sushiobunny · 6 years
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I’ve decided to make a larger and more explanatory post about the relationship between SSSS.Gridman and a yuri-themed web novella written by director Akira Amemiya titled “The uniform from a school I don’t recognize” and the reason I find it all so cool.
Back in late May 2017, Trigger director and animator Akira Amemiya published a yuri themed web novella , “The uniform from a school I don’t recognize”, on his Twitter account:
Note that by this point Gridman hadn’t even been announced. They were working on it, sure, but it hadn’t been revealed to the public.
He also drew a few extra illustrations depicting the characters: https://twitter.com/infernocop/status/870144750317322240
Here is a brief summary of the novella’s characters:
The protagonist of the novella is Furuta Ako (古間亜子). Ako is a girl that’s a bit shy and isn’t very good with relationships. When people get too close to her too quickly, she feels uncomfortable. That’s the reason why she dresses like an old-school delinquent girl. She bleached her hair blonde and wears flashy clothing, like a colorful jacket, so other people don't approach her carelessly. Ako dislikes people that judge others by their appearance, so she is fine if others avoid her if they think she is a troublemaker due to the way in which she dresses. Ako doesn't have that many friends in school. However, there is someone that she really appreciates and who spends a lot of time with her: Ramo Marusa, better known among their classmates as Maru-san. The person that started calling Ramo with the Maru-san nickname was Ako, but she stopped using it after everyone else in the class started to call her that way so now she calls her Ramo. Ako is explicitly in love with Ramo/Maru-san, she actually thinks to herself that she’d love to ask Ramo out and be her girlfriend, although she doesn’t dare to do it. Ramo Marusa (丸佐蘭萌), called Ramo by Ako and Maru-san (まるさん) by the rest of the class, is a "perfect girl", at least in Ako’s eyes. Maru-san is pretty, does well in school, is talented and participates in multiple clubs. So, Maru-san is busy all day: clubs, studying and everything else. Even then, it seems like she always has time to spend with Ako. As the story progresses, Ako’s love for Ramo/Maru-san is deepened as she discovers things about Ramo that she didn’t imagine. After clearing up certain misunderstanding, Ako learns that Ramo has difficult family life and that she is working hard at a part-time job in a shogi cafe, even if it’s against school rules. The novella ends without Ako actually confessing her love, but there is a sense of intimacy as they hold hands under the rain, with Ako thinking that Ramo is beautiful, and agree to go to Tokyo Disneyland together.
This is roughly “The uniform from a school I don’t recognize” as it was published back in May 2017. How is it connected to Gridman? They’re Akane’s friends. Yep, Ako and Ramo are two girls Akane is seen together with in episodes 1 and 3: a blond yankee-ish girl with a colorful jacked and a brown-haired straightforward girl. Their designs match the illustrations Akira Amemiya, director of Gridman, drew back in 2017. That’s not all, though. In the web novella, it is mentioned that Ako and Ramo are in class 1E. Exactly like the cast in Gridman. It is also said that Ramo is friends with a girl that’s as talented and smart as her, even if she is never named in the web novella, in retrospect that’s clearly Akane.
Of course, what really sealed the deal is that Ako and Ramo were both credited in the cast of episode 3. Ramo was credited as まるさん (Maru-san, her nickname) and Ako was credited as 古間  (Furuta, her last name), confirming that the Ako and the Ramo from the novella are indeed Akane’s friends.
Anyway, I find this really cool because I found the novella last year. Realizing that it was connected to Gridman all along is kinda wild. Like an ARG clue that suddenly clicks and makes sense. It also adds depth to the Gridman setting and its characters. So, the next time you see Akane’s friends in the background, remember that they also have personalities and their own stories.
If there is interest, I’ll see if I can get the web novella translated.
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sushiobunny · 6 years
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The Trigger Patreon poll for LWA characters has started. I’m not gonna force anyone to vote for anything, but fans of Diakko should vote for Diana so she ties with Akko and they get art together.
If you are not a Patron of Trigger but have money to spare you can still join for 5 bucks just to vote. The poll ends August 27 so you would still have time to remove your subscription before you need to pay an extra 5 dollars.
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sushiobunny · 6 years
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本日のブログを更新いたしました���⇒【LWA】「ねんどろいど ダイアナ・キャベンディッシュ」7月3日(火)案内開始♪ https://amba.to/2lGd52L #LWA_jp #リトルウィッチアカデミア #goodsmile グッスマオンラインショップ特典は「テディベア」です◎詳細は記事内にて!
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sushiobunny · 6 years
Don’t worry, they’re re-releasing the Akko Nendoroid because GSC knows what’s up.
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The official Diana nendo comes her own personal Akko and basically I’m going to Lose It™
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sushiobunny · 6 years
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Hello, fellow fans of Diana and Little Witch Academia! This is just a reminder to vote for Diana Cavendish in GSC’s “future Figma products” poll. It ends it 4 days and this might be her final chance of getting any sort of merch.
This is the link: https://event.goodsmile.info/figma10thanniv/en/survey/
Please, don’t take it for granted. It’s very likely that, if nothing is announced in Winter Wonfest 2018, there won’t be a Diana Nendo or Figma or anything of the sort at all. Voting is easy and it won’t take more than a minute of your time. If you have any friends that are fan of LWA or Diana, tell them to participate in the poll as well. Even if Diana doesn’t win, a good placement in the survey would greatly increase her chances of getting merchandise in the future. Thanks for your attention.
Art source: https://twitter.com/hysd1998/status/963118508857991169
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sushiobunny · 6 years
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Good Smile Company is doing a poll for their upcoming figma releases. It seems like a good opportunity to voice interest in more LWA merch. A Diana vote would be great since it would also definitely make her Nendo happen and probably come with an Akko. This is the link to the poll: https://event.goodsmile.info/figma10thanniv/en/survey/
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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By  Arai Hiroki‏ @arai_1  Source: twitter
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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Hiroyuki Katou/Keisuke Gotoh.
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sushiobunny · 7 years
Diana (and more!) Nendoroid request project
I decided to leave this post until the Lotte Nendoroid was up for pre-order. There was always the chance that they would hint at Diana, or more LWA merch in general, during the Kaho-tan blog reveal; I didn’t want to get people riled up over nothing, after all. Now, both the reveal and the opening of the pre-orders have happened and there was no mention or implication that they’re planning to do more. It’s time to face the facts: it’s likely that to GSC releasing Akko, Sucy and Lotte means that they’ve “completed” Little Witch Academia; if things remain as they are, it’s very possible that a Diana Nendoroid isn’t happening at all. Now, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen; it just means that the fans can’t simply wait for it and hope for the best. Trigger’s Kill la Kill was a bigger franchise than LWA and it still only got 3 Nendoroids.
If people truly want a Diana Nendoroid to be released, they need to make it clear that there is real demand for it, that Little Witch Academia’s won’t be complete with just Akko, Lotte and Sucy, that Diana is necessary. We don’t need to stop at Diana, though. There is also Chariot and Amanda and her gang and Croix and even Hannah and Barbara. If you want to simply write in “more LWA Nendoroids!” or even “more LWA merchandise”” I’m sure that would also be perfectly acceptable. Regardless of what GSC is planning to do, Trigger’s PR manager did say that ideally they would release Nendoroid of all the main witches.
How to request it properly? It’s extremely simple. Good Smile Company’s staff says the following: “products are considered for release/re-release when there is enough demand” and “please feel free to let us know which products you want to be releases by contacting us at one of our Facebook pages or customer support site.” Pretty straightforward. In order to let them know that there is “enough demand” for a Diana Nendoroid, we simply need to contact them via their Facebook page or their customer support site.
I’ll talk about the customer support site first. This is the link: https://partner.goodsmile.info/support/eng/inquiry/. All you need to do is fill in the required information, it’s better if you write in your real name and a valid e-mail. In "Inquiry Category” you select “release/re-release” and in “Product Category” you select “Nendoroid”. In the large box so you simply write “Please, do a Nendoroid of Diana from Little Witch Academia! And from the rest of the cast, too.” Or something along the lines of that, that’s just example. If you were unable to buy it, you could also add: “A re-release of the Akko Nendoroid would be nice, as well!”
Next comes the Facebook page. That’s even more straightforward. All you need to do is send them messages here: https://www.facebook.com/goodsmileenglish/. If you’ve used Facebook before, there should be no need for further explanation.
Anyway, that’s pretty much all I needed to say. Please, if you’re interested in a Diana Nendoroid DO SEND THEM THESE REQUESTS. It takes less than one minute to do it. If you’re interested in more LWA merch, also make sure to request it. If you’re a fan of LWA that isn’t planning to buy further merch but got Akko, pre-ordered Sucy or will pre-order Lotte, please do help us by requesting Diana or more LWA stuff in general; I’m glad you got your favorite character, but you can effortlessly help the rest of the fanbase now!
I’m sure I don’t need to add this, but I’ll do it anyway just in case: DON’T FLAME ANYONE. Lotte and Sucy deserve their Nendoroids, but so does Diana. And everyone else, too.
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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Animage (08/1985) - Dirty Pair.
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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If Diana’s HP reaches zero in the game, she covers her face with her hat in embarrassment at her loss.
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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cozy autumn
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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Little Witch Academia, concept art by Yusuke Yoshigaki.
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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California Crisis OVA - rough sketches.
(Matsuri Okuda Illustrations - Epitaph, 1990)
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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Character profiles for Avery, Mary, Rajani, Rashmi and Sora:
A girl who loves singing and aspires to be a singer songwriter in the future. She mocks Akko and has a somewhat intense attitude.
A girl who loves movies, and brought to Luna Nova Magical Academy a collection of DVDs she is keeping secret from the professors. She also asks Constanze to screen a movie on a projector for her.
Rashmi’s twin sister. She loves Sora and gets into petty disputes over her. She can use advanced synthesis magic. She speaks in a soft voice, as if she had been enlightened.
Rajani’s twin sister. She loves Sora more than she should, and fights over her with Rajani. She can use advanced synthesis magic. Unlike Rajani, she speaks as if she was a hermit.
A shy girl who dislikes her weak self. She has a predisposition to spontaneous combustion, but Rajani and Rashimi always watch over her so she does not catch fire.
Fun fact: Rajani, Rashmi and Sora are Yoshinari’s favorite background witches; the art above is by him.
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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Animage (05/1991) - Oniisama e (Brother, Dear Brother).
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sushiobunny · 7 years
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A look at the new Luna Nova students that are going to be canonized by the game; they will be added in a later update. They have all been drawn by Trigger animator Yusuke Yoshigaki.
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