striving-abd · 1 month
Wow, it's been centuries since I've opened this app
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striving-abd · 1 month
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“There is a void in the heart that can only be filled by loving Allah, turning to Him, constantly remembering Him, and having true sincerity to Him. If one were given the worldly life and everything in it, it would never be able to fill that void in the heart.”
مدارج السالكين 3/156
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striving-abd · 1 year
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Whoever necessitates upon themselves to do hamd (to say Alhamdulillah; i.e. praising Allah), All forms of goodness will follow them.
Whoever necessitates upon themselves to do istighfar (to say Astaghfirullah, i.e to seek forgiveness), barriers, barricades and doors that were close for them, will open for them.
Whoever necessitates upon themselves to send durood upon Prophet Muhammad صلى وسلم عليه (to say Allahumma Salli wa salim Ala Nabiyina Muhammad (or any other form of durood)), they will find (i.e receive) what they desire and wish for and it'll suffice them against their worries and their sins will be forgiven.
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striving-abd · 1 year
The dhikr that takes dunya out of the heart is la ilaha illa Allah.
The dhikr that puts fear out of the heart is la hawla wa la quwatta illa billah.
The dhikr that defeats enemies is hasbi Allah wa ni'm al-wakil.
The dhikr that puts sweetness in the heart and removes anxiety is salawat on the Prophet peace be upon him.
— Shaykh Dr. Shadee Elmasry
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striving-abd · 1 year
We used to consider that from the most severe of sins is for a person to learn the Qur’an and then go to sleep without reading anything from it!
Abu al-Aliyah, Kitab az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad (v. 1, p. 245, no. 1746)
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striving-abd · 1 year
أهمية أذكار الصباح والمساء لفضيلة الشيخ محمد سعيد رسلان حفظه الله
The Importance of The Adkhar of The Morning & Evening by Shaikh Muhammad Sa'eed ar Raslan حفظه الله
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striving-abd · 1 year
Strategies for Accomplishing your Goals
1. Keep busy and active. If you get into the habit of just sitting around you’ll find your motivation will start to disappear – as achieving goals takes effort, commitment and hard work.
2. Hang out with motivated people. The people we hang out with tend to influence us the most. So, if you hang out with go-getters they’ll help inspire you too – and, like them, you’ll want to persevere, reach your dreams and goals.
3. Make sure you have a concrete goal. Wishful thinking and daydreaming won’t make much of a difference. You need to be determined and formulate clear goals.
4. Tell other people about your plans and goals. Telling others what your goals are keep us more accountable – and stops us getting sidetracked, dropping out or giving up.
5. Seek out a role model. A role model can help us to visualise the steps and actions that are needed to lead us to our goals. Also, it’s likely they’ve encountered some obstacles and setbacks – and that can help inspire us when we meet a roadblock, too!
6. Expect to encounter bumps and obstacles. We all encounter obstacles, setbacks and roadblocks – and knowing that will happen can prepare us mentally. Don’t see that as a reason to give up on your dreams.
7. Break larger goals down into smaller, bite sized goals. That will increase your motivation as you’ll quickly reach small goals, and the end seem much closer, and more achievable.
8. Do the hardest things first. If you put off all the hard things it will drain your energy. But if you take those on as projects you’ll work on those first it will inspire and motivate you so it’s easier to persevere and reach your final goal.
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striving-abd · 1 year
AsSalamuAlaikum how is everyone here?? I hope you are all well. I'm not sure if anyone is still around but hope everyone is keeping well
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striving-abd · 1 year
Imâm al-Bukhārī was distinguished with three qualities:
1. He never spoke much.
2. He never yearned for what people had.
3. He would never occupy himself with other people's affairs; all his attention was towards knowledge.
Siyar Alâm an-Nubala' 12/449
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striving-abd · 1 year
““ما قيمة هذه الدنيا التي تتعلقون بها؟””
— “What is the value of this world that you cling to?”
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striving-abd · 1 year
The memory and zeal for knowledge of Imam Malik ibn Anas (رحمه الله):
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striving-abd · 1 year
“The kindest people are not born that way, they are made. They are the sounds that have experienced so much at the hands of life, they are the ones who have dug themselves out of the dark, who have fought to turn every loss into a lesson. The kindest people do not just exist – they choose to soften where circumstance has tried to harden them, they choose to believe in goodness, because they have seen firsthand why compassion is so necessary. They have seen firsthand why tenderness is so important in this world.”
– Bianca Sparacino
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striving-abd · 1 year
3rd missing phrase to this:
و لا تؤاخذني بما يقولون
And do not take me to account for what they say about me.
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striving-abd · 1 year
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striving-abd · 1 year
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striving-abd · 2 years
O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance
Holy Qur’an, al-Ahzab 41
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striving-abd · 2 years
Whenever you're about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question:
What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?
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