solemg · 2 months
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solemg · 2 months
I don't care what "many Muslims" think, as long as it's in their book, which they consider to be a set of rules. I am not calling for them to be burned, but for fighting Islam by educating Muslims themselves. If they do not agree - deportation
A little about the "prophet" Muhammad himself, the creator of the most "pure" and "true" religion:
Craig Winn:
“There have been many murderers, robbers and sexual predators in history.
There were even those who claimed they were anointed for it by God.
But there was only one person who made a religion out of it."
Muhammad's idea of "Paradise" was to have eternal sex with young, eternal virgins.
This man had absolutely no morals. He said that it was illegal for a Muslim to touch a Jewish woman, but when he once met a particularly beautiful Jewish woman, he wanted her so much that he went and received a "vision" from Allah, thanks to which exceptions to the rule were established. On another occasion, he took a six-year-old girl to be one of his "wives", although he waited until she was 9 to consummate the marriage.
(In general, it is sometimes funny to watch how Muslims try to get away and refute the fact that their role model was a PEDOPHILE.
They understand, apparently, that they should not take an example from that.)
Aisha herself says that the freak raped her when she was 9 years old:
"It is reported that Aisha said: The Apostle of Allah married me when I was 6 years old, and I moved into his house when I was 9 years old." (Sahih Muslim 8:3310)
Let's look in the reference book of psychiatry (because pedophilia is a mental deviation from the norm, which is not surprising - Muhammad was still a psychopath, it's a pity there were no mental hospitals at that time, he would have spent his life there):
Pedophilia (Section 302.2) is defined as:
Regular intense sexual fantasies, sexual desires, or acts of a sexual nature with a pre-pubertal child (usually 13 years old or younger) for at least six months.
The minimum age of a person suffering from pedophilia is at least 16 years, while the age difference between the pedophile and the child or children described in paragraph A must be at least 5 years.
Handbook of Diagnostics and Statistics of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., Psychiatry Online.
Muhammad's relationship with Aisha fully meets all the criteria for a diagnosis of pedophilia, and therefore,Muhammad was without a doubt a pedophile.
Modern Islamic apologists and Islamophiles very often state that at the time of marriage and the beginning of sexual activity, Aisha had already reached puberty. But they never provide convincing evidence in favor of this unsubstantiated claim. Instead, they refer to pre-Islamic culture and traditional practices from the 7th century in Arabia to support their claim.
The age difference between 9 year old Aisha and 54 year old Mohammed was 45 years!
To prove that Aisha had not yet reached puberty at the time when Muhammad took her as his wife and had intercourse with her, one must take into account Ibn Hajar's statement about the permissibility of playing with dolls in Islam for girls who have not reached puberty. Given this permission, when interpreting the hadiths relating to Aisha's marriage at age 6 and the time when Muhammad first had sexual intercourse with her, it can be effectively demonstrated that Aisha had not yet reached puberty at that time. Below we consider the evidence supporting this claim. Only prepubescent girls were allowed to play with dolls
This statement was made by the great Islamic theologian, the Islamic Sheikh Imam Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajaral-'Asqalani, an authoritative hadith scholar who served as the supreme judge of Egypt, regarding the permissibility in Islam of playing with dolls for little girls.
Sahih Bukhari Aisha is reported to have said, “I used to play with dolls in the presence of the Prophet and my girlfriends played with me. When Allah's Apostle entered, they hid, but the Prophet called them to return and continue to play with me. (Sahih Bukhari 8:73:151)
Playing with dolls and similar images of people is forbidden, but for Aisha, the game was allowed due to the fact that she was still a child who had not reached puberty. ("Fathul Bari", p. 143, Volume 13)
How can we know that the parenthetical commentary on playing with dolls is from Ibn Hajar? This is known from a quotation from Fathul Bari and also from a comparison of other translations from Sahih Bukhari 8:73:151 which contain the same meaning.
Other translations:
Confirmed by the authority of Aisha, who reported: I used to play with dolls in the presence of the Prophet and my girlfriends played with me. When the Messenger of Allah entered, they hid (out of embarrassment) from him every time he entered. But he ordered to call them back and continue the game with me. (Sahih by Bukhari and Muslim)
Islamic Law on Prohibition of Pictures (of Living Beings), Abu Mohammed Abdur-Rauf Shakir
The translator goes on to discuss the translation of the different versions of this hadeeth before quoting Ibn Hajar from Fathul Bari (Fathul Bari, N. 6130, Kitaab: al-Adab, Baab: al-Inbisaat ilaa an-Naas):
This hadeeth is used as proof of the permissibility of possession (suwar) of dolls and toys used for the play of little girls. This case constitutes an exception to the general prohibition against possessing images of living beings. (Girls and playing with dolls)
Islamic Legislation on Prohibition of Pictures (of Living Beings), Abu Mohammed Abdur-Rauf Shakir.
In cases where these images and dolls are children's toys, the Sunnah calls them permissible. It is reported in al-Shahehain that Aisha said: I used to play with dolls in the presence of the Prophet. And my girlfriends played with me... (Bukhari, 6130; Muslim, 2440) Ibn Hajar said: This hadeeth shows that it is permissible to have images of girls (i.e. dolls), as well as toys for children. This is an exception to the general prohibition on the possession of images. This was confirmed by Iyaad and was told by the majority. They allowed the sale of dolls to girls so that they could learn how to take care of the house and take care of children from childhood. Ibn Hibbaan confirmed the permissibility of playing with dolls for little girls.
Does the expression "little girls" refer to prepubertal girls? How do you know that the expression "little girls" refers to girls who have not reached puberty? Based on Islamic traditions and laws.
For example:
Girls are considered to have reached puberty if they have 3 of the above signs.
The fourth sign is menstruation (hayd). From the start of menstruation, a girl is considered a woman, even if she is only 12 years old. USC - Muslim Student Association, Collection of Islamic Texts.
The fact that among Muslims a girl is considered to have reached maturity from the moment of the onset of menstruation, speaks only of the complete illiteracy of Muslims in matters of biology, physiology and medicine.
The beginning of menstruation says ONLY that the girl has STARTED hormonal changes in her body, but she is absolutely not ready yet to give birth or become a mother.
It turns out that, imitating the pedophile prophet, Muslims marry such little girls ONLY TO SATISFY THEIR LUST.
But much TERRIBLE OTHER: that these pedophiles are JUSTIFIED and ENCOURAGED by Muslim women themselves.
It is necessary to fight against pedophilia, to condemn it FROM THE BEGINNING - from the fact that to recognize and condemn the actions of the prophet-pedophile. And do not defend him and LIE (However, what am I talking about? LIE in Islam is ENCOURAGED.)
Muhammad had sexual intercourse with Aisha in her house on the day of her wedding. This is confirmed by other hadiths, one of which describes the wedding day in more detail: It is reported that Aisha said: “My marriage contract with the Prophet was concluded when I was six years old. Then we came to Medina and stopped (in the quarter) Banu al-Harisbin Khazraj. After that, I got sick, and my hair fell out, and then it grew back. (One day when) I was swinging with my girlfriends, my mother Umm Ruman came to me and loudly called me, and I went up to her, not knowing what she wanted. She took my hand and led me to the door of the house. I was breathing heavily, and when my breathing began to calm down, she took some water and rubbed my face and head, after which she led me into the house. In this house there were women from among the Ansar, who began to say: "(We wish you) good, blessings (of Allah) and good luck!" And (my mother) handed me over (to these women), who prepared me (for the wedding), and in the morning the Messenger of Allah came, and (my mother) handed me over to him, and I was then nine years old ”(Sahih Bukhari 5:58 :234).
It is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that the Prophet married her when she was seven years old and received her in his house as a bride when she was nine, and she had her dolls with her; and when he (the Prophet) died, she was 18 years old. (Sahih Muslim 8:3311)
It is worth noting that Aisha had dolls with her when she was taken into Muhammad's house as a bride. Considering Ibn Hajar's interpretation above of playing with dolls for adults, it is clear that Aisha had not yet reached puberty at the time of her marriage.
Therefore, it is safe to conclude from the hadeeth that Aisha was still a child when Muhammad first had sexual intercourse with her on her wedding day.
However, let's continue to consider the personality of this moral freak:
Not satisfied with an ordinary marriage, Muhammad gave an example of the so-called temporary marriage, which is still practiced in Shiite countries and which consists in the union of a man with a woman for an agreed time, is concluded and terminated without the permission of the parents and without any formalities.
Muhammad even went so far as to steal his own adopted son's wife after his request for her was voluntarily denied. Again, he received a convenient "revelation" from heaven that a father could take (quite literally) the wife of his son, whom he himself had adopted.
“When Said (adopted son) finished what was set for her, then we gave her as a wife to you (Mohammed), so that there would be no shortage of believers regarding the wives of their adopted sons when they finish the job for them; and the commandment of Allah must be fulfilled. There is no flaw in the prophet regarding what Allah has ordained for him. Sura 33:36-38
Thanks to this passage from the Koran, some Muslims renounced their faith.
Islamic historical sources themselves speak of Muhammad's unhealthy sexual inclinations. For example, Muhammad allowed boys to suck his tongue and he sucked their tongue. In "Musnad Ahmad", hadith number 16245, volume title: "Sayings of the Syrians", chapter title: "Hadith from Ibn Mu'awiya Abu Sufyan," we read the following: Hassan, son of Ali. The tongue or lips that the prophet sucked will be delivered from torment (in hellfire). Source: Hadith Al-Islam
Muhammad was very afraid of his own penis and was ashamed of his hypersexuality.
"I saw the Prophet when he was urinating. I greeted him, but he did not return the greeting. He hit his penis with a stick, rubbed his hands against the wall, then his face and greeted me." al-Barbahari "Sharhu Sunnah". (Hadith, Volume 1, p. 688, No. 236)
This shows that Muhammad was afraid to touch his penis. Ask any psychologist what that means.
"When Muhammad entered the restroom, he said: O Allah, protect me from male and female demons." Reported by Anas. (Hadith, Volume 1, p. 679, and also Sahih Muslim, 3:729)
The hadiths clearly show that this man had a fixation of guilt over his sexuality: When the prophet came out of the closet, he used to say: "O Allah, grant me your forgiveness." (Hadith, Volume 1, p. 684, No. 63, and also Abu Dawud, 1:30)
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The processes of administration of natural needs and sexual organs were seen by Muhammad as sinful, and he felt guilty for them. And this is against the backdrop of complete sexual depravity.
Mohammed had all sorts of disgusting fetishes and strange quirks that were then deified.
Mohammed believed:
It is a great sin not to protect yourself from urine.
If you spray urine on yourself when you go to the toilet, you will go to hell.
Satan resides all night in the upper part of the nose.
Allah created the stars to throw them at demons like rockets.
Spirits eat dung and bones.
Women are devoid of mind and religion.
Most people in hell are women.
There is no ORIGINAL Qur'an and cannot be. Muhammad never wrote a single line in his life.
During the lifetime of the Prophet, the Quran consisted of fragments kept by different people.
Yes, and they were not written on paper or parchment, but as Islamic sources say: on bones, flat stones, leaves.
Moreover, not a single one of these artifacts has been preserved, although this happened relatively recently, in the 7th century.
Having started compiling the Qur'an, collecting literally from house to house, the Muslims did not even know exactly in what order to write down the verses, and therefore they simply decided to classify them by length. Imagine, not by the time of writing, and not even by the meaning, but purely mechanically - by the length!
There were several different versions of the Koran, and then Osman, the third caliph, in 644, 12 years after the death of the prophet, decided to canonize the text of the Koran. He took them away from the owners, and left only one (the rest he burned), which was the basis for 4 copies that were sent to different parts of the Caliphate. And what has come down to us
it's like from these copies. Here is the "original" word of God!
In Islam, religion, ideology, politics, traditions, way of life and way of thinking have merged into one strong knot. This is perhaps the only religion in the world where legislation is built on religious dogmas, where adherence to certain ancient and obsolete traditions is elevated to the rank of law, and where in order to be a "true believer", one must not only believe in Allah, but also kill In the name of Allah.
I will cite as proof of what has been said about Islam - the real suras and verses of the Koran. Please note that the Quran is NOT subject to change or misinterpretation. It differs from the same Bible in that the Bible was written by many people, while the Koran is composed of the statements of one person (Muhammad) over a significant period of his life.
While there are many parables, allegorical or alegorical interpretations in the Bible, THESE ARE NOT IN THE QURAN. Everything that the Quran says must be taken LITERALLY, exactly as it is written. The Qur'an is an "instruction" for Muslims, and instructions are not written allegorically.
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solemg · 10 months
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nagato eating grated cheese straight from the bag as requested by @munchbell45 !
commissions | da tip jar
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solemg · 10 months
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nagato eating grated cheese straight from the bag as requested by @munchbell45 !
commissions | da tip jar
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solemg · 10 months
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Naruto AU in which everything is the same except for Itachi and Nagato having their ace cottagecore life in the woods in the end
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solemg · 10 months
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Ed Emshwiller
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solemg · 10 months
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Stephen Fabian
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solemg · 10 months
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Nikolai !!
He’s waiting for his picture to be taken :3c
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solemg · 10 months
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The end of Signalis
Elster, Ariane and Adler
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solemg · 10 months
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very normal art of adler.
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solemg · 10 months
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solemg · 10 months
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He’s a Replika of many faces.
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solemg · 10 months
Adler is annoying simply because he's directly in opposition to Elster but REALLY he and her are the same 👏 fucking 👏 being 👏
Both are defined by their devotion — Elster to the promise she made and Adler to Commander Falke. While Elster's devotion manifests as her trudging into the heart of the Sierpinski's madness, never letting anything get in her way, Adler is the complete opposite: his devotion to Falke comes in the form of stopping Elster from going too deep no matter what.
What ultimately makes them similar is that their approaches to the madness, borne of love and devotion, was wrong. In her love for Ariane, Elster kept putting off mercy-killing her even as the radiation poising corroded Araine. In his love for an unstable Falke, Adler kept opposing Elster and foolishly allowed the nightmare to continue (because the idea of Falke being killed again and again is too much for him). Both Elster and Adler wanted things to go as it usually did, ignoring how things just can't go back, and their choice made nothing but more pain
In the end, however, Elster's tale concludes with her coming to terms with Ariane dying and either fulfilling her promise or lies down next to her to die together. Adler could not do that with Falke, which is why he's condemned to forever be a part of this nightmare
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solemg · 10 months
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solemg · 10 months
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solemg · 10 months
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Signalis is pretty neat
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solemg · 10 months
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Falke Poster!
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