Adler just let himself relax under the feel of his husbands hands. Never in the past would he allow himself such vulnerability, there was always too much risk that came with it. But now, centuries after the wars had ended, he allowed himself to feel such things. 
Though he still often wondered how they made it through, how Adler became the rank he did despite his lineage not being pure German like the others. His eyes helped in a way, sought after even but he wanted no one other than Max even back then. All the trauma they endured to be together seemed worth it in the end. 
Adler allowed his mind to drift as he sat there. His eyes closing to soak in the bliss of the moment. 
"Ssh. Vill you stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” Max spoke as he gripped his husband's hair, keeping the comb gripped in his teeth. Unfortunately when it came to war, destruction and bloodshed he himself was a master, an artist.. yet has hair styling conquered this warlord?
“Maybe if you didn’t pull so hard I vouldn’t be moving so much, dear husband.” A grunt escaped him as his hair was tugged again. He was fine with hair pulling but sometimes it became too much even for him. 
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Adler grunted again as his hair was pulled. “Maybe a bit of practice would’ve been good.” It wasn’t the first time that he let Max mess with his hair, then again it was only Max that could.  Adler didn’t let anyone else touch him like that, no one ever got that close. But his husband was the only one he trusted enough for this. “Just take your time Liebe and it vill vork.” 
"Ssh. Vill you stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” Max spoke as he gripped his husband's hair, keeping the comb gripped in his teeth. Unfortunately when it came to war, destruction and bloodshed he himself was a master, an artist.. yet has hair styling conquered this warlord?
“Maybe if you didn’t pull so hard I vouldn’t be moving so much, dear husband.” A grunt escaped him as his hair was tugged again. He was fine with hair pulling but sometimes it became too much even for him. 
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some custom ikran i’ve been working on (click on photo for better quality)
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"Ssh. Vill you stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” Max spoke as he gripped his husband's hair, keeping the comb gripped in his teeth. Unfortunately when it came to war, destruction and bloodshed he himself was a master, an artist.. yet has hair styling conquered this warlord?
“Maybe if you didn’t pull so hard I vouldn’t be moving so much, dear husband.” A grunt escaped him as his hair was tugged again. He was fine with hair pulling but sometimes it became too much even for him. 
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Hello there. Do you still accept Roleplay or requests?
Ja, sorry for not seeing this sooner. I was temporarily locked from this account. What are you here for stranger? 
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Skekmal sleeping. For the moment the forest can be at peace..
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More Skekso Photos
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Friday, Nov. 22nd: Ruin for GelfSkek Ship Week
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Ghost aesthetic - Halloween
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Wherever his Papa goes Baby Yoda will follow.
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Lucifer couldn't help but smile and hugged his brother close. It had been far too long since they last saw each other or even spoke for that matter. Sometimes life just got busy and things became chaotic in their kingdoms.
Lucifer couldn't help but sigh as he hugged his brother. It was much needed, this moment of just being them. Not Kings or prince's, just brothers. "I've missed you Beezle..." He whispered before patting his back and stepping back.
"it's been far too long."
(Sibling ask, to Lucifer) “I got you Wendy’s but ..I ate like half your fries on the way here..” Beelzebub said as he knocked on Lucifer's door. He was hungry and it was quite a long journey from the nearest Wendy's restaurant to his elder brother's door. "At east it was only the half the fries!"
Lucifer swung his door open “Well fine then, I get half your fries then to make it equal.” A small laugh came from him before taking the food and letting his brother enter his home.
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Gentle Scatman
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Sergione Infuso - check out his Flickr for more shots from this show.
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