stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #6: Parenting Reflection
During the one week of raising a flour baby was really fun but also tough. Although I knew that being a parents is not easy and very chaotic, it was even worse when I actually experienced it with the flour baby. It made me realize that if it were a real baby, it would be even harder than it was this week, because then your baby would actually be crying and you need to take care of it really well. Taking care of the baby was really hard, because there was so much to do for it and it made my day super tiring. I realized that you really need to take your baby everywhere, like actually everywhere when it's young, which was really tough for me. Also there are just so many things to take care of on a daily basis, feed it, change diapers, make sure they don't injure themselves or start crying. It really helped me realize how hard being a parent is and that my own parents probably went through alot or even worse when they were taking care of me as well as my younger brother. Some valuable information I learned about infant and child development was that babies all have their own thoughts and understanding of the world. They know a lot, and it amazes me that as a baby, you can develop in so many different ways. It was really cool, when we learned that your child does certain things to try to make you happy. They recognize your facial features and your voice tone to figure out if their actions are bothering you or making you happy. I also learned so much about what parents should do when your baby is acting a certain way which I feel like all this information will become helpful when I actually become a parent. During the week, I noticed myself really being careful and kind of tensed up to make sure I don't injure the flour baby. I was talking to and holding her as if she were an actual baby. I was really cautious when other people wanted to hold her and touch her. In real life, obviously it'll be different because it's living and you hold even more responsibility and need to become even more careful about everything. As a teenage parent, I feel the most difficult would be balancing out with schooling. With school, it's so much more chaotic and extremely hard to maintain my schedule and time. Another challenge would be receiving all the comments and judgments from other people. When I held my baby out in public, people were surprised and staring a lot because I was a student holding a baby. Overall being a parent of a flour baby was very hard, but I feel like if I were a real parent, everything would be worth it even if it is extremely challenging.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
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Lila is finally 4 years old😁 Today we we went out for boba with her Godmother! She loves hanging out with her godmother!
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
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Lila has turned 3 years old! Lila and I are watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse after she finished eating her lunch.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #5: My Preschooler (ages 3-4)
Lila is growing quickly. She is already at age 4. We visited the doctor once again, for another yearly checkup. I asked the doctor to tell me what are the norms for a three and four year old. He told me that Lila’s earliest memories began around 3 ½ . He notified me that they begin judging actions as right or wrong based on whether or not thy will be punished or receive an award. The begin wanting to please the parents and do things “right”. Lila’s language and speaking has drastically improved. She began speaking a few korean words that I would repeatedly say when I talk to her and form them into a sentence. Because Lila became so much more active and energetic, I let her play with her friends outdoors and took her out to the park and to other public areas. I tried to get her to read more books rather than exposing her to too much tv because the doctor told me to restrain her from watching too much. Lila has also been getting alot more nightmares and funky dreams. She tells me that sometimes scary monsters come up in her dreams and other times she sees unicorns and rainbows everywhere. As a parent child relationship, I think we have a pretty good relationship. We Fool around with each other and make sure to listen to each other. She’s been listening well so far, and hasn’t had too many tantrums. Lila does sometimes cause a few troubles here and there, but I make sure to let her know that her actions are wrong and that she needs to learn to not repeat it. Although I make sure I am not too strict, I still make sure to get the point across. Depending on how bad her misbehavior is, I either ask her to help me, quietly sit and read books, or no tv for the day. A recent example, was when she was throwing a tantrum for not being able to continue watching tv, I told her what she did wrong ad that she shouldn’t behave like that. I told her no tv the next day to make sure she does not repeat herself in throwing tantrums. Even though she misbehaved a lot, she’s been getting better in expressing her feelings without tantrums listening to me more.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
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Lila has turned two years old! She is playing with korean block letters. These korean letters will help her naturally learn and develop in speaking and recognizing korean.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
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Lila has finally turned one!! Before her nap, she is cuddling in bed with her stuffed animal.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #4: My Toddler (ages 1-2)
Lila has finally turned 2 years old! She has grown and developed a lot. She started eating table food and baby food, and she absolutely loves it. We went in for a yearly check up for Lila, and the doctor told us that by 1 years old, babies triple their weight. He said that it should be normal for Lila to sleep 10-12 hours a night along with 1-2 naps a day. Lila started walking when she was 15 months. Lila is very friendly and lovable to others. She loves to carry around her teddy bear and cuddle with it. So far, Lila has not had any severe tantrums and understands a lot of the things I say to her. The doctor told me that since Lila is 2 years old, she has entered the two- word stage where she speaks in 2 word statements. I speak to her in both korean and english so that she can learn to understand our family’s native language. When I bring her out, she has started to get along with other kids. I always see her play side by side with other kids. At home, Lila likes to draw and color , but moves quickly from one activity to another. The doctor told me it was normal because kids have short attention spans. So far as a parent of a 2 year old, it's been pretty tough because I had to childproof the house so that Lila doesn't injure herself as she walks all over the house. I had to make sure all the sharp corners are all covered with sponges. I try not to expose Lila to too much tv or technology but instead have her color, play outside, or read books. Because Lila can walk around now, there is definitely a lot more cleaning to do because she creates a mess around the house. Despite all of these struggles, it still makes me happy seeing Lila grow up.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #3: My Infant (age 0-1)
The first year of Lila’s life has been very quick. Lila slept around 16 ½ hours/day in the first weeks after she was born. Then, she started to sleep around 10-12 hours per night and took 1-2 naps per day. Lila is a very heavy sleeper ad loves to take naps. The last time I went to the doctors for a checkup, he highly recommended that when Lila sleeps, I should lay her on her back to prevent SID (Sudden Infant Death). Lila is healthy and eats every 2-3 hours in a day. During her first few weeks, I fed her milk. Then gradually introduced rice cereal, and then baby food during her 4-6 months. It was easy getting her to eat because she absolutely loved eating.
The doctor told me that is it normal for a newborn  to wet his/her diaper 6-10 times per day and that their bowel movements vary (often 2-3 times per day). Lila went through boxes and boxes of diapers during the year.
Around Lila’s fourth month, she started to roll around. It was the cutest thing she has done for the first time. Then she sat up unsupported at around 6 months. The biggest moment that I have been waiting for was when she started crawling on all fours at around 6-9 months! I made sure to get it on camera. The doctor taught me some social developments that Lila will develop during her first year. He told me that she will begin to recognize my smell and voice, and that we have begun to form an attachment between us. He also warned me that I have to be careful not to overwhelm Lila by bringing her to unfamiliar areas because she will begin to develop stranger anxiety around 8 months.
As a parent for Lila’s first year, I had to be very careful and always stay alert to make sure Lila doesn't get hurt or start crying. I had to make sure I’m feeding her on time and keeping her away from strangers to avoid stress. Safety and Health was the most important factor that I had to remind myself when taking care of Lila. Due to staying alert and cautious all the time, I have not been getting enough sleep and rest.
Parenting Scenario:
On a day back from work, I was considering to hire a spanish speaking nanny to watch my 9 month baby. I was curious about the pros and cons to raising my children bilingual. From research I found out that, Children are incredibly sensitive to the different ways people speak, therefore hearing two languages spoken around them is a matter of them learning the difference of how people speak. Bilingual development sometimes results in slightly slower language development than for some monolingual children. Like adult bilinguals, bilingual children often use words from one language when speaking the other. (This is called code-switching.) But this doesn’t mean they are confused about which language they are speaking. Children being exposed to two languages is not a stress to them because they can adapt and learn quickly, however we need to be careful and make sure there is a balance, because Children need to hear both languages often and in a variety of circumstances, or else they may not get enough exposure for the “less important”  language to develop naturally.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
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Moments of Lila's first year: Lila is visiting G-doctor during lunch for her daily checkup and to hang out with him.
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #2: Pregnancy and Prenatal Development
I am currently in my third trimester of my pregnancy. I have an appointment at the Doctors every 2 weeks. At my most recent appointment, the doctor told me that Lila weighs 2 ¼ pounds and 14.8 inches long. The Doctor provided me with more details of Lila’s condition. He said that Lila’s lungs are mature enough so that she can survive if born now. Lila has started dreaming and billions of neurons are starting to develop in her brain. The Doctor announced that Lila is healthy and recommended that I continue to eat healthy and maintain my health as well. The greatest challenge I am experiencing is the amount of pain that comes with being pregnant. I constantly have abdominal achiness and severe backaches that keeps me awake throughout the night, as well as unbearable morning sickness. My doctor insured me that these are all normal symptoms and that I don't need to worry about anything. As I am experiencing all of these throughout my pregnancy, it really helped me realize and look back on how hard it must have been for my parents during their pregnancy with me. Although I had a hard time throughout the pregnancy, it was a memorable experience, and I am super nervous and excited as the due date is getting near
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
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stang18ahs-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #1: Our Family
Hi! My name is Sally. I am currently expecting a baby girl. She is my biological daughter and her ethnicity is Korean-Chinese American. I have decided to name her, Lila. I chose the name Lila because the name not only has a beautiful sound, but also a beautiful meaning. “Lila” is used to describe purple and the flower lilac. The name also means ‘night’ also known as ‘Dark Beauty’ or ‘Dark-haired Beauty’. I find the name very meaningful because its named after a beautiful flower and also the color purple represents meanings of creativity, wisdom, dignity, devotion, peace, pride, and independence. I hope that my child will be able to have these great characteristics and grow up to be a beautiful child.
I am going to be raising my child alone. Through research, I have learned that understanding the range of family structures is important and crucial to the mental health of the child and how they grow up. In a research by the Meredith Women’s Network, it states that children of single mothers are at risk of experiencing negative outcomes and are among those most likely to live in poverty. They may face more psychological and behavioral problems, as well as experience more stress. A negative aspect of a single mother are that they are significantly younger, have lower incomes, have fewer years of education, and are twice as likely to be unemployed as divorced mothers. Regardless of the mother’s age at birth, a child born to a single mother is less likely to complete high school than a child whose mother is married. Now that I know about all the effects of a child growing under a single mother, I will make sure I give my child more care and love so that they may not go under any psychological stress.
As my child is slowly reaching the due date, I am both excited and worried because I realized that with my child, I hold a huge responsibility. I not only am taking care of myself but now my own child and her safety. I believe the biggest challenges I will have is being careful with my baby around public and others while taking good care of her despite my busy schedule of school. I hope that, although growing under a single mother can be mentally stressful, she will be able to grow as a confident and beautiful girl.
Meredith Womens Network https://www.clasp.org/sites/default/files/public/resources-and-publications/states/0086.pdf
The Washington Post
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