Evaporative Swamp Coolers- Stable Cooling at any Conditions And for Any Occasion
As it is clear from the title such coolers are cooling devices which are made for cooling of the surrounding air and the area with the help of the water evaporation. It sounds quite simple.
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Usefulness Of Evaporative Swamp Coolers
It is vitally important for those who live in a dry climate. The drought of the air may cause various illnesses that’s why such coolers were made. The water evaporation makes the air more humid and appropriate for  breathing. Also, such humid air is healthy for the skin and plants. Dry air always stoves everything around. The central and the most significant option is the rapidity of temperature decrease with the help of the cooled water vapor. Especially, it is easier to cool and dampen the dry air in such a way than using common fan coolers.
Read The full review of Best Swamp Coolers on the Market 
Advantages Of Evaporative Swamp Coolers
This class of coolers works in the same way as air washers or wet cooling towers. The main difference between these techniques and evaporative coolers is that the cooler is used only for making air more cool and humid, while air washers are used for cleaning air from dust and other rubbish. The major profit from such coolers is the low price; this type is the cheapest among other types of the coolers.
Such coolers are ideal for areas with hot and dry climate, for instance: West coast of the USA, Australia, Africa and Middle East; these areas are dry and hot that is why evaporate coolers are suitable for customers who live there. Also, in these climate areas it is, traditionally, cheaper to install such cooler than a refrigerating air conditioner.
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The Place Of Installation Of Evaporative Swamp Coolers
The best places for the installation of evaporative coolers are commercial kitchens, power plants, laundries dry cleaners, loading docks, greenhouses, warehouses, construction sites, factories, workshops, athletic events, kennels, garages and poultry ranches.
Types of mechanism of This Coolers
There are few designs of the evaporative coolers:
Direct system
Direct coolers use external heat for water evaporation. The moist air must be released from time to time. The central feature of this type is the suppleness of the construction and cooling process.
Indirect system
The second type is similar to the first one, but it has a heat exchanger. In this construction, humid air will never come in direct contact with the air which is conditioned. This moist air is used to cool other devices which work better when kept cool (such as solar panels) or simply released outside.
Two-stage cooling
It is also called indirect-direct type of cooling. The first stage is the precooling of the warm air without the raising of the humidity level. The next, direct stage adds humidity to pre-cooled air. It is made with the help of the water soaked pad. When air passes through this part of the cooler it “picks up” humidity. The result of such actions is less production of the relative humidity. RH or relative humidity is the percentage of the humidity in the air; it is made for draught calculating of the air. Two-stage coolers produce between fifty and seventy percent of the RH, while the traditional system produces between seventy and eighty percents RH in the conditioned air.
The hybrid system is the result of the combination of the indirect or direct cooling constructions with the compression of the vapor or conditioning air absorption. This combination is done for the reduction of the air temperature and/or increasing the total efficiency.
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