À l'âge de 26 ans, lorsque la guerre était terminée et que les gens ont commencé à chercher des lieux plus définitifs pour vivre, je me suis installé à Lyon. Contre ma volonté, mais sans autre option, j'ai souffert les gens insupportables de la ville et un climat encore plus insupportable. Quelques mois plus tard, j'ai rencontré Marie-Claude, une femme dont la présence j'ai pu supporter. Elle était silencieuse comme une souris et avait l'habitude de marmonner les choses sous son souffle. "Il n'est pas beau, mais ne ressemble pas à l'un de ces soldats fous. Il y a des hommes bien pires". Je l'ai toujours entendue, mais pourquoi gâcher notre tolérance mutuelle ? Un an après, nous avons pris un appartement ensemble dans le centre-ville. L'endroit s'effondrait et c'était tout ce que nous pourrions payer avec notre maigre salaire. Nous étions deux ouvriers, n'avions pas vraiment un avenir, ensemble ou séparé. Et trois ans plus tard, lorsque notre premier enfant est né, avec son visage minuscule et éraflé, j'ai finalement compris ce que cela voulait aimer quelqu'un et pas seulement les tolérer. L'avenir a soudainement brillé, rouge vif comme le visage larmoyant de mon fils.
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I’m hardly ever wrong
For a long time I’ve been right about stuff. I’m used to it.
When I was little, I met Santa Claus in the metro. I was going to the zoo with my whole family and, when we entered the metro, I saw a fat old man with a long white beard. Now, I knew even then that Santa Claus wasn't real, my mom made sure I knew where the gifts I received came from so I could express gratitude to the right person, Her. But I must have been no older than 12 and, not been a very discreet child or even a discreet adult, for that matter, I got very excited because a professional Santa Claus was sitting very close to us. It wasn't even christmas time, but I was sure that man worked at a mall. When I saw him, I screamed: OH MY GOD THAT IS SANTA CLAUS! He heard me, I think the whole train heard me, I was never good at speaking low.
My mom and dad were very embarrassed, but it wasn’t the first or the last time one of their daughters would embarrass them in public, they endured it with poise. To our great surprise, the old man came to sit by our side, smiled at me and said “Do you wanna know a secret?”.
He opened his bag and showed me the white and red clothes. He was Santa Claus. I was right, as I usually am.
He gave candy to me and my sister and, more importantly, gave me the confidence in my incredible ability of stating things that people usually don’t.
We went to the zoo and the animals were great, but the really magical experience happened in the subway.
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is it enough?
There was never a time in my life in which I didn't want to speak many languages. I have always been fascinated with the concept of understanding and being understood beyond the barrier of speech and writing. Even before I knew what I wanted to do with my life I already knew that I wanted to do it in many different languages. Years later I would be introduced to the concept that understanding and being understood was as tricky in one’s native language as it was in a foreign language. Even then language kept me fascinated and I couldn't really explain why. Few things could touch my heart like the idea of being a polyglot. When I first begun learning English I was severely disappointed in discovering that the language wasn't fun or interesting or even challenging. I couldn't comprehend why it was the most spoken language in the world. I was so uninterested in English that I became able to understand and speak it by mere force of exposition. When the time came for me to choose a profession, I decided that I wanted to try something that focused on languages, it was the only thing that I actually liked well enough so could I see myself doing it for the rest of my life. When presented with my choices of languages in college, I decided to try and learn the two less insipid ones. I have always believed that a language reflects the culture of the people. French is fluid and proud and cultured and I wanted to make it my own. Italian is rhythmic and messy and warm and I wanted to lose myself in it. Now I am in college and I'm starting to think that maybe heart isn't enough, not if I can’t keep up with the pace of the class and conform myself with a great number of things that I don't agree with in the academic world.
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Prompt 16/01 - What are your personal gifts?
People like to say I’m funny. So I guess I’m funny. Not really personal since other people are the ones to point it out. I don’t feel funny. I feel as if I’m aware. Of everything. All the time. Aware of the ridiculousness and absurdity of everything and everyone. Apparently pointing it all out is funny.
I guess the gift of making people laugh is as good as any. 
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