Are There Good Reasons for Your Bad Feelings: Interview with Randolph M. Nesse
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Are There Good Reasons for Your Bad Feelings: Interview with Randolph M. Nesse
Our relationship with mental health is typically based on challenges we’re currently experiencing — but what if our current issues are rooted in the distant past? Often overlooked is the fact that our predispositions for conditions like depression and anxiety have existed for millenia. From an evolutionary standpoint, why haven’t these detrimental traits and behaviors been filtered out and how might they affect us now?
Randolph M. Nesse, MD, a founder of the field of evolutionary medicine and author of recently-published Good Reasons for Bad Feelings, helped us understand the gap between human physiology and modern environment, and how we can apply this field for better therapy outcomes.
First, tell us a little about yourself and your background?
I was a professor of psychiatry for 40 years at the university of Michigan where I helped to develop one of the first specialized clinics treating patients with anxiety disorders. In the early 1990’s I collaborated with the biologist George Williams to write a series of papers and the book Why We Get Sick, which inspired much new work in what is now the thriving field of evolutionary medicine.
Five years ago I moved to Arizona State University to start a Center for Evolutionary Medicine and the International Society for Evolution Medicine and Public Health. It has been thrilling to see evolutionary principles finally used to better understand and treat disease. There are now more than a dozen books on the topic, and most research universities have courses on evolutionary medicine.
But medical schools still do not recognize that evolution is a crucial basic science just like genetics and physiology, so I have a lot of work yet to do. Applying evolutionary biology will eventually improve human health more than any specific medical discovery.
Can you describe the idea for Good Reasons for Bad Feelings? How did you get interested in the topic and how did the book come about?
I have always been interested in why bodies…and minds…were not better designed.
Most everyone has wondered why there is so much suffering in the world; it is an ancient question. But real answers can come from asking the question in an evolutionary context. Why didn’t natural selection eliminate the genes for depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and autism?
A crucial part of the answer is that bad feelings like anxiety and low mood are symptoms that can be useful, just like pain, fever, and cough. More of an answer comes from recognizing the misfit between our minds and our modern environments. Now that evolutionary medicine is on solid ground, it is ready to be applied to mental disorders, where such insights are so desperately needed.
How has your evolutionary psychiatry research transformed the treatment of specific mental health conditions?
Evolutionary psychiatry is not a method of treatment. Like genetics and neuroscience, evolution provides a crucial foundation but not a quick fixes.
That said, when patients and doctors recognize painful emotions as having utility in some situations, that makes everyone respect the emotions more, look more carefully at the life situation, and it helps patients to not feel that they are defective or weak.
For panic disorder in particular, telling patients it is a false alarm in a normal emergency system is all some of them need to quit worrying about their symptoms, which often makes them go away promptly.
For depression, asking a special question often gets to the root of the matter. “Is there something terribly important you are trying to do that just is not working but you can’t give up?”
For addiction, it is useful for people to understand that drugs found only in modern environments hijack normal learning mechanisms.
So, instead of offering quick fixes, evolutionary psychiatry offers a deeper understanding that transforms our view of what mental disorders are.
What remnant from our evolutionary history has the biggest impact on our mental health?
The ability to learn is marvelous, but it is a chemical system, so drugs can hijack it, turning people into zombies.
Our ability to adapt to famine by gorging is was useful way back when, but in an environment where people try to control their eating, it can lead to eating disorders.
But perhaps the biggest remnant is our evolved intense desire for social power and recognition; it can never be fully satisfied, so we are constantly striving, successful at times, often frustrated, and sometimes depressed.
Or what are some of our most maladaptive behaviors and how can we mitigate them?
Many of our desires for sex, status, and resources benefit our genes at a great cost to us. Jealousy and anger can also be useful, but they are so destructive.
If only knowing this allowed us to set such useless feelings aside! But recognizing that they are for our genes, not us, does help.
What role can psychotherapy play in regulating maladaptive modern emotions?
Three factors contribute to causing mental problems: the situation, the view of the situation, and the brain.
Changing the situation or the view of the situation, via psychodynamic therapy, family therapy, cognitive therapy, or behavior therapy can transform a person’s life. If it was simple, people would do it themselves long ago. But with help, and encouragement to take risks, many people can identify what it is that they are trying to do that is not working, and then find a new path to the goal, or take time off from the goal, or put efforts into more useful actions.
Conducting a Review of Social Systems, as described in the book, provides a foundation that can make any kind of therapy more effective.
Is evolutionary psychiatry useful for research?
Its greatest utility is for research that will find causes and cures.
Recognizing that negative emotions are useful transforms the search for causes from looking for brain abnormalities to looking at how emotions are regulated and the several evolutionary reasons why they are often excessive. It transforms the search for medications from one looking for substances that replace missing chemicals, to one that finds drugs that block the mechanisms, the way drugs block pain.
This also provides a framework for better studies to find brain mechanisms. Even the search for genes that cause diseases is transformed by an evolutionary view.
Randolph M. Nesse, MD, is a founder of the field of evolutionary medicine and co-author with George C. Williams of Why We Get Sick. He served for many years as Professor of Psychiatry, Professor of Psychology and Research Professor at the University of Michigan. He currently is the Founding Director of the Center for Evolution & Medicine at Arizona State University where he is also a Foundation Professor in the School of Life Sciences. He is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, a distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and an elected Fellow of the AAAS.
Source: https://www.talkspace.com/blog/good-reasons-for-bad-feelings-book-randolph-nesse/
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Drug Possession Laws in New Jersey
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Drug Possession Laws in New Jersey
ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Have you been caught in possession of drugs in the state of New Jersey? Here, we review potential penalties and how voluntary participation in a drug court can help.
Types of Drug Possession in NJ
When it comes down to it, New Jersey has some very strict laws against drug possession. The state legislature has divided types of drug possession into four distinct categories. The laws are described in N.J.S.A. 2C: 35-10A, N.J.S.A. 2C: 35-10, and N.J.S.A. 2C: 36-2. [1-4]
The four types of drug possession include:
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TYPE 1: Possession of Less than 50 Grams of Marijuana
Out the drug charges mentioned on this list, marijuana has some of the most relaxed laws due to its decriminalization within the state of New Jersey. Possessing personal amounts of marijuana typically leads to a misdemeanor charge with minor fines and possible jail time. However, if you’re caught with MORE than 50 grams of marijuana, you’re automatically charged with a fourth-degree criminal offense.
TYPE 2: Possession of Narcotics or Controlled Dangerous Substances
Narcotics or controlled dangerous substances include anything from heroin to cocaine to methamphetamine to hallucinogens such as acid and ecstasy. This type of drug possession charge is much more serious. If you’re caught in possession of a controlled substance in NJ, drug rehabilitation and/or education programs will be required.
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TYPE 3: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Being in possession of drug paraphernalia is also against the law in the Garden State. You’ll most likely be charged solely with a misdemeanor and the least amount of fines and jail time. It should be noted, it’s unusual for someone to be caught with drug paraphernalia only. More often than not, drug paraphernalia is attached to other charges, as people are often caught with paraphernalia and drugs at the same time.
TYPE 4: Simple Possession of Unauthorized Prescription Drugs
If you are in possession of Rx drugs without a doctor’s authorized, written prescription in your name, you’ll be charged with a third-degree indictable offense. The severity of this charge is quite serious, as the nation is currently affected by record high reports of overdose and death as the result of Rx painkillers. So, if you’re caught with a prescription drug that is not your own, expect harsh penalties.
The Legal Process in New Jersey
What can you expect to happen when you’re caught with drug possession in the Garden State? According to the New Jersey Courts, the criminal justice process should follow a specific protocol. [5] This protocol includes the following steps:
STEP 1: First Appearance in Court.
Within 48 hours of being arrested, you can expect to have to make your first appearance in court where you’ll be placed before a judge and given your set of conditions or pretrial release, if you are eligible. If you don’ show up to your first appearance, a warrant will be written for your arrest.
Upon your first appearance, you will be advised to your right to counsel. In other words, your right to have an attorney represent you. If you cannot afford an attorney, you will be assigned one.
STEP 2: Setting Bail.
Depending on your case, you may qualify for bail. If bail is made, you’ll be released on the condition that you pay the bail amount until your charges in the complaint are resolved. This doesn’t mean you’ve gotten out of the court system yet. You will still have mandatory dates to appear and requirements to your bail.
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STEP 3: Examining the Evidence to Establish Burden of Proof.
After your first appearance in court, a prosecutor will make the determination of whether or not they want to continue to pursue your case. There are a number of factors that play into this including eyewitnesses, police reports, and your criminal record. Under New Jersey’s law, a prosecutor must have established the following elements in order to properly convict you. Without these elements, the court can dismiss a case; judges must first consider whether there is enough evidence against you to be penalized for drug possession before bringing a case to trial.
a. Legality. The prosecutor must produce evidence that what was in your possession at the time of your arrest was, in fact, illegal and a controlled substance under New Jersey law.
b. Knowledge. The prosecutor must demonstrate that you knew about the illegal nature of the controlled substance and you were aware of its presence.
c. Control. The prosecutor must show that you were in full control over the controlled substance. This includes both its presence and its location.
STEP 4: Substance Abuse Evaluation.
In accordance with the laws set up for a drug possession charge, you will need to go through a substance abuse evaluation. The purpose of this is to define the nature of your involvement with drugs and whether or not you qualify for drug treatment.
STEP 5: Trial and Sentencing.
If your case has not been downgraded, diverted, or dismissed, then you’ll be placed before a grand jury in a trial. The jury will decide your sentence and penalty. This is the court date we discussed earlier. Upon the conclusion of the trial, you will know how your case will resolve.
In New Jersey, you can expect harsh sentencing for drug use. Most sentences are divided into different degrees. For example, a third-degree offense is less penalized than a first-degree offense.
When it comes to drug possession, any drug possession has the potential to result in at least some jail time. However, you have less of a chance at serious jail time if you’re charged with a misdemeanor. Still, even if you are charged with a felony offense, you may receive alternative sentencing. See below for more detail.
Misdemeanor Possession
A misdemeanor charge of drug possession in NJ is less serious than a felony crime and, with that, comes with less strict penalties. In New Jersey, a misdemeanor is considered a fourth-degree crime. You may be charged with a fourth-degree crime for either a personal amount of weed or having solely drug paraphernalia. You will also receive this charge for a DUI, or driving under the influence of a drug.
Typical penalties for misdemeanor drug possession in New Jersey include:
A fine of up to $10,000
License suspension
Potential community service
Up to 18 months time in a local jail or state prison
Felony Possession
Felonies are much more serious offenses than misdemeanors and, therefore, result in much more serious penalties. What these penalties are will depend on the circumstances of your crime. For example, if you’re simply caught with a personal amount of cocaine in your possession, you won’t be charged as seriously as someone caught with enough cocaine to be trafficking.
In New Jersey, a felony is the result of either a third-degree, second-degree, and first-degree crime. The following are the consequences for each degree of drug possession crime.
3rd Degree Drug Possession Crime:
3 to 5 years in state prison.
A fine of up to $15,000.
2nd Degree Drug Possession Crime:
5 to 10 years in prison.
A fine of up to $150,000.
1st Degree Drug Possession Crime::
10 years to life in prison.
A fine of up to $200,000.
Other Penalties
Besides jail or prison time and fines, both misdemeanor and felony convictions can also result in other penalties. These penalties vary from case to case. A judge may order that one person receive more penalties than another if his/her crime is more serious. The duration of these penalties also varies
Other penalties or drug possession in New Jersey include:
Inability to qualify for certain types of college scholarship or financial aid.
Inability to qualify for public housing.
Inability to obtain certain employment.
Inability to obtain certain types of government employment.
Inability to receive a state license or certification.
Suspension of a driving license.
Alternative Sentencing
In New Jersey, courts might make a few legal accommodations…especially for first time offenders. The nature of these accommodations will ultimately depend on your personal needs and the circumstances of your case. Ultimately, alternative sentences can and should serve as a wake up call to you. You will not be subject to high fines or put behind bars. The idea is that you learn from your mistake…and move on.
Still, most of these sentencing alternatives in New Jersey are permitted at the discretion of the presiding judge. This judge who will base her/his decision on the surrounding circumstances. Moreover, many people are allowed one type of alternative sentence before they receive a harsher penalty.
The following are a few alternative sentences for drug possession in the state. You’ll want to talk to your lawyer about these as they will know what’s best for your circumstance. Furthermore, each of these legal actions will occur at different points of the legal process.
OPTION1: Pretrial Diversion.
You may want to request a Pretrial Diversion. This is a program run by the State Attorney’s Office. Only those who are first-time offenders who have committed a non-violent crime will be considered eligible. This program includes probation in the sense that you’ll have to report to a supervising officer on a monthly basis and take random drug tests when asked. Furthermore, you may be asked to complete community service. As long as you refrain from further criminal activity, your drug possession charges will be dropped upon completion.
OPTION 2: Pretrial Intervention.
Another request you can make is for a Pretrial Intervention. Those with less clean of a record will benefit from this. Again, like a Pretrial Diversion, it’s similar to probation in the sense that you’ll need to take random drug tests. However, instead of reporting to a supervising officer on a monthly basis, you’ll have to report to the court. Furthermore, you may be placed into a drug treatment facility, depending on the court’s orders. As long as you refrain from further criminal activity, your drug possession charges will be dropped upon completion.
OPTION 3: Motion to Suppress.
You might also be eligible to request a Motion to Suppress. The purpose of this is to hold back the final resolution of your case if the evidence brought before the court was obtained through illegal manners. In cases of drug possession, this is common, as many police officers go based off their hunches to retrieve the evidence. Talk to your attorney about what happened on the day of your arrest to determine if a Motion to Suppress is the right move to make.
OPTION 4: Submitting a Plea.
Some people may feel it’s necessary to avoid drug treatment. If you’re one of these people, you have the ability to submit a plea. If this goes through, you may be sentenced to minimal probation which won’t require drug testing nor treatment. Again, this option requires legal representation and advice.
OPTION 5: Conditional Discharge.
This is an alternative sentencing option for people charged with simple possession of marijuana in New Jersey. The program allows you to undergo supervisory addiction treatment and stay out of jail. Still, you’ll be placed on probation for a year. If you complete the year without any infractions, your criminal conviction will be expunged from your record. However, you must adhere to all court obligations in order to continue with the program. Otherwise, you risk being re-sentenced for the offense.
Drug Courts in New Jersey
In New Jersey, you might be eligible for trial via a Drug Court. These are specialized courts where traditional punishment is replaced with rehabilitation. Instead of incarceration, for example, you’ll be asked to attend a drug treatment facility and be required to complete a program. The goal is to help you better your own life and, in turn, help the community around you.
Not everyone is eligible to enter the New Jersey’s Drug Court system. The courts are mainly substance abusing adult defendants who have undergone a legal review and clinical assessment by drug court team members. For example, if you have a previous convictions or a pending charges for a violent offense….you might not be able to go through the NJ drug courts. Other eligibility criteria and exclusions apply. For additional information, contact the drug court in your area for details. [5]
If you’re interested in getting immediate help for a drug problem…please reach out to us. Our staff at American Addiction Centers are focused on long term recovery. We use a combination of medications, talk therapy, medical detox, and holistic treatment to address the mind, body, and spirit. And rehab can truly help you turn your life around.
Please give us a call to talk about your treatment options. Or, give us a call if you’re worried about a loved one. Voluntary treatment can be a true, life changing experience.
When to Contact a Lawyer
It’s important to seek out legal advice when you’re caught with drug possession in New Jersey. Due to the strict penalties you could be facing, a lawyer can help you understand your options. You see, most people who face drug possession charges have a case which is unique to them. Most likely, the same can be said for you. And when it comes to the uniqueness of your circumstances, you’ll want to know how to properly defend it in front of a court of law.
What if you can’t afford a lawyer? Then the state of New Jersey will provide you with one as long as you qualify for a public defender. This lawyer will provide you with free legal advice prior to your court date. He/she will give you the tools to best defend yourself.
There are multiple ways to go about trying to find a lawyer. A simple Google search of local lawyers will show you the many options you have. However, it’s in your best interest to look into each of these options and take a closer look at their experiences. The best way to do this is through the lawyer’s State Bar Profile. Every lawyer who is licensed to practice law must be listed on the Bar Associations Director for your state. Here’s a link to the New Jersey Bar.
Your Questions
This article aimed to offer you as much information on drug possession laws in New Jersey as possible. If you still have more questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below. If you have any more information to share about the topic, we’d also love to hear from you. We try to get back to everyone in a prompt and personal manner.
Reference Sources: [1] NCJRS: A Study of State Policies and Penalties: [2] The State of New Jersey: Decriminalization of Marijuana Possession [3] The State of New Jersey: UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE Amendments [4] The State of New Jersey [5] The State of New Jersey: New Jersey Courts and Criminal Process [6] The State of New Jersey: Drug Courts Brochure
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Source: https://addictionblog.org/new-jersey/laws/drug-possession
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CISSP exam topics, CISSP exam dumps, CISSP study guide.
New Post has been published on https://www.substanceabuseprevention.net/cissp-exam-topics-cissp-exam-dumps-cissp-study-guide/
CISSP exam topics, CISSP exam dumps, CISSP study guide.
300-101 answer pdf In Russia 300-101 answer pdf 300-101 answer pdf Turgenev attained CQE preparation materials 400-101 questions almost instant 300-101 answer pdf CQE preparation materials popularity His 300-101 answer pdf Sportsman 300-101 answer pdf s Sketches CISSP exam topics CQE preparation materials CISSP exam topics and 400-101 questions 400-101 questions his Nest 300-101 answer pdf of 400-101 questions Gentlefolk made 400-101 questions 400-101 questions him CQE preparation materials not CQE preparation materials only CQE preparation materials 300-101 answer pdf CQE preparation materials CISSP exam topics CQE preparation materials 400-101 questions famous CISSP exam topics but CISSP exam topics CQE preparation materials universally popular.
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microsoft 70-533 exam question and exam dumps.
New Post has been published on https://www.substanceabuseprevention.net/microsoft-70-533-exam-question-and-exam-dumps/
microsoft 70-533 exam question and exam dumps.
300-101 answer pdf In Russia 300-101 answer pdf 300-101 answer pdf Turgenev attained CQE preparation materials 400-101 questions almost instant 300-101 answer pdf CQE preparation materials popularity His 300-101 answer pdf Sportsman 300-101 answer pdf s Sketches CISSP exam topics CQE preparation materials CISSP exam topics and 400-101 questions 400-101 questions his Nest 300-101 answer pdf of 400-101 questions Gentlefolk made 400-101 questions 400-101 questions him CQE preparation materials not CQE preparation materials only CQE preparation materials 300-101 answer pdf CQE preparation materials CISSP exam topics CQE preparation materials 400-101 questions famous CISSP exam topics but CISSP exam topics CQE preparation materials universally popular.
I 300-101 answer pdf sat down on a CQE preparation materials chair, and 300-101 answer pdf 400-101 questions CISSP exam topics 400-101 questions the CQE preparation materials old woman stood up directly facing CQE preparation materials CISSP exam topics real 400-101 questions exam question Her face was yellow, 400-101 questions CQE preparation materials half transparent CQE preparation materials CISSP exam topics like wax her 400-101 questions lips 400-101 questions were so fallen in CISSP exam topics that they 400-101 questions formed a single straight line in the 400-101 questions midst of a multitude CQE preparation materials of wrinkles CISSP exam topics a tuft of white CISSP exam topics hair stuck 400-101 questions out from below the kerchief on her head, CQE preparation materials but the sunken CISSP exam topics grey eyes peered out alertly and CISSP exam topics cleverly from under the bony overhanging brow 300-101 answer pdf and the CISSP exam topics sharp nose fairly stuck CISSP exam topics out like a 300-101 answer pdf 300-101 answer pdf spindle, fairly CISSP exam topics sniffed the air 300-101 answer pdf as if it would say I m a smart one Well, 300-101 answer pdf you re 300-101 answer pdf no fool was my thought. In order to avoid comment we thought it better that she should come late in the evening. The cave being dark, it was of course immaterial whether day or microsoft 70-533 exam question was appointed for the experiment. Then it was, I could not help it, that I said to her You see now the wisdom of our being married. We can go where we like and if we should be found out no one can say a word She said no300-115 switch practice exam there was no300-115 switch practice exam to question dump We decided that she had better slip out, as she had done before, in the footman s dress. I went off and made preparation for her coming, bringing in food for supper and plenty of candles and matches and lamps and rope for we did not know how 100% free 300-075 exam dumps‎ the exploration might take. A little before nine o ccisco 400-101 real exam questions and answers I met her as before in the wood. She changed her livery coat for the flannel one, and we rode off to 1Z0-808 answer analysis. We got into the house without being noticed. When I took her down to the cellar and turned into the hole the reflector of the strong lamp, she held on to me with a little shiver. The opening did certainly look grim and awesome The black rock was slimy with sea moisture, and the rays of the light were lost far below in the gloom. I told her what she would have to do in lowering me down, and explained the rude mechanism which I had constructed. She was, I could see, a little nervous with the responsibility and was anxious to know any detail so thoroughly that no accident of ignorance could occur. When the rope was round me and I was ready to descend, she kissed me more fondly than she had ever done yet, and held on to me as though loth to part. As I sank into the opening, holding the gasoline bicycle lamp which I had elected to take with me, I saw her pretty forehead wrinkled up in anxiety as she gave all her high pass rate cisco 200-310 to the paying out of the rope. Even then I was delighted with the ease and poise of her beautiful figure, fully shown in the man s dress which she had not changed, as it was so suitable for the work she had to do. When I had been lowered some twenty feet, I turned my lantern down and saw through the sheen of water a bottom of rock with here and there a cluster of loose stones one big slab which stuck up endwise, was evidently that which had fallen from the roof under my hammer. It was manifest that there was, in this part of the cave at any rate, not sufficient water to make it a matter of any concern. I called to Marjory to lower slowly, and a few seconds later I stood in the cave, with the water just above my knees. I moved the new fallen slab to one side lest it might injure any one who was descending. Then I took the strong rope from me, and knotted round my waist the end of the thin rope which I had brought for the purpose. This formed a clue, in case such should be necessary, and established a communication with Marjory which would tend to allay her anxiety. With the cord running through her fingers, she would know I was all right. I went cautiously through the cave, feeling my way carefully with the 100% free 300-075 exam dumps‎ stick which I had brought with question dump When I had got some distance I heard Marjory s voice echoing through the cave Take care there are no octopuses She had been thinking of all sorts of possible dangers.
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Drug Possession Laws in Texas
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Drug Possession Laws in Texas
ARTICLE REVIEW: Have you been caught in possession of a controlled substance or drug in the state of Texas? We review current laws and penalties…plus how drug rehab can help.ESTIMATED READING TIME: 10 minutesTable of Contents:Basic DefinitionsSpecific Law and Intent to SellThe Legal Process in TexasBurden of ProofMisdemeanor PossessionFelony PossessionOther PenaltiesAlternative SentencingDrug CourtsWhen to Contact a LawyerYour QuestionsBasic DefinitionsTexas has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to drugs. Like much of the south, a drug possession charge is considered a very serious offense and comes with high penalties. These rules and regulations can be found under the Texas Controlled Substance Act. [1]When you’re caught in the Lone Star State with any amount of drugs, you can face:Drug addiction treatmentJail timeLarge finesLicense suspensionProbationSentencing depends on something known as “Penalty Groups”. There are 4 different penalty groups all of which come with their own severity in punishment. Grouping depends on your circumstances. Penalty Groups are as follows:1. Penalty Group 1: Drugs such as opioids including painkillers, opium derivatives, and other opiates, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, and other hallucinogens.Penalties for these drugs include a minimum of 2 years in jail with a fine of $10,000 to a maximum of life imprisonment with a fine of up to $250,000.2. Penalty Group 2: Drugs such as ecstasy, PCP, hashish, and other cannabinoids derived from marijuana.Penalties for these drugs include a minimum of 2 years in jail to a maximum of life imprisonment with a fine of up to $50,000.3. Penalty Group 3: Drugs such as opioids not mentioned in Penalty Group 1, benzodiazepines and sedatives such as Valium, anabolic steroids, Ritalin, other prescription drugs that have either a stimulant or depressant effect along with the potential for abuse.Penalties for these drugs include a minimum of 1 year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000 to a maximum of 20 years in jail with a fine of up to $10,000.4. Penalty Group 4: Drugs such as opioids not mentioned in Penalty Group 1 and 3, other prescription medication and chemical compounds which hold penalty for abuse.Penalties for these drugs are the same as Penalty Group 3.Specific Law and Intent to SellTexas Statues: The Texas Controlled Substances ActThe minimum penalty for drug possession in Texas is considered a “Class B” or “Class A” misdemeanor. Often, this results in a fine of upwards of $4,000 and a maximum of one year in jail.If you’re caught with a large amount of a substance – enough to consider you of “drug possession with the intent to distribute” – you can expect fines to reach upwards of $250,000 and even risk life imprisonment. What determines whether or not you have the intent to sell are a number of factors including:Holding past convictions or prior offenses, especially drug trafficking chargesHow much of a drug you have in your possessionHow the drug is stored or concealedPossessing large amounts of cashScale or baggies or other drug paraphernaliaThe Legal Process in TexasIt’s important to inform yourself of Texas’ legal process. After being caught in possession of drugs, you can expect the following steps. [2] The Legal process for drug possession in Texas is:1. The Arrest and Miranda RightsThe officer making your arrest must inform you of the rights you have. These include your right to remain silent, to consult with an attorney and one present during questioning. If you can’t afford a lawyer, then the officer must inform you of your right to have one appointed by the attorney. It’s important that you inform the officer if you plan to exercise these rights. Furthermore, if an officer doesn’t inform you of these rights, that’s doesn’t mean your charges are dropped. But it’s something you can inform the court which may help your defense.2. Charges Made by the JudgeWithin 48 hours of your arrest, a judge will tell you of all the charges you’re accountable for. During this time, s/he must also inform you of whether or not there’s an affidavit, a sworn statement, in support of your charges. You will then be told your rights which includes the option to remain silent, to wait for the presence of an attorney, or have one appointed to you.3. Bail and Bond HearingIn accordance with your charges, the judge will inform you of a certain set of conditions to make sure you return to court if you’re released from jail. This is when you’ll receive the dollar amount for your bail. Bail varies depending on the case. However, it’s important to note that as long as the defendant can make the collateral, every charge must receive a bail opportunity.You may find that the bail is a price beyond your limit. If so, your attorney has the option to request a bail reduction hearing where s/he will prove you don’t have enough collateral to make bail. This can be successful as long as it’s also proven that you have strong ties with your community and are not a danger to the public.4. Charges FiledIn cases of drug possession, the prosecutor must file charges either through information used specifically for Class A or B misdemeanors or indictment, used solely for felonies. If your charges are filed through indictment, then you’ll be presented in front of a 12-person grand jury which will decide whether or not you’re guilty.5. ArraignmentAfter charges are filed, you’ll need to make an initial appearance in court. This is known as the arraignment. You’ll receive a copy of either the information or indictment and, if desired, the charges will be read aloud in an open court. This is your opportunity to request a plea or continuance. Rightfully, you’re innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, in many cases, the judge will allow for a continuance in order for an investigation to continue. However, you can also plea guilty and receive your sentence accordingly. The decision is yours.6. TrialIn the state of Texas, a trial must go through two phases in order to be carried out properly. The first is known as the guilt/innocent phase where the state has the ability to prove you guilty. Evidence will appear and witnesses will make statements. From there, your attorney will cross-examine the prosecutor’s witnesses and present your case. If you’re found guilty, you will then receive your sentence.Burden of ProofUnder Texas law, the prosecutor must demonstrate specific elements in order to properly convict you. These elements must be proven beyond reasonable doubt. [3] They include:1. LEGALITY. The evidence that you were in possession of a controlled substance when you were arrested.2. KNOWLEDGE. The evidence that you knew of the illegal nature of this controlled substance and you knew it was present at the time of your arrest.3. CONTROL. The evidence that you had control over both the presence and location of the controlled substance.Misdemeanor PossessionDue to Texas’s strict drug laws, there are limited cases where one receives a misdemeanor for being in possession of a controlled substance. For example, it was only recently marijuana was decriminalized – allowing for those in possession of a personal amount to be charged with a misdemeanor [4]. Though you may only be charged a misdemeanor for possessing a small amount of another substance, it’s unlikely in most places in Texas.Typical penalties for a drug possession misdemeanor in Texas include:1 year in jailFine of up to $4,000License suspensionProbationFelony PossessionA felony charge is taken much more seriously than a misdemeanor. Therefore, the penalties you receive are also more intense. The exact intensity of these penalties varies. Someone caught with a personal amount of heroin will most likely be charged less than some distributing a large amount of it.Since a variety of factors come into play, there’s no telling how much one will be charged for felony possession in Texas. Still, common penalties include:A minimum of 2 years and a maximum of life in prison.A fine between $10,000 and $250,000.License suspensionProbationOther PenaltiesThere are a number of other penalties that come with a drug possession charge that may not be vocalized to you. This is due to the fact that much of these penalties pertain to certain situations. For example, you may be found ineligible to qualify for public housing. However, that’d only matter to you if you were seeking such accommodations out. In order to get a clear sense of these penalties, you’ll want to speak to a lawyer.Here are other consequences you may run into due to a drug possession charge in Texas:Inability to obtain certain employment.Inability to obtain certain types of government employment.Inability to qualify for certain types of college scholarship or financial aid.Inability to qualify for public housing.Inability to receive a state license or certification.Potential community service.Potential enrollment in drug treatment programs.Alternative SentencingIn Texas, there are a number of different alternative sentences which may be of interest to you. [5] It’s difficult to qualify for some of these, considering how strict Texas is on drug cases. Still, it’s worth the effort to take a shot at some of these, as you may be able to reduce jail time and other punishments. In order to get a real sense of what’s possible, you’ll want to speak with a lawyer.Alternative sentencing in Texas includes:House Arrest. You might be able to avoid incarceration through a house arrest. This is a type of probation during which you’ll have to wear an electronic monitor. The purpose of this is to make sure you’re following curfew requirements. In order to be approved for house arrest, you must be screened.Pre-Trial Diversion. If you’re a first-time offender of a non-violent crime who wasn’t selling drugs or had the intent to distribute, you may qualify for a pre-trial diversion in Texas. This is similar to probation in the sense that you must report to a supervising officer. However, you will also need to appear before a court on a regular basis.Restitution Center. If you owe a large amount in fines, you might be sentenced to a restitution center while you’re on probation. The purpose is for you to be educated not only on your crimes and the criminal system but on how to land work. The goal is to help you find a job opportunity and begin repaying the money you owe.Drug Courts in TexasThe final alternative sentence for drug possession in Texas could change your life.If you’re seeking help for addiction and are charged with drug possession, a drug court might be the answer for you.This is a specialized court that’s used to rehabilitate – rather than punish – people caught with drugs. [6] Instead of sentencing you to traditional methods of punishment, a drug court will send you to either an inpatient or outpatient drug rehabilitation facility. The idea is to help people resolve their problems rather than creating more problems. This, in turn, creates a better community.If you’re eligible for rehab via a drug court, you’ll be treated as though you’re on probation. This means you’ll receive drug tests on a regular basis. If you don’t pass these drug tests, you’ll be brought back to court and retried for potentially additional penalties.When to Contact a LawyerImmediately upon your arrest, you should consider finding yourself a lawyer. Since Texas has a zero-tolerance policy against drug crimes, you can expect the law to be taken against you almost immediately. Furthermore, since the consequences of being caught in possession of drugs vary from case to case, it’s important to have a lawyer to figure out the best legal path for YOU.Can’t afford a lawyer?Then the State will provide you with one as long as you qualify. If you do qualify, make sure to take as much advice from this lawyer as possible before trial.In order to search for the right lawyer, you may think a Google search is the answer. And though this will give you some great leads, it’s important to talk around with family, friends, and acquaintances to get their opinion on who is the best lawyer for your situation. More often than not, people have more success in finding the right lawyer through discussion rather than an internet search.However, if you have no choice but to seek out a lawyer online, check out the State Bar of Texas to get a clear list of qualified attorneys: https://www.texasbar.com.Your QuestionsHave you got more questions about drug possession laws in Texas?Feel free to ask them in the comments below. If you have more information to share pertaining to these laws or advice to give about Texas’ legal system, we’d also love to hear from you. We try to get back to everyone in a prompt and personal manner.Reference Sources: [1] Texas Statutes: Texas Controlled Substance Act [2] Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton – Understanding the Legal Process [3] Texas Penal Code – Title 1. Introductory Provisions – Chapter 2. Burden of Proof: [4] NHTSA: Impact of the Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana on the DWI System [5] State of Texas Judiciary: Diversion Programs [6] State of Texas Judiciary: Texas Drug Courts Source: https://addictionblog.org/texas/laws/drug-possession
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6 Ways to Build Your Intuition
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6 Ways to Build Your Intuition
Making a tough decision means trusting your intuition. But how do you determine what’s actually intuition, and what’s anxiety, fear, or anger? Any number of emotions can cloud your judgment, obscuring the truth of what you want.
To simplify decision-making, learn how to trust your intuition. Practice ignoring fleeting thoughts, dismissing anger and fear and choosing your desires — not anyone else’s.
Here’s how to know what your gut wants.
Learn to Differentiate “Intuition” and “Anxiety”
It’s good to learn how to trust your gut, but, if you’re not careful, that gut instinct may lead to wrong turns. Research shows that anxiety decreases our confidence and increases our risk aversion. So if you’re deciding between “go on that once-in-a-lifetime trip” and “don’t go on that once-in-a-lifetime trip (because it’s scary!)”, anxiety may overpower your intuition.
The brain-gut connection doesn’t help. For many sufferers, anxiety manifests as stomach troubles. If you’re thinking literally, you might think that queasy tummy is your gut intuition.
To learn the difference, pay attention to your fears. Uncovering your intuition might mean asking some questions. Are you turning something down because you’re scared? Or are you saying no because “no” is what you truly want?
Practice Identifying Your Thought Patterns
Want to be a master of intuition? Start meditating.
Sorting fear from truth requires intensive knowledge of your thought patterns. And that’s what meditation is designed to teach: how to pay attention to the way your brain works. Worries may bubble to the surface, obscuring the truth of what you want. If you aren’t able to identify unwanted thoughts, they may obscure your true desires.
To trust your intuition, practice letting worries, fears, and anxieties “float by” through meditation. That way, when you really want something, you’ll know — no doubts needed.
Keep an Eagle Eye on Red Flags
If you’re charging head-first into bad situations, your intuition isn’t doing its job. It’s important to learn to pinpoint more than your fear and anxiety.
Watch for red flags, especially in relationships. If your new partner is rude, uncompromising, verbally abusive, or anything else that triggers warning signs pay attention to those concerns. Worrying about abuse, serious danger, or potential emotional damage isn’t a fleeting worry. It’s smart.
Once you’ve learned to separate anxious worrying and actual red flags from your gut intuition, you’ll be able to move forward with more confidence.
Determine Your Goals and Beliefs
Understanding your intuition can be difficult. Do you want to take the high-risk, high-reward job with a small startup, or stay in the comfortable corporate environment where you are now? You think you want to move to the startup…but are you absolutely sure?
Taking time to sort out your unique goals and beliefs can make that decision easier. Perhaps your goal is to run your own department in five years, and that’s more likely at a startup. Knowing what you want makes this difficult decision easier, because your intuition will always be the path that points to your hopes and dreams.
Overcome Resentment and Anger
In terms of the emotions that can cloud your judgment, resentment and anger are only a hair’s breadth below anxieties and worries. Choices made under a haze of fury are rarely the right pick.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to decide whether to go on a beach vacation with your family next year, but your sister has been a pain lately. All you can think about is how annoyed you are with her today. Sure, you can find reasons to ditch the beach: it’s expensive, you can’t get the time off work, etcetera. But are those reasons or excuses?
When your intuition is clouded by emotion, you can’t choose the best decision for you. Double-check you’re not making decisions based on fear and resentment. Soon you’ll learn to identify and ignore those knee-jerk reactions and trust your gut.
Stop Thinking in Terms of “Should” or “Must”
Do you feel like you have to make a decision because it’s what your spouse, your boss, or your parents expect?
You want to make decisions based on your intuition. Not anyone else’s.
Keep an eye on the way you’re mentally debating the issue. Are the words “must” or “should” involved? Maybe you think, “I should sign up for this photography class because my best friend wants me to take her Instagram pictures.” But do you want to spend the time, money, and effort on this new hobby?
Doing things based on a “should” or a “must” isn’t following your intuition. To trust your gut, peel back other expectations to reveal only your own desires.
Source: https://www.talkspace.com/blog/build-your-intuition/
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3 Signs That Your Teen Is Hiding an Addiction
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3 Signs That Your Teen Is Hiding an Addiction
ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Teens who become addicted to drugs or alcohol also send several signs to their parents that something is wrong. These can be boiled down to physical, emotional, and social changes.ESTIMATED READING TIME: 5 minutesTABLE OF CONTENTSThe Earlier, the BetterWarning SignsPhysicalEmotionalSocialWhat to DoThe Earlier, the BetterThe teen years are a time of experimentation and upheaval. Teens experience lots of growth and changes during this chaotic time in their lives, and some turn to drugs or alcohol in order to cope with their transition from childhood into adulthood. Yet, before long, these teens can become addicted.Since relationships with parents can often become strained during the teen years, it can be difficult to know whether your son or daughter is dealing with something as serious as addiction or if they are simply acting out. Teens can also be pretty sneaky about their drug abuse, making it harder to detect, especially if you spend lots of time apart from each other either due to the demands of work or school.Nevertheless, with all kinds of substances available to teens nowadays, it’s imperative for parents to look for warning signs that may indicate drug or alcohol abuse or addiction. The earlier you spot and identify these warning signs, the earlier your teen can receive the help they need to get their lives back on track.Warning Signs That May Indicate AddictionBoth drugs and alcohol take a toll on the user’s body, most of which you cannot hide. Nearly everyone who becomes addicted gives off several signs. These can be boiled down to physical, emotional, and social changes.While the suspicion that your child may be using drugs or alcohol is concerning, it’s important not to jump to any conclusions when you spot any of the telltale signs discussed below. On their own, they’re not definitive. In fact, some of these could indicate your teen has issues other than an addiction. However, if your teen exhibits several of these symptoms at once, then it’s a strong indication that they’re addicted to a substance.We suggest that you confirm your suspicions by seeking a diagnosis with a mental health professional. Addiction specialists can be medical doctors, psychologists, or social workers. Or, you can seek a referral to a specialist from your family doctor.Also, keep in mind that different drugs affect the brain and body in varying ways. Depending on the substance being abused, your teen could end up feeling relaxed and lethargic or keyed up and hyperactive. Here are the main signs to look out for in the following text.1. Changes in your Teen’s Physical Appearance.Physical changes in your teen’s appearance or demeanor can serve as strong indicators of addiction. The longer your teen uses substances, the more severe and pronounced their physical symptoms will be, depending of course on the drugs being used. The very first signs alerting you of a problem include a sickly appearance and a drop off in personal hygiene.Watch out for the following:Changes in your teen’s eyes. Bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils might signify alcohol use while red, heavy-lidded eyes with constricted pupils show likely marijuana use.Frequent unexplained nosebleeds are synonymous with meth or cocaine use.Impaired coordination, body tremors, and shakes.Poor physical coordination.Incoherent or slurred speech.Changes in eating habits accompanied by either weight gain or weight loss.Changes in sleeping patterns; your teen either sleeps more or less than they used to.Poor physical hygiene, e.g. bad odor, unkempt appearance. As addiction takes hold, teen addicts spend more time accommodating new habits associated with the substance and personal grooming is often neglected.Unusual smells or odors on the breath, clothing, hair or body.2. Emotional Changes in your Teen.As addiction progresses in teens, it normally triggers drastic changes in brain chemistry that manifests in the person’s mood and behavior. In some cases, parents say that their teens’ personality changes so much they’re unrecognizable.If your teen suddenly becomes sullen, depressed, silent, withdrawn or prone to angry outbursts amidst other changes in behavior, then it’s an indication something’s amiss. Other psychological warnings of addiction include:Changes in personality or attitude. Your once cheerful teen becomes sullen and withdrawn, or if they’re usually quiet, they become animated.Sudden extreme mood swings. Although young people are prone to moodiness and emotionally charged responses, seeing such behavior in your teen could signify drug use. However, before concluding that they have an addiction, have a chat with them and see if these changes aren’t caused by some other stressor.General lethargy combined with lack of motivation and an inability to focus on tasks.Sustained periods of agitation or hyperactivity.Increased aggression or irritability.Unexplained anxiety or paranoia.Depression and increased inability to deal with stress.Repeated dishonesty, defensiveness, and denial especially when confronted about changes in their behavior.3. Social Changes in your Child.Teens often go to great lengths to hide their addiction, but this is something that’s difficult to completely hide. Furthermore, addiction takes a noticeable toll on users, and it doesn’t take long before these psychological changes in attitude and behavior start affecting your teen’s social life. At this point, you start noticing things like:Problems at school. Your teen might start skipping classes, getting into trouble at school and their grades might drop.Changes in relationships. Teen addicts normally end up changing friends, falling in with a crowd that enables and encourages addiction. There may be complaints of their unusual behavior either from their teachers, friends or classmates. Additionally, family relationships become strained as your teen becomes increasingly hostile or withdrawn.Demands for more money. Since most teens are still financially dependent on their parents, they need to find ways to buy drugs or alcohol for them to use. Addicted teens can turn to demanding increased amounts of money from you or stealing it. Alternatively, you might notice valuable items in your house go missing as these are sold off to get quick cash. In some cases, teens get into gambling as a way to get money to feed their addiction.Lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed, e.g. hobbies, sportsDecreased motivation to go out, resulting in missed engagements.Withdrawn, secretive or suspicious behavior.What to Do If Your Teen Is AddictedEarly intervention has the best outcome when it comes to treating teen addiction. If your teen shows several of these signs, and you don’t feel comfortable having an open discussion with them, seek professional help. A medical doctor can first help you establish the course of the symptoms then seek appropriate diagnosis. Diagnosis is made using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.Different treatment options are available and can vary from residential treatment centers to medication and various forms of therapy in between. A treatment plan will all depend on your teen’s individual case. Some teens do well in outpatient programs, while others need longer term care with lots of supervision.Discovering that your teen has an addiction can be devastating.But remember…help is available to give them a new start!Hope is here. Source: https://addictionblog.org/family/3-signs-that-your-teen-is-hiding-an-addiction/
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