sonata-stigmata 11 minutes
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they won't return my calls but i think i'm onto something
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sonata-stigmata 11 minutes
I really love Maximus so much. I love how he isn't a clear cut hero like Lucy or a jaded asshole like the Ghoul. He's someone who WANTS to do the right thing, but he constantly struggles with actually doing the right thing because of the choices that he's given in the Wasteland. Unlike Lucy, he is quite a bit jaded and very untrusting. He will kill someone if they threaten him and he won't hesitate to do it. If there's something he wants or needs, he's willing to take drastic actions to do it, but despite his occasional "selfishness" or even vindictiveness ... he is still ultimately someone who wants to do the right thing. He is willing to sacrifice himself to protect others.
I guess if I'd have to describe the main trio in simple terms ... Lucy is someone who values goodness above all else, whereas the Ghoul values strength and the ability to survive. And Maximus sits in the middle in that he believes that the only way to be and act good is to become strong and that in order to be strong, you need to do things that aren't necessarily "good."
But when push comes to shove ... at his core, Maximus is a good person, I think. I feel like after traveling with Lucy, he's been exposed to someone who was truly good鈥攕omeone who encouraged him to be good more than being strong and who showed him that goodness is a form of strength. Such as when she encouraged him to return the fusion core.
And it'll be interesting to see how his character develops in season two. I imagine him and Lucy will be entirely separate for most of the series as Lucy will go on her character journey with the Ghoul whereas Maximus will be with Dane.
We know that the Brotherhood of Steel is a "complicated organization," but we don't know that much about Dane and their personality... but I definitely think that Maximus now feels out of place with the Brotherhood after expierencing the kindness of both Lucy and Vault 4. Not only does he desire the comfort and safety both provide, but he seems to be more morally challenged and less assured of the Brotherhood.
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sonata-stigmata 27 minutes
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sonata-stigmata 29 minutes
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sonata-stigmata 38 minutes
As a member of the school shooting generation, there is something horrifying to me about the AMOUNT of police officers that are totally willing to rush into a building to attack, arrest, and drag out students from their school buildings for protesting a genocide, but shockingly few who are willing to do anything at all to protect them from getting shot in those same school buildings.
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sonata-stigmata 39 minutes
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sonata-stigmata 39 minutes
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"Stop the War
Stop the Starvation
Stop the Oppression
Stop the Occupation"
Seen in a bathroom in the university of Haifa
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sonata-stigmata 2 hours
movies and games with big bugs need to understand. the big fly is not scary. the implication that somewhere there are lots of big maggots is what's scary
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sonata-stigmata 4 hours
that photo of springsteen on the merry go round is bringing me so much joy it evokes the sort of feeling i've only ever experienced while looking at the photo of leonard cohen buying cheetos
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sonata-stigmata 4 hours
Even if I didn鈥檛 have a solid plan, in the back of my head, I always assumed I鈥檇 kill myself.
Now I鈥檓 an adult and people my age have their lives in order and I鈥檓 stuck here, confused, because I never planned to be alive and I鈥檓 so far behind.
I feel like I鈥檒l never catch up.
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sonata-stigmata 4 hours
Columbia is a fucking joke
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sonata-stigmata 5 hours
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sonata-stigmata 5 hours
purpose of this poll: basically im wondering if my gran having a pistol was a typical american experience
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sonata-stigmata 5 hours
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sonata-stigmata 5 hours
I love the old timey phrase "you forget yourself". bro that was so impolite like do you even know who you are rn
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sonata-stigmata 7 hours
do you think pushing someone down the stairs is erotic?
god. this is such a difficult question am i under oath
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sonata-stigmata 7 hours
"arent you hungry" in reaction to unthinking self-deprevation response to trauma is going to haunt me forever actually.
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something about suppressing your needs to feel safe and in control. something about someone not admiring the endurance or self-control but instead asking "aren't you hungry," a question which you are entirely unequipped to answer. "Aren't you hungry?" Aren't you impressed I can tune it out? I worked hard for that, for everyone else's sake, don't you get it? "Aren't you hungry?" I don't know, stop asking me questions I can't answer, why is answering so easy for you? "Aren't you hungry?" All I'm any good at figuring out is how much longer I can go without eating, and I thought that was the same, but it's not, is it?
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