swakya-blog · 2 years
Holistic Health
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Holistic health taking care of the full person, including physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs, is referred to as holistic health. It's founded on the premise that all of these elements have an impact on your overall health, and that being sick in one area has ramifications in other areas.
Consider the topic of stress. It can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, weight gain, and muscle soreness, despite the fact that it is a psychological reaction. Of course, it works both ways, and being physically ill can make you feel anxious or depressed. Meanwhile, your spirituality and connections can aid in your emotional and physical well-being. Studies have shown that close connections can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and possibly improve your chances of surviving cancer.
Doctors who use a holistic approach to medicine understand this and don't just ask about your symptoms. They want to know everything there is to know about you – your complete health and life — so they can make tailored wellness recommendations.
Visit at Website — https://swakaya.com/ Email — [email protected] Contact No — 9851979979 Address - Swakaya,Kalpataru Garden, Ground Floor, F.P No 239, 9A Boat Club Road, Next to HDFC Bank, Pune- 411001.
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swakya-blog · 2 years
Holistic Health
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Holistic health refers to taking care of the whole person, including physical, mental, spiritual, and social requirements. It's based on the idea that all of these factors influence your total health, and that being sick in one area impacts you in other ways.
Take, for example, stress. Although it is a psychological reaction, it can also result in physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, weight gain, and muscle soreness. It works both ways, of course, and being physically ill can make you nervous or depressed. In the meantime, your spirituality and connections can help you maintain good mental and physical health. Close friendships have been shown in studies to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even boost your odds of surviving cancer.
Doctors who adopt a holistic approach to health recognise this and don't only question you about your symptoms. They want to know about you — your entire health and your life — so they can give individualised wellness recommendations.
Visit at Website — https://swakaya.com/ Email — [email protected] Contact No — 9851979979 Address - Swakaya,Kalpataru Garden, Ground Floor, F.P No 239, 9A Boat Club Road, Next to HDFC Bank, Pune- 411001.
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swakya-blog · 2 years
Animal therapy for all ages
Animal-Assisted intervention is a form of treatment augmentation practice that uses the help of animals to aid in the physical and mental wellness of those who seek it. Globally, this practice has proved to aid and speed up treatment processes dramatically while also rendering warmth & joy to the patients.
Animal-assisted therapy enhances other treatment options where animals, such as dogs, cats and more, offer warmth, comfort, alertness, etc., to the patients.
In this, our human therapists alongside our four-legged therapists help in achieving physical, emotional and mental well-being of our patients. Numerous people seeking help from all age groups, suffering from trauma, intellectual & physical disability and more, are aided through our therapies. Our goal-oriented therapies are structured in accordance with the treatment you seek.
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Animal-Assisted Activities
General interaction with our four-legged therapists can enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing in general. In an environment that promotes stress-free activities and warmth, elevate your happiness quotient and through it, your overall health!
You can opt for individual as well as group therapy sessions at Swakaya.
Visit at Website — https://swakaya.com/ Email — [email protected] Contact No — 9851979979 Address - Swakaya,Kalpataru Garden, Ground Floor, F.P No 239, 9A Boat Club Road, Next to HDFC Bank, Pune- 411001.
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swakya-blog · 2 years
Yoga Center in Pune
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Yoga is an ancient kind of exercise that promotes physical and mental well-being by focusing on strength, flexibility, and breathing. The postures (a series of exercises designed to enhance strength and flexibility) and breathing are the two most important aspects of yoga.
Yoga is a form of exercise in which you move your body into various positions to enhance your fitness, flexibility, and breathing while also relaxing your mind.
Yoga is more than simply a physical activity; it strives to improve one's mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Check out our list of the top 10 yoga center in Pune if you've been thinking about joining a good yoga class to be guided toward holistic wellness.
Yoga is a set of stretches and poses accompanied by breathing exercises. It provides the many advantages of exercise. Yoga is also moderate enough that practically anyone, regardless of age or fitness ability, can do it. Yoga is a 5,000-year-old Indian discipline.
Visit at Website — https://swakaya.com/ Email — [email protected] Contact No — 9851979979
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swakya-blog · 2 years
Mental well being
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Feeling balanced, connected to others, and ready to face life's challenges are all signs of mental wellness. Healthy habits can boost your self-esteem, improve your mental function, and make it easier to manage with stress. As a result, feeling psychologically healthy can increase your motivation to maintain good practises.
Your mental health refers to your thoughts and feelings, as well as how you deal with the ups and downs of daily life. Long durations of poor mental health might lead to diagnosable mental health problems like anxiety or depression.
Being mentally healthy, or having good mental health, is more than just avoiding illness; it's a state of general well-being. Culture has an influence on the term, but it generally refers to: enjoyment of life. Having the ability to cope with stress and sadness and 'bounce back'
Visit at Website — https://swakaya.com/ Email — [email protected] Contact No — 9851979979
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swakya-blog · 2 years
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Physiotherapy is a type of health care that helps people regain, maintain, and improve their strength, function, mobility, and overall well-being. The phrases "physiotherapy" and "physical therapy," as well as "physiotherapist" and "physical therapist," denote the same thing and are interchangeable.
Physiotherapists analyse, diagnose, and treat symptoms of sickness, injury, and disability using in-depth understanding of how the body functions and specialised hands-on clinical skills. Physiotherapy encompasses rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness promotion. To satisfy an individual's health care needs, physiotherapists frequently collaborate with other health experts.
Physiotherapy is a treatment that aims to improve a patient's mobility, function, and overall well-being. Physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness are all areas where physiotherapy can help. Physiotherapists encourage you to participate in your own healing.
We'll go over the 21 distinct sorts of physiotherapists in this piece. We'll go over the ailments they address, and by the end of this post, you should know exactly which physiotherapist to see and how they may help you.
Visit at Website - https://swakaya.com/ Email - [email protected] Contact No - 9851979979
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swakya-blog · 2 years
Holistic Health
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Holistic Health
In order to address the root cause of the problem rather than merely the symptoms, a holistic approach to health is required. It considers all factors and encourages people to take responsibility for their health and well-being. It's also critical to prevent illnesses and develop long-term treatments for those who already have them.
Holistic health is a way of living that takes into account all aspects of well-being. It promotes people to see themselves as a full person, including their physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual selves.
Holistic health is founded on the belief that true health comes from achieving a state of mind-body balance. However, a holistic approach can be applied to practically any situation. These writers are leading the way, and their commitment to educating, inspiring, and encouraging others to adopt a holistic lifestyle has earned them a spot on this year's list of the best holistic health.
Visit at Website - https://swakaya.com/ Email - [email protected] Contact No - 9851979979
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