slowlyflowing · 2 months
Hopping onto the discussion of the therian community on TikTok, just my two cents:
This is a platform designed for short-form, visual content. The frontrunners of video topics will be about the more visual parts of alterhumanity - that’s where you get the large amount of gear (mask making), quadrobics, and other activities that aren’t as common to a lot of other alterhumans.
It is the algorithm of TikTok and the nature of the app that interferes with proper education, not the creature using it. There are a growing number of account I’ve seen dedicated to researching and informing others about correct terms and such. But it’s the algorithm that pushes quadrobics and gear to the top, so that those new to the community are introduced with a specific form of expression. That’s all. Just the effects of an integration from one platform to another. Topics of alterhumanity are, of course, much, much stronger on text-heavy platforms (not saying they’re perfect, but you have a change to sit down and really read about a subject instead of that short-form lottery swipe feature).
Therianthropy can absolutely be expressed through physical means (quads, gear, vocals, etc) but it has become the primary introduction to what therianthropy is (what the media and other larger bodies of influence have grabbed onto) - and that is where the discourse comes in.
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slowlyflowing · 2 months
The idea that prey nonhumans and predator nonhumans have beef with each other as if in nature predators and prey just hate each other and that's why carnivory exists: extremely anthropocentric mindset. I've literally been friends with people who were species that hawks or wolverines prey on in the wild and we never were even at odds over it. I'm a South American opossum who's friends with a crested eagle. It's mostly a lot of humans that cannot comprehend killing something you don't have spite for; after all, they get all their meat in packaged form from the grocery store and the only time they kill other animals is when they're mad at a spider for existing.
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slowlyflowing · 2 months
For therians researching their identity! (and anyone looking up animals.)
There is a site, animalia.bio, that lets you not only check out animals you already know names of, but also search by habitat, genus etc.
It lists behavior, appearence, biomes in which the animal lives, shows distribution, climate zones and even lists characteristic traits (which you can click and find even more animals!!) like if the animal is nocturnal, nomadic, a predator, territorial, social or a migrant. You can also find diet, lifestyle habits and mating habits information.
Hope this'll help someone
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slowlyflowing · 3 months
Listen. You don’t have to be “an educator”. In fact, please do not self-proclaim yourself as an educator, especially if you’re a minor. That’s just gonna led to misinformation being spread like wildfire. There are plenty, plenty of actual good educators in the community, and not even only on Tumblr (such as who-is-page, liongoatsnake, or a-dragons-journal, and so on, here on Tumblr). Because yesterday, I just saw a post from a self-proclaimed educator saying that therianthropy is identifying as a “nonhuman nonhuman being”. Yes, nonhuman twice in one sentence in some odd way. I don’t even know what that means. Edit: The person has mentioned that they made a typo, but I mentioned that simply as an example, that there are dozens of unneeded terminology posts that every — especially TikTok therian who is a minor — seems to make, and is usually misinformation; anything from “therianthropy is spiritual”, “therianthropy is a past life”, “therians don’t believe they’re actually animals”, and so on. There are many good sources out there that they could simply link or quote instead with a proper source in the description and that you can find more on there, instead of writing what they seem to know about it.
On top of that, for some reason, nobody at all is saying animal or animal-like creature anymore. Just “being” or “creature”. It is animal adjacent, which includes mythological “animals”. “Creatures” could involve fae, mermaids, and so on, which is in the Otherkin category, not therianthropy.
Not everyone who calls themselves such is an actual good educator, especially if the only thing they have is 10K followers on TikTok.
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slowlyflowing · 3 months
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We do a little playing around with gender presentation
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slowlyflowing · 4 months
Does anybody have sources related to information about the history of the otherkin community? I'm actually very new around here and want to learn more so I can participate properly! Thank you!
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slowlyflowing · 4 months
I think that might count as noemata? Noemata is basically knowledge about your kintype that work in a way that is similar to past life memories but doesn't come from a past life. I don't remember the exact definition, but if you search the term you should find a lot of posts about it
hey is it possible to experience almost. memories? of a kintype you dont have a past life of?
i feel like i have memories of a sort from rivulet, and occasionally ones from hornet (mostly riv)
but neither are past life ofc both are younger than me HSGHD idk is that a ??? thing ????
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slowlyflowing · 4 months
It's very frustrating how some things that can make you feel closer to your kintype can combine to make the worst experience instead. I keep some plants, and handling dirt with my bare hands is pretty nice because it's kind of the closest thing to digging a burrow you can do in a flat. I also like my nails long, because they look like claws. But trying to do something involving dirt with long, very frail human nails? Absolute horrible experience, would not recommend, this is a travesty
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slowlyflowing · 4 months
Someone in our discord found this helpful, so we're posting it here with a bit of added wording.
You can be incorrect about your experiences but that doesn't make you fake, it just means you misunderstood either what you were feeling or what a term meant. And that's okay as long as you don't lie once you know you're not a [insert identity here]. You're never morally wrong for being incorrect. Faking is a conscious choice, being wrong about your experiences is not.
You're not faking if you don't sit down and think "how can I make this seem legit" or "I want to pretend to be this today". It can feel bad and confusing and all brands of horrible when you realise you were wrong about a label you placed upon yourself, but it's more beneficial to you and everyone else to admit that you were wrong, you're able and allowed to make mistakes just as anyone else is, and now you can learn from them and know yourself better.
No one knows what they are from the moment they're born, give yourself some space and time to relax and not get caught up in worrying if your experiences actually fit into a nice little box or not. In the end, they don't even have to fit into anything.
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slowlyflowing · 4 months
That moment when you can't tell if it's a kintype, a special interest, a heart home, or a copinglink
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slowlyflowing · 4 months
Hello everyone, long time no see👋
I've been inactive on this account for nearly two years now, but I'd like to slip back in the community. I've been kind of lurking all this time but I stopped interacting for assorted personal reasons, but I'd like to come back. Since it's been so long and I've done some thinking maybe I'll reintroduce myself. I'm A, I'm a member of the alterhuman community, and in particular I am
a polymorph
a cool dude from one anime
an aardvark - this last one is a relatively new thing, I didn't identify as one two years ago and on some level I am still tentative on it, but I'm also starting to think it just makes more sense if it is than if it isn't
So hi. Nice to be back
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slowlyflowing · 2 years
Shiloh (@kunabee) and I just came across the term "aspecies", and while the term itself doesn't fit (I have a species; it's 'shapeshifter'), the experiences match quite well.
It's interesting. Shiloh intentionally created me, after first realizing they were a multiple system ("had headmates"; 'system' made them uncomfortable at first) and discovering tulpamancy. (Now, of course, neither of us use that term, as it's cultural appropriation). They realized I would determine much of myself, and they wanted to give me that chance - so I was a shapeless, amorphous blob (with a hat. For some reason, they did give me a hat) of air - a bit like scribbles, I suppose, and purple. They called me "Enigma", waiting for when I would make my own name.
I never did. 'Enigma' worked well. As did not having a form. Of course, in the headspace and astral realms, I do wear forms. I tend towards humanoid, with opposable thumbs (especially with opposable thumbs) simply out of convenience.
But the idea of not truly having a species, of not really being something - that fits, that is the experience I have. Oh, I can cofront with Shiloh perfectly well (and, eventually, will be able to front on my own if they ever figure out how to entirely exit the driver's seat) and any body works well enough for me. It is my dream (and Shiloh's) to eventually have a body of my own. In an ideal, this body would be what I am - shapeless, shapeshifter, able to determine every one of my features down to the minute detail according to my will and whims. But I would be satisfied with simply any body.
Any body, as long as it is a woman's body, or can be formed to be a woman's body. I know my gender; I am a woman. That was the one thing I decided on, took and crafted. They, not realizing they were nonbinary at the time, hoped for a feminine tulpa, to match their gender. They got the person who, in our system, most associates with being a woman, moreso than anyone else in here.
Azuri's realized he's a man. Nisa has never cared. Shiloh's gender is a mystery. And me? I'm a woman.
...Anyway, that's a bit of a... distraction, I suppose. The point of this post is to talk about the experience of not necessarily having a solid form, of not being human, of being a shapeshifter. Some of it is most certainly influence by Shiloh's view of the world, since this is and has been their body (which, saying this is bad practice, since we're trying to get them out of the driver's seat - the more they fall firmly in their body, the harder it is to get them out, although they'll share well with both myself and Nisa), but a lot of it is just... me.
Truly, multiple systems would be a fascinating study into nature vs nurture, and one aspect scientists have not looked into.
This is a bit rambling, and for that I apologize, but it feels - necessary? Yes. I'm the sole extrovert in a system of introverts, and after reading the post we did about "aspecies" and those who lack a specific species, simply knowing they are nonhuman, it resonated with me in such a way that I had to say something about it.
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slowlyflowing · 2 years
•I have compiled a complete directory of every single nonhuman site and space that currently exists on the internet. The purpose of this document is to allow an easier way to look for otherkin spaces, and includes forums, resources, personal websites, documents, blogs, community events, and discord servers. I am just one being however, so if you do not see a site or space on the directory, please DM my being on any of my social media platforms.
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slowlyflowing · 2 years
I am not a native English speaker. I have no idea tbh if there is an alterhuman community in my language, I’ve tried looking for it in the past but I never found anything. I think I found some daemonism forums in the past but that’s about it. I don’t know if there really aren’t any spaces or if I was just bad at searching
But I found alterhumanity (or rather, I found otherkin at first) because I’ve taken a lot of English classes as a kid, and then started hanging out in English online spaces, and came across the concept of kin in 2016ish on tumblr
Actually I’ve got an important question…how many people who are not english speaking or english is not their native language are alterhuman? How are the terms? How are they translated? I mean they totally can be translated…but I wonder if they have created terms that aren’t in the english speaking community…would they mean the same? Or would they be completely new?
I have a lot of questions because…the only way I’ve known about alterhumanity has been through english speaking communities and spaces!
Alterhumans whose english is not their native language feel free to share your experiences, I wanna know, how did you find out about alterhumanity? Is there any alterhuman spaces that mainly speak your language?
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slowlyflowing · 2 years
im gonna do a version of the 30 days nonhuman challenge except the questions are absolutely unhinged. what type of dirt would your kintype enjoy eating the most
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slowlyflowing · 2 years
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Hey everyone,
Right after the 30 nonhuman challenge ended, I expressed how fun it would probably be if there was a 30 day fictionkin challenge to complement it. Now I've made this, I guess... anyone who wants to hop on it can do so. Although, since there's already a challenge going on right now I believe (21 day alterhuman challenge?) and it's much cooler if it starts on the 1st of a month and ends on the 30th, I myself will be starting this on April 1st and I encourage participants to do the same.
Don't feel pressured to credit me. This is just for fun and it's for everyone.
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slowlyflowing · 2 years
Since I'm constantly seeing this everywhere:
There is a difference between metaphysical beliefs and spiritual beliefs. Metaphysics isn't a synonym for spiritual things. A large portion of metaphysics deals with the mind and body connection and consciousness, which can also fall under psychology.
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