soupchris · 4 years
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Awalnya sa tratau IRFEST itu apa, pas liat-liat di ig ternyata baru tau serangkaian kegiatan ospek prodi ni. Tapi macam sa liat ini beda begitu kah, tratau karena memang belum pernah ikut🤣..
Pas pertama kenal deng kaka-kaka trus teman-teman dong, masih rasa gugup saja sa takut bikin traenak hati di lingkungan baru. Ternyata ya bersyukur semua panitia, kaka-kaka, dan partisipan itu sangat suportif dan mau bekerja sama.
Kegiatannya tra bikin bosan, banyak manfaat yang sa ambil darisini. Macam bagaimana mo bicara depan umum, bikin mind-map, dan sharing juga, sampai ke acara clospar.
Cuma mo bilang terima kasih saja, ya sa rasa walau pandemi begini tong masih ada sukacita dalam kebersamaan itu. Semoga corona de pergi cepat baru tong ketemu offline hahaha amin
Gbu all
Christin Chatrin Nebore_107_Vanuatu
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soupchris · 4 years
UN 101: Brief Summary
Christin Chatrin Nebore_Vanuatu_SummaryUN101
The United Nations: A Way to Reunite the World
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently up to 193 states member. The name United Nations was made by President of United States Franklin D. Roosevelt in the declaration by United Nations January 1st 1942 during the Second World War, with the representatives of 26 nations pledge their governments to fight together against the Axis Powers. The history of the United Nations charter itself started with the declaration of Saint James palace in June 12, 1941, the Atlantic charter in August 14, 1941, the declaration of the United Nations mentioned earlier, Moscow and Teheran conference in 1943, Dumbarton Oaks and Yalta between 1944 until 1945, and ends up with San Francisco conference June 26th 1945 this is when the united nations charter was signed. The representative of 50 countries with their delegates deliberate on the base of proposals worked out by the representative of China, Soviet union, The United Kingdom, and the United States. Interesting fact in that time Poland was not represented at the conference signed the title later and become one of the original 51 member states. Hence do United Nations officially came into existence on October 24, 1945 with the ratification. The United Nations came with one central mission at first Is to maintain international peace and security, such as to help prevent conflict, helping political parties in conflict to make peace. Moreover to protect Human rights within the realm of international law. With the justification when in 1948 do Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born. Also to deliver a humanitarian aid, promote sustainable development, uphold international law and many more.
The United Nations main organs were established in 1945 along with the organization itself. Including General Assembly as the main deliberative, policymaking, and the representative of the UN. Each year in September the UN memberships meet in GA Hall in New York for the annual General Assembly session and the general debate. Security council which has primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security. There are five permanent and 10 non permanent members which each members has one vote. And under the charter oh member states are obligated to fulfill the council’s decisions. The Economic and Social Council do the coordination, policy review, dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, but also the implementation of international development goals. Trusteeship council established in 1945 to provide international supervision for the 11 trust territories That have been placed under the administration of seven member states. Although this council was suspended from operating on November 1st 1994, the resolution adopted on May 25th 1994 the council correct its rules of procedure to drop the obligation to meet annually and agreed to meet as occasional requirements. International court of justice is the judicial organ of the UN. Yet this is the only one of the six main organs of the UN not located in New York hence located in Hague (Netherlands). This court’s role is settle in accordance to international law. And the last one is Secretariat which comprises the Secretary General and has a role as chief administrative officer of the organization and appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for five year renewable term.
Memberships in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states that except the obligations contained in the UN Charter, able to carry out this obligations in the judgment of the organization. There are several procedure if a state nor a government wants to join the United Nations. The first of all the states must’ve made an application to the Secretary General and create formal letter stating that it accept the obligations on the Charter. Second the Security Council considers the application any recommendation must receive votes at least 9 of the 15 members of the Council. Five permanent members are China, France, the Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland, and the United States of America. After the council recommends the admissions then direct them and they should’ve presented in the General assembly for consideration. Hence memberships become effective the date the resolution for admission is adopted.
Reference :
United Nations. About The UN. https://www.un.org/en/about-un/
United Nations. History of The UN. https://www.un.org/un70/en/content/history/index.html
United Nations. Main Organs. https://www.un.org/en/sections/about-un/main-organs/
United Nations. About The UN Memberships. https://www.un.org/en/sections/member-states/about-un-membership/index.html
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soupchris · 4 years
General Short Biodata
Vanuatu 🇻🇺
Caliel Vanuatu
1. Andi Dwi Prasetyo. Panggilan Andi. Asal Kediri. TTL Kediri 05-12-1999. Pesan: Terus semangat dan bekerja keras apapun hasil yang kamu dapat. Jangan mudah menyerah dan putus asa. 🔥🔥🔥
2. Diba Eriestantia. Panggilan Diba. Asal Pekanbaru. TTL Dumai, 15 Mei 2001 . pesannya selamat berproses di HI, semoga bisa mengembangkan bakat and skill selama kuliah dan dilancarkan semua kegiatan yang kamu ikuti <3
Teman-Teman Negara Vanuatu
1. Halo christin, nama lengkapku Sindhie Ananda Dwianti. Kamu boleh panggil aku Sindhie. Ttl : 29 April 2002. Aku dari Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Pesanku semogaa kita bisa jadi temen baik yaa, bantu aku supaya bisa survive di HI ini yaa!
2. Nama : Fayza Miryam Mahatma ( Aysaa ) Ttl : Banjarmasin, 29 Desember 2002 Asal Daerah : Surabaya, Jawa Timur Pesan : Jangan lupa kenalan lagi kalo udah kuliah offline ! Jangan sungkan, aku nggak ngigit 🤩👌
3. Nama : Atilla Dani Putra. Panggilan : Atilla. Ttl : Surabaya, 30 Mei 2002. Tinggal : Surabaya Pesan : Semangat terus buat kedepannya, pantang mundur
4. Nama : Putri Audy Fahira. Panggilan : Audy. TTL : Sidoarjo, 30 Mei 2002. Asal daerah : Sidoarjo. Pesan : gatau apaan, ganbatte aja yall🦄🦋🦋
5. Nama lengkap: Rayhan Amadheya Totokusumo Nama panggilan: Rayhan Ttl: Kota Semarang, 11 April 2002 Asal daerah: Kota Semarang Pesan: Semangat terus di HI yaaaaa!!!! GAS POL TERUSSS [Welkam Blong Vanuatu 🇻🇺🇻🇺]
6. Dihersy Puji Rahayu. Panggil diher biar gampang wkw. Tarakan, 1 November 2001. Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. “Semangat kuliah onlennya christinn!!✨"
7. Kenalin lagi yaa aku Gita Adjipersadani biasa dipanggil Gita (moon). Tempat, Tanggal lahir: Surabaya, 10 September 2002. Asal daerah: Sidoarjo. Pesan: semoga bisa cepet ketemu offline yaa! Semangat kuliahnya✨✨
8. Nama : Ash Syifa Triananda Putri. Nickname : Syifa. Tempat, tanggal lahir : Bekasi, 31 Mei 2002. Asal kota : Bekasi. Pesan : semoga akrab ya kedepannya!
9. Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Sholeh. Nama Panggilan : Alee. Ttl : Sidoarjo, 8 Juli 2002. Asal daerah : Sidoarjo. Pesan : "Semangat untuk mengejar mimpi dan selalu percaya akan masa depan"
10. Nama lengkap: Rizky Adriansyah Kusuma Putra. Nama panggilan: rizky. Ttl: Surabaya, 07 Agustus 2002. Asal daerah: Surabaya. Pesan: kalau mau kuliner jangan lupa ajakin ya ahaha
11. Nama Lengkap: Rafi Karismawan. Nama Panggilan: Rafi. TTL: Sidoarjo, 6 Desember 2002. Asal Daerah: Surabaya. Pesan: Jangan lupa pakai masker
12. Nama: Kurnia larasati harianto (niaa). Ttl: surabaya, 6 november 2001. Asal daerah: surabaya Pesan: semoga bisa cepet ketemu offline biar makin akrab. Semangat kuliahh online+ UAS christinn!✨
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soupchris · 4 years
Penugasan General : Filos
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Nama lengkap : Diba Eriestantia
Panggilan Filos : Kaka Diba/Dibae
Asal daerah Pekanbaru
Fun Fact Filos
1. Nama depannya gaada yang nyamain satu indonesia, nama belakangnya susah.
2. Suka nongkrong bareng di coftof Unair seharian sampai tutup+kehujanan.
3. Pecinta baskara hindia.
4. Punya olshop barang-barang thrift
5. Pakai heels ke kampus karena sepatu basah kehujanan.
Waktu pertama dapat clue filos aku sudah feeling itu Kaka Dibae, cuman belum yakin jadi mencari terus :v. Kebetulan Kaka ini caliel negaraku jadi semakin firasat nih kalau beliau filosku. Setelah ketemu dan ngobrol secara virtual, Kaka Dibae ini easygoing dan ramah sekali. Terus tidak galak hihi, pokoknya ter-andalan. Selain itu Kaka Dibae juga sharing mengenai dailylife per-coolyah-an sebagai HI Unair dan membagikan wejangan yang bermanfaat juga. Sampai jumpa di offline nanti ya Kaka, thank you for everything❤️
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soupchris · 4 years
Mind Map International Day Project
Christin Chatrin Nebore - 072011233107 - Vanuatu
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This mind map was made based on the condition and situation in Sorong City, West Papua. In our daily life we often disobeyed the nature, More likely the environment. Our society Didn’t have the knowledge of climate change completely and that’s why the problems In terms of GHG emissions, didn’t solved properly. In this mind the map I summarized several crucial problem such as transportation fuel, plastic bags, deforestation, Electricity, population, food, and education.
The several solutions I gave based on my research and in daily life are 1. Using Pertalite, Pertamax, or Bio-Solar instead of Premium for transportation fuel. 2. Use Noken (traditional Papuan bag made from nature) or cloth bag, totebag instead of plastic bag. 3. Plant more trees and mangrove to save our land. 4. Walk in short distance example 500 m . 5. Use electricity wisely example turn off the AC, lamp, fan, when it’s not being used. 6. Recycle our papers and plastics then reuse it. 7. Use the sunlight to is drying our laundry. 8. Eat more Papeda (traditional Papuan main course made from Sagoo) reduce junk food. 9. Don’t have children if you won’t be responsible. 10. Educate ourselves, our mind, our lifestyle, to determinate our choices.
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soupchris · 4 years
Summary International Day Project 2020
Christin Chatrin Nebore_107_Vanuatu
Rethinking International Community’s Role and Contribution in Climate Issue
Perubahan iklim adalah perubahan pola iklim global atau regional dalam jangka Panjang akibat aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Dampak dari climate change ini misalnya banjir, akibat deforestasi, kekeringan, siklon tropis, kebakaran hutan dan lahan, gagal panen karena kekeringan atau banjir. Para ilmuwan memperkirakan bahwa 2000 pulau di indonesia dapat lenyap di tahun 2030, sementara populasi manusia sebanyak 16 juta terancam oleh rising rise level dan 50% dari semua spesises menderita terancam punah. Hal ini disebabkan juga oleh The Greenhouse Effect dimana radiasi matahari (solar) terpantul ke bumi dan atmosfer, yang mana beberapa sumber aktivitas seperti industri, tambang minyak dan batu bara, pembakaran hasil panen, landfills, pertanian, peternakan, transportasi, bahkan energi. Kemudian 93% panas ini diserap oleh laut, yang menderita karena menyerap panas itu. Sehingga menimbulkan dampak serius dan mempengaruhi sistem global seperti pengurangan food supply, adanya water crisis, global health, dan infrastructure.
Dampak-dampak ini menandakan adanya climate action failure. Para peneliti bahkan telah menelusuri lebih lanjut sejak 1988 dan memperingatkan secara global. Kita tentu saja terlibat dalam upaya mengatasinya. Melihat dari skala global, setiap tahun negara-negara bernegosiasi tentang climate change yang mana banyak negara melakukan kesepakatan contohnya UNEP dan WMO membentuk IPCC dan UNFCCC dengan tiap blok negosiasinya. Meliputi Umbrella Group (Australia, Canada, Amerika Serikat), AOSIS (Association of Small Islands States), BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India, China), Arab States, Africa Group, dan Cartanega Group. Karena adanya pertemuan-pertemuan ini hingga berlanjut sampai pada Persetujuan Paris tahun 2015 dimana hasil kesepakatan tersebut mendapati negara maju lebih banyak mengemisikan gas rumah kaca sehingga harus direduksi. Sementara negara berkembang masih diperbolehkan mengemisikan gas rumah kaca karena melihat dari sektor ekonomi yang secara keseluruhan belum mampu. Akan tetapi tentu saja setiap blok punya kepentingan politik berbeda. Indonesia juga memiliki target yang dituangkan dalam kebijakan RAN GRK (Rancangan Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca) dan Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) dimana penurunan emisi mencapai 29% mandiri dan 41% dari proyeksi Business as Usual (Zakiyyah 2020).
Disampaikan oleh narasumber berikutnya mengenai pengertian krisis iklim. Krisis iklim merupakan perubahan jangka Panjang dalam distribusi pola coaca secara statistik. Bumi memanas karena didalam selimut bumi gas polutan terperangkap didalamnya. Menurut IPEC 89% emisi karbon tersebut bersumber dari aktivitas industri dan memicu bencana alam. Seperti banjir, kebakaran hutan, gagal panen, kualitas panen kopi, ini merupakan kejadian bencana hidrometerologi yang berdampak bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Berdasarkan survei dari YouGov- Cambridge Globalism Project 2019, ternyata dari 23 negara yang melakukan survei responden asal Indonesia yang paling tinggi jumlah deniers-nya (Isfandiari 2020)
Tahun 2030 Indonesia telah memiliki agenda terutama berkaitan dengan NDC dan SDGs. Yang diperlukan agar mencapai agenda tersebut dengan realisasi pembangunan ekonomi hijau ramah iklim. Saat ini sudah ada sekitar 17 target SDGs yang dimuat dan menjadi urgensi RAN. Khususnya mengenai upaya mengatasi climate change (Syaifudin 2020)
Sumber referensi :
Zakiyyah, Lia. 2020. Dalam Webinar Climate Change Issue. Dipresentasikan di International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020. Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Isfandiari, Adila. 2020. Dalam Webinar Krisis Iklim. Dipresentasikan di International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020. Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Syaifudin, Noor. 2020. Dalam Webinar Dana APBN. Dipresentasikan di Internasional Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020. Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
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soupchris · 4 years
Intro to IR : Questions & Answers
Christin Chatrin Nebore_072011233107_Vanuatu
What is nationalism?
We often heard about “spirit of nationalism” on the media, lectures, studies, and many more. Spirit of nationalism defined as a sense of belonging within one nationstate itself to maintain and uphold their sovereignty in unity, integrity, and national identity. Before we dive in further understanding of nationalism and national identity, let’s have a glimpse about the definition of nationalism according to experts. Kohn (2007) defined nationalism as a form and rationalization of nation-state awareness. While in Indonesia, the sense of belonging existed many years ago. Throwback when The Youth Pledge in 1928 was made, the main reason is because society’s awareness represented within the intellectuals having thoughts that unity was the only way to earn freedom, yet a sovereignty. To fight the colonizers, and made it a national interest since then until Indonesia earn its independency in August 17th 1945 as a sign of self-determination. The nationalism that our founding fathers created was based on the principle of Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. Therefore, it’s not considered as chauvinism. In the concept of nationstate, nationalism is essential and become 1 of the main factors in national identity.
Why national identity plays significant role in building relation among nationstates?
Just as nations own their national identity within ideology, cultrures, konstitutions, history, political integrity etc. and every nationstates has different national identity as a sign to be recognized and survived in international system. Although identity was mentioned in theories of IR and its existence based on social or political constructive way, it has the closest connection in the concept of nationstate, i draw a line between national identity and interactions in international relations. Imagine a bridge, you walk across the bridge towards your desired destination. And when you arrived, you’re glad and feel an accomplishment within yourself because you just traveled from a place to place. It’s not a proper example but bear with me. In the most simple way of my understanding, identity is needed from the actor in international relations. Without the identity, actors can’t interact with one another to achieve common interest. Another example, nationstate actors represent their national identity on purpose to interact with another nationstate or non-state actors in international relations depends on their interest. At the end, national identity is a bridge for actors to be connected and interacted in a relation. While the destination is to achieve common interest.
Illustrate power in IR and give example for each sub category of power in IR!
Rainbow is known for its color diversity as a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. The concept in our state of mind when we see rainbow, the identity is multicolored and those colors can’t be separated. International Relations as an academic discipline also have an identity and that is actors, interest, power. And the same concept, it’s not separated. Power in IR remains to be one of the critical subjects yet comes in many shape. There’s hardpowers, softpowers, and even smartpowers. Power is defined as an ability or potential to influence other’s behavior, as measured by the possession of certain tangible and intangible characteristics (Goldstein and Pavelhouse 2017). The elements of power is diverse, we’ll discuss about it right after this. There’s two types of power, hard power and soft power. Hard power is defined as an ability to achieve an interests through coercive actions or threats. The elements in this type of power is military force, economy strength, population size, territory, even natural resources. Example Israel’s attacks towards Palestine to ruled Palestine’s territory. While on the opposite, soft power didn’t use force, violations, coercion. But through the elements of culture, political values, institutions, diplomacy, legitimate policies, that are seen as an attractive personality. Example Indonesia’s relation with Columbia which this year marks their 40th year of diplomatic relation. In addition there’s also smartpowers, as a combination of soft and hard power. Example the recent initiative to build the China-ASEAN Law Enforcement Academy that will serve as a strategic platform for cooperation on law enforcement training and education, as well as policy research on peace and order in Asia. Pacticipating countries will carry out short term training courses, and graduate and post-graduate degree programs for their law enforcers and public safety leaders. Another example taken from Indonesia where The Ministry of Defense with National Service program for academia, as part to embrace nationalism within character of each and every young generation or in this case college students.
References :
Kohn, Hans, 1955. Nationalism : Its Meaning and History. Princeton, N.J : Van Nostrand.
Goldstein, Joshua S. and Pavelhouse, Jon C. 2017 “International Relations”, 11th edition, Pearson/Longman.
Subianto, Prabowo (2020) in “Tak Ada Wajib Militer, Tapi Sistem Komponen Cadangan” cnnindonesia.com
*content for academic purposes
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