stinkyshitbird ยท 1 year
If you advocate in any of the above, and you try to justify it, by calling it "spanking", and teaching your children that there are consequences for their actions, or teaching them how to respect adults, and not letting them get away with acting like a "disrespectful little bitch", your not a good person, nor are your parents, or your parents parents, or your entire generation of pussy's that called themselves adults, and may you burn in hell with them, you self righteous evil child abusing/child abuse advocating fuck. If you advocate in whipping children with belts, or slapping them in the face, or the head, you did not turn out just fine, and you are a son of two bitches. Oh, you think I'm just an angry snowflake? So I'm a snowflake for wanting kids to be treated like you want to be treated? Kids can test their limits. They misbehave to explore their environments, and if you can't take the effort to really be a parent, sit down with them, and take time to have a conversation with them about their behavior, so they can understand that their actions aren't okay, like another human being with rights, because you think that it's necessary to practice hitting your own baby to teach them respect, and how to behave, then your a lazy parent that takes shortcuts, and your a pussy! I'm especially talking to you, blacks, whites that are from the south, or Alabama, Kentucky, Texas, all the other us states where its common for middle class white parents to beat their children, and ESPECIALLY you, asians. You all think that when your hitting, and beating your children, you know what your doing, when you really DON'T! Not everybody's experiences are the same as yours, and I once argued with one of you, and when it came to hitting children, one of you said "It's a harsh world we live in. We need this.". Why don't you take time to raise your children to set an example on treating other people how they want to be treated, by you treating them how you want to be treated, then? And you think that hitting children is necessary, my ass. You people just ignorantly feed non-asians offensive beliefs on you, and you don't give a fuck, because you argue "our parents slapped, and beat us, and we turned out just fine", while a lot of your kids that you hit, and beat are still bad, and either take their anger, and aggression out on innocent animals behind your backs, because they can't take it out on you, growing up to turn to a life of crime, because while committing crimes, they feel free, and uncontrolled, or far more worse, becoming a serial killer, or killing you. Their own parents, same potential goes for all kids with parents that hit them. And that's why to all people that advocate in hurting children, just because you think its fine, if it doesn't cause bruises, and in your experience, you think you turned out just fine, no! Your disgusting. And if that doesn't change, you WILL pay for your inner filthiness' in death, whether you believe in purgatory, or not. God is not on your side, and especially if your one of those parents that beat their children, you will regret it one day, one way, or another. Or worse, both ways. Your children growing up to hate you, and cutting all connections with you, and going to hell when you die, because you insisted that you did nothing wrong raising your children, and when it came to an apology, you felt like you didn't owe them shit, for as long as you lived, and now the devils demons are torturing you in eternal death, until oblivion. Think about that, all you ugly child beating pieces of shit. Really try acting like real adults, by learning to have better tolerance towards your kids saying something to you that you don't like, screaming, or blowing up on you, and handle it better, because handling it with violence is not acting like an adult, and it will teach your children to do the same thing, and get themselves in trouble in school, or legal trouble out there in the world. I've said my peace.
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