sugarsh0ts · 9 months
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
do you have any facts about goth culture
Goths dress dark to hide themselves. Goths who are easier to see from their brighter clothing are called Visigoths.
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
Hey, cripples. We have to talk.
This movement is called Cripplepunk. And I know some of you don’t know what this shit is about. It’s okay, when I first found this movement I just saw people who looked like me and rushed in, too. It’s okay.
So I am here to teach you. Okay?
What is punk?
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Before you learn about cripplepunk, I have to teach you about the base movement, the punk subculture. What I need you to understand is that if you are cripplepunk, you are a punk. And a good punk always supports the cripplepunk movement. If they don’t, disregard them.
Punk is about ideology. But it’s also music. It’s dance. It’s art. It’s fashion.
The punk fashion can sometimes seem inaccessible. Punks have to make our own clothes fit the image. The runway and the fashion store don’t embody what we represent. We represent DIY ethics.
However, I personally don’t wear punk gear all the time and you don’t have to, either. You can never wear it if you don’t wanna. I’m a cripple and leaning back on a chair when the entire back panel of your jacket is studded isn’t comfortable when I’m feeling shitty. If you feel like you can, just a pin badge can help us clock each other in public. Punks won’t judge how much you fit the mould, because we aren’t about fitting the mould. Do what you want. It’s about the attitude.
Punks are non-conformists. You see a generic image for us, because that’s what media likes. And it’s what a lot of us like anyways. But if you don’t like it, or you don’t want to, that just makes you more punk. Don’t conform if you don’t want to.
Punks are against authoritarianism. We do not submit to authority. We stand up against the people who try to control us.
We are anti-corporatism. We do not believe that big corporations should have the power or influence they do, we do not think they should have the ability to effect the public health or anything else. We are against ridiculous medical charges, privatised healthcare. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, though. Don’t feel bad for buying Pepsi.
The DIY ethic is important to punks. We have handmade patches, we stud our clothes by hand. Learning to sew is incredibly beneficial. (Side note: if you don’t know how to sew and have a wardrobe malfunction, find the closest punk, they can probably fix it.)
We believe in direct action. We are against selling out.
Zines are an underground press function, and while it seems there are many artistic zines these days, punk zines are how we get our ideas into paper and out to each other when the Corp papers are scared to let us speak.
Even if you don’t like punk music… try your best. Clubs that play club music and other places that blast it is where you’re gonna find other punks.
What makes cripplepunk different?
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First of all.
We are cripples.
Worried if you fit into this category? Easy fix. Have you ever been called a cripple? Are you physically disabled? There you have it.
If you’re not physically disabled you cannot be cripplepunk.
This movement was started by Tyler Trewhella in 2014, right here on tumblr. @crpl-pnk. They died in 2017, but our movement lives on and still is based on their rules. It takes punk ideas and values and uses it to raise our voices higher. It is a movement that strives to push the truth that cripples do not need to be GOOD or SWEET or INSPIRATIONAL or MORALLY PERFECT. We can smoke, drink, refuse any treatment we don’t want, talk back and have attitude, we can be loud and rude and brash. We can do whatever the fuck we want just like everyone else.
The principles are as follows, entirely Tyler’s words:
-cripple punk is exclusively by the physically disabled for the physically disabled
-cripple punk is about solidarity & is open to all physically disabled people
-cripple punk rejects pity, inspiration porn, & all other forms of ableism
-cripple punk rejects the “good cripple” mythos. cripple punk is here for the bitter cripple, the uninspirational cripple, the smoking cripple, the drinking cripple, the addict cripple, the cripple who hasn’t “tried everything”
-cripple punk fights internalized ableism & fully supports those struggling with it
-cripple punk respects intersections of race, culture, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, size, intersex status, mental illness/neuroatypical status, survivor status, etc.
-cripple punk recognizes that there is no one universal disabled experience
-cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
other rules:
-cripple punk is not conditional on things like mobility aids & “functioning levels”
-always listen to those w/ different physical disabilities & different intersections than yourself. do not speak over them
-disabled people do not need to personally identify w/ the words “cripple” or “punk” individually to be a part of cripple punk
-able bodied people wishing to spread the message may only ever amplify the voices of the disabled
-able bodied people may never use uncensored slurs themselves but never censor our language -able bodied people must always tag things like reblogs with “i’m able bodied”
-physically disabled people wanting to be a part of the movement who are uncomfortable using the slur may refer to it as “cpunk”
What’s the take away?
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We are angry. We are punk.
These can not be separated.
If you can’t handle the fury that comes with this movement, please wait until you can. Because we are fucking pissed at the world and it’s injustice, and telling us to “stop gatekeeping” or “acting ___” only adds fuel to our fires.
Some of us are living even when it seems like anything else would be a mercy, and some of us are dying before we ever thought we would. Some of us have dead friends. Some of us have a LOT of dead friends.
I bet you feel some of this, too. Don’t you?
That’s why I wanted to post this quick rundown. to weed out abled idiots and people who don't see this for what it is: politics. punk is political. cripplepunk is political.
so… yeah, welcome to our movement. its time to start screaming.
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
A little while ago I passed a woman maybe a little older than me in the crosswalk. She raised her cane to me and shouted “en garde!” It was the best.
I used a walking stick for the first time today and I felt so so nervous but on my commute into work a lady told me she loved my stick and is getting one of her own soon. I told her the name of the site I got it from and we had a shouty conversation about it while I was going up the stairs and it just felt like I was talking about a cute pair of shoes or a dress! Yes it’s a mobility aid but it’s also something I but a lot of thought into picking out like I would anything else that I wear/carry!
Then an old woman using her own stick smiled and nodded at me on the way home! I felt like Barbie sitting on that damn bench!! I had been so scared of feeling “like an old lady”. tbh I had probably actually been scared of looking like a disabled person despite experiencing the physical pain and exhaustion of disability for the past year. Somehow hiding all that discomfort behind the exterior of a completely healthy person gave me hope that I could still fit in with all the normal able bodied people.
I knew I was going to look vulnerable and everyone would be able to see that I’m different and I constantly had this image of an old woman with a cane in my head and I was so afraid of looking like her. And then I saw her! And she smiled at me! And we both did a little laugh as we walked past each other because hey, look at us, so different in age and appearance and yet we have this one object in common, this thing that is allowing us to experience the world like we could before. Hers was flowery and mine was sparkly. I hope I see her again sometime.
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
So my mom has been in the hospital in unbelievable pain all week and I'm like. What if I got people to read her smutty books. And she gets out of the hospital to hit like thousands of reads on Kindle
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
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[Image ID/
A closely cropped screenshot of a tiktok video featuring a woman in a bright pink outfit, sitting in a car
The text on screen reads "Chronic illness girlies gaslighting themselves into thinking they're healthy and doing whatever they want and then flaring later on that night begging for sweet mercy"
/End ID]
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
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I tried out and thought DIRT was working well then ourple farkas happened
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
y’all realize you can riot and organize AND vote right? like it’s not either or
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
i also feel like people don't really understand the meaning of the word "developmental" in "developmental disability"
it means you did not develop as abled people typically do, physically or mentally
there are adults who do not have the skills you expect adults to have, who do not react or feel the way you expect adults to react or feel, who cannot live alone or be alone, who need supervision to not walk into the road, who cannot do things you can
and they are still adults
but they are also developmentally disabled
dd adults may have screaming, crying, self harming meltdowns over things you think are "little" or "immature". dd adults may have interests like stuffed animals and coloring books and toys. we may read children's books and watch children's shows, and i mean for like, young children, not like the owl house (because idk modern young kids shows besides paw patrol and is bubble guppies still on), and this is not like, caregivers infantilizing us or encouraging us to be kids forever, it's because that's what we like or are able to understand. and this does not have anything to do with "mental age". there are dd people who are like this and i will defend them claw and tooth.
we may have caregivers and may need constant supervision. we may be short, we may have baby faces, our voice may not have changed since we were a child, or we may use a more childish tone of voice and it is not because of osddid
we may have issues with motor skills and proprioception and incontinence, we may not be able to understand process comprehend absorb, we may not be able to learn certain things or may struggle to learn in general, we may have issues understanding boundaries consequences good and bad and theory of mind. we may do things impulsively (which crosses over with not understanding boundaries consequences good and bad and theory of mind i think). our brains may decide things around us- people, walls, pets, roads, curbs, cliffs, puddles, a spilled drink- don't exist, or may not be able to define what those things are and apply that knowledge, by which i mean, not understanding that a road is dangerous, or that if you spill a drink on your phone it's bad for it and you need to clean it up
our brains may start two processes at once and then cancel them both at the same time only after they have both been run, which is the only way i can explain the way my brain just u turns and it makes me look weird and i don't remember exactly what that means because i'm significantly fucking disoriented when it happens so i have no examples. we may "manipulate" people without understanding that's what we're doing and idk how to explain that either. we may lie, also, without knowing what we're doing. we may respond just to respond because our brains understand "when someone says something to you you need to respond to them" and then it doesn't prioritize making sense or having our response be actually related
we may not have empathy, or limited empathy, and may not be able to understand how to interact with people who are currently expressing a specific emotion. we may not be able to figure out what emotions other people are expressing, or intuit what people may want or expect from us. we also may not be able to or may not know how to express emotion ourselves, or not be able to figure out what we're feeling, or may feel one emotion and express another. we also just flat out may not fucking feel, or may feel things, like affection for a friend, shallowly- it's there, but we don't feel it strongly. we may also get bored of or annoyed with loved ones. and we may be easily angered and annoyed and frustrated and have no patience
we may be nonverbal or semiverbal. we may have trouble communicating and may repeat ourselves and may get impatient about it and may point or act frustrated when the other person doesn't understand. we may need things to be a certain way and then not be able to communicate this and have a meltdown about it. we may not be able to articulate the way we need to and therefore may be easier to misinterpret when you don't have the patience to not immediately assume malicious intent and try to work with us to figure out how to help us or what we're saying. we may only speak a few sentences at a time or only a few words or may only speak in quotes from a special interest. we may make noises like grunting or long drawn out moaning or groaning or droning noises. we may suddenly scream or yell or shout when talking and it's not because we're trying to. we may stim violently. we may suddenly be unable to talk. most people know that one, but. we also may issues with like... forgiving people
we're still adults, but we are also disabled and it does influence our behavior and body language and tone of voice and communication and how we socialize and interact with other people and think and feel and express those feelings and if we can and how we do it and if we feel or care at all and how we handle that too, what we're able to do and how we do it and how much help we need and what we need help with, what we like and don't like and how we handle liking and not liking, what we say and do, and how we move and how well we're able to move and how aware of our bodies and surroundings and other people we are, because all of these are things you pick up in development
and if you comment on this that any of these are symptoms of something else i'm going to really blow my top. yes i know i've listed symptoms of other things in here. lack of empathy is not solely a symptom of aspd and suddenly getting annoyed at people you love isn't solely a symptom of bpd. a lot of these are also symptoms of brain damage and schizophrenia and dissociation and neurological disabilities. and i want to argue that's because most of those things are also things that affect development, but not inherently. i'm tired i would like to do something else now
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
If you had to get a tattoo from the last show you watched, what would it be?
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
minos was such a pussy. if my wife gave birth to an epic minotaur baby i wouldn't have locked him in a labyrinth. i would have taken him to the mcdonalds play place (athens) every day and let him eat as many stray mcnuggets (athenians) off the floor as he wanted. i love you hungry son
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
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One of my favorite genres of post
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
Obsessed with AO3 writers, who are a particularly fascinating subspecies of homo sapien.
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
ykno the thing about poetry is that 99% of it is bullshit and the other 1% will cut you like a material knife, and for every person that 1% is a different section of the whole. this is probably true about all art.
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sugarsh0ts · 9 months
I think that 2023 is a good time for many of us, and allies in particular, to practice again the dying art of minding our own fucking business when it comes to the identities and lives of other people.
You see someone from one of your classes in a public place with a different gender presentation/expression than they typically have? Mind your own business.
You discover that one of your coworkers is in a same gender relationship, but they aren't out at work? Not your place to share that information in the workplace.
You notice that your neighbor in a red state takes a road trip across state lines with their transgender child every 3-6 months? No you fucking didn't.
You overhear students in your classroom using a different name and different pronouns for one student than you are used to using? If you live in a state hostile to trans rights, pretend that you don't know anything about this and report nothing.
You suspect that an acquaintance of yours might be gay, but they deny it when asked directly? Leave them the fuck alone.
One of your friends refuses to publicly label their sexuality? Good for them, you aren't entitled to that information anyway.
Your sibling comes out to you as questioning, but isn't comfortable sharing that with your parents yet? Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Don't out people; coming out is a personal choice not a moral obligation. Don't demand personal information about other people's sexuality or sex lives. You aren't entitled to information about anyone's gender identity, assigned gender at birth, or transition.
Bring back privacy, allow people to have control over the information that is shared about them publicly; it might save their job, their housing, their parental rights and their child's safety, or even save lives.
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sugarsh0ts · 10 months
Fuck capitalism, humans have inherent worth, etc etc but seriously how do you lead a meaningful life when you CAN’T DO ANYTHING
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