slu1foespider · 1 year
Background: Inspired by @be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie Secret Mating Nocorro AU where they mate after the final battle, and Ronal finds out leading to everyone finding out. She calls an entire meeting between elders, Jake, Neytiri, Mo’at, Norm, and Max to discuss how to break the bond. Some elders and Mo’at don’t think they should intervene at all, but Neytiri and Ronal are furious, deeply bothered by the idea that Eywa would allow a human to experience something as sacred as a mating bond. Neteyam is forced to attend this meeting, but Spider doesn’t because he’s not mentally well enough. Neteyam finally snaps at everyone after Jake, in an attempt to mediate, says that Neteyam will just stay away from Spider until the bond dissolves.
“I won’t.”
Mo’at ears perk up in surprise at her grandson’s defiance. Neteyam has never been a child known to defy his parents anything; he was always obedient and respectful. His body shows no signs of anger, but his eyes hold contempt to a degree she has never seen. Jake and all the other elders in the hut also seem surprised by the boy’s refusal.
“Boy, -”
“Don’t call me that,” Neteyam snaps back, sitting up straighter against the hut’s wall and looking his father dead on, “Don’t treat me like a disrepectful child. Like I’m being unreasonable.”
Jake looks as though Neteyam had struck him, and for all it matters, he might as well have. Mo’at can see contempt in his eyes, and it seems to be verging on hate. Hate is something no son should feel toward their father. She wants to reach out to her grandson to stop him, comfort him even, to do anything to stop what she fears is coming, but she is frozen by that look in his eyes.
Neteyam stands, swaying a bit from the position change. He is still weak from being shot but strong enough to move with some assistance. He looks around the hut, first at his mother and then at the rest of them, his gaze falling directly on Ronal.
“You all stand here and judge me for my choices as if you know anything about me. And you judge Spider as if any of you even know him beyond him being human. You talk of controlling my future as if you are Eywa herself and I have had enough! I mated Spider, and it will remain that way!”
“Neteyam-” Jake moves towards his son, but he pushes Jake back.
“No! I have had enough of you!”
Everyone bulks at that. No Navi child has ever talked down to their parents; it simply doesn’t happen. Mo’at feels a familiar feeling of dread pool in her stomach. The look in Neteyam’s eyes has only grown darker.
“All my life, I have done nothing but obey you,” Neteyam speaks softly now, poking Jake in the chest before grabbing his war vest. “I have been nothing but be an obedient son, a protective brother, a perfect heir. Every rule you have given me, I have followed.” A tear falls from Neteyam’s eye, illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the hut’s ceiling. He looks like he’s rallying himself to speak again. Mo’at fears that whatever he says next will be the worst thing yet.
“And what has it gotten me?”
“I have no home. I can barely walk. Kiri has no friends. Lo’ak nearly died multiple times, and Tuk can barely sleep without nightmares. I followed you without complaint when you made me leave my home. I obeyed you when you ordered me not to go after Spider, and I trusted you when you said they would not hurt him. And now, he can barely speak! He cannot sleep, he cannot eat! I trusted you when you said he would be safe and he is a shell! I have no mate because of you!”
“I have done everything you have ever asked and it has gotten me NOTHING!”
“…I am done obeying you.”
Neteyam lets go of Jake’s vest with a finality that takes all the breath out of Mo’at lungs. His eyes no longer hold all the anger and contempt they once did, the tears he’s cried washing those emotions away in streaks down his face. Now his eyes just look empty. His gaze moves away from his father to the rest of the room.
“Spider is my mate. It is done. If you will not have us here, then we will go somewhere else.”
Mo’at wishes she could be proud of the level of emotions her normally reserved grandson is showing, but she cannot be. Neteyam is finally coming into his own at the cost of his relationship with his parents. How could she not have seen this coming?
Not my best but I got inspired from the scene in Outerbanks season 3 where Sarah yells at Ward for all the bad things he’s don’t and what she lost because of him and I think Neteyam and Jake dynamic would mirror theirs but in a less abusive way is he mated and refused to leave Spider behind.
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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slu1foespider · 1 year
these are my 13th reason….
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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Just kids being saved by their parents (twice) and then later returning the favor:
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slu1foespider · 1 year
write it . write it . write it . write it . pleasee
Spider-Man Spider, lost( just an idea 🤭)
Spider sat looking down at the night road of the city while the rain poured down, he watched as people his age and older walked quickly through the rain, laughing together, grumbling about the rain and worrying about the trains times. No one noticed that he watched them from above unless by some unfortunate miracle they noticed which lucky for him hasn’t happened yet. The massive tv screen next to him was bright and played the most recent news nothing much caught his attention until-
“ it’s been about 4 months since Miles sully has gone missing, his family still hasn’t given up hope in finding him. They’re insisting that he’s alive and still out there. One of his older brother Neteyam sully has even gone as far as accusing his biological family, but the police say it’s very unlikely to be true yet Miles other older brother is also insistent that they have something to do with it. While his father Jake sully the head officer believes That Spider-Man has something to do with it.” The lady paused. for a moment Spider turned to face the tv now curious.
“ since today is the anniversary of his disappearance tonight his family, friends and his community are donating to charities that help find missing children in our small country to spread awareness of missing children, later tonight they’re all going to the forest spirit tree to pray to the ancestors to help find the young boy and bring him home safe and sound. Unfortunately we’ve been rejected to record the service because the community said themselves that they need privacy, anyway back to the weather”.
Spider chest ached, his misses his family so much, his misses his older brother Neteyam, his older sister kiri, his older brother lo’ak and his baby sister tuk. His misses his parents so much.
But it’s to dangerous for him to turn back home now, he’s to dangerous. He’d rather be Spider-Man for the rest of his life then go home and put his family in danger. His has a mission now to stop Ardmore from hurting anyone else. She came so close to figuring out who he is and who his family are he won’t let that happen again no matter what.
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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duality of an actor
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slu1foespider · 1 year
a continuation of this, again the Spider Te Suli Tsyeyk’itan AU belongs to @dirtytransmasc
Jake was worried. Not only for how his family will handle such a great loss, but how they were going to lay Spider to rest. It was without a doubt that Spider was a child of Eywa through and through, from how he walked and prowled the forest, hunting, obeying Eywa’s laws, how he wore his hair and clothing, to how Pandora seemingly took care of Spider, as She would her own na’vi children. Despite all of this, Spider was still human. He had no tail, no large, yellow eyes adapted to the dark, a heightened sense of hearing, and most importantly, he had no queue.
Jake and Neytiri, but mostly Neytiri, made sure to let Spider know that he was no less worthy of being part of the omaticaya or their family because of these physical differences. They made sure that Spider felt loved, and never felt left out whenever his human-ness prevented him from certain events, like his inability to eat some of the foods prepared during feasts or celebrations, they had Norm and the scientists to make an edible equivalent of na’vi foods made from Earth food, or when he and Neteyam’s iknimaya, he had to sit the ikran taming part out, Jake remembered how Spider had begged to at least try to tame one, and his mate had overheard and refused, because while Neytiri as traditional, she wants to ‘keep her son alive, MaJake, Eywa, give me strength’.
But Spider never could disobey his Ma, especially if it made her this distressed, so he sat it out, watched Neteyam took to the sky, yelling and hollering alongside Kiri and Lo’ak. Eventually though, when Kiri and Lo’ak’s iknimaya happened and got their own ikran, after riding behind either Neteyam or Kiri, never Lo’ak because those two together make the most dangerous decisions, and together they can convince Neteyam to do stupid shit with them.
Jake remembered how his blood ran cold and how fast he ran when Spider, who was riding behind Lo’ak, fell when the ikran made a loop, flipping them upside down, only to be caught by Neteyam on his ikran, before repeating what Lo’ak just did, with Spider airborne again, he remembered how he can hear their hollering and laughing, then him yelling at them to ‘cut that shit out and get your asses down here!’. Needless to say, they were all grounded for the next month.
When he told his mate, her eyes widened, asking a thousand questions, if all of them were safe, did any of them get hurt, and breathing sigh of relief when he said they were alright. “They get that from you.” she exasperates, Jake chuckles and retorts, “They get that from you too.”
As years years went, Spider got better at jumping from ikran to ikran, walking from Neteyam’s ikran, to Lo’ak’s, and finally to Kiri’s to simply just say something. A profound proof that Spider belongs on Pandora, Neytiri says so, whenever they see Spider attempt things no sky person will be able to pull off, a bright smile and an echoing laughter on his face as he does.
Their Spider, their son, who is not only their child, but also Eywa’s.
Now, Jake worries whether the cove of ancestors will accept his human body or not. Still, as they wrap and prepare their son, (so small, he was only sixteen, their son was only sixteen), Neytiri praying to the Great Mother, seemingly having the same worries as Jake, for Her to take care of him, to accept him, to let him rest among Her children that came before him.
All of them holds Spider, their brother, their son, as they lower him into the water, his mask was gone from his face, the water making his curls cover his face, and with an expression Jake never wanted to see on Tuk, she gently brushes them out of the way. Opposite of their youngest, is Neytiri, who looks so tired, she brushes the back of her fingers against their son’s cheek, like how she used to when she first met him, his blond hair still so fair, almost white in it’s lightness, oh how Jake’s heart rejoiced as he saw her fall in love with the human child, but now his already shattered heart breaks impossibly further.
In front of him was Kiri, her thumb absentmindedly rubbing his arm, like how she used to when they fell asleep together in the forest. They were inseparable when Neytiri got them to meet, Spider was still too small for an exo pack, but they seemed to have been able to communicate with no words exchanged, and when he was finally big enough for an exo pack, they understood each other the way no one else can and would wander through the forest like they were made for it. Kiri brought out the gentleness and softness in their rambunctious, excitable Spider, and Spider protected her when the other children teased her for having such qualities.
Trailing close behind them was Lo’ak and Neteyam. Lo’ak, for once, looks like his mother, tired, too tired for a boy his age. Much like Kiri, when Spider and Lo’ak met, they clicked instantly, wreaking havoc whereever they went, feeding off of each other’s energy, if Spider was mad at somebody, Lo’ak was mad at them too, if Lo’ak likes something, Spider likes it too, and if one of them has an idea, it’s ride or die.
And Neteyam, oh Neteyam, looks like he is one wrong braid in the wrong place away from crying, Neteyam made Spider more responsible, and Spider made sure that his baby brother still knows to have fun and enjoy himself.
‘I’m bigger than you, if anything you’re the baby brother’ ‘Ah, nah, bro, I got to hold you when you were a baby, so you’re definitely the baby brother, now do as i say’ they laughed, when Neteyam tried to swipe at Spider but spider was too fast.
As gently as they could, they let Spider sink. They watched in anticipation as his body lowered. Slowly, Eywa embraces their son, their brother, She has accepted him. Kiri cries, tears lost in the sea, in both grief and happiness, now that her brother is with the Great Mother’s care. She takes hold of Tuk’s hand, as Neytiri takes a hold of his, her other hand covering her nose and mouth, swallowing a sob. After a few moments, Jake sees Neteyam let out a gust of air and immediately coming up into the open air, Lo’ak follows suit. Jake gestures to his girls to come up. When they emerged from the water, they heard Neteyam’s sobs first, before the image of him weeping into one hand, the other around Lo’ak.
Jake swims closer, as does the rest of the family, “I should’ve- but I- I couldn’t do anything, i wasn’t fast enough, i should’ve-“ Jake holds his son, shushing him, stroking his hair, “Neteyam, you have been strong for too long, it’s okay-“ “-no it’s not-“ “ you tried your best, and for that Spider would be proud of you,” he whispers, “I didn’t save him,” he sobbed, “I’m sorry, buddy, it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault, im so sorry.” at this point everyone had offered some comfort to Neteyam, be it a side hug from Lo’ak, a proper hug from Tuk, Kiri wiping away his tears, and Neytiri kissing Neteyam’s forehead, whispering, “my son, my mighty warrior, it will be okay”
Once Neteyam has calmed down, they all swim down to see Spider.
They make the connection and for a while, everything was white, a wriggling fear that it won’t work, but then, laughter.
“Dad! Dad, look!” Spider hangs upside down from a branch, with no mask, in all his shining joy, “i’m so much faster than Neteyam now!” Jake breathes a grounding breath, Spider jumped down from branch to branch with ease and efficiency “Dad? You okay? What happened?”
“Nothing, son, just… i’m real happy to see you, i’m so proud,” He says, unable to keep the wetness out of his voice, he brings a hand to the side of his face, caressing what he, they normally can’t.
Spider laughs, it’s short, but by Eywa, did Jake miss it, “Okay, dad.” He just smiles, warm brown eyes, so lively than the last he saw it, scared and light flickering and then gone.
“Monkey boy!” Kiri, eyes also red rimmed. And Jake leaves them to it. Letting their laughter and screams of childish excitement fill the hole that was Spider in his heart.
i don’t know how the the whole spirit tree thing works😭😭, so cut me some slack.
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slu1foespider · 1 year
My Baby
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Inspired by @emzerdoo artwork of recom! Paz Socorro
(I Hope i posted this right and it doesn't look funky)
They say a mother can feel it in her when her child is near, it’s something instinctive, something that she creates, that they developed together throughout those long grueling but wonderful nine months, that it grows and strengthens throughout the years, binds them together for all their life.
Keep reading
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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Spider protection squad 💯
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slu1foespider · 1 year
omg Omg OMg OMGGGGGG, IVE WANTED TO READ ONE OF THESE SINCE THIS FUCKIN MOVIE CAME OUTTTTTT. I just don’t have the motivation to write one …
A crossover idea has been sitting in my head rent free for months, Spider in My Hero Acabemia! 
Having no clue what’s going on he walks straight into a certain season 1 bar and Kurogiri decides to help him out Spider, not knowing Japanese at the time, doesn’t find out their villains until months later. At no point was Spider ever treated badly unlike The RDA (Who if he told them about, were a legitimate corporation that broke the Genova Convention.) Who tortured him.
If he stays
• Spider will beat Tomura at almost Every. Single. Game but refuses to play any FPS games.
• Spider knows how to pick-pocket because it got him attention as a kid, the first time he does it is to get Dabi some black hair dye.
• Toga does Spider’s hair in a new style every other day.
• Spinner introduced him to anime, but it backfired because they have opposite tastes.
• Kurogiri watches him cook rice wrongly and Spider learns rice cookers exist.
If he goes
•Aizawa is Spider’s Dad point blank period.
• Spider is not a hero student but he spends more off time with class 1-A than his own.
• Shoto is Spider’s gay or bi awakening.
• Shogi and Spider never run out of things to talk about, but the moment someone else talks the anxiety is back and Shogi is quiet again.
• Eri has Spider wrapped around her finger, just like Tuk did, and she knows it.
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slu1foespider · 1 year
I'm bored again so let me take it out on you once more. You've gotten me into my Spider shipping era and for that I curse you with some Spider ships content (note that this is literally off of the top of my head with no thoughts or edits lol):
With Kiri it's like coming home. They don't enter a relationship so much as settle into the one that's been steadily growing between them for as long as they can remember. Kiri is his endlessly loyal rock, the person who stands by him more than anyone in the world. All she has to do is look at him to understand the thoughts running rampant in his mind. And Spider is the person who listens to her. He's the first person she told about her moments with Eywa---really told, in detail. He's the person who sets everything aside just to spend time with her. Her best friend, her fellow weirdo. Spider has no problem listening to her rant on and on about the plants and animals of the forest and how each living thing feels like it has its very own spark. And Kiri has no problem filling him in on all he feels like he's missing without the ability to connect like a na'vi. Kiri will take him on pa'li rides and give him detailed descriptions of what's going on in the pa'li's head because Spider loves getting to know each individual one. Whenever Kiri losses herself in Eywa, Spider will hunker down and wait for her to come back to him. There is nothing but understanding between these two. Nothing needs to be said.
Lo'ak and Spider are bros. Partners in crime. They do everything together and somewhere along the way they both realize that they can't imagine a world where they're separate from one another. This is quickly followed by the fear that the other might not feel the same (or definitely doesn't). Spider, who's pretty used to the feeling, goes on as normal and accepts this realization that Lo'ak may mean more to him than him to the other. For Lo'ak, however, this manifests in constant fights as a form of self-sabotage. By the time Kiri has had enough and tells Spider what the hell is going on Spider is about ready to take a running leap off of a cliff.
Loving Neteyam hurts. I mean, all love hurts, but there is nothing quite as painful as the love Spider feels for Neteyam. He loves him in the way he pictures humans loved cigarettes. Breathing in all of the toxins and feel-good chemicals at the same time with reckless abandon, knowing it won't end well (loves like this never do) but doing it anyways. It's like playing with fire. Neteyam is the oldest son of two of the most influential na'vi to ever grace Pandora. He's the future olo'eyktan, but it's more than that. He is the future of his entire clan. What would the clan think if they knew he was sneaking around with Spider? Spider doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to dirty Neteyam's reputation. Neteyam deserves something better than the limits of Spider, and Spider thinks that everyone around them would think so too. Maybe even Neteyam thinks that. But despite all of that, despite knowing that he isn't worth the loving looks and touches, Spider soaks it up eagerly. Because Neteyam is perfect. Not in that he has no faults, but in that he never gives up until those faults make up only a small portion of him. Every now and then it will occur to Spider that he just might be one of these faults. At this point he doesn't know which one of them is the cigarette anymore.
Rotxo is affectionate. Beyond affectionate, Spider comes to learn. Spider's never been been huge on pda, sure, but he still enjoys showing his friends affection and figured that whenever he started dating that he would, like, hold hands with his significant other or give them passing pecks on the cheek or something. Small things like that. Rotxo cranks this up to a thousand, though. From the moment they meet up in the morning to the moment they go their separate ways at night his boyfriend is all over him. He latches onto Spider's hand like it's the most natural thing in the world, leading him around Awa'atlu as if he might wander astray if they aren't connected. Whenever they're sitting he'll cuddle up to Spider despite the obvious size difference, and Spider would be lying if he said it wasn't reminiscent of a large, cuddly puppy. Whenever he's excited Spider receives a million pecks through his mask or an enthusiastic hug or both. Rotxo will babble on for hours when they're alone with Spider in his arms or listen attentively when Spider talks, all while their legs are twined together. When he's sleepy he'll rest his head on Spider's lap and just. . . pass out, company be damned. Rotxo is full of love and affection and Spider didn't realize how much he wanted that until he came along. God, he loves this boy.
Ao'nung is. . . a challenge. Hot and cold. Yes and no. He's happy one moment and hates you the next. What do you want?, Spider often finds himself thinking. What are you afraid of? But he's nothing if not persistent. Years of existing in the background of other people's lives have taught him to listen and observe. So he does. And Ao'nung, he soon discovers, is not unlike a skittish yerik. Suspicious, defensive, and quick to react to anything that sets of his (for lack of better word) sensitive trigger. Spider never thought he'd find someone worse at communicating their emotions than himself (well, himself and pretty much all of the Sully men) or someone who can be more insecure than Lo'ak but boy was he wrong. It doesn't matter if he's sad or guilty or frustrated, Ao'nung's response is the same in all scenarios. Lash out. And it isn't healthy, not by a long shot, but Spider isn't going to give up. He used to not understand what people like Jake and Norm meant when they referred to just knowing their partners. Knowing not just them, but what they want and need and think. And it doesn't happen overnight for Spider, either, but eventually he stars to know too. When Ao'nung asks Spider if he wants to go for a swim he's really asking do you want to talk?. When Ao'nung clenches and unclenches his fists, he wants to hold Spider's hand but is wondering if Spider would be annoyed if he did. When Ao'nung's pupils dilate and his lips twitch up the tiniest of bits, he's happy to see Spider (and probably missed him). He likes it when Spider plays with his hair but hates it when he points it out. He likes swimming, sure, but he especially likes to just lay floating on his back. His prefers fruit over fish, actually, because he has a major sweet-tooth. His favorite color is orange. Sometimes when they're walking on the beach he'll stand still and let the seafoam creep over his feet and laugh for some reason. And this, Spider knows, is only the beginning. There will be a time when, just like Jake or Norm, he'll be able to look at Ao'nung and know everything.
Tsireya is a breath of fresh air in Spider's life. Eager to learn everything about him. Eager to speak with him and eager to get to know the human parts of him. She takes to his hair the first week they start hanging out, playing with it and trying to style it in various different ways. Your hair is fun to braid, she tells him. She listens attentively while he tries to describe the plants and animals and places on Earth that the scientists have told him about and shown him pictures of. She loves both learning about English and trying to speak it. Sometimes he'll catch her mouthing various English words with a smile on her face like she's proud that she knows them. Humans have a lot of Sign Languages, Spider tells her one day. She perks up so fast he's afraid she might've pulled something and begins to bombard him with questions. He only knows the signs that Debra, a deaf xenolinguist, taught him when he was younger but Tsireya doesn't care. She wants to learn them and it becomes their thing. They've created a code of their own using the limited asl signs he knows. Her favorite thing to say in English is I love you, and she says it every chance she gets. Her favorite thing to sign in asl is I see you, and it's broken asl with zero grammatical accuracy but it means the world to him. I love you, she'll say. Then she'll sign I see you. And for once in his life, Spider never feels like questioning it.
And that's all I've got rn folks.
I have been letting this ask MARINATE because I knew I would feel all the feelings you sweet sweet anon. But, I have class for ninety minutes rn and I don't give a shit about American Literature before the 1800's so let's go.
-God, I love spiri, I know we focus on other pairings here but they really are perfect for each other and I'm so excited to see where their relationship goes in the future. I think I'm just gonna get more into it. It really is just a foregone conclusion for them. I love the idea of her just explaining everything he's missing because she knows even if he feels a little bit of jealously or feeling left out, he'd rather bond with the animals and know everything he can. It's like her strong connection with Eywa is there some of the times to help make up with him, and he is there to ground her when it's needed.
-LOL I love that we all accept Lo'ak and Spider as the clowns. They are too similar not to fuck up along the way. Even if they aren't soulmates we have been slacking on them being platonic soulmates.
-THANK YOU GET ON BOARD THE NOCORRO PAIN TRAIN. The way I literally have teared up in the back of class reading that, like it is 9:43am sir. I might really be in my nocorro era they are my FOCUS rn. The secret relationship just fucking hurts. The idea that Kiri and Lo'ak don't even know sucks too, because when Spider is taken Neteyam can't show his feelings about it too much. Kiri can cry, Lo'ak can rage, Tuk can be confused and wonder why they would leave without him. Neteyam just feels like he failed, and he can't do anything about it, not even share his feelings.
-Okay, I needed the Rotxo reprieve. Spider needs casual affection. Tuk and Kiri are always tactile, but Rotxo didn't grow up with him, or any humans. Him being all over Spider is a Spider thing. It's because Spider is different, one of the people. It's because he's him. Rotxo's just a sunny little guy and everyone loves being around him lol. Him just dragging and carrying Spider around all day like, worried he'll loose track of him is hilarious.
-Ao'nung and Spider is the trickiest Spider rarepair for me, I'll be honest. Ao'nung liking Spider is a hard image for me to come to rn, just because of how much he bullied the Sully kids for being part human in the beginning and how we have yet to see a major change or apology yet. I also struggle with Spider not holding a grudge over the Kiri bullying and the Lo'ak almost murder. Of course, I do think he's changed and he's going to be a loyal ally in the upcoming movies, but I don't see them starting off on a great foot. There's plenty of potential comedy there, but I feel like I like the idea of a clumsy apology from Ao'nung to Kiri and Lo'ak before Spider would take him seriously. Spider has very few friends, and like Lo'ak I think he's extremely loyal. I mean he did almost die and withstand torture for his friends many times. Ao'nung would have to give a LITTLE something. ALSO WHO IS NORM IN LOVE WITH I GOTTA KNOW, IS IT HIS BOYFRIEND AM I GETTING THE AGENDA THROUGH??
-AWW, I love asl mentions so much and I totally agree Tsireya and Spider both love learning more than any of the other kids. They could spend hours (sometimes with chronic third wheel Kiri) in the sea or in the forest exploring and studying various plants and animals, practicing the signs for each one. Norm and Max have NEVER had more field studies in their lives, and Norm jokes he would have hired Spider if he hadn't been there already through nepotism. Spider's in the medical mauri with Tsireya all the time, teaching her things he learning from spending time with Mo'at and Kiri and learning things in exchange. Ronal pretends to be annoyed with them every day but Spider has long since learned she doesn't actually mean it.
Thank you for this food, fav anon. This was delicious.
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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that’s all i had to say today.
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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slu1foespider · 1 year
Leave me alone
Iv been seeing so many avatar modern au’s ( @naavispider & @lost-girl-2021 ) and it inspired me to do this little snippet of an idea/small story
In this situation spider was told he was going to be moving in with Quaritch the next day. This is very angsty so warning
It was really happening. this monster finally got what he wanted, to take me away from my happiness, friends, where he grew up. Spider sat at the bottom of his bed, knees tucked into chest thinking of what was going to happen to him. Then the idea sparked he wasn’t going to let Quaritch take him.
He grabbed his duffel bag and packed the essentials toothbrush, soap, clothes, small blanket, water bottle, pocket knife, torch, rope, phone charger, headphones and teddy bear (kiri gave it to him years ago for his birthday). It all fitted nicely into his bag, in a smaller bag he put all his money and coins he found all around his room. He was ready, he had hidden all of his things ready for tonight. “ dinners ready!” Jake shouted from down stairs.
Dinner was awkward, no one knew what do say so their was a sad silence across the hole table. Spiders heart was beating fast it felt like it was about to break. He was struggling to breathe, he swallowed his food and took a deep breath of his inhaler. Everyone looked at him, now they knew how scared spider was. Lo’ak put a comforting hand on spider’s back, Lo’ak then gave him a smile. With such a little face movement it said a lot of words like ‘it’s okay buddy we are all feeling the same’. They continued eating, once dinner was done Neytiri said she would clean the dishes.
When they went up stairs they all hung out in Lo’aks room, after awhile the thought that spider was leaving tomorrow left and they were all laughing and joking around playing. Spider looked at the clock 9:17pm, please slow down spider thought to himself. “I’m going to bed now sorry” Lo’ak huffed their was a croak in his voice it was clear how sad and tired he was. Spider gave him a hug spider felt a tear roll down his shirt on his back, Lo’ak was crying. Kiri & Neteyam left the room to give them privacy. “Please don’t leave” Lo’ak begged. Spider let out a sigh and left Lo’ak to sleep a tear rolled down spider’s cheek when he glanced back at Lo’ak. What made it worse for spider is that Lo’ak thought he was going to see him tomorrow.
Spider walked to Kiris room, he would miss her beautiful room filled with plants and her 2 gold fish Tom and Jerry. “You can feed them” Kiri offered passing him the fish food container. Spider dropped In a pinch of food. They sat on Kiris bed talking with Neteyam. It was not as funny with Lo’ak but it was still nice conversation.
“Night kids” Jake and Neytiri yelled from down stairs. Their was silence after that, spider heard Tuk and Lo’aks soft crying in the background. Neteyam stood up and walked to the door and giving spider a small wave and smiled before he left. It was him and Kiri, spider sat on the floor and got Kiri to braid his hair like Neteyam and Lo’aks, she didn’t know why and that was good. Kiri passed spider an envelope ‘your first decoration for your new room’ was written in perfect cursive. Kiris writing was as pretty as her.
“I’m going to bed now” spider croaked leaving Kiris room. He stood in front of his door and listened now he could hear all of them crying Lo’ak, Tuk, Neteyam and Kiri. Spider put on his jumper and put on his bag and skateboard on the bed. he waited until the house went dead quiet, even Kiris quiet music stoped. Spider snuck down stairs to the kitchen and shoved around 50 muesli bars into his bag. He put on a hat and put a pair of sunglasses in his pocket, he grabbed a pack of garbage bags and a spare house key, he wrote a letter
Dear Sullys
Thank you so much for looking after me for all these years, your such a caring family for taking me in. I’m sorry to leave you but I can’t bear living with Quaritch after what he did, so I’m going off the grid. I’m sorry for taking the things I took but I hope you understand. Once again I am very sorry and I couldn’t of asked for a better family xoxo- Spider.
Spider left the note in the microwave and left outside. Spider spotted Kiris push bike it had a basket on it and bungee cords Tuk used as a ‘seatbelt’ and it was fast. Spider secured his duffel bag and skateboard in the basket and started riding away, running away. After around 20 minutes of riding spider checked to time 12:15am, around 5 hours until Jake wakes up and around 7 hours until someone probably notices I’m gone.
spider rode on Kiris bike as fast as he could like his future depended on it which it did breathing from his inhaler every 30 minutes. finally the edge of the forest he looked at the time as he saw the sun starting to peak through the clouds 5:47am. Now it’s time to hide he rode his bike down the bush path tall trees reaching to the sky. The sun was fully out now as it peeked through the tree tops, Spider was puffed this much riding for a kid with asthma wasn’t the right sute.
Spider reached a little bridge over a puddle it wasn’t connected to a river, spider was confused why it was there. He took out all of his stuff from the basket and put Kiris bike underneath the bridge. Spider grabbed the bungee cords form the bike as well. The forest was thick around where he was and we’re he was going, he wandered off the path jumping over fallen trees deep into the forest.
Spiders tummy grumbled he was hungry, he looked at the time 4:23pm night was near. He climbed up a tree and used the rope he packed to tie himself to it, he had watched enough survival shows with Jake to know what to do. He used the bungee cords to keep his duffel bag secure. He sat there eating his muesli bars, looking up at the sky. He loved going camping the nature and stars with Kiri and Lo’ak . He wondered what would they be doing, he didn’t have to think to hard as he knew there probably looking for him. He knew that they would be devastated, and what he knew was correct they were.
I might do a part2 not to sure 80% chance depending if you want it or me to write something else.
@today-or-tumble @nashichiyo
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slu1foespider · 1 year
Broken Promises (Jake Sully x daughter!Reader)
(On AO3) Summary: You are Jake Sully’s daughter— his first daughter, the one he left behind on Earth when he decided to venture to Pandora. Nearly twenty years later, the two of you are reunited. Where Jake sees a chance to make up for his mistakes, you’re more interested in ruining his life— by any means necessary. Notes: Inspired by @chaethewriter’s fic, “You’re dead to me.” It’s a great read, you should go check it out! As I was reading it, I couldn’t help but think of a similar scenario, but one where Reader, rather than seek to protect the Na’vi, blames them for her dad abandoning her, and decides to join the RDA for a chance at getting revenge. Also, this is an AU in which the sky people didn’t return to Pandora until a few years later than canon. Therefore, Reader is 19, Neteyam is 18, Lo’ak and Kiri are 16, Tuk is 11, etc etc. Word Count: ~1.9k Warnings: swearing, violence, minor character death, animal death, brief mentions of past child abuse, brief mentions of past domestic abuse, Reader is a deeply traumatized and flawed individual and this is evident by her immoral thoughts and actions (which I do not condone)
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slu1foespider · 1 year
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Someone please take my phone away from me😭
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slu1foespider · 1 year
if spider sully quaritch socorro has 1000 fans I am one of them, if spider socorro has 100 fans I am one of them, if he has 1 fan thats me, if he has no fans I am in heaven
that boy is my son and he doesnt deserve the hate, his dad on the other hand can go rot in hell
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