swanksidelimbo · 1 day
Okay but when is your birthday, specifically? *Evily shake hands*
I thought I already answered this, whoops— (sorry head empty 💔)
It’s August 2nd.
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Still upset about my birthday drive not coming to fruition, it might be a reality if my dad takes the day off but very doubtful that’ll happen asdsksmak-
This is the third time I’ve tried to plan to do something for my birthday and for it NOT to happen. 😭 like damn, can’t have shit around here‼️‼️(joking)
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swanksidelimbo · 2 days
(talking about my interpretation)
This is totally me just me self-inserting into the Kongs, and what about it!! Lemme have fun (joking).
But I’ve always seen them as native/indigenous. Actually, I have an art idea where a young Cranky and Wrinkly put a baby DK in a cradleboard [I have a baby photo where my dad put me in one actually :)]. At the same time, I’m afraid because I don’t want people harassing me for pouring my culture into something where it doesn’t belong. I even feel scared to say I’m native out loud, that’s how scared I am to say all of this- 😭
I know all of this is silly to do but I absolutely love the idea and I’m saying this now as a heads up..?
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swanksidelimbo · 4 days
Just got a backup device to save my artwork from possible future problems from my laptop. :) When I had a virus on my old laptop, it COMPLETELY wiped out everything, sadly including my art. By getting this backup device, I’ll be able to keep my art from being eradicated from a virus. Hopefully.🤞
I always cringe whenever I see my old art (wonky anatomy, etc) but I wished I had saved them as I love seeing my art progressing. </3
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swanksidelimbo · 5 days
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Also using this opportunity to ramble. Sorry, couldn’t resist—
Swanky is the one who acts “human” the most out of the cast. He doesn’t know how to act ape-like (ex: climbing, foraging, or nest-building, etc). He wasn’t taught any of those skills when he was young, and now is reluctant to try any of those out.
Funky isn’t good with maintaining eye contact, that’s half of the reason why he wears shades. The other half is that his eyes are sensitive to bright lights.
DK sometimes like to wrestle and tackle Swanky and Funky out of affection. He mostly does this towards Swanky. He would do this to the other Kongs but he’s afraid of accidentally hurting them (they’re smaller).
Swanky and Lanky have a mentor-mentee dynamic. Lanky took Swanky’s advice and took it to the heart, leading him to be a beloved comedian on the island.
Chunky is reluctant to try new things out, he often seeks reassurance from the older Kongs (DK, Lanky, Funky, Swanky, Candy, etc) before proceeding.
Despite Cranky, well, being Cranky (ex: hitting the younger Kongs on the head with his cane), he holds good intentions. He merely wants the Kongs to strive to be better, and not fall in the path he fell when he was younger.
Shockingly, Cranky is a pacifist (I guess unshockingly when we remember his past). He will look for any solution, anything, to not resort to violence.
Wrinkly loves to pinch the younger Kongs’ cheeks like a grandma (she does it with both hands). Despite the fact that it’s painful, the younger Kongs endure it to make her happy.
Candy absolutely enjoys and loves music, she’s often seen wearing a pair of headphones connected to a Walkman. It’s rare to see her without it. The headphones also works as earmuffs as she’s sensitive to loud abrupt sounds.
Candy sees Funky as an “annoying younger brother” and often treats him as one. Basically like this:
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The Kongs’ fur somewhat acts like a cat’s. It flares up a bit when they’re angry, it becomes spiky when they’re startled, etc.
When they’re very distressed or enraged, they make animalistic sounds.
The Kongs mostly have a vegetarian diet.
I don’t know why I keep posting and thinking about DKC in the night ;0;, it keeps happening and I don’t know how to stop it. Regardless, I hope y’all enjoyed it. :)
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swanksidelimbo · 6 days
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They go right before the big bad guy, right??
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swanksidelimbo · 7 days
This is inspired by an artist I follow on Twitter.
I’m starting to realize DK will be a part of my life, it’s what pushes me forward to improve my artistic skills. I’m now interested in making 3D models*, animating*, pushing myself out of my comfort zone in general. Yes, I’m putting this much effort into drawing silly primates. Every single of the Kongs mean a lot to me, even those I haven’t put much thought into yet. I know it doesn’t really look like it, but I love this franchise and its characters so much.
* I haven’t dipped my toes into that stuff as my small laptop can barely handle it. </3 Maybe I should invest into a bigger computer.
The characters are my muse in my works, and I’m not ashamed of that (or, trying not to). My younger self would be shocked by my improvement and dedication to my craft, y’all should’ve seen my first artworks of the Kongs (omg, they were so terrible, I’m not even gonna lie). So, if you’re expecting me to be normal about DKC, I’m sorry to say that I won’t be. 💔 tbh, y’all are only seeing a mere fraction of my love on this blog lmao.
I think I’m finally coming around with embracing my love of DK (I always tried to overcome or ignore it but, it is what it is, man. I could be doing much worse things than drawing silly apes asdsksmkm-).
Going off topic, I’m gonna go on a day-long ATV ride by myself on my birthday. It’s my way of celebrating my birthday ‘cause I can’t have any cake (lactose intolerant 💔💔💔) or nothing of sort. Just hoping nothing will be wrong with the ATV otherwise I’ll be, uh, stuck deep in the forest 💀, but no worries, I know my way around and back home. This is a months-ahead notice so don’t worry if I’m inactive for a while in August!!
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swanksidelimbo · 9 days
Y’know, sometimes I wish I was into shipping *head in hands*.
I’ve seen people having fun with ships (drawing, writing fanfics, etc), but I can’t because I’m so averted by romance, stuff like that. 😭
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Like, the most I do with a ship is that I think about it for awhile (few days most), and forget about it. 💀 I then practically feel nothing for it afterwards,,
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swanksidelimbo · 9 days
I finished the turnaround, and I then compared it to my old ref sheet of Swanky (made back in August 2023). The improvement is so astonishing for me. 😭
Just drew Swanky again (making a character turnaround of him for funsies), and I’m reminded of my love of him—
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Also, now that it’s Pride Month, I’m tempted to draw some Swanky x Funky. Will I share it? who knows,,,
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swanksidelimbo · 10 days
Just drew Swanky again (making a character turnaround of him for funsies), and I’m reminded of my love of him—
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Also, now that it’s Pride Month, I’m tempted to draw some Swanky x Funky. Will I share it? who knows,,,
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swanksidelimbo · 12 days
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Just finished my design of Cordian (love it sm), I’m putting design notes for the other tikis as I have a tendency to forget ideas and that my brain flows through a dozen of ‘em,,
Putting it under read more, honestly, I don’t know why but I feel so cringe talking about the Tikis 😭. I’ve fallen back into my Tiki phase when I was 14, man, at this point, I’ll never be free of them-:
— DESIGN ALREADY DONE. | Underneath the clothing, body look more robotic than the other Tiki Leaders.
— ROUGH DRAFT | He’s the doctor of the tribe. Half of his face is obscured by his hood. Take some inspiration from Mangoruby (leafy collar, etc - basically make him the embodiment of nature).
— NOT STARTED | Embodiment of death. Rectangle skeletal mask, and imposing body type (like DK). His instrument replaces his torso and stomach area.
— The rest I haven’t started or have much ideas on yet.
Banjo Bottom is extremely sensitive to light (his eyes are different from other Leaders), but has very good hearing. Basically a bat.
Kalimba is the youngest leader (made just before the Kong rebellion). He hasn’t earned respect from his older peers nor got used to his hypnosis powers yet.
Gong-Oh, his personality like Prox/imus Ca/esar (no, I haven’t watched the new P/OTA movie, DO NOT SPOIL IT FOR ME. 💔 it’s just the vibes of him that reminds me of Gong-Oh). Very show-offy, uses his coliseum for fights.
Maraca Gang, pirates. They sometimes leave the island to hunt for treasure. One of their arm is replaced by a hook, but the hook can be detached and replaced with their hand if needed.
Tiki Tong, THE LEADER. I have no design ideas for him yet but, some lore. He broke a piece of himself to create the Tiki Leaders. No, Tiki Tong didn’t care for them as they quickly grew up to care for themselves.
Don’t worry about my humanoid designs of the Tikis being canon in my interpretation — it’s an AU. It’s an AU where the Kongs didn’t succeed in overthrowing the Tikis then sealing them away in the volcano. Think of it like a bad ending.
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swanksidelimbo · 12 days
Me wonders. How does tiki anatomy work? I picture them functioning very differently from other characters for being wooden instruments bought to life with divine power. But what's your interpretation? 0.0)
Hmmm, I’ve always interpreted their instruments as their heart. AKA, if you break their instrument, they’re dead. They don’t have any ‘organs’, only their instrument. They could only be resurrected by Tiki Tong, himself. So, it’s really bad if Tiki Tong is out for the picture. 💀
We’ve seen the Tikis burst out of the volcano in volcanic rocks(?), so they can’t be made out of literal wood. If they did, they would’ve burned up in the volcano lmao - unless they somehow are immune?? which I have a hard time believing-
I think they’re made out of magma rocks or if they are literal wooden instruments, they must’ve absorbed the lava to harden their structure. 🤔 the latter makes some sense as they spent presumably thousands of years being sealed away-
If they are made out of magma rocks, it doesn’t make sense they look made out of wood. I guess they adopted the wooden-like appearance to appear non-threatening to the Kongs? Like this:
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And for my humanoid designs, I made them look like ball-jointed dolls. Again, they only need their instrument to live so you could basically rip them in half and they’d still survive,,
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swanksidelimbo · 13 days
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Sorry for the inactivity — a sudden Tiki phase overcame my senses, and now Tikis are the only thing I’m thinking about atm,, I wish I could find my 3DS-
Yes, I’m spending my time making humanoid designs of the Tikis, super self-indulgent of me, I know— (be careful of what you pick to be your interest at 14, it WILL stick /j)
I’ll probably continue being inactive until I’m done with my humanoid designs of the Tikis (will I share them?..ehh, probably not unless someone is interested in seeing them-) and when my Tiki phase is over.
Half of the reason why I’ve been inactive is because of a sickness. 💀 Atp, I’ve been spending my nineteen being sick, man,,
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swanksidelimbo · 19 days
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I’ve said I was gonna keep this to myself until I finished more of these “cursed images as DKC” drawings (yes, this is the sequel that no one asked for /j),, but I love this too much to keep it hidden anymore-
Plus, considering my schedule rn, it may take a while for me to make more so.. 💀 take this as a treat ig-
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swanksidelimbo · 20 days
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I noticed this detail while I was editing, you can see the Seller Kong calling out Driver Kong for stealing a banana (not to mention, took it out of his hand!!).
Or he was trying to warn Swanky about the peel on the road? It could be interpreted in both ways, but I personally think he was more concerned about the theft lmao—
Nvm, just before Swanky slips on the banana, you can see the Seller looking apologetic/distressed at him. He probably realized what was about to happen, man. 😭
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And I’ve realized something, Swanky could’ve swerved away from the banana without getting hurt if he didn’t freeze or push the brakes but I can’t blame him as I got into a similar situation. 💀 (idc, I’m still calling him stupid (affectionate)!!)
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swanksidelimbo · 21 days
This is what boredom does to me, I’m sorry. ;0; Unable to sleep in this weather is difficult lmao, been tossing and turning in bed so why not spend time editing?
(It’s been months since I last edited and my phone kept crashing while editing so there’s mistakes *head in hands* but it is what it is,,)
| Driver Kong Edit • Not My Fault |
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I put the edit under ‘read more’ as it has a lot of fast transitions and vibrant coloring like this frame 👆:
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swanksidelimbo · 22 days
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(this art is connected to my last post)
First time drawing DK with fangs - and yes, he does sometimes bite his tongue by accident lol. He’s the only Kong with really prominent fangs, the others are either dull (Cranky) or no fangs like Swanky and Funky.
A silly HC I just made up is a party trick when DK would easily husk a coconut with his teeth like it was nothing (others have difficulty or they just use a knife instead 💀). That party trick is always a win with the crowd— he just loves showing off lmao
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swanksidelimbo · 23 days
Just made the realization of the possibility of Lanky and Swanky not being immune to the Tikis’ hypnotization. I personally think the DK Island natives are immune to it, the perk of sealing away a literal god, I guess lol.
And besidesss, Swanky. :) It feels like I haven’t drawn him in forever (it’s been 9 days 💀).
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