someancientcall · 2 years
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I've come realization that I'm an empath and keep suffering with the above mentioned points under self abandonment. Healing from this is f%$!ing hard but it has to be done. Just gotta keep moving forward!!
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someancientcall · 2 years
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Healing won’t be linear. It’s okay to still be hurt by things you thought you had moved past from. Give yourself time & your wounds will heal. It’s a process.
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someancientcall · 2 years
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NEWS - Nathaniel Russell
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someancientcall · 2 years
Just a reminder: you are not responsible for anyone else's mental health. If you ever receive a message that is triggering, especially here on tumblr, you don't have to reply. You can report and block. Don't feel bad or guilty for protecting yourself: if you're not grounded enough, that could only make you spiral downward. So please, take care of yourself first. Even if you're so nice and kind and feel like helping out. Look after yourself first. You're not responsible for anyone else's mental health, especially complete strangers'.
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someancientcall · 2 years
I really hope you can find the strenght to remind yourself and know that you're worthy. Worthy of everything you desire. That your past, the way your caregivers or anyone told you or made you feel like you don't deserve or you're not enough, is a huge lie.
You are lovable, beautiful and deserving exactly as you are.
And ofc you're free to not believe me, but then, you shouldn't believe anyone else as well. Try to find your own beauty and worth inside of you. Cause you're plenty. Everyone is born beautiful, worthy and lovable. We just tend to forget to see all that sometimes, especially when life and the wrong people come between us and our own self perception, messing it up. And it's generally cause of those people's problems/traumas, and not cause we are any less of them or anyone around. They're just projecting their shadows on us. Remember that when someone wants to diminish your self worth, they usually do it because they feel already little in your presence and want to take you down with them.
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someancientcall · 2 years
I was writing about myself, my insecurities, about how much I still don't feel lovable enough some days (which in the end is okay, cause some days it's okay to not feel at our best while we are healing, but still... it hurts), and I found my sign. A post that says "who/what are you comparing yourself with, when you say you're not enough?" Yeah, who am I comparing myself with?
Someone who is not me (and therefore I cannot compare with cause of so many reasons) but apparently has the society standards that make them enough? And what are these standards about? Standards don't exist, they keep changing and moving through the years, how can we say we're not enough, and when? Why? We've been growing up with this idea of having to be enough (if not perfect) to get something back, to receive what we wish for, to be worthy of love and affection (thanks emotionally unstable parents and society ran by emotionally unstable people), but we never seem to reach that point. And that's obvious, because it doesn't exist. We are already enough. Everyday, even when we don't see it. I think that question, "not enough compared to who/what?" is so helpful. Even when we are comparing our work, for example, to others'. It can help us put under the right light how we really feel and why. And what can we make better, if necessary (but often it's not the case: we all do things just differently, who has to say whose way is better? Standards? But we just said they are non-existant/temporary... what if it's up to you to change them into yours now?)
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someancientcall · 2 years
Please don't grow dissociated from your body. Remember to show it some love. Put on body lotions, exercise or stretch, dance or move the way you like it. Feel your own skin too. Don't be scared to touch and caress yourself, and feel the warmth that spreads from around your chest/heart area. Your body is literally carrying you through your healing journey everyday, and working with you to make it better, and keeping you grounded. Show love to it as well. Love your whole self.
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someancientcall · 2 years
100 shadow work/journal prompt ideas
I enjoy journaling. It’s almost like therapy, but you’re figuring it out by yourself. You’re trying to figure out your own issues by putting it on paper, sometimes it’s for self reflecting or for figuring yourself out. This is very similar to shadow work. 
What is shadow work? 
Shadow work is addressing your shadow self, the side of you that you bury deep down and avoid. It’s your unconscious mind, and it is important to uncover this side of you in order to achieve your highest self. There are multiple ways to do this, but the most known (and most effective in my opinion), is journaling. I thought I should share 100 prompts that really make you think. 
1. What was one time you remember feeling wronged as a child? How did you react? Has this affected you into adulthood? How?
2. Think about one time where you’ve felt betrayed. What would you say to the person who broke your trust?
3. Write about a time you felt let down by someone you’d previously looked up to.
4. What’s one trait you see in other people that you wish you had. Why do you not possess this characteristic yourself?
5. Do you often find yourself over-thinking what you’ve said or how you’ve acted? What usually triggers this?
6. What were your parents’/guardians’ core values while you were growing up? Do you hold these today or do they differ? How so?
7. What are your core values as a human being? What’s the most important to you? What are you morally passionate about?
8. What tends to trigger envy for you? Why do you think this is?
9. What are the first signs that your mental health is dipping?
10. When are you hardest on yourself? Why? Where do you think this stems for? Why do you put yourself under so much pressure? Why are you so reluctant to be kind to yourself?
11. How do you react when you’re angry? Is this similar to other people who have been in your life since childhood? Why do you think this is?
12. What triggers you? Can you identify where this came from?
13. How do you perceive failure? What is your definition of failure? How does it make you feel? Are you afraid of it? Why might this be? How did your parents/guardians react to failure?
14. What situations make you feel less than or not good enough? Why do you think this is?
15. What is your relationship with your parents and/or siblings like? How was it as a child compared to now? Why do you think this is?
16. What parts of your parents/guardians growing up do you see in yourself now? When did these begin to become apparent?
17. What toxic traits have you recognised in your parents? How did it make you feel when you realized that your parents weren’t perfect? Do you also possess these traits yourself?
18. What are your toxic traits? How do these present themselves? How do you project these onto others?
19. What aspects of yourself would you like to improve? Why? Has anyone in your past ever made comments suggesting that you should? If so, how did this make you feel?
20. How do you feel about who you are as a human? Why?
21. How often do you forgive yourself? What kind of things do you feel you need to be forgiven for? Why is this?
22. Write about a time where you messed up and needed forgiveness. Did you ask to be forgiven? Did you apologize? How did it play out?
23. Do you form obsessive or unhealthy attachments easily? Why do you think this might be; do you have a fear of change/abandonment/rejection? Or, on the other hand, do you find it difficult to form emotional attachments; do you struggle with commitment or get restless staying in one place for a certain amount of time? Where do you think this stems from?
24. How do you fill your time when bored? What gives you enjoyment? What self-care do you regularly practise?
25. What negative emotions do you tend to avoid? Why might this be?
26. What negative emotions do you actually feel quite comfortable sitting with? Why might this be?
27. Write about one person you’ve never forgiven. What happened and why did you not forgive them? Was it warranted? How has this event affected you going forward? Do you think you could forgive them now? How did you move on from this?
28. How do you carry the weight of your past trauma? How has it affected you?
29. How did you process emotions as a child, teenager, and young adult? How do you process negative emotions now? Has this changed over time?
30. How do you enforce boundaries? How do you feel when people overstep them? How do you react?
31. What is the biggest lie you consistently tell yourself? Why?
32. What misconceptions have you noticed about your harbor? Can you think about where these started?
33. What are your preconceptions about femininity? Why do you think this is? Where did they come from?
34. What are your preconceptions towards masculinity? Where did these come from?
35. What does the term ‘Shadow Work’ mean to you?
36. What are three main goals you want to achieve with your shadow work?
37. Did you have any heroes growing up? Who did you look up to and why?
38. How were you taught to deal with emotions as a child?
39. How do you deal with negative emotions now?
40. What’s the most hurtful thing you’ve ever done to someone else?
41. What’s the most hurtful thing you’ve done to yourself?
42. How have you moved forward from hurting someone else?
43. How do you plan to move forward after hurting yourself?
44. What’s the biggest promise to you that someone else has broken? How did it make you feel? Why?
45. What’s the biggest promise you’ve broken to yourself? Why? How do you feel about that?
46. Have you ever broken a promise to someone else? Why?
47. When you really think about it, is there any area of your life you’re in denial about?
48. What do you constantly lie to yourself about?
49. What do you lie to other people about? Why?
50. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told and why?
51. Have you ever had your heart broken? Write about this time in your life.
52. Have you ever broken someone else’s heart? Was it unintentional or intentional? Write about this.
53. Do you ever find yourself manipulating people in an attempt to protect yourself?
54. What’s a question you had as a child that you never got a real answer to? Do you have that answer now?
55. What is something that you’ve always wanted to confront someone about? Why haven’t you? Do you plan to? Why?
56. What is the meaning of life to you?
57. What was the last argument you had about? Was it resolved?
58. How do you feel about confrontation? Why do you think this is?
59. Do you ever have physical reactions to emotional feelings? Write about these. Why do you think this happens?
60. What’s your favorite way to self-soothe? Describe your perfect self-care day.
61. What family patterns am I repeating? 
62. When was the last time I truly felt at peace? Where was I? Who was surrounding me? 
63. In what situations do I feel less than others, equal to others, or better than others? Why do I feel that way? 
64. How do I define failure? 
65. What has been my biggest personal failure and why? 
66. When was the last time I felt jealous of someone else? What do they have that I want? 
67. What is your ultimate dream? Are you currently living your dream? What steps can you take to make it happen?
68. What is your favorite book of all time and why? Movie?
69. Are you doing what you love for a living? What is your dream job?
70. Make a list of 10 things that make you smile.
71. What do you wish you could do everyday?
72. Write down your own bucket list.
73. Write about someone who inspires you.
74. What’s an embarrassing moment you can look back on and laugh now?
75. List 10 of your favorite things, can be anything.
76. Write down your top 10 travel destinations.
77. How do you spend your time alone?
78. What are you the most grateful for in your life?
79. Do you care what other people think of you? why?
80. What excites you about the future?
81. What are some new hobbies you would like to try?
82. How do you want to be remembered?
83. What do you want to accomplish today and tomorrow?
84. What is your favorite song and why?
85. What motivates you?
86. What are your top priorities in life?
87. What are 5 physical features that you love about yourself?
88. What gift do you think you were born with?
89. What holiday or event do you look forward to every year?
90. How would you describe yourself to a stranger?
91. What life lessons have books taught you?
92. Which fictional character would you most like to be, why?
93. What is your favorite place?
94. Is there anything that has changed your outlook on life?
95. Can you keep a secret?
96. How would you change the world?
97. Are you good at organizing your time?
98. What would you do if you could travel into the past?
99. Where in your life do you need to be more fearless?
100.What would you change about your high school experience?
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someancientcall · 2 years
Remember to always protect your own inner and mental peace: -do not feel obliged to engage with others, especially if you perceive them as toxic for you; -say no if you want to say no. For any reason, it's your choice. And don't think about the future outcomes or what others may think, think about how you feel about it now; it's always, everything, about the now, cause it's the present we're living. Stand your ground with no fear; -do not blame yourself for any reason, not even falling into old thought/behaviour's patterns or situations (you're trying your best, hiccups happens. With time, patience, practice and kindness you'll change whatever you want to change); -don't feel guilty nor blame yourself if you need to rest, it's okay, we all need that to function properly. We're humans; -you don't have to impress anyone to be accepted nor to be perfect (nobody is, btw): just be yourself always, good and bad, and be open about it (and willing to change if you -only you- feel like it's something that doesn't belong to you anymore).
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someancientcall · 2 years
Emotional health is about:
-trying to speak our needs, being mindful that others cannot really read inside of us;
-trying to give back to others in mean of time, space, energy and support (but still remembering to not go too far and care about ourselves first);
-being comfortable in standing our ground and saying "no" whenever we need/feel so (especially if it's something that drains us or that we don't like);
-finding time to do things for ourselves, at least once a week (but it'd be better to make it a practice that lasts a few minutes everyday): let's be creative, and explore new things. The only result that matter is that we are enjoying what we're doing.
-stop making assumptions about others: we cannot know what they're up to unless we ask and they want to tell us. Stressing over things that probably aren't even real (but made up by our stressed mind that has been used to not trust others) will only ruin our mental peace;
-taking time to answer, both to inside and outside stimuli. Always take a breath and check with your mind if we're in a good place to reply, if not explain and ask for some time. This not only good when we get messages from other people but also with ourselves: it'll help us try to not overthink/burnout;
-taking a pause from the online world (just a little everyday, while we exercise or stretch our body): for how it's buildt, it only makes us want to overdue things and do everything immediately, increasing our anxiety levels (you know how we're used to get immediate replies and stress if we don't get them... well in the past communication just moved on pigeons or horses, so we can maybe find time to breathe among endeavours instead of just run everything. Your social media's algorithm -and many of your followers- won't even be aware of that break, but your body and mind will);
-spending some time in nature, under the sun, or going for a walk in a new area of our town/one we don't visit often (nature and seeing new things can help you distress a little. Be open though, try and believe).
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someancientcall · 2 years
Friendly reminder to care for yourself. Eat regularly, drink water, sleep at least 8 hours. And if at all possible, remove abusive people from your life. You don't need people who lie, manipulate, threaten, or hurt you in any way. Like if you can't settle disagreements without those kinds of things happening, get out of that situation.
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someancientcall · 2 years
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someancientcall · 2 years
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someancientcall · 2 years
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It took six months for the Romeo and three months for the Luming, respectively, but I finally have these girls established enough to put out new leaves!
(…and they already need a wider container. They spread out significantly more than expected, post-shot glass. I’m very reluctant to jostle them around much at the moment, though.)
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someancientcall · 2 years
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Brand new gig poster work. Coming soon.
#sneakpeek #screenprint #sneakpique #screenprinting #sneekpeek #seriagraph #sneakpeak
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someancientcall · 2 years
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My new plants 🌱 🪴
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someancientcall · 2 years
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