syafiramhrnn · 1 year
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syafiramhrnn · 2 years
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The Theory of Everything (2014)
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syafiramhrnn · 2 years
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Eat, Pray, Love (2010)
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syafiramhrnn · 2 years
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In the Mood for Love (2000)
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syafiramhrnn · 2 years
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Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
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syafiramhrnn · 2 years
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Regular Lovers (2005)
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
UN 101: Summary
Syafira Maharani Yanoro_072011233079_Canada_SummaryUN101
United Nations: History, Organs, Membership
The United Nations is an international organization established in 24 October 1945 and its now consist of 193 member state. The mission of United Nations are guided and based by the United Nations Charter. The United Natios takes action on a lot of issues such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and many more. Thus, the United Nations provides a forum for its members to express their views on regarding issues in the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and other comittees. By enabling dialogue between the member states, the organization became a forum to find areas of agreement and slove probems together.
United Nations was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt whom was United States President at that time. “United Nations” first used during the World War II in the Declaration by United Nations in 1 January 1942, there was 26 nations that attended the even to pledged their governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers. In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco to make up the United Nations Charter. Those representative then deliberated based of proposals made by the representative of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States in August-October 1944. The United Nations Charter was signed by 26 June 1945 by all the representatives of the 50 countries. Later, Poland signed the charter and became the 51 member of United Nations. Thus, the United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945 after the charter ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories.
The United Nations has main organs that was founded in 1945 along with when UN was founded. Those main organs are (1) General Assembly (GA), its an forum where all 193 member states of the UN represented in the GA. Each year the GA is held in September in New York for the annual GA session and general debate which many heads of state attend. The GA also elects GA President to serve a one-year term of office. (2) Security Council (SC), the SC takes responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. SC has 15 members with 5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members. The SC takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression. (3) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the ECOSOC, as its name, specialized in the economic, social, and environmental fields, supervising subsidiary and expert bodies. The ECOSOC has 54 Members and elected by the GA for three years terms. (4) Trusteeship Council, the council ensures that adequate steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self-government and independence. By 1994, all Trust Territories had attained self-government or independence and this council has suspended its operation on 1 November 1994. (5) International Court of Justice (ICJ), the ICJ has a role to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States and give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by the UN organs. (6) UN Secretariat, this organ is the one who carry out the day-to-day work of the UN mandated by the GA and other organs.
The GA as said is a forum where representatives of member state can express their ideas to certain problem. There are two types of session in the GA, there is a regular sessions where the meetings discuss about general topics and held annually on Tuesday of third week of September and ends on a decided dates. Also there is a special session where the meetings intiated by the UN member state, the SC, or the GA and notified two weeks before meeting if summoned by the SC and then days if summoned by the GA, but if its an emergency then the meeting shall be notified one day before the opening. The UNGA has a flow in its debate which consist of (in order) Address by Secgen, Address by President, address by Heads of State, debate session, and lastly voting.
Every country can propose to join the UN, but in order to be an official member, there some processes that needs to be done. First, the state have to submit an application to the SC and a letter that the state accepts the oligations under the Charter. Second, the application will be reviewed by the SC. Here, recommendation for admission must receive the affirmative votes of 9 of the 15 members of the council and that none of the permanent members against the application. Third, after the council recommends admission, the recommendation will be presented in the GA for consideration and there will be vote taken where the two-thirds majority vote is necessary in the assembly for admission of a new State. Forth, after completing all three processes before the membership becomes effective the date when the resolution for admission is adopted.
Furthermore, it can be concluded that the UN is an Interngovernmental Organization because it has states as its members. The UN was established in 1945 and it has 6 main organs that takes action and responsibility in different fields. The UN has a General Assembly which held every year and attended by its 193 members. The UNGA also has its own’s flow in its debating session and two-thirds of vote is needed to accept an admission to be followed up. Any country can proposed to join the UN but it has to get past the some processes before become an official member of the UN.
United Nations. “About The UN” [online]. https://www.un.org/en/about-un/ [Accessed 12 October 2020].
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Mind Map IDP 2020
Syafira Maharani Yanoro - 072011233079 - Canada
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Climate change is a threat with a global scale which also threats every individuals living around the world. The cimate change dominantly caused by peoples activities such as illegal logging, mining, use of private transportation, the overly used plastics, etc. those activities result in the increasing earth’s temperature and that melts glacier in the Arctic and result in rising sea level. The situation is only getting worse and a change is needed. We can’t undo what have been done and we also can’t completely annihilate the climate change and it’s effects that have been here. But we do have choices; to keep destroying earth or to at least not hurting earth anymore. We have choices to make the earth less sick and we of course should do it.
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Pengalaman bersama Filosku ><
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Filosku ❤
Nama Lengkap: Nabila Nurrahma Rekadewi
Nama Panggilan: Kak Nabila
Asal Daerah: Surabaya
Funfact Filos: Gagal ITB
1. Rakyat rungkut
2. Dulu IRFESTnya negara Indonesia
3. Namanya kembaran 3 di HI 19
4. waktu westphalia jadi warga belanda
5. pendiam
Perjalanan mencari filosku bisa dibilang ngga terlalu susah tapi ngga semulus itu juga. Awalnya setelah dapet main clue filos aku tanya kak finda dan kak sam tapi masih clueless sampai akhirnya aku tanya kak tio dan dapet clue yang cukup crucial yaitu “namanya kembaran 3 di HI 19″ dari situ aku langsung mencatat semua nama HI 19 yang informasinya aku peroleh dari ig HI 19 dan akhirnya ketemu ada tiga nama yang kembar: Nabila. akhirnya aku follow ig kak nabila tapi ternyata bukan filosku, terus aku tanya kak nabol ternyata bukan juga, akhirnyaaaa aku dm kak nabila dan bingo ternyata bener filosku HEHE. Pertemuan pertama sama kak nabila itu pas sama kak gladys kak finda terus ada aslam rayhan sm dhiw jugaa, sharingnya seru bangett bisa ngomongin banyak hal ga cuma tentang kuliah ajaa. pertemuan kedua itu pas sharing filos 3 oktober yang juga ada kakak-kakak dan teman-teman yang lainnyaa jadinya tambah rame dan seru jugaa bisa sharing-sharing. pokoknya, kak nabila sebagai filos itu bener-benerr seru bangett! aku dapet banyak informasi dan tips dari kak nabila terus dapet juga banyak cerita-cerita seru dari kak nabila. kak nabila juga sabar banget dengerin cerita-cerita gajelas akuu pokoknya kak nabila best bangett!! (❁´◡`❁)💕
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Summary International Day Project 2020
Syafira Maharani Yanoro - 072011233079 - Canada
Rethinking International Community's Role and Contribution in Climate Issues
Perubahan iklim adalah perubahan pola iklim global atau regional dalam jangka Panjang yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Banyak orang yang mengira bahwa perubahan iklim diakibatkan oleh menipisnya lapisan ozon padahal dua hal tersebut tidak memiliki hubungan sebab akibat. Perubahan iklim membawa dampak pada kehidupan masyarakat, beberapa contoh akibat perubahan iklim adalah terjadinya banjir karena adanya perubahan siklus air, terjadinya tanah longsor karena pohon-pohon banyak yang ditebang, kekeringan yang berkepanjangan, siklon tropis, kebakaran hutan yang semakin mudah terjadi, dan gagal panen karena kekeringan atau banjir. Pemanasan global mengakibatkan laut kita menderita, air laut menjadi asam dan panas sehingga berdampak pada biota laut. Perubahan iklim juga berpengaruh pada hal-hal yang penting seperti ketersediaan makanan, kebersihan air, Kesehatan global, dan infrastruktur. Penyebab terjadinya perubahan iklim adalah karena adanya efek gas rumah kaca. Adapun sumber-sumber gas rumah kaca, yaitu tambang batubara, permafrost meleleh, kebakaran hutan, transportasi udara, darat, dan laut (Zakkiyah, 2020).
Indonesia terancam akan menjadi negara paling awal di dunia yang akan mengalami dampak ekstrem perubahan iklim seperti mengalami titik terpanas, pola hujan baru,naiknya temperature serta muka air laut. Namun, hal itu belum menggerakkan pemerintah untuk lebih ambisius dalam mengatasi masalah lingkungan ini. Indonesia memiliki target NDC yaitu untuk melakukan 29% penurunan GRK pada tahun 2030 (Isfandiari, 2020). Untuk mendorong tercapainya target NDC tersebut ada dukungan fiskal yang diberikan berupa insentif perpajakan, beanja mitigasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim, dan pembiayaan inovasi. Terdapat juga beberapa program Indonesia yang telah disetujuin GCF berupa Program Kesiapan GCF Fase I dan II, Persiapan Proyek Pembangunan Bus Rapid Transit di Semarang, Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation Facility (GREM), dan Climate Investor One (CIO) (Syaifudin, 2020).
Ada beberapa hal yang bis akita sebagai masyarakat dunia lakukan untuk berkontribusi dalam perubahan iklim ini, seperti menghemat energi listrik pada kehidupan sehari-hari, menggunakan transportasi publik agar tidak menyumbang terlalu banyak polusi asap, serta menggunakan media sosial untuk speak up dan meningkatkan awareness mengenai bahaya perubahan iklim ini (Zakkiyah, 2020).
Isfandiari, Adila. 2020. [WEBINAR]. Krisis Iklim. Dipresentasikan di webinar International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020 pada hari Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Syaifudin, Noor. 2020. [WEBINAR]. Dana APBN. Dipresentasikan di webinar International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020 pada hari Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Zakiyyah, Lia. 2020. [WEBINAR]. Climate Change Issue. Dipresentasikan di webinar International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020 pada hari Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Intro to IR: Answering Question
Syafira Maharani Yanoro - 072011233079 - Canada
1. Nationalism is the idea that membership of the nation provides the significant focus of political identity and loyalty which turns to national self-determination. Nationalist thinks of the nation in different ways although they all take it to refer to a whole society inhabited a specific territory. Nationalism is a broad theory which can be seen as ideology, as politics, as sentiments (Breuilly, 2014). Nationalism is an idea that can’t be separated from a nation since its something that can be create or preserve one’s nation sovereignty.
2. National identity holds a powerful means of defining and locating individual selves in the world, this identity can be seen through the dimensions of the diverse personality and its distinctive culture (Smith, 1991). National Identity can be considered as a central dimension of international politics this can be viewed as the fact that with national identity, actors whom represented the nationstate already have some kind of guide in diplomatic agenda
3. Power in international relations is the act of influencing other factors, it consist of the capabilities used to make the exercise of influence successful and the responses to the act (Holsti, 1964). Power in IR is basically a capability of a state in formulating policy and the strategy for achieveing their certain goals. There is three types kind of power in IR, it consist of hard power which the actors uses military factors, economic force, rising tension and escalation ada many others. Also, there is soft power that can be obtain from nonmaterial aspects as culture, ideology, and regional affinity. Other than hard and soft power, theres also smart power which combined the hard and soft power.
Reference Breuilly, John (2014) "Nationalism" in, J. Baylis, S. Smith, & P. Owens (eds.), Globalization of World Politics. An introduction to international relations, (eds.), 6th edition, Oxford University Press [Chapter 25].
Holsti, K. J. (1964) “The Concept of Power in the Study of International Relations” Background, Vol. 7, No. 4: pp. 194.
Smith, Anthony D. (1991) National Identity, Penguin Books.
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Nama Lengkap:  Dorothea Anjani Dawolo Nama Panggilan: Anjani TTL: Malang, 24 September 2001 Asal Daerah: Bali Pesan: jaga kesehatan, trs usahain smt 1 ip 4 yaa!!!
Nama Lengkap: Mizanul Amal Nama Panggilan: Izan TTL: Surabaya Asal Daerah: Surabaya, 24 Maret 2000 Pesan: Ttp dijagaa ajaa ya semangatnya yaa awal2 masuk kuliah karena tugas ospek nya juga cukup banyak tp dibawa enjoy aja selama prosesnyaa 👌🏻😉
Nama Lengkap: Fitha Dwi Kartikayuni Nama Panggilan: kar, tika TTL: banjarmasin, 6 juni 2002 Asal Daerah: Kalimantan Tengah Pesan: ayo lebih deket lagiii, semangat  kuliahnyaa ✨
Nama Lengkap: Nabilla Wanda Karunia Nama Panggilan: Abell TTL: Bekasi, 25 November 2002 Asal: Bekasi Pesan: Salam kenal yaa, semoga bisa cepet2 ketemu offline <3
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Nama Lengkap: Afkar Annibros Muhammad Nama Panggilan: afkar TTL: Semarang, 25 Februari 2001 Asal Daerah: Jakarta Pesan: Semangat ya kuliahnya di HI. Jangan menyerah! Berjuang smpe akhir tapi jangan lupa sama kebahagiaan diri sendiri
Nama Lengkap: Nadiah Robbi Rodliyya Nama Panggilan: narob TTL: Trenggalek, 22 Juli 2001 Asal Daerah: Malang Pesan: this too shall pass so keep strong 💪
Nama Lengkap: Afifah Zahra Nama Panggilan: Zahra TTL:  Malang, 12 April 2002 Asal daerah: Malang Pesan: May the harsh winter ends and spring comes sooner for you💕
Nama Lengkap: Kaniraras Nugrahandini Nama Panggilan : Raras Asal : Trenggalek TTL : Trenggalek, 23 April 2002 Pesan : SEMANGAT KULIAH ONLINE SYAFIRAAAAAAA
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Nama Lengkap: Belva Dzaky Aulia Nama Panggilan: belva TTL: Wonogiri, 31 Mei 2001 Asal Daerah: Wonogiri Pesan: Semangat kuliah di HInya yaa.... jangan bosen berproses di HI unair sjajshajshdbdndndmd
Nama Lengkap: Madelyn Nora Abidin Nama Panggilan: Madelyn, Nora TTL: Kediri, 14 Oktober 2000 Asal Daerah: Kediri Pesan:  Nikmatin setiap proses IRFEST yaaa soalnya nanti bakal banyak kenangannya. Terus selama kuliah di hi nanti jangan nyerah. Kalo mungkin nanti kamu ngerasa jenuh bosen apa stress tetep inget2 mimpi kamu apa knp sampek milih hi. Harus komit dan bertanggung jawab sama pilihannyaa dongsss. Okkayyy ... Semangattttt firaaaaaaa
Nama : Odilia Nayla nama panggilan : odi TTL : Jakarta, 19 Agustus 2002 Asal Daerah : Jakarta Pesan : Semangat kuliahnya, semoga betah dan semoga kita bisa temenan ya
Nama Lengkap : Ram Ratu Raisa T. Nama Panggilan: Acha TTL : Sidoarjo, 5 Desember 2002 Asal daerah : surabaya Pesan : semoga bisa jadi temen baik yaa, santai aja kalo sama akuu hehe. bahagia bareng dan lancar kuliahnya sampe luluss✨
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Nama Lengkap: Ida Bagus Dama Wisnumurti Palguna Nama Panggilan: wisnu TTL: Bali, 5 April 2001 Asal Daerah: Bali Pesan: selamat udah di terima di HI unair yaa syafiraa, semogaa punya banyak temennn disinii dan pengalaman pengalaman serunya juga banyak jugaa, tetep semangat dan beprestasi yaa!!
Nama Lengkap:  Savira Nur Aisya Nama Panggilan: savira, vira, cepi TTL: Surabaya, 31 Maret 2001 Asal Daerah: Surabaya Pesan: Semangat kuliah firaa!! Jangan jadi sadgirl yaaa xixixixixixii.. Oh yaa, jaga kesehatan dannn bahagia selaluuuuu, cepet ketemu yaa🤭
Nama Lengkap: Farah Aulia Tamami Nama Panggilan: farah/tam TTL: Surabaya, 30 Desember 2002 Asal Daerah: Surabaya Pesan: semangatt irfestnyaa jangan gupuh :D dan ayo kita deketan lagi biar nanti offline bisa asiiik🤩💖
Nama: Arya Ahmad Afani Panggilan: Arya TTL: Tangerang, 29 Desember 2001 Asal: Tangerang Pesan: Kuliah dibawa santai aja jagan sampai lupa olahraga
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Nama Lengkap: Andi Dwi Prasetyo Nama Panggilan: Andi TTL: Kediri, 5 Desember 1999 Asal Daerah: Kediri Pesan: Terus semangat dan bekerja keras apapun hasil yang kamu dapat. Jangan mudah menyerah dan putus asa. 🔥🔥🔥
Nama Lengkap: Diba Eriestantia Nama Panggilan: diba TTL: Pekanbaru, 15 Mei 2001 Asal Daerah: pekanbaru Pesan: pasti ada fase capek banget nanti jalanin aja emang kuliah itu capek
Nama: Kurnia Larasati Harianto                                                                     Nama Panggilan: Nia or Nene TTL: Surabaya, 6 November 2001 Asal daerah: Surabaya Pesan: semoga bisa cepet ketemu offline biar makin akrab. Semangat kuliahh online!✨
Nama : Fayza Miryam Mahatma                                                                    Nama Panggilan: Aysa Tempat, Tgl Lahir: Banjarmasin, 29 Desember 2002 Asal Daerah: Surabaya, Jawa Timur Pesan: Jangan lupa kenalan lagi kalo udah kuliah offline ! Jangan sungkan, aku nggak ngigit 🤩👌
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syafiramhrnn · 4 years
Nama Lengkap: Nur Muhammad Syahid Nama Panggilan: syahid TTL: Bekasi, 10 Juli 2001 Asal Daerah: Gresik Pesan: Semangatt kuliah di HI.nyaa....terutama.pas IRFEST...... Pas nugas di awal2 jangan banyak ngeluh yaa.....di tengah atau akhir ajaa ngeluhnya...wkwkwk....semangattt
Nama Lengkap: Berliana Oktafiani Nugroho Putri Nama Panggilan: berliana, berli TTL: Bojonegoro Asal Daerah: Bojonegoro, 20 Oktober 2000 Pesan: semangat kuliah dan irfest nya.. jaga kesehatan, rajin baca RM/isu" terbaru dan selamat datang di keluarga besar hi unair
Nama Lengkap: Alya Tara Saky Nama Panggilan: aca, alya TTL: Surabaya, 03 Maret  2002 Asal Daerah: Surabaya Pesan: semogaa bisa akrab yaaa sama anak2 hi, suksess bareng🤩
Nama Lengkap: Amelia Putri S. Nama Panggilan : Amel, ameng, terserah aja Tempat, Tgl Lahir: Jakarta, 31 Juli 2002 Asal Daerah: Tangerang Selatan Pesan: semoga bisa tetep ngasih usaha yg terbaik terus-terusan guys. Semangat!
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