sugardesigns · 2 years
Tumblr media
ctrlsugar archives: the directory
by viewing my theme directory, or my payhip store - you can now access 76 themes & 24 pages from my theme archive - this addition has added 24 themes & 9 pages. most of these codes are available free - a few of them are paid themes - all of these themes are free to my patreons & ko-fi members. this is the final of three installments in my theme archive.
all themes have been updated with new icon scripts, fixes to anything broken & more options for font style & font sizes to make each theme more accessible in viewability.
these themes are now considered archived, which means i will no longer be updating them. i will still provide support & troubleshooting for anyone who has questions, however i will not be going back to make changes if any scripts or codes within these themes breaks at any point in the future.
visit my store - payhip
become a member - ko-fi
join my patreon - patreon
check out the server - discord
follow my blog - tumblr
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