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“ there isn’t a need to apologize — though, lunch sounds lovely. ”
as modest as he is, he’d definitely want to try to get acquainted with many (normal and civilized) people as possible. it’s not as if he’s full either, and it’d be rude to turn down an invitation. besides, it’s never a bad time to reminiscence about the past. 
“ of course, that’s only if you’re fine with it. ”
Amazingly Marvelous [Wataru + Tsukasa]
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he waves his hand in dismissal as if to motion for him not to worry. it wasn’t uncommon for family members to influence one’s future, after all. simply being to make them proud was something that he held pride in.
“ you see, pleasing my family is high on my list of priorities — what they desire is what i desire. as long as i’m able to meet their expectations, i am satisfied.  ”
“Hmm. Well, if you’re killing two birds with one stone then, I suppose that’s good enough, no?” The minds of people like Tsukasa were boggling at best to the actor. It was respectable though, wanting to make one’s family proud. Wataru could identify with that.
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“Ah, say, should we get some lunch? As an apology for Ari flying into your hair back there.”
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he waves his hand in dismissal as if to motion for him not to worry. it wasn’t uncommon for family members to influence one’s future, after all. simply being to make them proud was something that he held pride in.
“ you see, pleasing my family is high on my list of priorities — what they desire is what i desire. as long as i’m able to meet their expectations, i am satisfied.  ”
Amazingly Marvelous [Wataru + Tsukasa]
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“ then, let us make that our first goal together. it definitely is a small world, isn’t it ? ”
tsukasa folds his arms, glancing up at the taller male. he was definitely outgoing — at least, more outgoing than tsukasa was. he didn’t mind, though, as long as he didn’t stir up too much trouble. really, the redhead was all in for meeting new people. 
“ i am here to study politics — see, i didn’t have many career options because of my family’s traditions. it can’t be helped, though, i am more than happy to continue if it makes my parents content. ”
“Indeed, indeed!” Wataru nodded in agreement. Good, this was already off to an Amazing start. Oh? Politics? That sounded rather dull, especially considering poor Tsukasa was retained by his family. Wataru couldn’t imagine his own family restricting him like that.
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“Mmm, that’s interesting.” He admitted. “Does that wish line up with your desire? I do hope you’re at least indulging in something that makes your heart and soul happy as well.”
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“ then, let us make that our first goal together. it definitely is a small world, isn’t it ? ”
tsukasa folds his arms, glancing up at the taller male. he was definitely outgoing — at least, more outgoing than tsukasa was. he didn’t mind, though, as long as he didn’t stir up too much trouble. really, the redhead was all in for meeting new people. 
“ i am here to study politics — see, i didn’t have many career options because of my family’s traditions. it can’t be helped, though, i am more than happy to continue if it makes my parents content. ”
Amazingly Marvelous [Wataru + Tsukasa]
Trying his best to ignore the fact that there was currently glitter on both him, the man, and the floor ( he wasn’t going to even question it — he’s seen enough in his life for this to be normal ), his mouth took the shape of an ‘o’. His memory was fuzzy, but there was definitely a sense of familiarity radiating from him. Perhaps he was an old acquaintance, or someone important from the past. Part of him felt guilty for forgetting, but maybe it was nothing to worry about. 
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“ Is that why you seemed so reminiscent of a past acquaintance? I do admit that I’ve forgotten bits of the past, so I’ll take your word for it. ”
A gentle smile grew on his face, though, it seemed more apologetic than anything else. 
“ In that case, then it truly is a miracle for us to meet again here. Wataru, was it? It’s a pleasure to reunite with you again “
“Indeed! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance once more!” Wataru gave a dramatic bow, and he gave a smile to the boy. “Maybe, now that we are together once more, we may forge some Amazing memories together…! Never mind the past, it is behind us, long past!”
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More glitter adorned the air, and the actor gave a gentle smile. “So, say, what are you here for? Are you here for Marvelous work? Play? Classes? I assume the later! Tell me, dearest new friend, what are you studying here?”
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tsukasa had lived with quite sensitive skin, the type that dried up quite quickly during hotter seasons. he wasn’t quite sure just how effective university fans and air conditioning was, but opening a window couldn’t hurt. 
“ ah ... i do tend to sleep early, but i probably will have to stay up if i need to... ”
flashing him an apologetic smile, he searched his mind for something to follow up.  “ I promise not to make too much noise, though. i don’t see myself as a loud person. ”
he raised an eyebrow as the other had a seemingly questioning look on his face. he opened his mouth to ask what was wrong ( perhaps he had said something wrong? he didn’t know ), but quickly closed it when Adonis began to speak.
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“ we did ...? now that i think about it... you really do resemble someone of the past. ”
I Guess We Live Together Now
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The gaze on him only made him more anxious, and he nodded at his words. Right, he was against someone who was completely inexperienced ( that is, if they were telling the truth ). Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad, then. Archery was something that required practice to excel at, and the first time shooting an arrow was often tragic for most. For only a second, he allowed himself to relax his shoulders. His relief was short lived, though, as another thought made its way into his mind.
What if he lost to a total beginner.
It was unlikely, but it wasn’t entirely impossible. In fact, that was probably the worst-case scenario. He gulped, his grip on the bow tightening. He wasn’t normally competitive in the slightest, but he’d never forgive himself if he allowed the other to win ( after all, he can’t let down his old archery club acquaintences ). There was no way to feign confidence at this point — he clearly wasn’t ready. 
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“ I see, “ Tsukasa started off, voice quiet ( in fact, if you listened close enough, you could hear just a bit of trembling ). “ I wish the best of luck to you, too. ”
So It’s Me Against...You?
Never had he thought that he’d end up in such a situation. 
In high school, he had been a member of the archery club, attending regularly. Even then, he wasn’t as skilled as his peers. It was something that he hoped to excel at, and to do that, he needed to practice. Of course, because of that, he decided to join the club once again.  What he expected was to meet several experienced members, and possibly ask them for their assistance and tips.  What he did not expect was to be matched up with a complete stranger before even getting a chance to introduce himself.  His stomach seems to do a cartwheel as he experimentally drew the bow back, hands trembling oh—so—slightly. It was only natural for him to be nervous ( deep breath in, deep breath out ), and he feared that he had forgotten how to shoot an arrow. Despite being an archer of high standards, he’d be happy if it even hit the target. Violet eyes trailed over to the person beside him ( who, in all honesty, seemed just as annoyed as he was ). Maybe it would be a good idea to introduce himself? Perhaps explain to them that he had little to no idea what he was doing.  ( Man, Tsukasa was dying over here )
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“ I am Suou Tsukasa. It’s a pleasure to meet and …erm, compete against you … ”
( ⚽️ - Be on the opposing team of a sport as my muse is )
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Trying his best to ignore the fact that there was currently glitter on both him, the man, and the floor ( he wasn’t going to even question it — he’s seen enough in his life for this to be normal ), his mouth took the shape of an ‘o’. His memory was fuzzy, but there was definitely a sense of familiarity radiating from him. Perhaps he was an old acquaintance, or someone important from the past. Part of him felt guilty for forgetting, but maybe it was nothing to worry about. 
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“ Is that why you seemed so reminiscent of a past acquaintance? I do admit that I’ve forgotten bits of the past, so I’ll take your word for it. ”
A gentle smile grew on his face, though, it seemed more apologetic than anything else. 
“ In that case, then it truly is a miracle for us to meet again here. Wataru, was it? It’s a pleasure to reunite with you again “
Amazingly Marvelous [Wataru + Tsukasa]
To Tsukasa, the man’s way of speaking was rather … odd. Then again, he often gets told the same thing. His gaze travels from the person to the bird, then to the person again. There was most definitely a close relationship between the companion and owner ( and, if he wasn’t so shaken up by the sudden harassment from said companion, he would’ve smiled ).
“ Is that so … ? ”
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He wasn’t quite sure if he had met the bird before. His mind was so caught up in memorizing his lessons and studies — perhaps his brain had erased the memory of it? Well, it was a mystery that wasn’t going to be solved anytime sooner. 
“ Ah, I am Tsukasa Suou, 18 years old. This is my first year at this university. ” 
“Tsukasa Suou… Tsukasa Suou… Tsukasa Suou…” Wataru thought, pacing dramatically in front of the boy. “Tsukasa Suou…? Tsukasa Suou…! Tsukasa Suou…! Amazing!” He threw glitter into the air, and he smiled.
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“You and I went to the same high school, if I remember correctly!” Wataru informed him. “That’s where I know you from! I was mainly in the theater productions there at school, musicals too, but I remember hearing your name once or twice! Amazing! Why, for us to meet once more like this! This must be the work of fate itself!”
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forgot to post this here but my little king….I got 3 copies of him because he loves me UvU
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To Tsukasa, the man’s way of speaking was rather ... odd. Then again, he often gets told the same thing. His gaze travels from the person to the bird, then to the person again. There was most definitely a close relationship between the companion and owner ( and, if he wasn’t so shaken up by the sudden harassment from said companion, he would’ve smiled ).
“ Is that so ... ? ”
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He wasn’t quite sure if he had met the bird before. His mind was so caught up in memorizing his lessons and studies — perhaps his brain had erased the memory of it? Well, it was a mystery that wasn’t going to be solved anytime sooner. 
“ Ah, I am Tsukasa Suou, 18 years old. This is my first year at this university. ” 
Amazingly Marvelous [Wataru + Tsukasa]
Thank god it didn’t actually attack him. In fact, Tsukasa would’ve been fine with it if it wasn’t so sudden. He enjoyed the presence of most animals. After all, he practically grew up with pets. Even if his parents didn’t allow animals inside of their house, many of his siblings owned expensive breeds of various animals ( he really missed that one pet snake at his cousin’s house ). 
When a figure approached him, he froze, allowing his arms to return back to his lap. It was quite an odd sight — An innocent university student, sitting obediently with a bird nestled on top of his ahead.
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“ Ah, so you are the owner of this bird, “ he muttered, though, he quickly cleared his throat and fixed his posture.“ It was definitely a surprise. Wataru Hibiki, was it? Thank you for erm, retrieving your bird. ”
“Indeed! It is I, your very own Wataru Hibiki!” He repeated, sparkles and glitter adorning the air this time. Aristotle fluffed his feathers, and it was almost like he chirped his own introduction. Wataru narrowed his eyes at Tsukasa for a few moments.
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“Hmm, well, you see, Ari doesn’t usually do this bold of things unless he is familiar with his victim; do I happen to know you?” Wataru tilted his head to the side, all of his long hair shifting with him. “Say, what is your name? How old are you? I should strive to learn as much as I can about you in order to figure out this grand mystery~!”
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Munday Meme | still accepting 
 🎙 song you last listened to?
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Beneath the Mask ( rainy mood ver.) :’^) I really like to listen to to Persona 5′s soundtrack while I write and draw!
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Munday Meme | still accepting 
🎯 favorite thing about yourself?
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Probably ,, my optimism? it takes a lot for me to get really upset and/or sad despite my discord name ! I’ve also been told that I give off a really welcoming presence which is good I think .
🌠 favorite time of day and why?
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Evening! It’s when I have the most motivation to do things, and I’m the most energetic during the evening! 
🖇 what object is on your left?
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Cheesecake ,,, it was supposed to be my lunch but i forgot to eat it
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A hum escaped his lips at the suggestion — it wasn’t a bad proposal. Although time passed, his love for desserts remained the same. Even though he wasn’t as naive as he was before, it was hard to reject something from an old friend ( especially when it seemed so mundane, coming from ritsu ). 
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“ But that’s ... 
I’m sorry, Ritsu-san, but such an outlandish request is …”
Had Ritsu always been like this? In all honesty, Tsukasa couldn’t remember. Besides, the thought of fangs digging into his skin wasn’t at all pleasant. 
Subconsciously, he leaned back nervously, a pang of worry hitting him hard in the chest. He was only kidding, right ... ?
Night walk
Tsukasa was interested  — in how Ritsu had been doing ever since, and in what his future plans were. He knew that he was quite the slacker in high school ( and he prayed that he didn’t still sleep through lessons ). Perhaps he had changed? He hoped so.  
“ We should find a day to talk more. I’d love to do some catching up. “
In between sentences, he took small sips from his cup. The next few phrases from Ritsu caused him to raise an eyebrow, head tilting ever —so —slightly. Vampire? Tsukasa was no believer in the supernatural, but he couldn’t just let that sentence slip. 
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“ P-Pardon me? Did you just say that you … wanted to taste my blood … ? ”
Tsukasa would be rather disappointed to see Ritsu’s core had remained pretty much the same. If he was in highschool it was mostly because of some external influences and not because he had any interested in making anything any differently…
     “Heh~ Sure, sure. We can talk over some of my desserts~”
Tsukasa did had a sweet tooth back in highschool, and assuming he had also remained pretty much the same as he was back then, he shouldn’t be able to refuse the proposal to eat some pastries.
    “Mn? I did~ Why so?      Is Suu-chan going to indulge me on this?      I promise it won’t hurt~”
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The smile on his face was childish yet dangerous, feet taking him one and two steps closer to the redhead, shortening their distance in a moment. The bitter smell of the drink in Tsukasa’s cup wasn’t enough to cover his sweet smell.
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👤 Munday Meme 👤
💍 when did you have your first crush?
🍰 what meal would you want as your final meal? (Like, if you were on death row.)
🏈 participate in any sports?
🎤 or are you more into theatre, art, choir, band…?
🎯 favorite thing about yourself?
🎟 do you prefer movies or books?
🥇 a quality you are proud of in yourself?
🏖 dream vacation?
🚥 dream career?
📱 do you prefer calling or texting?
🌠 favorite time of day and why?
🎆 favorite holiday and why?
🏫 best/worst school memory?
🏨 ever had surgery?
⛪️ religious?
🎞 movie you last watched?
🎙 song you last listened to?
📕 book you last read?
🖇 what object is on your left?
📍 last place you were?
🔍 most recent google search?
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Once the gun pointed at him, he flinched, having to mentally remind himself that these aren’t real, and will very unlikely kill him. His own grip on his gun tightened as he made a near inaudible gasping noise. Something as fast paced as paintball was definitely not Tsukasa’s sort of thing. It was almost embarrassing to stand in a crowd full of elites while he, himself, was still a novice. He mustn’t let his team down, no matter what. 
Whether it was a simple statement or a hidden insult, Tsukasa didn’t know. He paid little to no mind to it, though. That was the least of his worries. 
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“ Thank you, ” Tsukasa breathed, grateful that the other was willing to deal with his incompetence. 
Trailing behind him, he hurriedly made his way to the next item of cover, trying his absolute best to avoid the sights of others ( god, this boy was real worried about getting spotted and dragging the stranger down, save him ). 
Allies in Battle [Tsukasa & Kurogane]
It was odd to find Tsukasa ducking behind a plastic wall with a fully-loaded paintball gun in hand, rather than at home and reading a book. When he was first invited, he was more than thrilled to try out this ���commoner’s activity’. Although paintball didn’t seem like something that fit his image, he was always open to try new things.                 But now, however, he seemed to regret this more than anything. Not only was he lost in a maze of plastic and metal platforms, but the sun was beating down on him ( and he really wasn’t fond of the awfully thick paintball suit ). It had been good over 5 minutes since he had last saw a teammate, and they simply scurried away without a word.                 Still alert, he sat down and leaned against the wall. Running out without a plan was suicidal, and as much as he hated this, he couldn’t let his team down!                 His eyes flickered around, and they landed on a figure not too far away from him in a similar position ( although, they probably knew what they were doing ). His eyes focused on their outfit. “ Ah,it’s red,” he thought to himself. “So he’s on the same team as I am. ”                Awkwardly, he shuffled over to them, wary of his surroundings. 
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“ Pardon me, but is it fine if I accompany you? This is…quite a new environment for me. ”
( 🔫 - Be on a paintball team with my muse )
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continued from here | @hibikiwatarudesu 
“ That’s… not quite right… ”
Tsukasa shoots him a frown, clearing his throat. It’s quite upsetting to him that such a simple and meaningful phrase could be pronounced incorrectly. Then again, perhaps it was simply because Tsukasa’s somewhat more fluent. He’ll let it slide this time, he thinks, but it’s important to correct your mistakes. 
Yes, criticism was needed to avoid future incidents. He couldn’t possibly allow the name of deez nuts to be tainted by imperfection. It was something that he grew up with ( something sacred to him ), his loyalty towards it couldn’t be described with mere words. 
With his hands on his hips and a determined look growing on his face, he takes a step forwards. Wataru needs to know just how much deez nuts mean to him. 
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“ Please, repeat after me — deez nuts! “
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For a second ( and just a second — he didn’t want to seem rude or creepy ), he eyed the other male. Adonis was tall, skin dark compared to his own pale complexion. A reserved person, they seemed to be, but not someone that was extremely milquetoast. Thank god, he seemed less and less worrying by the second. 
But most importantly, he gave off an unnerving sense of familiarity ( and it bothered Tsukasa so, so much ). 
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“ Do feel free to ask anything, and I will answer them to the best of my ability, ” he mused,  “ As for that one, I see no problem in doing so. ”
I Guess We Live Together Now
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For what cause or person would you sacrifice your life for?
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It’s certainly something that I, myself, have never wondered about. Perhaps my family, or anyone whom is extremely close to me. As long as it doesn’t let down my family or disappoint, it wouldn’t be out of the question … 
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