by the end of the trip or end up losing their cleanliness deposit
I love this. Fantastic work anon!! Here is some additions to the towel post on my end:
•A character that has to pee so bad and they can only find the little wash towels so they pee into one, but it absorbs all of the pee too fast and it starts leaking and now they’re even more desperate than before…
•Someone who has to piss during a concert where everyone’s laying out on the grass on towels. Squirming and about to lose it and the line for the toilets is too long so they can’t help it and desperately scramble to cover themselves with their towel while they piss a river into the grass.
•A character so needy for a pee that they take a strangers beach/pool towel while said stranger is away just to relieve themself into it…
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slowardblonkey · 10 months
Trapped in an Elevator:
I thought I’d just take 5 minutes to jot down possibly the most cliché thing that has ever happened to me…
On Thursday I headed to work holding an all-night full bladder which was absolutely bursting when I woke. Showering was difficult but somehow I managed to hold on, and the drive to work was insufferable, I vowed that I would pee as soon as I got into work but there was so much to do that I got distracted and although I was aware that my bladder was about to explode I managed to hold it through the morning.
I was upstairs in the stockroom at around 1pm when the urgency hit me with such force that I had to cross my legs tightly, I was mid stock take and fortunately alone so I held myself and pee danced while I completed the last page. As I was about to leave and head to the loo one of my team leaders came upstairs to ask me some questions, I needed a wee so badly that I could barely concentrate on a word she was saying and I had to squeeze everything so tightly that I thought I would rupture something.
I stood there trying desperately not to wet myself whilst also trying to wrap up the conversation quickly so that I could dash to the loo. My legs were crossed and I daren’t move for fear of a flood, it hurt so much that I really couldn’t think of anything other than how desperately I needed the loo. I think my team leader was mid-sentence when I blurted out “I’m sorry, I’m desperate for the loo, I’ve got to go”, I headed towards the stairs but knew I wouldn’t make it so quickly jumped in the goods lift and dragged the doors closed behind me… I pressed the button and held myself as a small squirt of pee escaped.
The lift had barely started to move when it jumped to a halt, this caused another slightly larger squirt. I was so desperate I knew I couldn’t hold it for much longer and cursed myself for not making time to relieve myself earlier! I stabbed at the buttons with my finger but nothing happened, I pee danced furiously, my judgement was clouded by my desperation and I spent a good 5 minutes just standing there trying not to wet myself before remembering that I needed to inform somebody that I was there.
I pressed the alarm button firmly whilst crossing my legs tighter and pressing my free hand into my crotch, after what seemed like an eternity my team leader came to the door and shouted down that she would get help. I hoped she would hurry as I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to hold back the flood, I was already dreading wetting myself and being forced to do the walk of shame in front of my rescuers! My only saving grace was that because it was a goods lift there were no cameras inside it so I was free to hold myself and pee dance as much as I needed.
I paced back and forth slowly in the small space, trying not to jolt my bladder too much but taking advantage of the fact that moving legs seemed to help. I managed to hold it pretty well like this for around 15 minutes, carefully and slowly pacing with every ounce of concentration trying to relax and not panic. After that though it suddenly became so painful that I could hardly walk, I was so utterly desperate for a wee I contemplated squatting in a corner and letting go, however with the industrial metal floor there was nothing so soak it up and I would have to face my rescuers knowing that the puddle on the floor came from my bladder… Far too embarrassing!
I knew I had no choice but to try my hardest to hold it and hope that I wouldn’t be stuck for too long. My manager had been along and reassured me that an engineer was on his way but that it could be up to 4 hours, I knew there was absolutely no way on earth I could hold it for anywhere near that long so hoped he would be quick. I unzipped my trousers and placed both hands into my crotch, carefully pressing a single finger onto my pee hole then using the pressure of both hands to press it firmly into place. It really hurt, so much so that it brought tears to my eyes but I blinked them back and gritted my teeth as the pain settled a little.
In that moment I’d have given anything to be able to relieve myself, my abdomen felt as though it was going to explode with the pressure and the pain low down was tremendous but I was absolutely determined not to wet myself. Another 30 minutes passed and the chance of me getting to a loo before the dam burst was becoming less and less likely, I had leaked a substantial amount and was back to trying to ‘walk it off’ but I was so desperate that I could hardly walk!
I shouted up to see if there was any update on an engineer and my team leader said she would go and find out, she had been charged with keeping me company but I wasn’t particularly fussed about company unless that company could get me out or provide me with a bucket or something to pee into! When she eventually returned she said that my manager was calling to get an update, she had come to the floor below me this time and we discovered we could speak using our normal voices rather than shouting.
“You ok?” she asked, “I’m literally bursting for a wee, I don’t think I can hold it for much longer” I replied, I no longer cared who knew it. “Didn’t you go earlier when you said you needed it?” she asked, “Erm, no, that was when I got stuck in the lift, it’s hurting it’s so bad now!” I said through my gritted teeth. “Oh my god I’m surprised you’ve not wet yourself!” she exclaimed, “I’m not far off!” I laughed weakly, trying to make light of the situation. She then launched into a tale of the time she had needed a wee the most “Once I was on my way to my Nan’s house on the train and I was desperate for a wee, then the train got stuck and had to stop because someone had jumped in front of a train further down the line so we were there for almost 3 hours before someone finally came and got us off the train and walked us to a coach to take us to the next station. I was absolutely beside myself. I was so desperate that I even considered just letting it go onto the seat, I was wearing a skirt so could have hiked it up and just peed, but I was embarrassed so I held it!”
Suddenly I was fascinated, “Wow, how on earth did you hold it for all that time?” I asked her, “It was okay at first I just needed it badly then it got worse and worse and worse until eventually it was all I could think about and then when they came to get us off the train and onto the coach I had to hold myself while I walked, climbing down the ladder onto the track was almost more than I could manage, I had to really squeeze hard to hold it in or I’d have peed on the guy at the bottom holding the ladder!” she answered, “Oh dear, how on earth did you manage to hold it until the next station on the coach?” I asked, flushing with excitement but trying to play it cool. “Well, walking wasn’t too bad, it seemed to help even though it hurt, but when I got on the coach I had to hold myself again and bounced around on the seat like crazy! There was several of us all in the same state though, there was one woman who peed as soon as we got off the train, she just stooped down where she was and peed, it went on forever she must have been absolutely desperate to resort to that, we were all standing there and she was just peeing in the middle of us all!” she then added “Sorry, it’s probably not helping talking about people weeing while you’re so desperate!”
“Actually it’s taking my mind off it a little for some reason” I answered, eager to continue the conversation I added “So how long had you been holding it, and why didn’t you go before you got on the train?” “Well, I’d been shopping in Birmingham before getting on the train and had drunk a large coffee and a bottle of water, oh and a large coke at McDonalds with my lunch, I realised I needed it while I was stood on the platform but it was a long way to go all the way back up to the station and I didn’t want to miss my train, plus my Nan only lives a few minutes from the train station so I thought I’d be able to go in half an hour or so when I got off the train, little did I know there would be such a delay!” she answered, I could barely move again now from the pressure and pain in my bladder, I was standing with my legs crossed and my hands in my crotch and genuinely thought I was about to lose it.
“It was the worst I’ve ever needed a wee, it hurt so badly that I would have done anything to be able to go! I was looking for a cup or anything that I could just let a bit out into, I even got up and walked to see if there was an empty carriage so I could hide behind a seat and go but there were people in all of them” she said, “I’m surprised you didn’t end up wetting yourself!” I exclaimed, afraid that I was about to do exactly that. “No, I was determined I wasn’t going to do that, I surprised myself with how long I could hold it actually, after an hour I thought I couldn’t hold it any longer but it was more than 4 hours by the time I got to the loo at the next station” she said, sounding proud. “Wow that’s a long time to hold it, I’m not surprised it hurt, I bet you ran to the loo when you got to the station didn’t you?” I enquired, I was squeezing everything but still trickling now, standing with my legs crossed trying to concentrate on my questions and remain part of the conversation despite my bladder beginning to fail in the most painful of ways.
“Well to be honest by the time I got off the train I could hardly walk, my bladder hurt so much and was so hard that when I walked it felt as though it was bouncing and it really hurt and I felt as though if I opened my legs too far I would wee myself! So I had to walk slowly and really squeeze hard, I pretty much waddled to the loo and there was only one cubicle with several people waiting, I literally didn’t think I could hold it any longer and was trying not to hold myself as people were looking so I just stood with my legs crossed so tightly and everything tensed and held on for dear life until it was my turn, I have to admit I had started to pee a little by the time I got to the front of the queue and by the time it was my turn my knickers were damp and my tights had wet streaks down them! It was the best wee EVER!” she proclaimed.
I had fallen silent in desperation, I had to go SO badly that I couldn’t even form a sentence, it hurt like nothing on earth and I was barely holding it despite the squeezing and pressing of my fingers deeply into my pee hole. “Are you okay in there boss?” the team leader asked, “Mmm hmmm!” I replied through gritted teeth, I threw my head back and bit my lip as the pain reached unbearable levels. “I bet you’re about to burst aren’t you? You’ve been in there for two hours!” she said, I hadn’t realised it had been that long, no wonder it was so agonisingly painful, I had been bursting at the seams when I entered the lift! “I’m going to wet myself, is the engineer here yet?” I asked frantically as pee rushed out of my pee hole past my fingers and soaked my crotch leaving a wet patch that ran down my thigh. I tried to hold it but it was just becoming so urgent that I was having real trouble.
“You can hold it, remember me on the train? I thought I was going to wet myself but held it for hours, it hurts but you can hold it!” she replied, “I thought I was going to wet myself when I was talking to you earlier, now it’s actually happening! I really can’t hold it it’s starting to come! PLEASE find someone who can let me out, can you pull the doors open?? Even if you just pass something in like a bucket or something?” I pleaded. I could hear her tugging at the doors and I could hear the outer one open, “Can you open the door? I can see the bottom of the lift!” she said, I had to really hold myself as I pulled open the door, there was a gap at the bottom but it was only about an inch wide, it was no good, she couldn’t pass in a bucket or anything that would help. I thought I was going to cry, I was literally about to burst, my bladder hurt so much and was cramping so badly that I knew I would completely lose it any second.
“Ooh, I know!” she said and I heard her rush off, I was really leaking when she came back but was valiantly trying to hold back the full flood, my trousers were becoming more and more damp though and their pale grey colour was really showing the streaks! I was panicking which didn’t help, “Here! It has no holes as it has to keep the air in, it can be our secret I won’t tell anyone!” she said as she pushed a plastic vacuum storage bag through the tiny gap, “Go into this and pass it back through to me and I will throw it away, I’ll make sure nobody comes while you do it!” she said.
I have never been so grateful in my whole life; I rolled down the top of the huge Ziploc back and made a sort of bucket shape out of the thick plastic. It felt weird pulling down my trousers and knickers but I was so utterly bursting that I soon got over it in favour of relief, I squatted down over the rolled up bag and before I had time to think about it I was letting rip the strongest, fastest wee I have ever known, it could clearly be heard hitting the plastic and it hurt a little to finally be relaxing my sore muscles. It felt hot coming out and I couldn’t stop shaking as I finally felt my poor bladder empty… “Blimey, are you ever going to stop? Do you need another bag?” I heard my team leader just outside the door laughing.
I felt so embarrassed that I stopped peeing almost instantly and just couldn’t start again, I still needed it quite badly but at least I felt a lot better than I had moments before. I lingered over the bag for a while desperately starting to restart the stream to feel the relief of a full bladder but the embarrassment of the situation had overcome the desperation so I knew it was a lost cause. I stood up and sighed with relief before carefully lifting the bag up and meticulously sealed the top of the bag to ensure than none could escape as I squeezed it out of the gap for my ever loyal team leader to dispose of! As I passed it out of the gap I thanked her for her innovation, she had saved me a major embarrassment, particularly since it was another 2 hours before the engineer arrived and another 30 minutes before he managed to free me, by this time my trousers had dried but I was absolutely bursting for a wee again and couldn’t wait to go and sit on a lovely cool toilet and enjoy complete relief!
My team leader hasn’t stopped talking about it every time we’re alone now, and keeps telling me every time she’s desperate for a wee! I may have started something! x
Via: Omorashi.org
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slowardblonkey · 10 months
Closed quarters omorashi…
A character that has to pee so bad but the bathroom is taken so they run into the closet and fumble with their clothing and try to be discreet while creating a puddle on the floor. But it feels so good and they have to suppress all kinds of relieved noises…
•BONUS: another character opens the closet door to look for a clothing item and the peeing character is all tucked away, pissing hard onto the floor and squirming to hold it back but it feels so good and controlling the flow is so hard. Maybe they’re caught, maybe they get away with it and go back to mind-boggling relief when the closet door shuts again.
A character that is seconds away from peeing themself so they just run into the pantry and desperately piss into the first hollow thing they find.
Imagine two characters stuck in a tiny broom closet. One is bursting for a pee…and with barely any space to squirm while they’re so close to just releasing in their pants, and they’re friend/spouse/whoever is stuck with this desperate, needy person who’s about to pee all over both of them.
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slowardblonkey · 11 months
bro you’ve got to stop stretching your arms over your head and exposing your midriff im going to lose it
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slowardblonkey · 11 months
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You’d be nothing without me. F*ck the Garbeau System!
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