slutxfables · 2 years
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I think he likes me but I’m not sure
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slutxfables · 2 years
What’s the psychological difference between guys who want WWM vs MMW threesomes
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slutxfables · 2 years
I’m not really feeling either of the dudes I went on a first date with in the past couple days lol
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slutxfables · 2 years
Dating 101.
4 subconscious signs you feel he’s out of your league
*Oversexualizing yourself/Leading w/ sex
*You are lenient with your boundaries & expectations
*You cancel plans for him (last minute invites)
*You’re more focused on getting him to like you than testing to see if he’s even worth your time & energy
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slutxfables · 2 years
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Ghana strip club, 1970s
sabolairadio twitter
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slutxfables · 2 years
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Mahlon Blaine
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slutxfables · 2 years
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the enormity of my desire disgusts me
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slutxfables · 2 years
There is simply noone else who I can talk with about certain things the way I can with you
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slutxfables · 2 years
Lol I need to actually use this tumblr more often to talk about the [see description] that I have
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slutxfables · 2 years
The kind of fuckgame that makes me be like “Damn, I could go an extra round with them literally right now” as soon as I get home
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slutxfables · 2 years
I want to do S W again hugely enough that maybe I’ll use it as my reward to myself for becoming a white-collar professional
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slutxfables · 2 years
Doses of Glamour ⚜️
Networking and the Social Hierarchy:
The value of mentorship from mature women in high society.
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I have a few mature women in my network that I consider mentors, who treat me with the utmost love and kindness as though I am their own daughter. They continuously pour decades worth of knowledge into me and I’ve been afforded numerous career opportunities by these women and access to rooms I wouldn’t have been able to enter otherwise.
While I’m fully aware that some mature women in high society can be quite hostile and don’t appreciate the presence of new younger women in their circles, that simply isn’t the case for all them.
If you lead with that narrative in mind when targeting affluent circles, by treating the mature women as your opposition and an after thought when building your social network,you’ll be losing out on a lot of opportunities and you might not be able to cement yourself in that circle.
Now how do you successfully build relationships with mature women in high society:
When entering society events and manoeuvring affluent circles even if it is the main purpose of your attendance , do not solely focus your attention on engaging with the opposite sex.
It’s never a good look nor will it be well received, especially if your goal is to cement yourself in the circle,always prioritise connecting with the women.
Far too many young women enter into society with this air of arrogance, under the assumption that all the mature women are threatened and envious of them. So much so that they show very little regard and respect in their interactions with them.
When approaching them, respect is paramount. I didn’t think it was worth mentioning at first but I’ve seen so many ladies shunned out for their lack of respect. Mind your manners 😊
These women are well aware of their position in society and how beneficial it can be to be associated with them. When seeking to build a relationship, keep in mind that relationships are a two way street,you’re meant to provide as much value as you expect in return.
If you approach them with the intent to just take, take and take, you’ll be met with a wall that will be impossible to climb over.
If they instead view you as a young woman with immense value to provide, they’ll gladly take you under their wing.
Ensure that you are forming a genuine connection based on shared views, interests and aspirations.
Lastly once a relationship has been established, be teachable and willing to take advice, you don’t know it all. Mature women are vessels of wisdom and their sound advice can set you years ahead.
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The benefits of maintaining great mentor-mentee relationships with mature women in high society:
Navigating a new field can be daunting, unfortunately textbooks won’t adequately prepare you for the challenges you’ll face once you embark on your career. Having someone guide you along the way will ease the transition into the field and the climb up the ladder.
Having a mentor is highly beneficial especially in fields that are difficult to break into or heavily gate kept.
These women are well connected and can align you with career opportunities that perhaps would have taken years to accomplish on your own.
Last point, as it pertains to dating, mature women generally have the intel on the high quality men worth entertaining and the low quality men you should be avoiding in their circles. This information can protect you from potential harm and heartbreak.
Side note: Please don’t go around asking these women to set you up with the men in their circles, it’s weird. It’ll happen organically if they’d genuinely like to connect you with a potential match. Don’t build relationships either with these women solely based on the hopes that they’ll connect you with a potential match.
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Where can you build a social network of mature women:
Outside of the known locations for building a social network, many of these women are involved in philanthropic causes, these causes range from:
Arts & Culture
Animal Protection & Welfare
Children & Youth
Women’s Rights & Empowerment
Community Development
Environmental Preservation
Medical Care & Research
Find a cause that you’re passionate about and get involved with the organisations that are either ran by the women in society or that their apart of. Becoming apart of these organisations is an amazing way to build your social network.
You can get involved either through volunteering or by making a sizeable donation that’ll grant you a membership and a spot on one of the committees (That is if the organisation has this option available).
If the second option isn’t available, utilise the skills and qualities you have, that’ll make you an indispensable asset to the organisation.
Doses of Glamour ⚜️
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slutxfables · 2 years
I don’t think things are especially working out with JK anymore but I also just really don’t think I am especially bothered by that this time round which is sensational
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slutxfables · 2 years
Dreamt you were staying w me and my family. School photo time. Broke up because you introduced me as your friend to a bunch of girls.
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slutxfables · 2 years
Thoughts of the day (or hour)
- No job is perfect
- What he’s doing really is just what needs to be done
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slutxfables · 2 years
I want to treat myself so well that it doesn’t matter if noone else is treating me well
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slutxfables · 2 years
Not too afraid to admit there’s a small and kind of ashamed part of me that’s scared of my partner’s latest career success breaking us apart. Even though it’s also literally a huge thing we need to support our relationship’s success too.
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