taesd-urag ¡ 9 months
The Nanny (DILF!! Koutarou Bokuto x Chubby reader)
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>>>>>>>DILF ALERT>>>>>>>>
WARNING : Bokuto is literally the hottest dilf EVER.
Bokuto Koutarou was tired.
As a worn-out, retired pro-volleyball player, one would think Koutarou’s life would be lived in luxury, in comfort beyond need.
But as he sat on a bench much too small for his built frame, holding a stuffed ballet bag whilst attempting to calm his crying son, all as Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” blared through the studio filled with 6-year-old girls and their accompanying parents, Koutarou couldn't help but feel incredibly overwhelmed.
He’d take the pressure of playing the second match of a losing game on national television over this hell any day.
He hated it, yet he stayed….because….he loved it. He would endure the stuffiness and the discomfort, and the occasional request for an autograph if it meant that his daughter got to be happy.
He watched her spinning with her peers, smiling as he watched her brows furrow in cute concentration as the teacher introduced moves that would be in their upcoming recital.
She was truly the spitting image of Koutarou, both of the twins were. They both possessed his wild gold eyes and unruly hair, not to mention their smiles that could light up the whole building.
They looked so much like Koutarou that, back when he was still married to their mother, when the woman would take the twins out without him, she would claim to get odd stares everywhere she went.
So he supposed that he was grateful that they looked so much like him, with how it ended with his ex-wife he could never see her face again and be content, happy, even.
Still, being a single dad was…. hard.. to say the least. He was lucky to have plenty of money saved away from his glory days, but the stress and time crunch he was constantly subjected to by the various weekly sports practices or music lessons or grocery shopping or house-cleaning or literally all of the tasks that were making his hair gray faster than desired, was still palpable.
So it was safe to say that although the man loved his kids and really wouldn’t trade his life for anything, he was exhausted.
But he had no choice, so he continued to watch his daughter twirl about the studio while also attempting to calm his son.
“Excuse me…”
Koutarou’s head turned towards the sound.
You had been sitting beside the crying six-year-old for at least the last five minutes, watching his father struggle between comforting him and watching his sister.
You’d had to work up the nerve to say anything to the intimidating man, but you figured with how pitiful he looked, he’d welcome your help.
“I was just wondering if your son wanted a snack?”
Koutarou just stared at you, his golden eyes practically boring into your soul, making you want to sink back into your skin.
‘God’ you thought, feeling your face getting hot at the man’s attention. ‘I shouldn’t have said anything. What weirdo leads with that?...............why is he still staring at me?’
You cleared your throat, snapping Bokuto out of whatever strange daze he’d been in.
He looked down to find his son staring up at you, no longer crying.
Another 30 seconds of silence passed, you sat uncomfortably in your seat as a new set of golden eyes now stared at you, replacing the gaze of his father.
You were about to speak again, to tell the man to forget about it, but as you opened your mouth to apologize, the man finally spoke.
“....Just like that?” he says, looking at this new stranger with an incredulous look on his face. He couldn’t believe that you’d gotten his son to stop crying with a simple question.
“-I’m sorry?”
“Just like that you’re done crying?”
You watched as the boy turned back towards his father, grinning up at the older man before looking at you expectantly. You heard the father sigh before watching a grin overtake his face, practically brightening the whole room as the smile took over his features. You couldn’t help but mentally swoon at the sight of father and son, smiling at you with practically identical grins.
You felt your face getting even warmer as you watched the man’s eyes crinkle. You couldn’t believe how breathtakingly handsome this man was, his salt and pepper stubble shining in the fluorescent lighting as his hulking shoulders slumped forward. Your eyes darted towards one of his massive biceps as his hand reached back to rub the nape of his neck in embarrassment.
“Is it alright if he has one?” you ask.
Koutarou nodded as he thanked God for the angel that he’d just been sent. He thought that the crying would never stop when all it took for the runt to stop crying was a snack from a pretty lady?
Koutarou watched you intently as you asked his son what he wanted, opening a large tote bag you’d had on your lap to let him select his treat. You couldn’t have been older than he’d been when he and his ex had had the twins. The way that you were dressed suggested you were much younger than any of the other parents here, much too young to have kids as old as Bokuto’s.
A sister maybe? Koutarou thought as you handed his son a juice pouch, ruffling his hair and lightly asking him if he was here to watch his sister dance.
Soon, the end of class rolled around and all of the parents began gathering their things to go home. Koutarou, despite desperately wanting to, hadn’t said anything except ‘thank you’ to you, the feeling of exhaustion clouding over the possibility that you found him rude for not engaging in more conversation.
He watched you gather your things, wanting to stop you but not getting the chance as, for some reason, the dance teacher asked for everyone’s attention.
The teacher announced the departure of one of the students who was apparently moving away, telling the class that their friend would no longer be attending dance.
All of the children, Bokuto’s daughter included, yelled and huddled around and hugged their leaving friend, wishing them one last goodbye before they were all dismissed to run back to their parents.
Bokuto watched as the child who was moving away ran up to you, handing you their ballet bag before saying they were going to say goodbye to their friend one last time.
‘Well,’ Bokuto thought, ‘there goes the notion of ever paying her back’ he thought if he’d never see you again, he might as well thank you one last time.
“Oh….” you said, surprised that the man you’d helped earlier was thanking you and wishing you the best in your move, you awkwardly shifted on your feet, wondering if you should just roll with it.
“...actually… I’m just the nanny… not the mom….”
You watched as the older man’s ears reddened. Clear embarrassment coming over his strong features.
“.....Nanny?” Koutarou asked.
You nodded, looking down at your shoes as you wondered to yourself if you truly looked old enough to be a mother. Maybe it was time to invest in some new clothes…. or skin moisturizer?
You couldn’t really blame the man though, your whole life you’d been type-casted as the mother figure by nearly everyone you met. You knew it was because of your appearance, you weren’t thin or fit like most girls your age, but still….. to be practically called a mother by the most attractive man you’d ever seen was….. humbling…. to say the least.
But that wasn’t why Bokuto had assumed you were a mother, he hadn’t even assumed that! He thought you were just an older sister, helping out by picking a sibling up. He didn’t even think of the possibility of you being a nanny!
‘A nanny….’ he thought.
Bokuto had considered getting a nanny several times before. He’d thought that perhaps he’d be able to relax a bit more if he had someone to help him out with the kids. Alas, for some reason he never got one.
“Well…” you offered, trying to ease the air of embarrassment as the attractive man still towered over you, his ears still burning red, “in a couple of days when they move I’ll be out of a gig, so technically I won’t be a nanny then… but I’m still one now.”
“You can be my nanny.” Koutarou’s son said, grabbing your hand with his stubby little fingers and tugging you down to his eyes level.
You laughed.
“You’re too cute. But why would you need a nanny with the amazing daddy you have?” you patted his head again, gigging as he frowned.
It was a good thing that you hadn’t looked up yet, cause all that you’d see was the look of shock written all over Koutarou’s face. Why was his face so red? It must be the embarrassment of thinking you were a mother, right? ….then why was his heart beating so loudly?
It couldn’t have been from the way you looked at his son…... or the way you were positioned on your knees in front of him….. or the way the word daddy fell from your lips….right?
On a whim, without a single thought, Kontarou spoke up.
“I’m actually looking for a nanny.”
You looked up in surprise, extending to full height.
“You are?”
“Yes.” he responded quickly, praying that his son’s excited jumping beside him would be enough to hide the fact he was nervously bounding on the balls of his feet.
“Would you be interested?”
That was how everything had started.
The last couple of months had been a paradise for Koutarou. He finally felt like he could breathe again.
You were a dream, taking care of the kids and the house, leaving him able to actually do things again with his life, spend time with his friends, go to the gym, anything he wanted to do pretty much.
The two of you had decided that you’d be best as a stay-at-home, full-time nanny, having your own room and space at his house. So from the time the kids woke up in the morning to the time they went to bed at night, you’d be there for them.
Now it wasn’t to say that now that you were here Koutarou didn’t spend time with his kids, most days when the kids weren’t in school, the four of you would go out on little “family” excursions, to the aquarium, to the zoo, you name it, the four of you did it.
It also wasn’t to say that you didn’t also have a life of your own. Koutarou was probably the best boss a girl could ask for, he was more than happy to give you whatever days you wanted off, let you go out late with your friends, letting you come and go as you please.
It honestly felt surreal. You were living the dream. And sometimes, despite the guilt that came with it, you’d find yourself wondering if this was how it would be if YOU were the mother of the twins… if YOU were Koutarou’s wife.
At first, these thoughts were few and far between, but after the three-month mark, you found yourself thinking of it more and more.
You would find your eyes lingering across Koutarou’s chest as he cooked pancakes for the four of you on Saturday mornings, his shirtless torso rippling with laughter as the kids recounted kindergarten stories from their week. You found your face warming as you greeted him when he came back from the gym, his arm muscles, thick from years of pro-volleyball and physical training, sweat slicking back his salt and peppered hair.
Over time you noticed how your heart would now thump louder when he walked into the room or as you watched him interact with his kids.
You were ashamed to admit the feelings that you held for your boss were far from professional and anything but innocent.
But while you were getting eaten up with guilt, Koutarou was in a very similar boat.
At first, it was mostly just gratitude that he felt towards you. You truly were his angel, swooping in to take control when he got too tired to answer his son’s question of “why is grass green” for the fifth time or working your child taming magic to put down his gremlin daughter at bedtime.
Slowly, it morphed into something more. He found himself sneaking peeks into the laundry room, watching as your plump form folded over to empty the dryer, your ass barely covered by those flimsy shorts you insisted on wearing around the house, claiming that sweat pants and jeans were ‘just too hot’. He found his eyes locked on your chest as you scrubbed dishes, admiring the way that your tits bounced as you scrubbed away at the greasy pans before handing them to him to dry.
Ashamedly he found himself thinking of you, a girl far too young for him, as he touched himself in the shower after coming home from the gym to find you doing your yoga in his living room, the flow of ice-cold water doing nothing, the only relief coming from spilling his seed down the shower drain with your name on his lips.
He found himself lying awake some nights when you went out with your friends, wondering if you’d finally found a man your own age to take care of you.
Perhaps it was the mundane, domestic aspect of your presence that made the thought of losing you to a younger man so appalling to Koutarou, perhaps in some sick twisted part of Koutarou’s brain, you were his…. the caretaker of his children…….. his.
You would be lying if you said that you hadn’t noticed the tension between you and your boss. Lazy Saturday mornings in the kitchen seemed much more… intimate now. Trips to the grocery store felt electric. Even the outings that the four of you went on together felt like….. More.
People on the streets would compliment you on the kids as if they were your own. They would awe and tell you how precious your family was… and even though sometimes Koutarou would notice the four of you getting strange looks, a woman as young as you with a man as old as himself, the way that you would light up, thanking the strangers for their kinds words, bragging to them about him and the kids, managed to make the negative thoughts melt away.
This was getting dangerous. Both you and Koutarou could sense it.
“Hi boys…. Don’t mind me, just cleaning up a bit. I brought you some more to drink!” You said cheerfully, setting down the two six-packs on the coffee table in front of the men before beginning to pick up a few of the empty beer bottles adorning the table.
Koutarou was having some of his friends over to watch the Olympics, volleyball of course, and with the kids at school, you had nothing else to do but tend to the group of men, refreshing their food and drink every now and then.
You liked Koutarou’s friends though, so it wasn’t a big deal.
The group of men thanked you before breaking into the new alcohol you’d just brought them.
All of their thoughts were similar,
Bokuto was one lucky bastard to have a pretty little thing like you around for him. They watched shamelessly as your soft body moved around the room, admiring the ways your thighs jiggled. Gazing at you with hungry eyes as you leaned down to pick up more bottles from the coffee table, exposing a perfect view of your tits, squeezed together in a white lacy bra.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t notice the attention. You could feel the way that the men’s eyes were digging into your flesh as you pranced around in a sweet little baby blue sundress.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t wear this on purpose. You knew what you were doing.
You’d been less than lucky in the man department lately, the guys your age just weren’t looking for what you were. Yeah sometimes they made for a nice fuck, but with the way your sights had been set on your boss lately, they just couldn’t hold your interest, so what was so wrong with flaunting yourself to Koutarou’s friends? They were nice, attractive, and attracted to you. Catching the annoyed attention of your boss wasn’t the mission, just a perk…..right?
Koutarou wasn’t dumb. He knew what you were doing, and perhaps it was the adrenaline of the game mixed with the fact he’d already downed a six-pack to himself but Koutarou found himself extremely annoyed.
Annoyed with the way you were giggling as you made light conversation with his friends, annoyed with the way said friends stared at you as if they were wolves and you were their precious target of a lamb, and most of all annoyed with the way he wasn’t already balls deep in your fat little cunt.
The last straw was when one of the guys asked you to adjust the volume manually on the TV having “lost” the remote. He watched you walk up to the television, mounted on the wall at least three feet above your head. He watched as you stretched your frame, reaching to the volume control. His vision narrowed as he watched the hem of your dress slowly rise, he watched in his peripheral as all of his dirtbag friends stared at the tops of your pillowy thighs.
‘Why the fuck did I mount that TV so high?’ he thought angrily.
He thanked God when you finally cheered out that you’d found the volume, your dress not short enough to expose your ass to them.
He watched as you came back down off of your tippy toes, your butt jiggling as your heels landed on the carpeted floor before you turned and made your way out of the room, promising to come back later with more refreshments, much to the disappointment of all of the attractive ex-volleyball pros in the room.
Koutarou waited for about twenty minutes after you’d left, before he stood, announcing he was going to the bathroom and then to retrieve more beers.
After relieving himself, he went to the kitchen.
As he rounded the corner to the kitchen, the sound of music filled his ears, some old dance-in-the-kitchen song played through the air as your frame came into view, your soft body dancing around as you baked what looked like cookies.
Bokuto just stood and watched, all of his previous frustration melting away as his eyes danced over your face, your eyes closed and your mouth quietly singing along. His gaze fell to your sundress covered ass, the pudge of your thighs deliciously taunting him as you swung your hips in small circles with the music.
He couldn’t help but smile as he noticed that you were wearing the cute little apron that his kids had gotten you to match his own that he used. The aprons had been a father’s day gift, it was a set of his and hers aprons, his displaying the classic “kiss the cook” design and the one you were currently wearing said “don’t mind if I do!” The design was incredibly tacky but the fact you were wearing it filled him with a feeling he’d become far too accustomed to lately.
He wanted, more than anything, to make this scene last forever. To forever keep you close enough to hear your laughs, to see the way your plump cheeks dimpled when you giggled at his lame jokes, he wanted you to stay with the kids…with him.
He walked into the kitchen.
“I see you're having fun.”
Your eyes popped open in surprise. Sometimes you couldn’t believe a man as large as Koutarou could be so stealthy.
“I’m making cookies!” You practically sang as Bokuto retrieved another two six packs from the fridge.
“Oh yeah?” He hummed, turned around to face you, each of his hands occupied with alcohol.
You grinned up at the man, admiring his strong, stubble filled jaw and his warm golden eyes. You closed your eyes for a second, sighing in content as you bathed in his gaze, thinking to yourself how you’d take the attention of Koutarou Bokuto over the sun’s warmth any day.
You sighed, opening your eyes again to find Koutarou smiling back down at you.
“Dance with me Kou…” You requested, gently removing the 6 packs from his hands and leaving them on the counter.
Koutarou watched as you took his hands in yours, your hands were so small and soft compared to his, not to mention much colder.
You hummed as you guided his grasp to your body, dropping his large hands on your hips as you rested your palms on his biceps, giggling quietly as the muscle tensed and relaxed under your fingers.
Koutarou let you lead, although it wasn’t much of a dance and more of just the two of you standing in his kitchen, swaying like an old married couple.
“Not much of a dance….” he mumbled, willing himself to keep his body under control as you pressed up against him, your body swaying to the music.
You laughed.
“Isn’t it nice?”
Bokuto just hummed in response, letting his eyes droop closed as the music continued playing, your bodies moving together as if they were one.
As you danced though, Koutarou couldn’t help but think back to the way you pranced around in front of his friends, how you acted so innocent and lovely as you practically showed them your tits. The same tits that were now pressed up against him as your face laid against his chest. Or how you chose to wear your thinnest, shortest sundress today, knowing the house would be full of 30 year old men who’d like nothing more than to see the skimpy little hem flip up.
And despite concentrating on not… getting excited… Koutarou could feel himself hardening in his pants, a detail you were also gleefully aware of.
“Kou…” you whispered.
The man didn’t look down at you, still swaying back and forth, his fingers gently grasping the fat of your hips.
The man’s eyes snapped open as he felt your fingers trail from his arms to his chest, your prettily painted nails drawing circles against his right pec.
“Kou…. it’s nice… isn’t it?” You asked quietly.
Koutarou watched as you tilted your head back to look up at him, your half lidded eyes dancing across his face. He watched your lips part as you stared up at him with blown-out pupils. Everything about you was so soft… so warm……. sinful.
A loud honk cut him off, making the both of you jump as your heads turned to look out the front window.
There sat the school bus, opening its door to let out Koutarou’s children, promptly ruining the moment.
You frowned, stepping away from an equally disappointed Koutarou. You looked out the window to find the twins running towards the doorstep, giant smiles on their faces…. They looked just like him…
“Well…” you mumbled, rubbing your palms on your apron, trying to snap yourself out of whatever daze you were in.
“I’d better-”
You turned around to find Koutarou gone, along with the beer that had been sitting on the counter.
Your frown deepened.
The oven beeped and two sets of knocking came from the front door.
You heard the twins outside.
“Miss Y/N we’re home!!!!”
“Let us in!!!”
And just like that you were reminded that this was your job even if you desperately wanted it to be more.
“Can you pass me the pepper bub?”
“Here doll”
“Thank you”
Bokuto’s kids were truly JUST like their father.
You laughed as you grabbed the pepper away from the chubby little fingers. You couldn’t remember when it had started, but seemingly all of the sudden, Koutarou’s children had begun sprinkling in the endearment their father used towards you when they spoke to you.
They still call you by your name most times, but every now and then they throw in the name just to make you laugh.
They were also just like their father in the way that while they seemed clueless, they really were quite smart when it came to reading people, especially you. So when you had come home an hour ago they immediately noticed your sour mood, no matter how hard you tried to hide it behind your cheerful smiles and tight hugs.
You had in fact gone out earlier, on a spur of the moment date with some guy your friend tried to set you up with.
After the startling wake-up call from Koutarou earlier in the day, you’d decided that what you needed was a good old fashioned date and dick appointment.
Unfortunately, it didn’t help. You returned home worn out and sad. But nevertheless, you still had dinner to cook and kids to take care of so you put on your brave face and hoped that Koutarou’s friends would stay long enough to where the man wouldn't come up for dinner.
To your thankful surprise, the kids and you ate dinner alone before you helped them to bed, reading them a story or two before turning lights out and going back to the kitchen to clean up over a bottle of wine.
Bokuto dragged a hand down his face, he loved his friends but god was he exhausted! The men had finally called it a night and dispersed, leaving Koutarou with a messy ‘man cave’ and a sagging feeling of tiredness in his chest.
As he walked up the stairs, he heard your music once again drifting from the kitchen, causing a sort of deja vu to come over him.
He hadn’t meant to run away earlier, he just didn’t know what to do. Of course when he later watched you return to the house, having no clue where you had been, he knew he’d made the wrong decision with the way you avoided his gaze.
There you were, dancing around the kitchen in that same little blue sundress, but this time with a full glass of white wine.
Just like earlier, your eyes were closed as you moved your hips to the music, your dress swishing, exposing enough skin to make Bokuto feel hot as his cock twitched in interest in his pants.
“Dancing again?” he asked gently, sitting down at the island, trying his best not to startle you.
Your eyes opened to lazily stare at the man, running over the broad expanse of his shoulders. You weren’t drunk……. but you definitely weren’t sober.
After no response, Bokuto asked another question.
“I saw you went out today… ‘d’ya have fun?”
You chuckled, taking a long sip of wine as you recalled the mediocre dick you’d received.
“Not quite.” you mumbled, turning away from Koutarou as you continued to sway.
“Not gonna ask me to dance?” He tried teasing as you set your wine down to begin drying the dishes you’d just washed.
You shrugged.
“Join if you want…” your voice was slightly slurred and Bokuto could tell that this wasn’t your first glass.
He got up, striding over to stand behind your beautiful frame, resting his hands on your waist as he pressed his chest into your back, urging you to relax into him.
“It’s nice isn’t it…?” he whispered in your ear, making your tipsy figure shudder against him, your ass brushing against his crotch as he moved the both of you to the music.
“Koutarou…” you sighed, trying your best to focus your hazy mind on drying.
‘Koutarou?’ Bokuto wondered….’not Kou?....was it because of earlier?’
“Where’d you go today?” he muttered against the shell of your ear.
“Nowhere..” you mumbled absentmindly, “just a stupid date.”
Koutarou’s heart sank…. a date?
“How was he?”
Your eyes widened at Koutarou’s question. Even though it could’ve sounded innocent enough, you knew what he meant… what he wanted to know.
Suddenly you were painfully aware of the feeling of his cock resting on top of your ass, digging into the softness of your lower back. You felt your knees weaken.
“Disappointing.” you whispered, trying to control the beating of your heart.
Bokuto hummed as bent his head down, dragging the tip of his nose behind your ear as his strong arms moved away from your waist to wrap around your body, removing the drying towel from your grasp before moving back down to rock his hips against you.
The quiet moan of his name falling from your lips confirmed it. You’d been wanting him just as much as he’d been wanting you.
“Yes doll?” he mumbled, turning you around in his arms before pulling you close to resume dancing.
You looked up at him with heavy eyes. His eyes were trained on you, the bright gold burning into your face, making you squirm against his hard body.
Somehow, your feet were moving below you, you knew that you were still dancing but it felt like you were just floating on air, the way Koutarou looked at you made you burn in a way you’d never burned before.
You could feel your cunt leaking, soaking through your pathetic thin panties as you breathed in Kou’s scent, as his heat radiated into you.
You wanted him….needed him.
“Kou…..” you moaned again, already panting as his grip on your body tightened, your softness squirming beneath his fingers. “....daddy…”
Bokuto’s cock twitched as he groaned low in your ear.
“Shit…” he whispered in you ear, his fingers running up under the hem of your dress, poking against the front of your panties, “...you’re so fucking hot doll….”
You gasped, your hands snapping down to grip the counter behind you as you felt his fingers rip away your panties, the soaked flimsy cotton falling to the ground below you.
A high pitched whine escaped you as Koutarou’s thick fingers ran up and down your lips, stopping to play with your slick, taking it on his middle fingers before bringing them up to your mouth.
“Suck….” he ordered.
Without hesitation, your mouth sprang open and you wrapped your tongue around his fingers, embarrassment filling you at the thought of cleaning yourself off of him. You were embarrassed, yet your pussy pulsed, making your body twitch in the position, Koutarou’s muscled arm trapping your hips against his as he massaged your tongue with his fingers.
He slid his finger out of your mouth, a groan rumbling in his chest as you moaned at the loss, watching your spit draw strings to his fingers.
“Such a pretty girl…” He whispered, but taking your jaw with his dry hand.
“...Kou-” your whine was quickly swallowed as his lips finally met yours, his tongue wasting no time in thrusting itself into your mouth, soothing you sounds as he licked into you, tasting your arousal on your tongue.
Your head was spinning, nearly too much to notice the way his dampened fingers trailed their way back down to your pussy, brashly dipping straight back into your cunt, his middle finger tip drawing a circle around your entrance as his thumb pressed into your clit.
You cried into his kiss, your knees buckling.
Koutarou chuckled, wrapping his arm around your back tighter as he pressed you into the counter.
“Kou please….” you panted, your mouth breaking away from his to beg him to hurry up and fuck you.
You wanted it so badly, you didn’t even need prepped. That loser you’d been with earlier had already done that. You weren’t able to orgasm then… all you were able to think about was your boss, taking you in a position much like this one.
“Shhh….”he mumbled, finally pressing his two middle fingers up into you, grinning as you shuddered against him.
“Hmmmm…..” he said, feeling your walls clench around his digits as he curled them into you, his experienced fingers finding your spot within seconds, making you cry out and dig your nails into his shoulders.
“Feels like that boy couldn’t do shit for my baby, you’re still too fucking tight for my cock…”
“Noooo…” you panted, your hips jumping as his fingers curled into your g-spot again, making your toes curl against the hardwood floor of the kitchen. “Need you now….please daddy..”
Koutarou groaned at the name again, his cock leaking in his boxers at the pathetic sounds coming out of your throat.
He wished he had a mirror in the kitchen, wished he could see all of you, he wanted to be able to turn you around against his chest, to bunch your cute little sundress up around your waist and watch his fingers disappear in and out of your swollen pussy.
He flipped you around against his chest, giving himself more leverage as his palm ground against your clit, allowing his fingers to quicken their pace, fucking into you, abandoning the sweet and slow tempo as he began to abuse your spot with each harsh push.
“Shhhhh sweetheart…” Koutarou cooed in your ear, grinding his cock up against your ass, as if promising that time would come soon enough,
“gotta loosen you up for daddy’s cock…”
You moaned at his words, your pussy somehow clenching even harder.
“Daddy…” you panted, twisting your neck to look back into his eyes, “...’m close…”
Bokuto groaned, dropping his face against your neck. He could feel it, your walls getting tighter around his fingers. He wanted you to let go… to show him how badly you wanted him.
“Come on sweetheart…. I want you to feel good for me…” He mumbled, his free hand bunching your dress up further to take one of your nipples between his fingers, pulling on the hard bud, pulling another pathetically high pitched whine from you.
“Daddy…” you breathed, your body shaking as you felt your orgasm getting closer and closer “....hurts….”
Bokuto shushed you again but didn’t stop pulling on your nipple, the burning sensation bleeding through your chest and making you squirm against his hard chest.
And yet somehow, you could feel the pain getting you even closer to your high, a realization that ripped a sob from your chest as you neared the edge.
“So pretty….” he mumbled against your skin… “you gonna cum for daddy?”
“Yes daddy!.....” you cried, your eyes snapping closed as you felt yourself on the edge.
“Ask nicely baby….”
You cried even louder, feeling actual tears welling up in your eyes.
“Please daddy!” “Please what baby?”
“Let me cum daddy….wanna cum…want -p-please lemme cum!” Your words were slurred as Bokuto gazed down at you.
His whole kitchen which used to only be filled with the sound of your old music was now filled with the sounds of frankie valli accompanied now with the loud squelching of your cunt and the slap of his palm against your pussy.
He could hear the ragged patterns of your breaths, telling him that you weren’t lying in how close you were.. How badly you wanted to cum for him.
He was glad that the kid’s room were upstairs of the other side of the house because as soon as he said it,
“Go ahead sweetheart…”
If their rooms had been any closer they’d have run downstairs, frantically asking as to why their father was seemingly killing their beloved nanny.
“shhh…. “ Bokuto soothed against your skin, pulling his fingers out of your pussy before lightly slapping the swollen lips, making your jerk against him as an overstimulated whine came from your mouth.
He couldn’t wait any longer, he could feel his cock pulsing as he bent you over the island counter, sinking down to his knees as he guided your legs further apart and pushed your asscheeks open, revealing your fat little pussy, smeared with your own cum as it twitched with the after effects of your high.
He wanted to taste you directly, shove his tongue into your pathetic little hole and rip another orgasm out of you, but he didn’t think he could wait that long, not with how hard he was.
He needed to be inside of you… now.
“Fuck….” he muttered, watching hungrily as your hole clenched around nothing, he chuckled as he heard you let out a whimper above him.
“How about it sweetheart?” He asked, standing to full height as he dropped his pants around his ankles, his cock springing up to slap his torso.
You gasped at the sound of it. Somehow just by the sound of it you could tell it was big. Definitely bigger than anything you’d ever had before.
“Gonna let me fuck your little pussy for you?”
You nearly died on the spot at the vulgarity of the proposal and yet you couldn't hide the way your body arched against the cold counter, more than ready for anything he was willing to give.
“Yes!... now!” you demanded, making Koutarou laugh behind you.
“Is my pretty little baby getting bossy now? Is your pussy that needy baby?”
You cried against the counter, your feverish forehead pressing up against the granite as if it could clear your lust clouded mind.
“Please Daddy…” you whimpered, sniffling back tears as they continued to gather in your lash line, threatening to fall.
“Shhh.. I got you baby…” Kou assured, guiding his cock towards your core, dragging it through your lips.
‘Fuck’ he thought, you were so wet he didn’t even need you to spit on his dick, and even less so, need lube.
One day though, probably tomorrow, he’d have to have you on your knees, choking on his cock so he could watch you cry. Maybe he’d buy you a toy to sit on while you sucked him off… the thought made him impossibly harder.
“Shit.. “ he cursed, abruptly pulling away from you, causing your head to quickly turn, your eyes wide as you watched him take a step back.
“Shit… sweetheart, I need to find a condom.”
You made him feel so young that he’d almost forgotten, and he knew that the last thing you needed was a baby with someone like him to ruin your life.
He paused when you didn’t respond.
“Wha-” he mumbled as you slinked off of the counter and onto the floor in front of him, your eyes level with his cock.
It was probably the prettiest cock you’d ever seen. It was long and thick, and god his balls were amazing, so heavy…..
Bokuto nearly yelped as your fingers surrounded him, immobilizing him as your lips wrapped around the weeping head of his cock, you fingers brushing down through his pubic hair to cup his balls, pulling an embarrassing whine out of the built man as you squeezed them.
“What are you doing…” he panted, his hands gripping the counter over your head.
You just stared up at him, swallowing him further.
Koutarou nearly choked on air as your blown out pupils stared up at him.
You pulled yourself off of his cock.
“I’m okay daddy…” you whispered, deciding his dick was probably wet enough for you as you folded back over the counter, the cold surface digging into your stomach as your arm reached back behind you, finding and guiding Kou’s cock to your entrance.
“...wanna feel you…”
Koutarou tried. He truly did.
You nearly screamed as he wasted no more time, thrusting his cock into you, not even letting you adjust as he bottomed out, his balls pressing against your clit.
Koutarou was ruthless in the pace he set, pounding into you like your pussy owed him money as his hands held onto your body in a vice-like grip, switching from spreading your ass to see the way you sucked him in, to resting on your upper half, one hand pinning your lower back into the counter while the other cradled your throat, bending your body into a pose that made you feel him in your throat.
You prayed that tomorrow you’d be able to walk.
“Fuck sweetheart…” he panted, his breaths lining up with each sound of his balls slapping against your bud. “You feel so good….. so fucking tight….”
Bokuto’s head was spinning at the way you were gripping his cock, your cunt felt so good around him… so soft and warm…. He was embarrassed to say, but you made him feel like he was back in his twenties again, he felt like he was gonna bust after just minutes inside of you.
“Kouuuu….” you whined out, your eyes crossing as the pressure on your throat increased, making the older man lighten his grasp, opting to let his palm migrate from your throat, tangling itself in your hair before pulling your head back that way.
Your cunt clenched at the burn in your scalp, making the two of you moan in unison, Koutarou’s hips speeding up even more.
“You’re such a good girl sweetheart…” Koutarou grunted, his fingers pulling your hair to angle your face within range, allowing him to press your lips together again, capturing all of your desperate little sounds with his mouth as he panted into yours.
“Tell me baby…” He said, his golden eyes burning into yours as you sobbed at a particularly hard thrust, the tip of his cock knocking into your cervix.
“....tell me if any of your little boys can make you feel this good…”
You shook your head frantically, your jaw slack as you felt a line of drool running down your chin.
You’d never felt this good in your life. You didn’t know how, after this, you’d ever go back to fucking anyone but Kou.
“Tell me baby. '' he said, slowing his hips down to a roll, his cock dragging through your insides at a frustrating pace.
“Nooo… only you….. Please daddy….” you choked out between full on sobs, your hips trying and failing to fuck back agaist him, begging him to resume fucking your brains out.
Koutarou chuckled, your answer causing his cock to twitch inside of you.
“That’s right…” he groaned, “gonna ruin you for anyone else…. Gonna make it to where whenever you try to fuck anyone else…. All you’re going to feel is my cock inside of you, yeah?....”
“Yes!” you sobbed. Your thighs shaking as Koutarou finally resumed his brutal onslaught against your walls.
Koutarou was so close….god you made him so close…. Everything about you was so perfect, the fat tears that were rolling down your cheeks as his hips slammed against your ass, the way that he could feel your pillowy thighs shake every time he thrusted into you, the way your fucked out expression stared back at him, looking at him as if he’d hung the stars.
He groaned, feeling his end rising within him.
“Kou….” you whined, your watery eyes snapping back to look at him as you felt his cock still again.
Without a word, Koutarou wrapped his arm around your tits, pulling you back against his chest before doubling down.
“Kou!” you cried as your small pants and gasps turned into full on sobs.
There was something humiliating about the large man fucking you in the middle of the kitchen, forcing you to stand with the strong bicep wrapped around your tits while the other hand continued to grip your hip, using it to guide you on his cock. But all you could do was cry because even though it was, for some reason, embarrassing, it was incredibly hot.
“God…” Bokuto grunted through a clenched jaw. He needed to make you cum, he wanted to feel you cum on his cock before he finally lost it.
“Come on baby…” He mumbled, his lips hot against your ear.
“No!” you gasped, your fingers gripping his wrists as the hand across your chest began pulling at your nipples, that had already become sore after being pushed across the counter so many times as he fucked you into it, and the other hand leaving your hip to reach down between your puffy lips, playing with your clit as his thick forearm pressed itself into your stomach.
Your fingers tried with no avail to stop him, your end rising like a fire inside of your lower abdomen.
“....too much….” you whimpered, your head falling back against Bo’s broad shoulder, giving his the perfect view of your bouncing tits and stomach as he fucked you, as well as giving him the perfect opportunity to latch his mouth onto your neck, his tongue and teeth nipping and licking at your erratic pulse.
“Shhhh…” he cooed “....you’re doing so good baby….so good for me…”
Your senses were completely clouded with the older man, you were so lost you couldn’t even really tell if your feet were touching the ground anymore.
All you could feel was him.
“Mm….gonna cum……can I cum daddy?” you begged, tilting your face towards his, letting him see the absolutely wrecked look on your face.
“Fuck yes baby…whenever you want baby….” he moaned, his thrusts beginnging to shallow out, a clear sign of his impending release. “Cum on my cock…..please...”
It only took a couple more thrusts for you to fall off of that cliff, your body jerking and flailing in Koutaro’s tight grasp as your cunt spasmed on his dick.
He went to pull out to shoot his load onto you, but your broken whimper stopped him.
“No…” you choked out between gasps, still riding the waves of your high, “....in me…. want it in me….”
Bokuto was going to pull out, HE SWEARS.
He was going to pull out but before he knew it, right after those words left your mouth, his cock was buried to the hilt inside of you, spilling himself into your cunt as it milked him dry.
All you could do was moan at the sensation of his cum painting your walls… there was so much….
Bokuto guided the two of you back to the counter before slumping both of you over it, his cock still pressed deep into you, plugging you up, reveling in the aftermath as every few seconds your walls would pulse around him.
He was completely limp against you, his warm breath in your ear as he panted, trying to recover enough to pull out.
You sighed, trying to catch your breath.
‘Fuck’…. You thought. You really did it this time didn’t you. After months of dreaming about him, touching yourself to thoughts of him, fucking other men wishing it was him…. You finally got him.
You heard Koutarou groan as he slowly stood back up, his fingers kneading into your back as he pulled out, leaving you whining at the loss of him, making him chuckle.
“Come on pretty girl…” he said, turning you around his grasp, his hands gripping your ass as he crouched down to pick you up. “Hop up..”
You hopped and unsurprisingly Bokuto lifted you with ease. Something you’d never have expected to find in a man.
He walked you down the hallway to your bedroom and into your bathroom, sitting you on your large bathroom counter, your back resting against the mirror behind you.
You watched Koutarou grin at his ruffled appearance before moving to wet a hand towel to clean you up.
You allowed your eyes to close, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands taking care of you.
But as Koutarou cleaned you, he couldn’t help but feel regret. He didn’t regret what he did, god no! He’d die a happy man if it meant he could do this every day, hold you every day, fuck you every day, take care of you every day.
The only thing he regretted was that he couldn’t do this everyday. You were young… at least 7 six years younger than himself… probably more. You didn’t want to settle down this early in life, be stuck with some washed up old volleyball player and his kids. He knew that eventually you’d have to leave…. It didn’t matter how much he wanted to keep you… he couldn’t.
You deserved more.
After he finished, he laid you down in your bed, thinking that just because your eyes were closed that you were asleep.
He turned to leave.
“Kou?” you whispered.
He turned around to see you stared at him, your brows drawn together in confusion. He was….leaving?
“It’s okay doll…” He soothed, crouching down to brush his fingers across your forehead.
You sighed, admiring the way Koutarou’s broad back muscles flexed as he moved about the kitchen, the morning light illuminating his skin, highlighting the red scratch marks decorating the length of his back.
‘He’ll have to find a shirt before the kids get up…’ you thought to yourself, for now it was fine though, better than fine if it meant you got to continue ogling the man as he stood in the kitchen preparing saturday pancakes.
You slid off of your barstool, your bare feet walking across the hardwood towards the older man. Your body swaying gently to the sound of frank sinatra playing through the kitchen.
Koutarou chuckled as he felt your gentle frame push up against his back, your cute pudgy arms wrapping around his torso, shamelessly groping at his chest as you pressed kisses against his shoulder blades.
“Dance with me Kou…”
Koutarou laughed again
“‘m too old to dance Doll.”
You scoffed.
“You’re barely 32….sounds like an excuse…” you teased.
“Excuse?” Bokuto mused, turning away from the stove, “never.”
He rested his hands on your hips, indulging you as the two of you began to slowly waltz around the room.
You hummed, resting your face on Kou’s chest.
He looked down at you and smiled.
You deserved the world, you deserved to have everything you could ever wish for, you deserved to have kids that loved you, you deserved a husband that adored you, you deserved everything.
As Koutarou stared down at you, he swore…he would give you everything you deserved.
Don’t be shy bestie…. Tell me how you liked it ;)’
3K notes ¡ View notes
taesd-urag ¡ 11 months
this was very clearly his side job.
club bouncer!sukuna is well aware he didn’t have to commit fully to it, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the pompous power that the job brought him.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t believe he has favourites. every club had their fair share of sleazy gropers and pumping loud music. but he definitely looked forward to working at a certain club in particular — spice’s munchkins.
staffed majority of woman (bar the owner, kiyotaka ijichi himself) who were few of the most likeable people he knew, club bouncer!sukuna felt a tendency to look out for them more than he did the customers. because he’s not gonna lie, they were all stunnas in their own right. glamorous — with hairstyles that suited their features and outfits that accentuated their curvaceous bodies. it was sadly often that people would try to treat them like pushovers or start unnecessary trouble, but club bouncer!sukuna made it his mission to protect them. especially you.
“you good?!” you shout over the music towards club bouncer!sukuna as you clean up your work station.
the bar area isn’t too busy concerning the ‘entry before 12am = free drinks’ is over and most people are on the dance floor, and so club bouncer!sukuna takes the chance to lean onto the bar counter, his eyes freely dancing over the top half of your figure.
“a martini pornstar if you dont mind.”
with a roll of your eyes, you scoff in his direction albeit your smile is light.
“boy, you know i’m not allowed to pull those typa favours. Iji’s already warned me twice.”
“yeah, but i’m your favourite. you’ll let me slide, wont you?”
the two of you hold each other’s eye contact for a brief second. you’re sure you encounter something deeper, something more carnal than just a casual stare, but you easily relent and look away first.
“fine! but at least pay for one through the employee discount. i’m really not tryna lose my job.”
club bouncer!sukuna has his eyes linger on you a bit longer before he agrees with a grunt.
you quickly set the card machine up so that he can pay for his drink but then you move to the otherside of the bar to start making his drink.
however, halfway through you accidentally dropped the lick of dark red de kuyper onto your shirt, the sticky substance automatically seeping through. with a curse under your breath, you suddenly rush towards the toilets behind the bar.
seeing you randomly boister off, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t think about why — he automatically follows you through behind the bar area, thinking something was dearly wrong.
“everything okay?!” club bouncer!sukuna’s voice is gravel as he speaks upon pushing the door open, but he doesn’t expect to see you with your shirt mildly wet with the buttons popped and your bra on display. instantly he backs up.
“oh, shit. my bad.” he gruffly mumbles but you stop him before he’s able to leave.
“no, it’s fine. you’re fine.”
you move around the man to pull him back into the staff bathroom before shutting the door behind him and for a second, club bouncer!sukuna feels his dick jump in excitement.
“fuck…” he breathes once you let go of him. you back up so that you can stand against the sink with your spine against the cold porcelain.
“what?” your lips look like glass beneath the toilet’s neon lights and club bouncer!sukuna is just dying for a taste.
“i know you feel that.”
“feel what?” you ask up at him with wide inquisitive eyes.
club bouncer!sukuna’s hands start to flex by his side as he feels his inner demons become stirred. he can hear his walkie talkie click for his presence but he dutifully ignores it because surely there was something deeper to your actions yet all you do is act clueless.
taking a step closer in your direction, club bouncer!sukuna bares his teeth as his lips curl upwards. yet his large hands quickly find solace atop your waist.
“don’t make me sound it out, woman. this. this thing between us.”
“what, you think i got the hots for you?” you say, despite you allowing club bouncer!sukuna‘s hands to knead your skin whilst you lay your hands over his chest.
“i know you do.” he snides, but then he’s pressing his tenting crotch against your thigh. “luckily, i feel the same way.”
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t mind that you offer to suck him off because he’s singing low moans into the echoing bathroom once you do, his hands on your cheeks as he pretty much fucks your face.
but then he remembers that hes determined to treat you and so he finds obligation in eating you out against the wall as you stretch one of your legs wide open. messy juice stains his mouth but now its your turn to tug at club bouncer!sukuna‘s hair as you caused you to writhe and buck your hips into his mouth.
but because he’s a menace, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t let you dip after he’s made you cum twice. no, club bouncer!sukuna is fucking your sweet cunt whilst cursing every profanity he knows because you’re exactly what he needs and wants to willingly. and his walkie talkie is now requesting the both of you, unsure of where you were.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t usually stay close to quick fucks — hasnt really got the heart to face them — but it’s something about you that makes him do something stupid, something so intimate.
whilst he’s zipping his trousers up and youre drying her blouse in the hand druer, club bouncer!sukuna groans.
“uhh…fuck. i dunno, man but…” club bouncer!sukuna kisses his teeth before nodding his head towards the door. “there’s a 24 hour food stop just up this street. you wanna grab somethin’ with me after our shifts?”
your eyes widen for a second but not for long. giggling with the man, you sweetly nod.
“sure. thought you’d never ask.” you say with a sigh of relief.
2K notes ¡ View notes
taesd-urag ¡ 11 months
this is more of a prolonged thought than a cohesive fic but I hope you enjoy
baby daddy deku?
18+ MDNI
god … imagine it being some random hook up ? a friend of mina’s that showed up at one of her pool parties.
and you looked so pretty in that sundress— all soft and smooth. thin fabric nestled perfectly against your curves. and fuck when he watched you pull it off, revealing the tiniest little bikini… he knew it was a wrap.
deku fucked you hard that afternoon. mina’s bathroom— butt naked with the lights on.
he had you bent over the counter with one hand covering your mouth and the other gripping your wrists behind your back. thick cock pounded your poor cunny that was already swollen and puffy from his extremely thorough prep.
deku was so whiny in your pussy. begging you to ‘take that dick, please’ and praising you for “squeezin’ (him) so perfect”.
each thrust was like having the wind knocked out of your lungs. it felt like he was nestled in your rib cage. all you could do is scream and cream on his cock while he wrecked you.
and that was that.
he filled your little pussy then licked you clean . a particularly nasty kiss was exchange fill with cum , spit and your own arousal.
the two of you exchanged numbers but of course he didn’t call. you didn’t expect him too. he’s a busy guy. a rising pro hero with a growing agency. you had no intention of making this situation more than what it was, that is until you realized your period was late.
now you had no intention of telling him. you didn’t want to tell anyone. you locked yourself in your apartment to embarrassed to venture. you probably would’ve gave birth in there had it not been for mina beating your door down to make sure that you were still alive.
she scolded you for trying to do this alone. reassuring that she would be there for you regardless. encouraging you to be brave in your new journey. and getting really excited to be an aunt.
she even helped tell deku when you were ready— which was about the beginning of the second trimester. she marched the two of you right past his secretary and into his office.
he was a bit startled at the sudden intrusion.
“ashido— oh”
seeing you was a surprise. he wanted to contact you after the … fling but time got away from him. if he wasn’t doing hero work , he was making appearances. if he wasn’t making appearances, he was sleeping. surely, you wouldn’t hold it against him ?
but then he noticed you cradling your stomach that looked slightly rounder than the last time he saw you.
his brain short circuited but only for a second. after a few deep breaths and a sip of water then he’s at your feet profusely apologizing and promising to be there every step of the way in some way shape or form.
deku makes good on that promise. he will never let you go to an appointment alone. if he can’t be there personally he’ll enlist the help of mina, and kacchan on occasion. the appointments with bakugo are always pretty fun because he tried to censor his speech for the baby.
“i don’t need that daaarn nerd on my case if his brat comes out cursing !”
deku gets so excited and invested in this baby that it’s bleeding in every aspect of his life. literally lost it when he found out that he’d be having a baby girl. he has to catch himself during interviews to keep himself from spilling too much tea about the “brand new girl” in his life.
things are great with you too ! it was easy for him to develop a friendship with you. heck you’re the mother of his child and you’ve already touched privates so is awkward small talk really necessary?
he’s rock solid. a shoulder you can cry on when things get to tough. deku will always be there to help you carry the burden. he spend the majority of the final trimester in your apartment helping out wherever he could.
and when the baby finally came— ahh! cue the water works. between him and his mother, they nearly had to evacuate the maternity ward for fear of flooding. he couldn’t help it. every time he looked at that little bundle he couldn’t help but be in awe and then he’d look at you and feel even more love because you’re the one that gave it to him.
six month in your baby girl is sitting up and babbling. rolling in her crib wearing an all might onesie and dynamight booties. she’s your twin— save for the curly green space buns and sparkling emerald eyes. easily the cutest baby in the world.
deku just wants to hold her all day. all of his spare time is spent with her. he’s barely even using his apartment at this point only going once a week to get more clothes. most of the time he’ll crash out on the floor next to the baby’s crib or on the couch with her on his tummy.
he’s just so comfortable here. a little too comfortable some might suggest.
he can’t help but bristle at the inquiries about your relationship. eye twitching when kaminari jokes about you being back on the market.
he has no reason to be upset. you’re a beautiful woman and of course there’s the potential for interested suitors but it just doesn’t sit right with him. it nags on him all day. well past the end of his shift. well past when his daughter has fallen asleep. well past when you’ve handed him his blanket and said goodnight.
he just can’t shake the sick feeling in his stomach whenever he thinks of you in another man’s arms.
so he goes to your door and allmight help him when he hears soft whimpers of his name.
“right there, izu”
“s’good. so good”
and if that’s not a sign then he doesn’t know what is.
you’re embarrassed when he opens the door. cheeks hot and ears burning at his lewd gaze. he gives you no time to explain it away— kissing you passionately while tearing off the remainder of his clothes.
he doesn’t fuck you hard like he did the first time. he fucks you slow. painfully slow. he wants to learn your body. he needs to feel you. and there’s no need to rush. the two of you have all the time in the world.
4K notes ¡ View notes
taesd-urag ¡ 11 months
Don't Leave || Vincenzo Cassano x reader
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Summary: What happens when every time you go on a date with Vincenzo it gets interrupted?
Warnings: Chayoung is a bitch(i still love her tho), angst, smut, fluff, Italian and Korean, praise kink...like hella praise, makeup sex, dom!vincenzo, sub!reader, oral(F. receiving), unprotected sex, dirty talk, degradation, 
Word count: 5.3k
"Hello," you muttered into your phone as you looked through file after file.
"How's my fiance," the voice said cheerily.
"Vinnie," you squealed.
"How are you," Vincenzo sighed.
"Quite well actually. The people here are eager to side with you. Your brother won't stand a chance. How's the plan going for the plaza?"
"Slow," he muttered. "Look, we both have been working hard and I was wondering if you'd like to take a break here."
You paused.
"Are you sure? I thought you wanted us to fully complete our assignments before we saw each other again?"
"I think I'm experiencing something called separation anxiety. I want you here," he concluded.
You sat in the chair and stared at your emails. Maybe, they could wait.
"Okay," you laughed. "I'll book a flight right now. I've never been to South Korea before. What's it like?"
"You'll see when we get here," he chuckled.
"Come on. One thing, just one."
"They have delicious food. Now hurry up," you heard a shuffling in the background. "I need you."
The call stopped and you were filled with giddiness. It's been about 3 weeks since you saw Vincenzo and you'd be lying if you weren't feeling separation anxiety as well.
"Hey, Mrs. Hernadez," you called.
Your assistant came within two seconds.
"Schedule a flight to South Korea as soon as possible and call Mike, tell him to pack some of my things. I want this all done by two," you instructed.
"What about your meeting with the Triad," Mrs. Hernandez reminded you.
"Right," you muttered. "Okay, change of plans tell Mr. Liu that we have to meet now, just the two of us, and cancel everything else for the next week. Shift the meeting to 12 and shift the flight to 3. That gives you and Mike ample time."
Mrs. Hernandez nodded and rushed away.
You sat back down and began to get ready for Mr. Liu, one of the heads of the Triad. If he agrees to support Vincenzo then your work is practically done. The Italians have wanted to work with the Triad for years, it would expand territory and make millions of dollars for both parties. The triad would have more reach in the west and the mafia would have more reach in Asia, everyone wins.
Vincenzo's job was for funding. Yes, the mafia had plenty of money but most of it went to people who didn't need it. A lot of the gold that Vincenzo would secure would go to helping more people. That's really what drew you to him in the first place, his desire to help people.
Now you just wanted to see him again.
As you left the plane you heard someone call your name.
"Mrs. Cassano," someone said.
At first, you thought you heard wrong.
"Mrs. Cassano," they repeated.
Turning around you saw a young male employee with Vincenzo.
"Future Mrs. Cassano," Vincenzo teased as he held his hand out to you.
"Mr. Cassano," you giggled.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed you. It felt so nice to have his lips on yours and his arms around you again, you had been putting up with harsh and rude men for the past three weeks with no break so it was nice to finally feel safe again.
"How was the flight, Amore Mio," he asked as he walked you to baggage claim.
"Relaxing," you sighed
The boy began to gather all your bags as you and Vincenzo talked about the past weeks. He spoke of the hardships of getting the occupants out of the plaza and you talked about the budding new relationship with the triad.
"We're ready for you," a man said as he motioned to a car outside the airport.
"Thank you," you responded with a slight bow.
With Vincenzo's hand on your back, you made your way to the black sleek car out on the curb.
"I cannot wait to get you home," whispered Vincenzo.
His hands squeezed your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder.
"Patience darling," you hummed, as you turned to face him.
"Patience. Not one of my virtues," he sighed as he leaned down to kiss you again.
Any other time you would have dogged the kiss, just to prompt him into a chase but you were desperate for any physical contact. Right now, you were exerting all self-control but once you got home you were going to pounce on him.
Vincenzo opened the door to your side of the car like a true gentleman. You sat into the black leather seats at felt an overwhelming feeling of giddiness fill you. You had one week with Vincenzo before you had to go back to America so you had to make the most of the time you had.
Both Vincenzo and the driver got into the car at the same time and the ride began.
"JW Marriott Hotel please," Vincenzo instructed.
You looked at him with a puzzled look.
"There is no way I'm letting you stay at the plaza. I want you to sleep well and in comfort," Vincenzo said.
"But, you will be staying with me. Right?"
"Of course."
You moved closer to your fiancĂŠ and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you even closer.
"I missed you, babe," you smiled as you leaned your head on him.
"Trust me, the feeling is mutual," he responded.
Four days later
You are an idiot
You sighed as you continued to pack your bags. You had only been in South Korea for half a week and you knew it wasn't worth the wasted time. You had thought that the time spent here would be relaxing and sexy but it was far from it. Every time you wanted to spend time with Vincenzo it was cut short. At first, you understood, not everything could be stopped for you. But now? Now you were fed up
Strike 1
It was the first day of your and Vincenzo's short vacation and he was showing you around the city. You had no idea where you were but it was beautiful and you felt safe with Vincenzo as your guide. Both of you had dawned clothes for comfort instead of business and you couldn't have been more grateful, witnessing Vincenzo in joggers and a sweatshirt was a dream.
"This park is beautiful," you sighed as you wandered around in the tall trees your arms intertwined with Vincenzo's
"Montmartre is one of my favorites," Vincenzo commented as he stroked your hand.
"I can see why," you giggled before gasping.
"What, what is it," Vincenzo whispered, hearing your gasp put him on high alert immediately.
"A deer," you whispered back pointing to a shadowing patch near a couple of boulders.
Vincenzo's shoulders dropped and he let out a sigh/chuckle that warmed your heart. Getting a completely loosened-up Vincenzo was rare, sometimes even for you. So to see him happy and with wonder in his eyes was a treat.
He watched with wide eyes as the deer slowly walked towards the wooden bridge that was a few meters away from you. However, you didn't notice the deer moving, your eyes were fully on your fiance. He was a little flushed from all the walking and his stubble was beginning to grow, slight scars were on his cheeks from when he used to get into brawls; his hair, which was usually slicked back, fell onto his forehead and for once instead of being a consigliere he was simply Vincenzo.
"W-what," he stuttered as he realized you were staring at him.
"I love you," you said randomly.
His mouth parted slightly before falling into a light smile.
"You can't say that randomly," he chuckled.
"And you're supposed to say it back," you chastised before shoving into him playfully.
His arm wrapped around you and his grip tightened as he kissed your cheek.
"I love you too," he sing-songed back to you.
"How romantic," you laughed.
"Only the best for my Amore," he smiled.
You were overwhelmed with a sudden wave of glee and embarrassment. You turned your face away from your lover and covered your face with your palms.
"Oh no," he whined.
When you looked back the deer had taken off due to a child running to it.
You giggled at the child. You had always wished for a child, a mini-you, or a mini Vincenzo. You stared for a long time until you heard Vincenzo mutter a, 'fuck,' under his breath.
"What's wrong," you asked distantly, eyes still on the small toddler.
"They need me," he sighed.
"Okay," you sighed back.
"I told them not to call me for this entire week. Can't those incompetent fools hand-"
"Vincenzo," you cut him off. "I'm sure it'll be a one-time thing, alright?"
He pouted before nodding and taking off.
"I love you," you called.
"I love you too," he called back.
"Shit," you cursed as you came to the realization.
You walked around and tried to remember the path you came from.
"How the hell am I going to get out of here?"
Strike 2
You fell onto the bed with a groan. Vincenzo fell right beside you.
Giggling, you rolled over onto him and immediately began to kiss him. Straddling his hips, you sat up and began to take off your shirt. As you had your arms up you felt his hands traveling up and down your waist, caressing and squeezing.
"Sei piĂš Bella di un Angelo," he breathed. You're more beautiful than an angel.
You blushed and rested your hands on his chest.
"My love, you know that when you speak Italian it gets me all hot and bothered," you giggled.
"That's the point," he smiled.
His hands continued to travel down your body, now resting on your thighs. You began to unbutton his shirt and as you did you ground your hips down on him. His lean body was always a source of motivation, his milky skin made you want to scratch it and turn it red.
"I missed you so much," you groaned as you continued to grind yourself onto him.
All of a sudden, he flipped both of you over and ripped off his shirt.
"You have no fucking idea how much I need you," he growled.
He began to kiss your neck, leaving marks in his wake. As you arched your back he took the opportunity to undo your bra. His mouth attacked your breasts and all you could do was take it, your hands combed through his hair and your back continued to arch into him.
"Fuck," you groaned.
Vincenzo continued to descend and soon he was unbuckling your pants. He looked up at you through dazed eyes, slowly taking off your bottoms.
"I haven't tasted you in weeks," he smirked. "I should savor this, shouldn't I?"
"Yes maestro," you breathed as you watched Vincenzo rub his nose onto your clothed clit.
"It's been so long and you remembered my name. Such a good girl," he cooed.
"I could never forget your name," you smiled blissfully.
Vincenzo growled and the vibrations sent shivers up your spine.
He slowly began to peel off your underwear and you waited for him to blow onto your heat, one of the things he always did before he was about to eat you out.
Ring Ring Ring
Vincenzo looked over and saw that it was his phone. You could see the look of apprehension in his eyes.
"Is it important," you ask a little too calmly.
"I don't know," he answers in a quiet, almost embarrassed voice.
"Well, can we ignore it," you question in a hopeful tone.
"Amore I-," he starts while reaching for the phone on the nightstand and checking it. " -don't want to miss anything. I know that we were going to spend this time together but if we get this done then we could spend unlimited time together. There is a reason why this is so important to me."
"I-I know," you stuttered out, still a little dazed over.
"Okay, I love you," he said as he kissed your cheek.
You gawked as you saw him grab his shirt and start putting it on before running out the door.
"I love you too," you whispered to yourself.
Strike 3
You held Vincenzo's hand as he took you to a nice restaurant on the other side of town.
"This place looks so nice," you commented.
"It is," Vincenzo agreed. "The food is the best."
You smiled as he held the door open for you and as soon as you entered you knew how good the food was going to be. The scents of the ingredients wafted into your nose and made your mouth water.
Vincenzo placed his hand on your back as you both followed the waiter to your seats.
"감사합니다," you smiled as you took the menu from the waiter.
You began to look over the menu as Vincenzo asked for the wine list. Immediately you knew what you wanted.
"Pinot Grigio," he instructed.
The waiter bowed as he went to go get the bottle of wine.
"I think I'm having the beef bulgogi and the fried rice, " you said as you set the menu down.
He continued to stare at you as you looked around and took in your surroundings. Once your eyes landed on him your face began to heat up.
"Stop staring at me," you muttered.
"Why," he laughed.
"Because...I don't know, just stop," you stuttered.
He continued.
“Stop," you whine/laughed.
"But I don't want to," he chuckled.
"Vincenzo," a voice called.
The voice captured both you and Vincenzo's attention as you both looked around for the source of the noise. You prayed that it was a mistake and that you heard the name wrong.
"Vincenzo," the voice repeated as the person was revealed.
A woman in a pantsuit was now standing next to your table.
"What," he snapped.
"We need you at the firm," she informed.
"You must be Chayoung," you smiled a tight-lipped smile.
The person constantly bugging us, you thought.
"I am and you must be his fiancĂŠ," she smiled back.
You could tell that she didn't like you. She leaned over to Vincenzo and whispered something in his ear and just like that you knew that he was going to leave.
"Amore Mio, I have t-"
"I know," you sighed, cutting him off.
"I'm so sorry," he apologized.
"It's fine," you smiled.
It's so not fine.
He kissed your forehead as he left with Chayoung. You felt a pang in your heart as he walked away and out the door. You cracked your neck and let your face fall into an annoyed look as you felt your eyes sting with oncoming tears.
"No, you are not crying," you muttered as you wiped your tears away quickly. "You're part of the god damn mafia, act like it.”
"Ma'am is it just you now," the waiter came up and asked.
"Oh, uh, yes. I'm ready to order by the way."
As you continued to fold your clothes you were filled with sadness and disappointment. You had been so excited to spend time with Vincenzo and get a break from the constant stress that your line of work brought but, every day here was just a slap to your face. You thought that you were higher on Vincenzo's list of priorities, obviously not.
Suddenly, you felt a presence emerge behind you.
"I didn't hear you come in," you sighed without turning around.
"What are you doing," Vincenzo asked, confused by your readiness to leave.
"I'm going back to America," you informed as you finished packing.
"Wait, what," Vincenzo exclaimed. "Why?"
"I don't see why not," you explained. "I could be doing more productive things."
Vincenzo came up beside you and began to take things out of your suitcase, effectively stalling.
"Stop it," you demanded.
"What is this about," he questioned.
"Every time we try to spend time together something gets in the way," you informed.
You grabbed the clothes that he had thrown out and put them back in your suitcase.
"I'm not mad," you lied. "But, what's the point of me being here if I'm not even spending time with you. I can work on preparations for a meal with the Triad's leaders, it'll be a more effective use of my time."
Vincenzo looked at you in disbelief.
"I can't control when they need me," Vincenzo sighed.
"Like I said, I'm not mad," you lied again.
"You are though. You do this thing when your mad, you constantly run your hands through your hair," Vincenzo informed.
You could feel your jaw tighten.
"Okay, so," you said with an eye roll, a dash of pettiness seeping through.
"So, you are mad. I really am sorry my love," he apologized.
He walked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, "Please stay."
You paused and sighed. You wanted to, badly, but you felt that if you did then more time would be wasted.
"No," you said firmly.
You finished and zipped up the suitcase before going to grab your shoes. Before you could get there though, Vincenzo grabbed you and brought your back against his chest.
"Please," he begged. "Stay with me."
His hands traveled up and down your sides leaving goosebumps in their wake. He brought his nose to your neck before whispering in your ear, "Please."
You stifled a moan.
"Please," he moaned in your ear.
He spun you around and gripped your waist tightly.
"Please jagi," he groaned again.
His nose continued to nuzzle into your neck and his cologne wafted up. His scent always made you swoon and right now, it was making it hard to control yourself. Vincenzo always knew how to push the right buttons, how to string you along.
Your breath was beginning to quicken and you could feel your legs tightening up. Your pride was beginning to wear thin as your clenched fist slowly relaxed.
"제발 자기야," he begged one final time. Please jagiya.
Just as he moved his face up you slammed your lips into his. You could feel his smirk on your lips and it aggravated you beyond comprehension, he wanted this. He wanted your resolve to crumble, for you to give into him. His hands settled on the side of your face before moving to your waist. 
"That's it darling," he smiled as he gripped your hips. "I'm sorry baby."
You whined as he paused discarding his shirt. His slim figure made you want to pounce on him. He began to unbutton your pants and in the blink of an eye, you felt your pants hit the floor.
"Maestro," you whimpered.
"Hmm, I haven't paid you enough attention," he commented as he backed you against the wall. "Have I?"
"No, missed you so much," you whined.
"I'm so sorry," he breathed as his lips connected with yours once more. “I’m sorry.”
"Maestro, please touch me," you begged. 
"Touch you? Like this," he smirked as his fingers slipped down and rubbed against your swollen clit softly. 
“Mm Hm,” you moaned out.
You gripped his biceps, trying to steady yourself. The pleasure hit you like a brick; you hadn’t touched yourself in a while; you hoped Vincenzo would take all your pleasure. 
“You like that? Hm? Do you feel it?”
“Maestro, please. Please, I want you,” you groaned. 
“Wait, baby,” He smirked, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. “I have to show you how sorry I am. A woman like you deserves all of my attention. Don’t you?”
You moaned in response, feeling his pants rub against your heat, you willed your hips to move more so you could feel more friction. 
“Grind yourself into me, baby. Show me how much you missed me,” Vincenzo commanded as he sat on the edge of your bed. 
You placed your hands on his shoulders and moved your hips the best you could. Back and forth, left, right, and in circles. Pants and mewls fell from your lips as the friction did little to satiate the hunger growing in your abdomen. Vincenzo took the chance to rid you of your shirt and bra, practically ripping the fabric and splitting your shirt in two. His mouth quickly found your right nipple and he began to suck and lick, occasionally nipping at the supple flesh.
“Maestro,” you whimpered. “I need more, please.”
“And you deserve more, don’t you,” he smiled as he rolled your left bud in between his thumb and index finger. “You’ve been my good girl even when I wasn’t a good fiance to you. I’m so proud of you baby.”
His tongue felt around your neck to feel your pulse before sucking on it as he kneaded your ass. 
“My good girl,” he groaned in between kisses. 
“Your good girl,” you repeated. 
He hummed before moving you to the head of the bed. His fingers lightly trailed from your collar bone, down to your cleavage, and found their home on your hip. His dark eyes met yours and stayed on them as he leaned down to kiss your chest, you whimpered under his gaze and rolled your hips. 
“Stay still,” he commanded. “Be patient my love, or do I need to tie you up?”
Your thighs clenched at the suggestion and Vincenzo noticed. 
“Oh,” he smirked. “You want that?”
“Yes, yes, please. Please yes,” you groaned. 
Vincenzo reached over to the floor and grabbed his tie. 
“I can’t believe you were going to leave me,” he growled as he weaved his silk tie through the headrest. “You’re mine. You can’t leave me…I won’t let you. I’m gonna make you regret even thinking about leaving.”
He finally tightened the silk tie around your wrist then around the headboard, knotting it with frightening expertise. His pale hands caressed yours in a way that made you feel safe regardless of the terrible things he’d done. The silk rubbed against your skin in a comforting, familiar way, kissing your skin as it irritated it. 
Vincenzo leaned back and admired you, hands never leaving your body. His eyes trailed over your heated form, taking in the way your chest rose and fell and the way your body reacted to his touch. How you leaned into it without realizing it. 
“Maestro, please,” you groaned. “Please don’t leave me like this.”
“I would never,” he smirked, only slightly teasing you.
His hands trailed down from your hip to your knees, allowing him to bring his face to your calves. You began to feel soft pecks and licks on your calves as Vincenzo worshiped your body. His tongue trailed up, up, up until it found itself on your inner thigh. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin and he smirked when you jumped at the feeling. 
“Please, don’t tease me,” you whined. 
“I will do what I want,” his growl accompanied by a sharp slap to your thigh and you gasped as soft pain blossomed. 
All of a sudden, you felt a light breeze on your core and then a kiss. Vincenzo placed your legs on top of both shoulders, his hands then found a home around your waist, holding you there. 
“Fuck, can’t believe I haven’t tasted you yet,” he groaned, kissing around where you wanted him most. 
His tongue immediately found your clit making you throw your head back and roll your body. Your nerves caught fire, your arms pulled at the tie, and your breathing became erratic under Vincenzo’s ministrations. His fingers replaced his tongue as his mouth moved to your cavern, his tongue gave an experimental lick to your entrance before diving in. Vincenzo let out a guttural groan at the taste of you. 
Vincenzo’s wet muscle explored and tasted your sweetness as a pleasurable pressure built up in your abdomen. You looked down, wanting to see your Master. You watched Vincenzo’s actions, his usual clean hair was now a mop of black, his pale arms flexed around your thighs as he used them for support, and you could see his back muscles working to hold him up. You gasped as you noticed him grinding down onto the bed, searching for his own pleasure as he pleased you. 
Vincenzo kept his fingers on your clit as he stopped making out with your pussy, rubbing in small, fast circles. He looked up at you and you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten up. His face was flushed red and he was out of breath, he watched you with a certain look of admiration. He smiled up at you before kissing your inner thigh.
“Are you gonna cum, Angelo?”
“Fuck, yes. Feels so g-good. Please don’t stop, Maestro, please,” you beg. 
“It feels good,” he teased. 
“So good,” you confirm trying to focus on his words instead of his digits on your clit. 
“What if I stopped?”
“No no no no, please don’t,” you gasp. “Please please!”
“Stay with me,” he asked. “Stay. Don’t fucking leave me.”
“Will you stay with me,” you countered. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I’ll stay with you. I won’t leave again.”
He rubbed your clit faster and his lips found yours. Your body spasmed at the sudden stimulation. 
“Who do you belong to, mia bella?”
“You,” you whined out. 
“Maestro,” you cried as you came. Your orgasm hit you like a bat. Pleasure dripped from your fingers and turned your body into liquid. 
Vincenzo brought his body up and kissed your neck. He ground his hips into your core, his pants bringing friction to your southern regions; overstimulating you. 
“Do you feel what you’re doing to me? Huh, baby? Do you feel how hard you’re making me,” he breathed into your ear. 
“Please fuck me,” you whispered. 
“Say it a little louder baby,” he commanded. 
“Please fuck me,” you repeated a little louder. 
Vincenzo’s pants fell onto the floor, followed by his underwear and he practically hissed at the feeling of his hard-on being free. His hand stroked his cock, his tip glistening with pre-cum. He nestled his hands under your knees and pulled you down to meet his hips. His cock rubbed against your folds, coating it with your juices and sending Vincenzo into a frenzy.
He leaned down and placed his hand near your head to stabilize himself. His lips planted themselves on yours once more before delivering a powerful thrust, burying himself in you. 
“Hng,” you moaned as his thrusts continued. 
You felt a stinging sensation on your thigh as another harsh slap was delivered. 
“Do you feel how much I love you yet,” Vincenzo panted. “Huh?”
You arched your back in response feeling his cock hit your cervix. He wanted you to know how perfect you were, how much he loved you and wanted to be with you, how much you meant to him. He loved the way he could get you, how he easily could turn you dumb with just a few touches. 
“Do you? Fucking answer me,” he snarled as his hands wrapped around your hair, pulling your head to the side and baring your neck to him. 
His onslaught of pleasure never ceased as he ravaged every part of you.
“Yes, I’m sorry maestro, I’m s-sorry,” you stuttered out as a particularly harsh thrust was delivered. 
You wrestled with the tie above you as your desire to touch Vincenzo increased. You wanted to feel his skin and scratch his back, wanted to feel his muscles work and be able to pull him in to kiss you. You wanted to taste him. 
“Maestro,” You cried. “Want to touch you.”
Vincenzo grinned and ignored you, all that could be heard from him were grunts of pleasure. Sounds of skin on skin paired with the smell of sex, mixing with small traces of Vincenzo’s cologne, and your perfume sent your mind into a trance. 
“Please,” You babbled, “Please untie me, plea-ah!”
The pad of his thumb met your swollen clit, gentle circles and the harshness of his thrusts made your mind even number, the contrast too great. 
“Please, Please, Please,” you begged dumbly.
Vincenzo loved it when you begged. The tingles it sent down his spine and into his cock were beyond delicious. Your whiny, breathy, and raspy words tied his core in a luscious knot that both pleased and confounded him. 
He undid the tie frantically and threw it onto the floor. His hands found your waist and gripped it tightly before flipping you over and harshly lifting your pelvis back up to his groin. Pleasure shot through you at the new position and two quick, sharp slaps were delivered to your ass, no doubt leaving a mark. 
Your juices dripped down your thigh and onto the sheets leaving a vulgar wet spot in between your legs. Vincenzo’s grunts got louder and he found his hands wrapping around your hair and pulling it until your back met his chest. 
“You don’t know what you do to me,” he rasped. “You’ve fucking ruined me.”
Your hands found the headboard and your pussy fluttered around Vincenzo’s cock. You wanted badly to respond but his cock had a way of frying your brain and he loved it; turning you into his personal little whore had become Vincenzo’s favorite hobby. 
Vincenzo’s lips found your neck as his hands stayed in your hair to hold you in place, his other on your waist. Every nip and lick he gave your neck sent shockwaves of euphoria to your pussy, his plump lips leaving trails of saliva in their wake as well as red hot pleasure. 
“Maestro, Maestro,” you called out like a mantra. 
“My beautiful little angel, just wanting Maestro to care for them,” he cooed out, his words contrasting his actions. “I’m here baby, and you're going to take everything I give you. Aren’t you?”
His left hand moved from your hip and down to your sopping core. Harsh circles met your clit and you felt your vision getting blurry. 
“Cum…going…cum…Maestro please,” you gasped out, craning your neck to see him. 
Vincenzo met your efforts and placed an open-mouth kiss on your lips, tongue delving into your mouth and encircling yours. The lack of oxygen increased your pleasure ten-fold and brought your orgasm crashing down on you, bright fiery red pleasure clouded your vision as your body fell limp against Vincenzo.
“So hot baby, always so hot for me,” his grunts becoming whines.
His hand moved from your core to your mouth and your senses were flooded with your taste. His fingers played with your tongue as his hot breath fanned over your ear. You feel his abdomen quiver against your back and notice the falters in ministrations, his grunts and moans becoming whines and whimpers. 
“Fuck baby, keep squeezing me like that,” he whimpered. “Just like that.”
Your pussy is hit with an onslaught of quick, sharp thrusts.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Vincenzo whines out. 
His arms tense and squeeze you as he lets out a guttural moan, ribbons of white, hot cum spilling from the tip of his cock and into your womb. One hand holds your stomach while the other sweeps your hair from your neck, soft kisses meet your nape and you smile as you feel his smile on your skin. 
“Don’t leave me,” he says finally against your nape. “Please, please don’t. Stay with me.”
More kisses are placed across the other side of your neck as his fingers trace the sides of your abdomen. You look back and as you lay in his arms you notice his flushed state. The red in his cheeks where still there, evidence of the physical activities that had just taken place, his hair is sticking up in abnormal places, and his lips had remnants of your lipstick. He looked like a sex god. 
“Okay,” you whisper. “But, please don’t go again and spend time with me.”
“I promise,” he agrees. 
A/N: please leave me some feedback <3
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
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Pairings:Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
CW:Aged up characters,Pro hero! Bakugou,sex pollen,dub-con,creampie,unprotected sex,neighbors to lovers
A/N: Cross posted on ao3
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Bakugo couldn’t sleep.
He could hear her loud classical music right behind his wall at odd hours of the night and it infuriated him. The first time it happened was the first night you had moved in,he stomped over to threaten ask you politely if you could turn it off.
But when he saw you and how cute you were when you apologised and explained how it helped with your insomnia but you’d try to turn it down,he didn’t bother to complain again and now here he was over a month later laying in bed forced to listen to Beethoven’s Symphony for the fifth time this week. He would rather die than admit he started to like it.
One day you came to knock on his door one early morning. He looked down with uninterest as you handed him a Tupperware with homemade gooey chocolate chip cookies as a friendly gesture. He scoffed but took the cookies. They were the best cookies he’d ever tasted. He washed the Tupperware and left it on front of your door with a small note,”Needs more butter” Next time there was actually more butter.
God he couldn’t stand you. So why did he sometimes help you with new recipes and actually enjoy it?
He hummed “The Nutcracker” as he went on his patrol with Midoriya one night.
The number one kept mumbling something about efficiency but Bakugo just tuned him out.
A lady screamed in an alley catching their attention.
”I got it “ Bakugo rushed over and saw a man trying to lift her skirt up and kiss her.
”Oi! Back off!” He held his palm out,small sparks already flying off.
”Or What?” He sneered and licked a stripe up the woman’s face.
”Ive been hoping to blow someone’s face off” Bakugo smiled wickedly at the idea of violence.
The man just laughed and balled his fist,”Back off blonde,I mean it”
Bakugo scoffed and kept moving forward,”Or What?”
The man didn’t speak,instead he threw something in Bakugos direction. The blonde tried to smack it away but it exploded into some kind of cloud right in his face. It burnt his nostrils and he coughed and wheezed.
“Kacchan!” Midoriya ran over and held his shoulders,”Are you okay?”
”Im fine Deku,go get that guy!” He snapped and Midoriya immediately ran after the guy.
Bakugo coughed and wheezed in the alley for a few minutes. His body felt warm all of a sudden but he brushed it off and ran after Deku.
The villain was caught and Bakugo was sent home after complaining he didn’t feel well.
He lay in bed,his body burning up and his stomach aching. He thought he had been poisoned but the paramedic told him nothing was physically wrong with him.
”M’wearing too many clothes” he groaned and stripped down to his underwear.
He was painfully hard much to his annoyance,how could he get hard when he was possibly dying.
But then it started to hurt.
An intense pressure started to build up at the base of his cock and he groaned. Why did it hurt so much?
He practically tore off his shorts trying to get them off. He swore a blue streak at the feeling and grabbed his cock,immediately shuddering at the feeling. What the fuck was going on? Why was he so horny all of a sudden?
Then it clicked. The smoke.
”That fuckers quirk” he snarled
He experimentally stroked his cock and hissed,he hated how good it felt.
A few more strokes led to a full on jack off session. He snarled as he fisted himself fast and hard
"Y/N" He moaned. His thoughts were full of you the closer he got to climax. He wondered what you'd look like underneath him,screming and crying his name as he fucked you hard. Just a feel. Just a taste
He came with a loud cry,his hand and lap covered in cum. There he took care of it, but it still fucking hurt. He stared up again, hissing at the overstimulation, your name on his lips like a prayer.
”I’m gonna cum in you so hard princess” he grunted as his hand flew over his painfully hard member,”Fuck. Take it, take it-shit Y/N,good girl. Cum-“
Your soft voice sounded on the other side of the door.
”Are you okay? You sound like you’re in pain?”
His hands didn’t stop moving, you were right there,the thought of you listening made him cum again,a broken cry leaving his lips.
”Bakugo?” You knocked again,”Bakugo, I’m gonna come in if you don’t respond”
He felt his chest tighten. The effects of the quirk still hadn’t reduced and it seemed the more he tried to work through it himself,the more painful it was. His breathing was raggedy as he sat there stroking his cock again. It wasn’t working,he needed something else.
His doorknob turned and he panicked. He tried to get up but his legs gave out,leaving him in a flushed heap on his floor.
”Bakugo,is everything-Oh my God!” You yelled when you saw him. He was completely naked with his boxers down to his ankles as he lay on his side groaning. His usually spiky hair was flat on his head and damp with sweat,his whole body tinted pink,”Shit! Bakugo are you okay?” You rushed over to his side.
You put your hand on his arm,he was burning up,”What happened?” You tried to roll him onto his back but a loud grunt stopped you.
”H-hurts-“ he mumbled
“What hurts?” You tried to ignore his very obvious erection,”I’m calling an ambulance” you moved to get up but his hand on your wrist stopped you.
”N-no” he groaned again
Your brows furrowed in confusion. Your neighbor was very naked on his living room floor,clearly in distress,and he didn’t want you to call for help?
”What do you need?”
”T-touch me please”
Your face got red, what did he mean touch?
“What’s going on?” You pushed his hair away from his face. Was he crying?
“You got hit with a quirk?” He nodded
”P-please Y/N. It hurts so much” his hips bucked up into nothing,his free hand grasping the base of his cock.
You thought for a moment then it clicked,he got his with a sex quirk and now he was in pain and wanted your help.
This definitely isn’t how your fantasies went. You had definitely thought about it a few times but never found the right opportunity to offer. But now he was here,needy for you.
“Oh my God,this is so weird. Is this even consent? What the fuck do I do?” You cringed slightly.
“Just fucking touch me!” He yelled and you yelped.
”Okay,okay let me just close the door” you rushed over to the still open door,quickly shutting it and coming back to kneel at his side. You gulped at the sight of his cock,the tip was an angry red,the shaft veiny and big.
You hesitantly gripped it gently and he immediately came with a yell all over your hand.
It’s that easy huh?
”Again” he moaned,”Please,it hurts so much Y/N. Need to be inside you”
You were grabbed an pinned down on his rug,his huge form looming over you as he stared down like a feral animal. He clumsily tugged off your sweatpants and panties dow to your knees ,you flushed at how wet you were already.
Two thick fingers were plunged into you so suddenly it made you gasp,
”Need to be inside you” he attempted to spread your legs but your sweats made it difficult.
”Lemme just take these-fuck”he sank into you slowly,his chest resting on the fabric of the sweats,pushing your knees towards your chest like a makeshift spreader bar.
He fucked you hard and fast,clearly just chasing his own release,the tip of his cock kissed your cervix each time he thrusted and it made a zing of electricity shot through your body each time,
You snapped out of your face when you heard him growl,
”You feel so good princess” he groaned and rolled his hips harshly against yours,”M’gonna cum so deep in you. FUCK!”
“Bakugo NO!” You protested but it was too late,his hot cum filled you up before you knew it.
”I’ll pay for it” he mumbled into you neck ”P-please.....So good-Just need to cum in you again“
You hesitated for a second. What was going to happen? Was he planning on paying for Plan B or the big A or both? You’ll know when the time came.
He tore your sweatpants off completely and spread your legs wider and kept thrusting into you,mumbling whispers of praise into your skin.
The last thing you expected on a Friday night was to unceremoniously fucked on the floor by Bakugo Katsuki. The two of you were cordial towards each other but the man was dense when it came to flirting. You dropped hints all the time but he either didn’t seem,or didn’t care,to pick up on them so you decided to stop trying.
Seeing him rutting on top of you sparked some kind of fire in your belly,his blonde hair was damp and fell over his eyes,his Herculean body seemed to be sculpted from marble by some godly artist,his red eyes glazed over with lust while a few tears worked their way down his cheeks,
”Bakugo” you moaned
“Katsuki. Call me Katsuki please”
“Katsuki. I’m-“ your toes curled as you reached your peak.
Bakugo Let out a groan at how hard you were clamping down on him,his hips stuttering as he struggled to fuck you through it,”T-tight. Princess,relax please-fuck. Oh my God,I’m gonna cum again. Cum with me princess”
Your orgasm slammed through you and you cried out. Bakugo buried himself to the hilt and came right against your cervix,the heat radiating through your body as you climbed down from your high, but he kept going.
”Ah,Katsuki...hurts,please” you pushed at his broad chest gently.
“M’sorry. One more please. Still hurts” he grunted and kept rutting into you. It was starting to hurt but oddly enough you liked it,he said one more, one more wouldn’t hurt.
One became two. Two became four.
You weren’t sure how long it had been since you started. Bakugo had cum in you countless times,you were sure you were about to burst. Your legs had gone numb a while ago from being bent for so long and your arms just rested lazily on his shoulders.You were covered in bite marks and hickies and a light layer of sweat,your crotch aching from overstimulation.
Bakugo lifted himself up and looked down at you.The effects of the quirk seemingly started to reduce but the way you were laid out for him made his lust filled brain go wild. He always imagined what you would look like underneath him and he wished circumstances were better,but he still wanted to make it good for you.
”You’re so fucking beautiful” he growled
He groped your tits hard with one hand,relishing the way they fit in his hands perfectly.
A sharp slap against your breast made you gasp and clench around him,”Kat-“
”You liked that?”
You didn’t have to nod for him to know
“Yeah you did. You like when I’m rough with you princess,sounds like it the way you’re moaning like some wanton whore”
You moaned at his filthy words,as much as you hated to admit it,it was turning you on and distracting you from the obscene noises coming from your soaked pussy.
”Gonna make this pussy mine.Gonna-Fuck,yes keep squeezing me just like that,shit-“ He felt his own climax approaching,”Who’s pussy is this?” He slapped your breast again.
You mumbled out his name and he did it again,”Yours! Yours Katsuki!” You cried out,tears rolling down your cheeks
“Damn right it is.One more princess. Come one” he rubbed your clit harshly,coaxing yoir umpteenth orgasm from you.
”Cant-“ you whined and tossed your head from side to side.
He grabbed your jaw and turned your head to face him,squeezing so hard your lips puckered.
”You can and you will” he punctuated the last word with a harsh thrust that undid you. You threw your head back and yelled out his name,clamping down on his cock.
Bakugo let out the loudest,dirtiest ‘fffuccckkk’ you’d ever heard and emptied his final load into you.
He flopped on top of you,his breathing ragged against your neck. After catching his breath,he rolled off you onto the rug.
You both lay there staring at the ceiling,awkward silence filling the room.
You wiggled your toes just to make sure feeling was back in your legs before you spoke,”So....”
He felt heat creep up his neck,”Shit” he groaned.
”S’fine” you flopped a heavy arm over his chest and patted his pec.
Bakugo raised a brow. He half expected you to jump up and run to your apartment and never talk to him again and he would feel so guilty he’d have moved out as soon as possible but the two of you were just laying there side by side,not even bothering to look at each other.
A few more moments of silence followed before you sat up and looked down at him,”Feel better?”
He stared up at you. Your hair was disheveled,your lips swollen and red from his relentless kissing and your neck was littered with dark splotches.
”Yeah” he sighed
“I need a cigarette” you chuckled breathily and ran a hand through your hair.
Bakugo sat up and crossed his legs,”You’re not....mad?”
”Nah. I was just helping a friend out.” you smile and shakily stood up,stretching your arms over your head,all your joints cracking satisfyingly.
Bakugo watched your naked form with slight embarrassment,he looked down at the spot you were laying on and nearly exploded at the sight of the mess of your combined juices on the dark rug.
“Alright. I’m gonna head out and get the pill from the twenty four hour pharmacy” you picked up your oversized T-shirt and threw it on quickly then shimmied into your sweatpants ,wiping the thin line of cum running down your leg away.
”Wait. Let me give you the cash” he moved to stand but you waved dismissively,”It’s all good. Consider it a favour”
You ruffled his hair gently as you stepped past him. You held the doorknob and turned to face him,”Just warn me next time okay?” You smiled and left
He blushed bright red at your words.
Next time?
His phone ringing on the couch caught him off guard. He reached for it and answered.
”Whatdya want Deku?” He snarled as he stood up and stretched.
”Apparently the guy hit you with a lust quirk,how’re-uh-how’re you feeling?”
Bakugo looked at the wet spot then at the door, a wide grin appearing on his face,”Just fine Deku”
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Šendeavours-jockstrap//do not copy. share. plagiarize. repost. modify. my works onto other platforms (tik tok, wattpad, etc) without permission first . EVER.
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
AROMA ( addicted 2 u ). ( g.j. )
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pairing ! ━━  grimmjow jaegerjaquez  x  black!fem!reader 
cw ! ━━   minors do not interact. reader is also thick-coded and has no spiritual powers/abilities except that she has spiritual pressure and can see hollows and stuff. reader is also aged up to 20+. grimmjow has a devasting scent kink (olfactophilia) so there are many instances of smelling/taking large whiffs of reader. instances of kidnapping/coercion ( dubcon ), possessive and clingy behavior from grimmy because he’s obsessed. asphyxiation kink? (reader likes being choked). explicit content & language used. nsfw w/ descriptions of smut. unprotected + rough sex, a lil bit of teasing, groping, ass + thigh slapping, mentions of creampies. dirty talk, oral (f! receiving), masturbation (m! receiving). grimmjow kindaa gets pussydrunk. really just grimmy slowly going feral n falling in love <33
word count ! ━━  4.5k
notes ! ━━  yeah i think im just physically incapable of writing anything less than 1k words bc wtf😭😭😭 the original thirst where i got this from ( found here ) wasn’t even 1k, so where did the other 3k+ words come from ;-; idek if i like ending lololol. anyway this piece is basically dedicated to @garoujo​ bc i promised her for a while i’d do this. this another impulsive bleach fic, i hope y’all enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing :’) all my grimmy luvrs + fuckers wake up! i’ve come to feed you <3 REBLOGS ARE HEAVILY APPRECIATED! 
Keep reading
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
babe! Im in love with nerd!reader cause truthfully I am the biggest nerd. but anyways plug eren with nerd reader who buys from him on the weekends cause school is stressful! what better to relieve that stress than to get high!! always calling her cute little names cause shes so sweet , rolling her blunts so she doesnt have too and , giving her discounts 😉! omg and the way she gets so shy when he finally asks her out on a date! especially because she already had a huge crush on him!!
omg this is the cutest!!  🥹🥹 I absolutely love it, thank you so much for suggesting it!
cw: black fem reader (plus size coded), mentions of drugs, pet names
!nerd (y/n) was undoubtedly the smartest girl on the campus. Best grades, sat at the head of every academic committee and helped tutor other students.
!nerd (y/n), who was bogged down with the pressures of perfection and to always success, started feeling stressed and couldn’t calm down, even if you tried.
you had tried everything from incense to meditation and nothing was working. That’s when you decided to venture out to…other options.
!nerdy little (y/n), who normally didn’t hang around his type ended up meeting eren jaeger, the notorious class plug. He pretty much supplied everyone on the campus with their daily fixes. From Xans to party with to weed for helping to calm down. Which is exactly what you wanted.
eren definitely laughed when you first approached him because you were the last person he’d expect to want to smoke. But he helped anyways.
“Little miss perfect wants to get high? This can’t be real.”
nerd (y/n), who was paranoid about getting in trouble was reassured by him that it was all good. He even came to your apartment to help get you ‘set up’ and make sure there were no adverse affects because he’d never give you something that would cause harm.
“I just need something to help me relax. I can’t even sleep anymore. Even when I have a day off.”
!nerd (y/n), after taking your first couple of hits, instantly felt calmer and more at ease.
“See, I told you.”
!nerd (y/n) now calls eren every weekend like clockwork to come drop her stuff off. Watching that hellcat pull up outside and hearing the shuffle of his slides by her door.
!nerd (y/n), who always answers the door in a big fluffy sweatshirt and little shorts covering those thick thighs, with your glasses on gets him flustered. And him doing the same with those Nike techs and hoodies on. His hair always pulled back with a nose ring on.
!nerd (y/n), who never has to worry about rolling your own blunts because he doesn’t want you worrying your pretty little head with such trivial things. He even gives you a couple pre rolls.
“Don’t worry about it, pretty girl. I got it. You just focus on studying.”
he always gives you praise! Telling you how proud he is and that you’re doing a good job.
!nerd (y/n), who lets him stay over as long as he wants, even getting high with eren because you feel safer when he’s around. (definitely let him shotgun once or twice.)
!nerd (y/n), who gets so sad when he has to go always looks forward to next weekend.
“I gotta go, angel. But I’ll see you around, I’m sure.”
!nerd (y/n) when asked how much you owe, gets laughed at and dismissed.
!nerd (y/n) who gets so nervous seeing him hover over your frame in the doorway looks down at the ground because he’s too cute to make eye contact with.
“For you, pretty girl? It’s on the house, don’t even worry about it.”
!nerd (y/n), who always ends up with extra if you give him a kiss on the cheek before he leaves.
!nerd (y/n), who’s shock to get a text from eren in the middle of the week and to meet him in the library nonetheless isn’t sure what this is about but goes anyway.
!nerd (y/n), thinking he needs help with studying is shocked when he asks you out on a date. Says that he’s had a crush on you for the longest.
“You wanna go on a date with..me?”
eren always found it adorable that for someone so smart, you were completely oblivious to advances.
“You’re so cute. Yes, if you’ll go.”
!nerd (y/n), who now has a little more to look forward to than just smoking when her plug comes around.
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
ଘଓ⌒⌒ i'm starting to learn i may never be free
briefings. 4.6k
sort report by. monsterfucking (i am so sorry), gentle sukuna, loss of virginity, fingering (f! receiving), cunniligus, choking (not the sexy kind), riding, overstimulation, multiple orgasams, slightly dubious consent, slight spoilers (i mention shibuya like barely)
→ reader makes a deal with sukuna in order to spare the lives of her fellow sorcerers and that’s the only reason why she has sex with him. (for the jjk verse anyway) idk anyone who would willingly fuck him
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“and they’ll be safe?” 
you swallow softly, in the mouth of the lion. the air around you trembles from sukuna’s excitement and because you know this, it makes your stomach clench painfully. you don’t know when you decided to toss your stones in with a literal monster, when your trust in the other sorcerers dwindled down to the point when you could at least count on sukuna upholding his end of the deal (if he even does at all, you think mulishly) - but you have. you ran out of options a long time ago. you know that, and so does he. 
“they’ll be safe” purrs sukuna, voice rumbling like a cat’s. 
your eyes meet those of a hungry red stare. it makes a shiver roll down the length of your spine. fingers catch underneath your chin and pull you close until your noses are touching. now that the two of you are so close, it feels like sukuna is undressing your flesh from your bones with his eyes alone. “so you agree little sorcerer?” 
“yes” you whisper, without giving it another thought. you don’t have time to try and back out of this. what’s done is done. you’ve always felt that you were lagging a little behind the rest of your peers anyway. sacrificing yourself to the king of curses for the wellbeing of everyone else is only a small fraction of what you’re willing to do for them. everything that happens after, you’ll have to grit your teeth and bare it. sukuna’ll get bored of torturing you eventually. 
the edges of your vision begin to darken. you know that your time with sukuna is up. you feel vibrations, rumble akin to thunder in your ears. his voice wraps around you like a particularly stuffy blanket.
by the time the fifth person dies to your hand, you are completely numb to it all. you trudge listlessly through the streets scattered with severed limbs. it looks as though everything has been permanently stained with blood. it doesn’t matter what happens now, not really. everything you do now is your part in the fulfillment of your contract. you can’t let yourself get emotional, not when everyone’s lives are at stake. you drift in and out of it, in a laser focused daze. the screams of the tormented souls around you sound muted. you walk through tokyo as though the world around you is a video put on mute. curses all around you swipe up innocent people running for their lives, yet you do nothing to step in. you walk by them without a second glance, heading diligently towards the meeting place. 
when you arrive at the shibuya crossing, you are greeted by a pile of bodies mountain top high. sitting at the very top, is sukuna. he’s red stained, as though he’s been put in a photograph filter, hand cupping his cheek. a look of complete and utter boredom rests upon his face. 
your eyes meet, and you cannot deny the way life springs into sukuna’s eyes, grinning ferally. 
“there you are, little sorcerer,” he says, patting a body next to him. “join me” 
“no” you reply, looking at the mountain of carnage warily. 
“you don’t want to see the view?” asks sukuna, smiling down at you sharply. 
“no” you say again, because you are horribly afraid of heights. you prefer that your feet remain on the ground at all times. and also, being in a close proximity to the king of curses terrifies you. your apparent lack of interest has sparked his - thus leading to him leaping down to grasp onto your forearm. he does not wipe away the blood that remains there. 
sukuna laughs sardonically. “you want a better view? i’ll show you the best view tokyo has to offer” 
he doesn’t wait for you to object, or to agree, before picking you off the ground and carrying you bridal style. it takes you a while (to busy trying to force yourself not to look at the ground below you, and then cursing yourself when you do) before you realize where he’s headed. gojo-sensei once took you here for a field trip. the tokyo sky tree. sukuna leaps to the very top, a lot farther than where people are supposed to go. your heart catches in your throat and you keep very still. 
there are no railings, no forms of support. just a small steel beam. sukuna balances on this easily with one foot. the air is thinner, and colder and because your clothes are wet from all the blood you’ve shed, you shiver. you look down, stupidly, and you nearly shit yourself. 
he’s going to drop me. 
you spare a look at the curse, considering whether or not he would spare you if you begged for your life. the look in his red eyes says otherwise. 
“what do you think?” he asks, like he’s considering your opinion about dinner. 
you swallow, and you can feel your feet dangling. you are hyper-aware of how tightly your grasping onto his kimono. you hate yourself more than you already do for relying on him to keep you safe. “i…i don’t want to be up here anymore. i want to get down” 
“just humor me” he says, and you realize how soft his tone sounds with you. you know that he is incapable of feeling pity - yet you struggle to understand what emotion it is that he’s expressing to you. “enjoy the view” 
jerkily, you nod. sukuna shifts in place and you hurry to throw your arms around his neck, panting and shivering. the city, normally bright and neon is smattered gray. entire areas have been leveled. some buildings are split, others are on the verge of crumbling and explosions shatter the earth. even the screams reach up to the highest point, shrinking of curses and people alike. 
sukuna’s finger traces figures on your backside. you want to shrug him off, but the thought of him dropping you without a second thought quickly gets rid of that thought. best to play along with his whims for now. “beautiful, isn’t it?” 
“this looks like hell” you mumble, shivering as you tighten your grip. 
“you’ll be surprised” says sukuna, looking at you with a look so fond it nearly makes you sick. “that hell is a beautiful place” 
you don’t want to argue with him about that. “i’m cold, can we go?” 
“alright, we can go” sukuna says, still fond. “i’ve just decided where we’ll be spending our wedding night” 
the descent is three times worse, you think. the only thing you can do is hold your breath and try not to puke. 
the next place, you know very well - just by direction, in fact. despite all the wonderful, luxurious buildings in tokyo, huge skyscrapers, apparently there is no other place sukuna would rather be than in the largest shrine the city has to offer. 
you’ve been dreading your “wedding night” since the day you heard sukuna call you his, and every fleeting touch, gentle caress and flirtatious look has been building up to this moment. all the weeks leading up to this moment was just one, long, incredibly drawn out wedding ceremony. 
now that there is no one left to oppose you, it’s time to bask in the horrible glory of all that you’ve accomplished by his side. somewhere where the two of you will be completely and utterly alone. and at first, you expect the shrine to be like all other places left standing in shibuya, but this is pristine. no blood, no bodies, no screams. sukuna threads his fingers through your limp ones, and squeezes, like a lover wanting to show off something special. you clutch tightly onto his fingers, but do not squeeze back. the distant falling sun places the entirety of the shrine in a blood orange glow. 
you climb the steps to the shrines main room, and where there should be statues is only a room of soft satin pillows and a long table. you think back to the lanterns lighting the way and wonder when and how sukuna could have possibly set any of this up. much to your pleasure, you can feel his hand slipping free of yours. he places a hand on the small of your back and gently pushes you towards an opening towards your left. “go change, little sorcerer” 
you follow the directions robotically, mind still wrapping itself around the whole thing. truth be told, you are grateful for the chance to get out of your dirty school uniform. you look around at the room, and wonder when someone could have refurbished the place to look so lavish. you peel of the tattered uniform for what feels like the last time and look at the kimonos laid out in front of you. one is black, with it’s matching hakama. the other is a soft white kimono with intricate gold thread patterns. 
your fingers trace the pattern curiously. are you going to walk back in the room, where sukuna will be wearing a matching kimono? at least he was thoughtful enough to include both kimonos, you guess before pulling down the white one and shoving it on. you exit the room in a huff, your last act of defiance before marching yourself back to sukuna’s side. 
he is not wearing the kimono. as you approach, he raises himself from his slouching position to fix you with a smile. this one, like all the others before it, are fond. you clench your fists by your side and wish for the earth to swallow you whole. this is so humilating. 
“well, little sorcerer, you clean up nicely” 
there is no chance to hide your grimace, and you finger at the fabric of your kimono before gingerly kneeling at his side. you don’t bother taking a pillow for yourself. the hard wood floor feels like punishment enough. 
sukuna isn’t bothered at all by your aloofness. he says something about going to get changed and walks out of the room. you wait patiently for a moment, anxious feelings crawling up your gut. you’re scared, apprehensive. he’s probably going to kill you tonight, you guess, staring down at your hands as you try to picture it. you hope he’s gentle with it, when he does. or at least merciful enough to grant you a swift death. 
as you wait for the doors to open again, a breeze settles over you, like a warm blanket. you recongize this as energry, and jerk your head around, alert. another curse? but then you frown again when you realize that you recongize this pattern of cursed energy to be sukuna’s. a lot bigger, and more potent than when he was trapped inside of yuuji’s body, but still his. what the hell is he doing in there? but before you can even stand to go see, sukuna walks back through the doors. 
well. he certainly is much bigger. 
he’s got the same red eyes, only now there’s two sets of them. when they trace over your body, you scrunch the edges of your kimono up into your hands. four arms now too. and then you blush when you realize he’s got nothing but a loincloth on. understandably, you are frozen to your core. sukuna walks forwards, picking up the table and tossing it away like it weighs nothing. the ceramic dishes and vases fall to the ground, breaking. you stumble to the floor, and proceed to crawl backwards away from him. 
“come here” he says, grabbing you by the ankle and pulling you closer in. the line on his stomach opens and a tongue lolls out. you eye this warily. 
“get off” you snap, chest heaving as you try to wrench your foot away. “what are you doing?” 
sukuna looks at you like you are lacking some crucial brain cells. “it’s our wedding night, little sorcerer. i want to make love with my wife” 
you blanch, going still with fear. that means…he wants to have sex with you. it’s going to hurt a lot, you think, especially since you’ve never done anything like this before. sukuna’s a curse. he’s not patient. he isn’t going to make this feel good for you. you’re scared, terrified - breathing slowly to try to prepare yourself for the pain you’re sure is going to come. after this, he’ll surely kill you and then he’ll hold up his end of the deal. who cares if you won’t be around to see the rest of your friends? at least they’ll be safe.  you jump when you feel his hand on your bare leg, skirting up towards the bottom of your kimono. 
but he stops entirely when he sees how you’ve gone limp, and even though you’ve jutted your chin to the side, gazing at the window, he can see that far-away look in your eyes. you don’t even notice his staring, which shows him exactly how out of it you are. 
you gasp wetly when sukuna’s hand tightens around your throat, pulling you up so that you and him are face to face. call it sorcerers instinct, or at least some part of you that doesn’t want to die, but you grab weakly at the thick forearm, nails scratching to free yourself. he flexes his grip once, and you open your mouth in desperate search of air. 
“little sorcerer,” softly chides the curse, leaning forwards to lick up a salty trial of tears. “,this is our wedding night. i want to see your enthusiasm” 
he releases you suddenly, watching neutrally as you heave gulps of air. angry hacks soon follow, more tears spilling down your cheeks. both of your hands slowly wrap around your neck, wincing at the tenderness as you try to even your breath. but each intake of air hurts more than the last. without thinking, you shoot out to grasp at sukuna’s arm, looking up at him, still struggling to breathe. 
“i’ve crushed your poor throat, haven’t i?” sukuna says, baby soft as you let out a whine so weak it might as well be a whimper. “hold still love” this time, the brush of his fingers bring more warm cursed energy. the thin muscles in your neck manage to expand, and breathing is easy again. you gulp down some air anyway, as if your learning to breathe for the first time all over again. 
your hand clutches at his tightly, holding onto him as if he’s the only thing keeping you afloat in a vast ocean. and in a way, he is. you pant over his knuckles as the panic dwindles from your chest. 
“i forget how fragile you can be” sukuna mumbles, pulling you over his knee. it both traps and cradles you. but your much too dazed to fight against him right now, looking up with a teary eyed blink when sukuna thumbs at the side of your neck. “we’ll start slow then” 
your heart clenches and you shut your eyes, but are thoroughly surprised by the softest press of his lips to yours. it’s quick, chaste and when he pulls away you blink up at him slowly. “how’s that?” 
you blink, unsure. you expected a lot worse. you struggle to find an answer, because you have nothing to compare it to. you might be a third year, but sorcery doesn’t leave a lot of time for romance. hasn’t even been on your mind, now that you think about it. 
“not sure?” sukuna prompts, smiling when you nod along. “alright, another” 
this time, sukuna tilts ever so slightly so that your lips slot together. his mouth is a lot less disgusting than you thought it would be. you expected him to ravish you, rancid smells as he presses you down and takes until he has no use for you anymore. but instead, the only thing you find yourself thinking of are the soft warm pillows back at the dorms. and something tingles, a funny little thing when he pulls away. 
the fluttering feeling in your chest betrays the lingering disdain you feel and as you work your mouth against sukuna’s the fluttering tingly feeling shoots straight down to your groin. 
“stick out your tongue little sorcerer, yes, just like that” he murmurs against your lips and you can feel him smile again. and you hate that you feel better now that you have some approval. and you obey, gasping wetly when his tongue bumps against yours. another shockwave shoots down your back and settles down in your core and you can’t help but tense your thighs with a whine. 
“you’re getting excited” he chuckles, pleased. his large hand presses on your stomach, slowly traveling down before slipping through your kimono. you still kiss him, although slowly with how your eyes are trained on his hand. you stiffen again when his fingers meet warm skin. a few fingers pat against your underwear, moving them to the side and you jolt. no one’s ever touched you down there before, not even you. at least, not enough to make yourself cum. “a little wet” he murmurs, more to himself than you and you want to deny it, but you can feel his fingers playing with your slick. 
“i do recall,” sukuna ponders aloud, as his fingers swipe through your folds. “right…here, should be all of those little nerves” another whimper rips out of you as his fingers bump against your clit, and another when he begins to rub at it more purposefully. every stroke sends another heat up under your skin. and any coherent thought turns itself to mush as you slowly let your hips follow the rhythm of his fingers. sukuna chuckles, sound deep right next to your ear. “you’re getting slicker, little sorcerer. do you like getting your little clit played with?” 
you nod shakily, whimpering. another finger slides down, pushes past your folds to prod at the entrance to your cunt. he pushes inside, and you gasp, nails digging into your sides. the feeling is uncomfortable, foreign. you’ve fingered yourself before, yes, everyone has - but sukuna’s fingers are much bigger than anything you’ve taken. your pussy squeezes up tight around the intrusion as you grit your teeth. 
“so tight though,” sukuna mumbles, and to you he says, “love, you didn’t tell me you were a virgin” 
you don’t say anything, but wince when the finger starts to move, pumping in and out of you slowly. as soon as the ache comes, it’s gone again, replaced with pleasure. that tingling feeling from before is back, heat sparking in your gut. you roll your hips to get him deeper, whining when you feel full. 
“and…” sukuna kisses a patch of your sweaty forehead, whispering something soft against your skin, voice dripping with pure delight. “your spot should be, right...” your eyes widen as his finger presses up against your spot. your head lurches back with a throaty cry, whimpering out his name. “there we go, right here, how’s that love?”
“n-no. s-stop. sukuna! gonna, ah! feel weird!” 
he shushes you patiently, leaning forwards, finger still rocking in and out, to press a angel soft kiss to your shaking lips. heat blooms in your core and you can feel your skin start to hum, body shaking. soundless words pour from your lips, hands grasping at sukuna softly as you keen, deep in your throat. 
“look at me” sukuna says, eyes deep blazing and red, and you whimper and whine around his finger. “i want to see your face when you cum for me, little sorcerer” 
you grant his wish, eyes blinking hazily as your mouth parts around a shout. you can feel your juices squelching out around his finger, wetting your thighs and sliding down your ass crack. you can feel sukuna lean down, licking at your tear tracks with a sadistic chuckle. but you only whine again, breathless. you can’t help but groan softly when you see sukuna pull out, fingers brushing against his stomach so that the mouth there can swallow around his fingers. in the few minutes of silence, your eyes land curiously on sukuna. more specifically, the loincloth. you have to squint to see past the tears, but you can see the tent. and after more staring, your stomach drops when you realize whats underneath. 
of course he has two dicks. you don’t even know why you’re surprised. sukuna notices you staring, and follows your gaze. when he realizes what your looking at, parts the cloth with one hand. “don’t look so horrified little sorcerer, it’s hard to stay calm when you moan so prettily for me” 
“can i,” your eyes dart to the side nervously “uhm, can i touch? please?” 
sukuna looks surprised at your inquiry, but smiles, slow and ravenous. he gives his consent and you crawl forwards, legs shaking. you lift a hand down to cup the lower hanging one in your hands, fingers tracing along the slit curiously. above you, the curse inhales a sharp breath. and when you trace the large vein underneath, sukuna presses you down, stealing the breath from your lungs with a kiss. your small hands still jerk him off when you kiss, sloppy and inexperienced. but sukuna goes crazy for the touch anyway, groaning into your mouth. 
his hands wander, pulling you this way and that as he pulls your clothes off. you try to jerk him off through it best you can. once you are finally naked, sukuna pulls away completely to stare at you. you flush and fight the urge to cover yourself. you aren’t impressive in any means, but sukuna can’t stop staring. “gorgeous” and then, “up, sorcerer”
you are completely confused when sukuna leans back. his hands grab you and place you down so that your knees straddles both side of the mouth on his stomach. you panic, unsure of where to put your hands. your eyes meet red and then you slowly lower your hips down until you’re seated on the warm, wet muscle. it takes a few more seconds for him to start, and at first you think nothing of it. just his tongue sliding against the expanse of your thighs. 
until, that is, his tongue juts more firmly, pressing up against your clit. your brows pinch with the effort of trying to contain yourself, mouth falling open with a tiny noise and your hips slowly chase the feeling. the last bits of your hesitation fall away when the tongue swipes through your folds, licking up your slick like candy, and eager for more. and with the size, he’s able to tease at your aching clit and your entrance at the same time. 
sukuna hums, appreciative. “there you go” he says, transfixed by your slow unraveling “take what you want” 
this was the view that he craved. you slowly tossing your fear and hesitant nature to the side, lost in the throes of passion and pleasure you never felt before. pleasure you would never feel again, without him. indulging in yourself only, riding atop him in a conquered city, freshly yours. sukuna’s thumbs press into your sides, and you whine, voice catching on a shaky moan. you deserve to give into gluttony, to binge on the worlds pleasures. you are the queen of curses after all. you’ve gone mindless now, bouncing on his tongue, between breathy moans and the occasional loud whine. you want nothing else now, but for him to finally slip inside. and as if reading your mind, his tongue breaches your cunt, and you can hear how loudly he’s slurping at your pussy. your fingers jab themselves into his abs as you hump at his mouth with abandon, desperate to cum. 
it’s just too much. you cum with a loud whine, tapering off into a pained gasp. you can see his mouth moving, but no sound comes out, at least anything louder than your heart pounding in your ears. sukuna grabs you by the waist, so fucking tiny in his large hands, lifting you like a little doll - chuckling darkly at the tiny whimper you let out and placing you on the tip of his cock. 
a hoarse yell rips from your throat as your placed down with no warning. your cunt flutters and attempted to stretch around his thick cock, tears springing forwards in your eyes. his other cock settles between the globes of your ass, hot and intimidating. 
“w-wait” you gasp wetly, and that’s definitely his cock pressing up against your soft spot “slow down, i’m gonna te-” 
“you won’t” is his chuckled response, fingers cupping your tits and rolling the buds between his large fingers “not when your this slick and wet for me, little sorcerer” 
you can feel, acutely aware of actually, how your body makes way for the space. sukuna pulls out, cock dragging against your walls before shoving back in. and you feel so full, surrounded on all sides by him that you cum again,squeezing around his cock. above you, sukuna mutters his praise between groans. he shoves in and out of you, and you lurch forwards - head thunking onto his chest with a moan. and your folds are so wet, that when you squeeze around him, it pushes his cock back out. 
you whine in protest when he lines himself back up. “c-can’t, can’t take anymore!” 
sukuna pets at your head, smiling. his finger traces down the side of your body. but he doesn’t offer you reprieve. “yes you can, little sorcerer” 
the blunt tip of his cock prods at your cunt again, pressing in forcefully. he’s so big that he pressed up everywhere inside you, and sliding against your clit too. you whine, squeezing around his cock as you squirt. your eyes roll to the back of your head, rocking your hips to get him deeper inside. you feel as though your nerves have melted away, and your head spins. 
“want it” you whine, shoving back and whining when he doesn’t slip back inside. “fuck me, please? want it! p-please, pleasepleaseplease” 
a proud smirk falls onto sukuna’s face and he grabs you by the hip, and another hand grabs his cock and pushes it back into your cunt. his deep, aroused sigh makes you whine, begging for things you don’t understand. your lashes flutter against the swell of your cheeks, hole stretching around his cock and he fucks into you fast and hard. for a second, everything goes completely blank and you barely register that you just came. you can hear his rough grumbling, praises and degradation. and then when he cums inside, you pass out. 
- - 
you have no idea for how long you’ve been asleep, but when you wake up, you’re sprawled atop a large torso, cheek resting on his thick pectoral. briefly, you consider smushing your face in between them, and find yourself blushing at the thought. two of sukuna’s enormous arms are wrapped around your waist, and a funny warm feeling passes through your body. 
for the first time in a long time, maybe in your whole life, you feel comfortable. satisfied. treasured. and you whine into sukuna chest, before snuggling back up to fall asleep. 
407 notes ¡ View notes
taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
you mean sukuna “ come ‘ere mama” ryomen????
the one that rubs on your hips and kisses you neck when you’re washing the dishes?
the one that he’s your initials tattooed behind his ear?
the dude that rubs your feet and rubs your scalp after a long day?
the big scary man with silver caps and tattoos?
the same scary man who melts when you hold his baby cousins at family events?
THE MAN that blushes when you call him your man, rub at his shoulders then neck and blink your pretty eyes at him.
yea thats him🤭
817 notes ¡ View notes
taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
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𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 | 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢
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Synopsis: Vampire hunter Bakugou x Vampire Queen reader. Bakugou Katsuki is a renowned vampire hunter. The finest in the land. Due to this, the King gives him a task of the utmost importance. One that will not only challenge his abilities, but his will.
Wc: 5.4k
Warnings: MDNI, 18+, slow burn, romance, some angst, making sweet sweet love, Black female reader, reader has red eyes and long 4a hair, reader gets picked up (Bakugou is strong af so he can do it), female pronouns, 3rd person perspective, aged up characters (20+), making out, cunnililgus, bitting, inexperienced Bakugou and reader, mentions blood, killing and death (but its not descriptive), very self indulgent.
TRIGGER: mentions of attempted self-harm
A/n: repost. Title image edited by me.
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Bakugou Katsuki is the most skilled vampire hunter in the land. Throughout his life, he had been hired by a variety of guilds and nobility to assassinate many of such monsters. He has made a name for himself as the demon killer, Ground Zero, due to how he always gets the job done with both skill and efficiency. On account of his reputation and abilities, the king of the country summoned him to the castle to hire him for a crucial task. He had promised the hunter enough gold to last generations if he could complete one single task… 
Kill the Vampire Queen.
Bakugou accepts the job without any need for convincing. The hunter loved a good challenge, and nothing would put his strength to the test more than killing the Queen. “If you think this will be an easy task. Then you are mistaken, hunter.” The king warns. “That witch is not known as the leader of those demons for nothing. She is more powerful than any vampire you have faced." 
"I don’t need your warnin’s. You’ll have ‘er head come morning.” He tells the king, bowing before heading to leave the castle. 
“One more piece of advice hunter.” The kings’ voice booms, stopping the ash blond in his tracks. “That monster’s ability lies within her eyes. Be sure never to gaze into them, boy." 
Bakugou scoffed at the king’s final words and exited the castle. He flipped his mantle over his head, mounted his horse, and rode straight into vampire territory. He was not an amateur, nor did he need anyone’s advice to do his job correctly. He had his strength and that was the only thing that was necessary. 
The hunter despised vampires with a vengeance; to him, their very existence was a blight on the world. As a teenager, he was kidnapped by a group of those creatures known for abducting humans in order to use them as their personal food source. He had been isolated and fed upon for three days before hunters discovered and rescued him. From that day forward, he had vowed to kill every vampire he could. He never wanted to be that scared and defenceless child who could not fight back all those years ago. Instead, he grew stronger by relentlessly training his body and perfecting his skills. All of his rage and training had been directed toward putting him on an equal footing with those monsters. Due to their superior powers and fortitude, vampires already had a significant advantage over humans. However, none of this matters to the hunter, for no vampire will escape his wrath. 
Bakugou stopped in a town on the outskirts of vampire territory to replenish his supplies for his journey. Here, he met an informant who told him more about the queen and her castle. 
"Even though she is their leader, word is she isolates herself in her castle. No family, no guards, no maids, hell not even a pet.” The informant tells him. 
“Devil must be fuckin’ confident in 'er power.” Bakugou snarls as he packs his newly bought materials on his horse’s back. 
“Not many have seen her power first hand. The only thing I know is her eyes are very dangerous and you should never look into them.” He continues. 
“What’s the fuckin’ deal with her eyes? Do they fuckin’ turn ya into stone?” Bakugou asks, annoyed that this is the second time he has gotten this warning. 
“She is not Medusa sir.” The informant chuckles, making Bakugou glare at him. The little man flinches at the ash blonde’s hostility before continuing. “T-they say that anyone who looks into her eyes will be enchanted, and won’t be able to kill her." 
"I don’t gotta worry 'bout shit like that. I can kill 'er no matter what." 
"But it’s not about your ability sir. It’s about your desire.” Bakugou finishes his packing and turns to the informant furrowing his brow in confusion. Now that he had the hunter’s full attention, the man continued. 
“Those who look into her eyes lose the will to harm her, whether they are human, vampire, or even animal.” He adds. 
Bakugou clicks his tongue, irritated that he even listened to what this man had to say, as it was of no use to his mission. He hoists himself onto his tall horse with ease, then tosses a bag of silver to the informant as payment for the information. 
“M'sure I won’t have a problem with that either. She’s a fuckin’ demon. Nothin’ will make me want to spare her life.” He spits venom behind each of his words. With a snap of the horse’s reins, it took off in a gallop towards the queens’ castle.
The palace grounds were completely empty when he finally arrived, just as the informant had specified. There were no guards outside, and the outer walls appeared to have been neglected for years. The elements had destroyed what the hunter could only assume was once a pristine palace fit for royalty. 
Bakugou hid his horse in the bushes and drew his silver dagger, scooping the area in order to find a way inside the castle. He trudged through the wild grass and weeds to get inside. Flora and fauna grew thick along every entrance, effectively sealing the palace shut from the outside. Though, it appeared that the plants grew to keep something in rather than to keep any unwanted threats out. 
He turned his gaze upwards, searching for another way into the palace. The building appeared completely dark, save for one lit room on the topmost floor. Upon discovering his target’s location, the hunter scalded the side of the old tower with his dagger between his teeth as he climbed up the vines and broken bricks to the terrace. When he reached the top, he crept up to the window and peered through it to see if anyone was in the room. He stepped further into the open glass doors, unable to see his target. He took a cautious look around in case something jumped out to attack him. He finally spotted the queen and prepared to fight. Bakugou took a silent step closer, hoping to cut her head off before she realised he was there. 
The queen was sitting on her heels on the floor of her bedroom. Her curves were dawned by a silk white nightgown, accentuating her darker toned skin. Her black cloud-like curls cascaded all the way down to the middle of her back. The hunter felt like he somehow recognized the woman in front of him, but his feelings of nostalgia did not deter him from completing his mission. 
Bakugou froze in his tracks as he saw the queen raise a knife in her hands. He braced himself for battle, cautious that she had discovered his presence. His eyes widened when she turned the knife on herself, pointing the weapon at her own eyes. 
As her hand trembled, a stifled whimper escaped her lips as she held the blade’s edge inches from her face. She was hesitating. Regardless, the queen had no choice but to do this. She desired to be free. Thus, if this was her only method in doing so. There was no need to be hesitant. With a few deep breaths, she motions to drive the knife into her eye, only to be stopped by large hands grabbing on to her shaking ones. Shocked that she wasn’t alone, she pushes the body behind her away. She turned around to see who encroached on her castle. Solely by their familiar scent, she could tell they were human. 
“Who are you and why have you come here!?” She yells at the hunter. 
He rises from the floor and looks directly at her face, causing the vampire to overt her gaze. Bakugou’s brows furrow in annoyance as he looks at the vampire. He is confused as to why she is not looking him in the eyes, knowing that is where her power lies. Though, he was mostly frustrated as to why he had stopped her from stabbing herself with the knife. It would have been easier for him if he had done nothing. But something inside him told him he had to stop her. 
“I was hired to kill you, queen of demons.” He says gripping tightly onto his dagger. 
Her eyes widened at his words before falling closed. Turning to face the hunter, she sits back on her knees before speaking. “If that is truly what you are here for…” She reaches her arms out in an embrace. “…then please, kill me." 
Bakugou blinked once at her. He was not expecting her to surrender so easily. He hoped to make her beg for mercy, just like he had all those years ago. It irritated him to see the queen of vampires so docile at this moment. For Christ’s sake, she was supposed to be a monster, so why was she asking to be killed? 
"Are you fuckin’ insane? Ya realize I came 'ere to take yer head?” He says through gritted teeth. 
“Yes, I do.” She nods. “You saw that I had the knife before, that was due to me trying to cut my eyes out." 
"Why the hell would ya do somethin’ that stupid?” He says, getting more annoyed the longer she talked. 
“I do not leave my castle because I fear what will happen if people look into my eyes. My eyes prevent people from harming me and force them to care for me instead. I was made queen due to no living being on this earth being able to harm me. I am by no means fit to be queen.” She admits, eyes still firmly closed yet the corners started to brim with tears. 
“However, you are different, sir hunter. You have not seen my eyes. You can finally grant my wish of being free from this burden." 
Bakugou finally realised what was bothering him after hearing her confession. He was beginning to sympathize with her. For a vampire. The same monsters he had sworn to himself to hate and kill every last one. Yet here he was feeling compassion for the leader of said creatures. The one who was supposed to be the most evil of them all. 
But it was her familiarity that bothered him the most. He could not place it, but he knew he had seen her somewhere before. Her defined eyebrows and her plump brown lips. It all seemed like he had seen it… many years ago. 
Then it finally clicked in his head. 
The queen’s eyes shot open upon hearing that nickname. It had seemed like centuries since she had heard it. The memory quickly flashed through her head as she remembered a time from days gone by. 
- 13 years ago - 
"Dammit!” The boy cursed after falling face-first into the lake. 
It was the middle of the night and he had not seen the tree root that was protruding out of the dirt. Thus making him trip and fall down a hill into the lake. To make things worse, the boy had hurt his ankle and could not walk properly. He was getting frustrated with his situation when he heard a wolf howling in the distance making him jump. The lake was blanketed with the mist of a cold spring night. Making it impossible to see more than a couple of feet in front of his face. Starting to get more worried, the boy cursed himself for leaving home so late without telling his parents. His mother would kill him if she found out he had died out here. 
He froze when he heard a branch crack from behind him. The boy grabbed a nearby stick to defend himself, thinking a wolf had found him and was going to attack. But he dropped it when he noticed a girl’s head peeking out from behind a tree. Her dark curls were braided back into two large cornrows that reached down to her shoulder. She was wearing a short red dress that reached her knees, though the colour of her outfit was nothing compared to the deep maroon of her eyes. 
“Are you all right?” The girl asked, her voice full of concern. 
The boy broke out of his trance upon hearing her soft voice. “I-I’m fine, no need to worry 'bout me.” He said as he attempted to stand up but fell back down due to the swelling in his ankle. 
“It is okay to ask for help if you need it.” She said, walking closer to the boy. 
“I don’t need help. I can do it myself!” He shouted, waving her off. But before he knew it, she had wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled him to his feet. 
“Where is your home? I will help you get there.” She smiled. 
The boy’s cheeks flushed, and he averted his gaze from her. He pointed her in the right direction as they began their journey back to his home. 
“What is your name?” The girl asked, breaking the silence between the two. 
“Bakugou Katsuki.” He answered. “What’s yours?" 
"L/n Y/n. How did you get hurt, Katsuki?” She asked. 
“Hey! Why’re ya calling me by my first name!?" 
"Am I not supposed to?” She asked, sounding genuinely confused. 
“Course not! Not 'till we get to know each other first."  He argues. 
"Okay well, my name is Y/n. And I like coming to the lake on misty nights.” She smiles brightly. 
“Ya already told me yer name weirdo." 
"But you said you wanted to know me.” She laughs. 
Bakugou very quickly realized that he liked the sound of her laughter. The more he heard it, the more he thought he could listen to it forever.  “Why only misty days?”
“The mist is very calming to me. And sometimes I find things I did not expect to. Like you Katsuki!” She says with a light giggle. 
He blushes again, this time making the tips of his ears turn a bright pink. Bakugo looks away in a huff. “I ain’t a thing. And stop callin’ me by my first name stupid girl." 
After some more back and forth between the two, they had finally left the forest and reached the backyard of Bakugou’s home. Y/n helped Bakugou to his backdoor before letting go of him. He knocked on his door and they heard people from inside the house start to scramble around.
"Just so ya know, I could'a gotten back myself.” Bakugou pouts at the girl before turning away once more. 
“I know, but I am glad I helped you. It was very nice meeting you Katsuki.” She responded from behind him. 
The backdoor swung open and Bakugou’s parents were at the door. “Kastuki you brat, did you sneak outside again!?” His mother yelled. 
“Yeah, so what if I did?” He limped inside the house, pulling a chair from the kitchen table before taking a seat.
His mother sighed heavily. “So first you sneak out, then you get yourself hurt. Don’t tell me you walked all the way here on that ankle?" 
"Nah, that girl over there helped me.” He said, pointing outside to where Y/n was standing. 
“What girl?” His father asks, confused. 
Bakugou was shocked when he looked outside to see an empty door frame. “But she was…" 
"Whoever she was, make sure you thank her the next time you see her.” His mother says, smacking him on the back of the head. “Now, let’s get some ice for that ankle of yours." 
As Bakugou’s parents took care of his injury, he wondered where Y/n could have disappeared to. His parents did not take long to open the door, so how did she leave so quickly?
After Bakugou’s ankle had healed, he had become determined to find Y/n again. His village was small and he knew everyone in it so he decided to look in neighbouring villages. He looked everywhere from going door to door to orphanages, but nobody knew who she was. For a while, he had even thought that she might have been a ghost. But he immediately recognized how ridiculous that idea was. Besides, you cannot touch ghosts. 
He had looked for two weeks before he decided to give up. Then he remembered what she had said the day she had found him. She would only go to the lake on misty nights. At that moment he decided that on the next foggy night, the lake is where he would be waiting for her. 
A few days later he arrived at the lake, the mist was as heavy as the previous night, covering the area with a screen of opaque white. Yet, Bakugou had no problem seeing her. She was looking out towards the lake in that same red dress she had been wearing before. She looked back at the sound of footsteps and smiled when she saw who was approaching. 
"Hello, again Katsuki." 
"Hey, Misty." 
From that night forward, the two would go to the lake whenever it was foggy. Quickly becoming close friends, playing and opening up to each other in ways they had never done with anyone else prior. Although they would meet little more than once a month, they had become everything to each other; their time together was never taken for granted. 
After three years of these late-night meetings, Bakugou had turned 13 the month before and was eager to see Y/n to tell her what he had gotten for his birthday. When he got to the lake, he didn’t see her waiting for him like she usually did. Instead, he found a note sitting on a tree stump of their usual meeting place. The note was brief, only a few sentences in what Bakugou recognized as his dear friend’s handwriting. 
I will no longer be able to meet you here.
For that, I apologize with all my heart. 
- Misty  
Afterwards, Y/n followed through on her promise, never returning to the lake, fog or not. Bakugou took weeks to accept that Y/n had left for good. He had gone to that lake every night, hoping that he would find her there, waiting for him with that beautiful smile that he had come to love so much. 
When another year had passed, he cursed himself for wasting so much time waiting for her. Of course, she would eventually leave him. He should not have thought he was good enough to make her stay.
She turned away again when she recognised him, even more determined not to have him look into her eyes. When she heard an object hit the floor with a clank, Y/n glanced over at him. She noticed that what Bakugou had dropped on the floor was his silver dagger.
"How the hell did you become a vampire? WHO FUCKIN’ TURNED YOU!?” His screams were filled with concern despite his aggressive tone. 
“I was always a vampire, Katsuki. I… I never told you because I thought that you would be scared of me." 
"The fuck? Ya should’ve said that shit to me back then!”
“You would not have stayed if you knew." 
"How the hell can ya say that!?” He yelled back.
“You came here to kill me, did you not?" 
"I wouldn’t have taken this damn job if I knew it was you. Ya disappeared on me years ago, how the fuck would I know that you would be the fucking Queen!" 
"NONE OF THAT WAS BY CHOICE!” She yelled, finally raising her voice at him. 
Just as Y/n shouted, Bakugou realised that she had not looked at him the entire time they were talking. “Why won’t ya look at me?” He asks, his now calmer tone contrasting his anger fill one from before, sending a shiver up Y/n’s spine. 
“You know I cannot look at you." 
"I’ve already seen yer eyes a bunch of times before." 
"That was before my powers manifested. That was the reason I left. So you would not fall victim to my curse.” She responds, her words were quiet and laced with pain. 
Bakugou walked closer, kneeling in front of her, making the girl flinch. He raised his hand, gently placing it on her cheek, and turned her head to face him. Seeing that she was still averting her eyes, he kissed his teeth. “I would never want to hurt you, so there ain’t nothin’ that yer eyes can do to me." 
His closeness to her caused her cheeks to heat up. She couldn’t help but look at him now, slowly raising her eyes to gaze at the face of the boy she hadn’t seen in more than a decade. His crimson eyes meet her deep maroon ones. She could finally get a good look at him like this. His body was muscular from training, adorned with many scars from countless battles. His jawline was sharp and defined, nothing like the more rounded cheeks he had as a child. Despite the changes to his outward appearance just one look into his eyes and she could tell he was the same boy she had known once before. Though now, he was a man. 
"See? Told ya your powers wouldn’t do shit to me.” He smirks, but his tone was gentle and reassuring. “It doesn’t change how I feel, not this or bein’ apart from you." 
"But can you still say that if I am a vampire? As a hunter, you must hate us." 
"That’s true. But I love you, Misty. Have since ya found me that day at the lake" 
Y/n finally smiles. She had never imagined hearing those words in her life. In her mind, she was a curse, unlovable, her only purpose in life was to serve her kingdom. Yet, having the person she had always held so dear to her, saying those three words, meant everything to her. It was the first time Bakugou had seen her smile in more than a decade. Even after all this time, it was still one of his favorite sights. He gently rubbed his thumb over her cheek, happy to be able to touch her and feel her once more. His Misty. His Queen. His Lady. 
Bakugou leans in to plant a kiss on her lips. When his lips touched hers, they were slightly chapped due to his line of work never requiring him to use them. But they were warm against her cool suppler ones.
Reluctantly, He pulled away to allow them both to breathe. Bakugou kept his gaze fixed on her, panting after holding his breath for so long. He did not know if he was doing this right, if this was how these types of things were supposed to happen. However his lack of experience was drastically overshadowed by the nerves in his body screaming for him to feel her lips against his once more. He leaned in again, only to have her meet him in the middle.
Their lips met again, this time intertwining in a loving yet sloppy way. As time went on, their movement became more rhythmic. Bakugou’s kisses became driven by instinct, unconsciously knowing exactly what to do. He placed his hand on the curve of Y/n’s back, arching her body flush against his chest. 
Y/n slides her hands onto his shoulder to pull him in closer. Moving higher, she interlaced her finger in his unexpectedly soft ash blond spikes. She felt him lap at her bottom lip, a silent plea he made to ask for her permission. Hesitant at first, she eventually opened her mouth wide enough for his wet muscle to enter. Their tongues danced around in each other’s mouths hungrily. 
Sliding his hands to move down Y/n’s sides, he gently squeezed handfuls of her curves on their way down to her hips. He grabbed onto the back of her thighs, lifting her up from the floor. His lips still on hers, he carried her over to the bed and laid her down gently. 
Bakugou shifted on top of her, adjusting her legs, and positioned himself between them. Y/n lightly pulled on his hair when he gently bit her lip, causing him to let out a low groan into her mouth. He pulled away from the kiss, leaving a thin string of saliva between their partially open mouths. 
They stared at each other again, no words spoken, the only thing that stood between them was a strong enchanting desire. Bakugou quickly moved down to attack her neck with hard sucks and bites. His hands caressing up and down her hips, making her squirm under him. 
He began to remove his clothes, revealing a chest littered with battle wounds. Y/n ran her fingers slowly over his scars, committing their feel and shape to memory, making Bakugou’s body shudder under her feather light touch. He took off the rest of his clothes as she ran her hands up and down his torso, as if she may never touch it again.
Bakugou lightly pulled at the hem of her gown, lifting it slowly to give her time to stop him in case she did not want to do this. Y/n only nodded, giving him the okay to keep going. He took off her nightgown and admired the sight of her beautiful naked body. 
He ran his hands over her breasts. She whimpered when he rolled her sensitive dark brown nubs between his fingers. He loved the expression she made when he started kissing down the valley of her breasts. Licking and sucking on the way down to her already dripping heat. Before she could say anything, Bakugou flattened his tongue in a long stride up her core. 
She moaned when he dragged his tongue fervently up and down between her folds, teasing her entrance. Her hands instinctively grabbing onto his hair, pulling him closer to her. He pressed his tongue in circles around her slit, savouring the taste of her slick, swallowing after each lap. Focusing on her throbbing clit, he wrapped his lips around it and sucked harshly, shaking his head side to side to add more stimulation to her sensitivity. 
He looked up to see her chest; it’s quick rising and falling. Watching her desperation to release the tight feeling quickly growing in her abdomen. He sucked harder on her clit making her back arch off the bed. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes, accompanied by intense waves of pleasure. 
Her head falls back into her pillow as she feels one of his large fingers dipping into her wet folds. They felt rough and thick in her velvety walls, curling to hit a spot that not even she was aware of, making her back arch off the bed. He begins slowly pumping his finger in and out to stretch her out before quickly adding another. 
To her dismay, Bakugou pulled off of her with a wet pop before she could reach her second climax of the night. Planting light kisses and bites on inside her plump thighs as he made his way back up to her lips. He kissed her once more, tongue delving into her mouth, letting her taste her own naughty flavor. 
Bakugou lifts himself to sit on his heels, taking her legs and putting them on the outer sides of his thighs. He aligns his painfully hard member at her entrance, never looking away from her maroon coloured orbs. 
They made him fall even more in love with her, made him want to be the only one who could gaze into them. They had such an intense allure, leaving him with a tight feeling in his chest that pleaded at him to ensure that they were only looking at him. 
He asked her once more to see if she still wanted this, wanted him. As her response, she drew him in for another kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck before nodding. Getting her confirmation, he pushed inside of her slowly, a high-pitched moan escaping her throat as he stretched her inexperienced walls to their limit. 
Letting out a low grunt, Bakugou finally bottoms out. The feelings of her heat gripping so tightly around his member was too much to handle. He leaned in and gave her another kiss, this time more passionate than the last. He could feel her sharp fangs as his tongue devoured her mouth. 
Before he started thrusting, the vampire gently cupped his cheeks and rubbed her thumb over his lips. Time had stopped as they laid there. Their bare chests pressed against one another, close enough to feel their syncing heart beats. She had so many things she wanted to say to him after so many years apart. Years of wishing she had not left and had stayed by his side despite the risks. Yet now, he is right in front of her, leaning into her hold, his eyes solely trained on her. 
"Kastuki, stay with me forever.” The vampire pleaded. 
“I will.” The man spoke immediately, his voice husky and rough, yet tender as if reciting his vows. 
She leaned into the crook of his neck, her fangs bared. “Never leave me." 
"Never planned on it.” He groans out as he slowly starts thrusting his hips. 
“Do you , ahn~ , promise?” She spoke through her moans, grazing her teeth over the surface of his pulse point. 
“I do, 'cause you belong to me.” She harshly bit down as he finished his sentence. Bakugou inhaled sharply at the pain, but it quickly subsided. When she let go of his neck and placed his forehead on hers, stopping the rutting his hips. 
“You belong to me too now, Katsuki." 
"I always did, Y/n." 
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- 4 Months Later - 
"Hey, have you heard?” A man at the tavern asked his group of friends. 
“No, what is it?" 
"Apparently, the Vampire Queen just married a new King!” The man shouted. 
“Wait, shouldn’t she be dead?" 
"Yeah, wasn’t there a vampire hunter that was sent to kill her?” A woman chimed in. 
“He’s been missing for months now. He’s already a dead man.” Another man said, joining in on the gossip. 
“And get this, after the new King came, a lot of things changed. Now it is impossible to get into vampire territory.” The first man kept explaining. 
“I wonder why?” His friend asked no one in particular. 
“Maybe they just want no humans intruding on their bloodsucker rituals.” The woman scoffs. 
“But vampire incidents have become rare nowadays, so I don’t think they’re killing humans anymore.” A darker skinned woman clarified. 
“They most likely just want to be left alone.” The bartender spoke. 
“But why? Don’t they need blood to live or something?” Another person at the tavern asked. 
“Yes. But they don’t need to be human blood. They can also drink the blood of animals.” He responds. 
“So your sayin’ that they just started drinking animal blood now or something? There’s no way those monsters would be so merciful." 
The bartender picked up a dirty glass and started to clean it. "You see, it is said that if the Queen wills it, then all vampires under her are obliged to obey." 
"Why all of the sudden?” The dark skinned woman ponders. 
“Well, there’s this old saying…” The bartender smiled, his eyes shining a deep shade of red that goes unseen by the drunkards in front of him. He places the sparkly clean glass in its holder.  “A love once lost now awakened love is a blessing on the entire world.”
“That’s stupid, old man. There’s no way that’s the reason. You don’t know nothing.” The first man said, making the other people nod in agreement.
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☆Comments and reblogs are appreciated🙏🏾☆
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
You reap (what you sow)
Summary: To say that dinner with Katsuki’s parents, especially his mother, was a tense affair, would be the understatement of the year.
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Mitsuki Bakugou, Masaru Bakugou
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, light angst, consequences of actions
Note: Mitsuki is a very petty woman in this and I enjoyed writing her dialogue
Word Count: 723
Tag/mutuals list: @kuromi-kouhai-blog @olenoname @mysticpisces @craftycheetah
“Deku and that damn half and half bastard are going to do what?”
The sound of utensils against plates had come to a stop and whatever conversation they had came to a standstill at the announcement that came from Mitsuki Bakugou.
“They’re planning on courting y/n. That’s what Inko told me when we had our weekly lunch together at our favorite restaurant. And she looked so elated at the prospect of having y/n as a daughter in law.” Mitsuki continued, after taking a sip of her wine. “Not that I can blame her. Who wouldn’t want y/n as a part of their family? She is quite the sweetheart, after all.”
“They can’t fucking do that.” Katsuki said and his expression was murderous.
“And why not? The three of them have been inseparable. They spend so much time together. It’s natural that this would eventually happen.”
“Why wouldn’t y/n tell us? Tell me?” Ochako finally found her voice after the shock of the news that Deku-kun and Todoroki-kun had plans to court y/n seemed to wear off. “We’re friends!”
“Are you, really?” Masaru Bakugou, the voice of reason whenever Mitsuki and Katsuki would butt heads, spoke up and the expression he was wearing sent a chill down Ochako’s spine. “You stabbed her in the back. In the worst possible way. There’s nothing you can do or say to come back from that. She trusted you. The both of you and you threw that trust away when you did what you did.”
He sounded as if he was speaking from experience.
“What’s your point, old man?” Katsuki’s voice came off as gruff, like he was trying to run from the guilt that came from his actions.
He hadn’t been alone of course.
“The point is Katsuki, that your wife can't pretend to know why y/n didn’t tell her business and what’s going on in her private life when she’s the reason why.”
Ochako had been an active participant in that as well.
It was one thing if Katsuki and Y/n’s didn’t just work out in the end. That was normal. And it happened to a majority of relationships.
Breakups were a part of life.
But when Katsuki had told them exactly why he had called off his relationship with Y/n, in order to climb the hero rankings so he could eventually become number one and how he couldn’t do that with y/n as an underground hero, Mitsuki had given him such a verbal lashing, Masaru hadn’t even tried to stop her.
And to rub salt in the wound, he had shown up with Ochako as his girlfriend, not too long after the breakup.
Mitsuki and Masaru had been cordial to her, but Mitsuki made her opinion known of exactly how she felt about the way Ochako had stabbed her supposed friend in the back.
“I’ve tried apologizing!” Ochako defended herself. “But y/n doesn’t want to be in the same room as me.”
“Why would she? Especially after the way you threw her trust back in her face by doing what you did. The both of you are facing the consequences of your actions.”
Like right now.
Mitsuki turned her gaze from Ochako to her son. From the expression he was wearing, she had a suspicion of what he planned on doing. “And Katsuki, don’t even think of trying to stop Izuku and his mate from courting y/n.”
“Like I give a damn what shitty Deku and half and half decide to do.” It was obvious to everyone at the table that Katsuki was putting up a front, trying to pretend that the news of y/n about to be courted by the two people who got under his skin the most didn’t bother him.
He was obviously failing.
And it was obvious that he did care. A great deal.
“Keep telling yourself that, Katsuki.”
From there, dinner continued but it was filled with obvious tension.
And overwhelming guilt.
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
Hello how would villain deku be like with a fem reader that has adhd?
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So I do not personally have ADHD (as far as I'm aware. I really don't know to be honest) but after some research and talking to some friends, I hope this fulfills your request and it isn't offensive in any means.
Note: Villain Deku, Speeding!, talks of taking medication, Deku just being head over heels in love with his baby.
Well lovely anon,
Izuku would find you the most precious being in existence, villain or not. He is already a pretty organized person in terms of his work, notes and most of his items but only when he's working. Outside of work, he's pretty disorganised and all over the place too so he knows how it feels to feel like your life is all over the place.
If the two of you were in a meeting with some of his men or the league, he would hand you his knife if you were fidgety. In hindsight, this is probably a bad idea. No one in their right mind would hand someone who's constantly moving and shifting in focus and in physicality a knife. Luckily for you, Izuku isn't in his right mind half the time that and he thinks you're hot with a knife in your hands. By the end of the meeting you've mastered twirling his knife in your hands or pulling it out with efficiency ready to stab anyone who ends up near you.
Now Izuku knows how much ADHD can effect you especially if you are studying or working. He knows sometimes it feels like nothing is working, you can't focus and everything isn't adding up.
Izuku is the type of man to sit with you and let you rant and express your emotions. He would help you in every little way he can, noting down everything that distracts you, noticing the times you are most productive, experimenting on the perfect conditions for you to work in.
One of the many things he has done is put your desk in his study. He would help bring you back to your tasks in front of you or just help you in whatever capacity he is able to and if he can't, he'll do his damn hardest to find a way to do so.
Now, if you get random impulses to do something crazy, Villain Izuku is all up for it.
"Izy..." You started looking down at him from behind his cushioned leather chair. It was late into the night and Midoriya was sending emails to many of his men around the country.
"Hm?" He asked. Despite what it looked like, with his eyes fixated on the screen in front of him, Izuku was listening to you. He always gave you his attention.
You moved to sit on his desk beside his work space. "Can I drive one of your cars!"
Midoriya was motionless for a moment. He turned to look up at you. "Hm..." He hummed. He spun his chair to face you as he thought. He tapped his chin inquisitively. "As long..." He started. "As I can come too and we need to make a pit stop." He lifted up two finger to emphasize his point of having two conditions.
You nodded your head excitedly, bouncing in your seat atop his desk. With a gleam in his eyes you knew that whatever was to happen you were going to be in for another thrilling experience, because that's just how being in a relationship with him was like.
That is exactly how you found yourself driving way past the speed limit through the streets of late night streets of the city that were barely occupied. Your hand was on the steering wheel, your eyes wide as you drifted the car to the right.
Midoriya had a bright expression on his face. Loud amused laughter echoing through the car as he held his milkshake and fries from MacDonalds (the pit stop he wanted to make. Mans was hungry).
The two of you would totally just have endless fun, drifting around and speeding in residential areas just for the thrill of it. Until it would become a police chase and Midoriya is behind the wheel. Flipping off the cops, it would end up with the two of you having to drive to another precinct (in order to have the cops stop following you) and hiding down low in one of Midoriya's many safe houses.
Life with him is always an adventure. Whether literal or figurative. If one minute you're playing games on your phone or the next the both of you are playing Jenga, you best believe he's taking it in stride.
Now in all seriousness, he would tell you like clockwork, when it was time to take your meds, If you had any. He had a timer on his phone set for it. No matter what he was doing, which was pretty sweet... Until you see your boyfriend on national television grab the nearest media camera with blackwhip (all while running from Dynamight), look deep into the camera, his eyes dialing down on the psychotic gleam they would get when he fought proheroes. He would be like:
"Dumpling, it's time for you to take your meds. There's a bottle of water in the fridge. See you at dinner." He would blow a kiss at the camera, give it back to the camera man unscathed and continue to run from ProHero Dynamight's explosions like it was the most normal thing.
He's just in love, that's all. He's not crazy.
Okay he is crazy. Psychotic according to some, but he just really puts you first before anything else.
At moments where everything seems like its piling on top of you, or you feel as though life is unfair and you wish it was simpler, Izuku would always make sure to hold you tight and assure you that he loves you just how you are. With everything about you, because that's just the type of man he is. Villain or not.
<My Izuku Midoriya Masterlist>
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
Bestfriends| MHA X BlackFemReader
Hi Besties ! I was in a writing mood but, I didn't feel like messing with my current WIP because ✨procrastination✨, so here are some cute, maybe NSFW headcannons/scenarios about the boys reacting to their bestfriend(who they have a crush on) being at their place when they get home from a stressful day! This is literally my fingers moving faster than my brain, so bare with me if it's awful lol.
Warning NSFW (18+) Content| Viewer Discretion Advised
oral sex
foul language
mentions of blood
penetration (?) - idk, haven't written it yet.
Aged up/ ProHero characters
ProHero! Deku
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You met when you transferred into the support course during your second year, he was always coming in to discuss changes in his costume design and the two of you just clicked. It went from casual greetings in the hallways to movie marathons on the weekends.
Whenever he'd go on school missions you'd hug him so tight, lecturing him to be careful. "I'll be fine, (n/n)" he'd blush, but he'd nuzzle against your neck before saying his final goodbyes.
Your protectiveness continued well into adulthood, when he was a full fledged Pro Hero. Always hovering and fussing over him, threatening to jump in if he was ever in trouble. He never complained about you babying him, though. He loved that you cared.
People found your dynamic hilarious, this big ole' man being lead around by little old you. Hanging on to your every word like a puppy. He was enamored with you, but for the sake of your friendship he never mentioned it.
Izuku was dead tired, the day had been brutal. He'd fought several villains, ended up in a hostage situation and fell off a roof. Blood and grit clung to his skin and hero costume. He was desperate to get to his hot shower and warm bed.
Walking through the door, he heard a random R&B song playing over the stereo and smelled fresh baked cookies. That could only mean one thing. She's home, he thought, smiling to himself as he made his way into the living room. Izuku had given you a spare key for emergency's but you honestly you used it whenever you were feeling bored. He didn't mind, he loved seeing you when he made it home.
"(Y/N). I'm home." he called out, kicking his shoes of near the couch. He started to worry when you didn't respond immediately but relaxed when he heard running water. Izuku trudged down the hallway, rolling his neck and stretching his sore muscles along the way. "Puppy. It's me." he knocked twice and cracked the door open, smiling when your bonnet covered head peaked through the frosted glass door.
"Oh my god, Izu! What the hell happened?" He chuckled to himself, not even five minutes into the house and he found himself on the receiving end of one of your lectures. "I had a rough day. Fucking tired." he groaned and you flinched at his words. Izuku rarely cursed, so he must be feeling pretty bad. "You almost done? I'm gross." he peeled off his hero costume, too exhausted to feel bashful. It's not like you've never seen him in his underwear before, you're his bestfriend.
"Friend" he mumbled, rolling his eyes. On days like this it was hard for him to hide his true feelings. All he wanted was to pull you into his arms and kiss the stress away. "I just got in but, I'll get out- "No, no. I'm gonna get in with you."
Before you could protest his was sliding the door open and pushing himself inside 🌚. "Izu!" you screeched, covering your breasts with your hands. It was counterproductive because it pushed them up nicely and gave him a nice view of your puffy cunt. Was she touching her self? he quirked a brow, but shook the thought off "I'm tired. I didn't want to wait anymore". That statement was pretty loaded considering the current situation and his feelings about your relationship. "Just this once, please" he pouted, handing you his sponge and body wash.
With a sigh, you took the items and began pampering your friend, being sure to nag him simultaneously. He couldn't care less, too caught up in the way your fingernails felt scratching his scalp or your soapy hands running across his skin. He didn't even realize you were crying until your voice broke.
"I know you can take care of yourself but, I still worry." you paused, resting your forehead between his shoulder blades and wrapping your arms around his torso. He hummed, rolling his head back and covering your hands with his own, it felt good being with you like this. Nothing could ruin this moment. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Izu. You're my bestfriend."
That did it.
In a flash he had you pinned against the shower wall with your legs wrapped around his waist and his face buried in your neck. "Look at us right now, (Y/N). Is this what bestfriends feel like ?" You felt his tip slide through your folds, picking up the slick that had been accumulating since he'd first gotten in the shower. "i-Izu ?" you stammer, and he pulls back to watch your face as he teases your entrance. "I don't want to be friends anymore, puppy." Your mouth falls open when he starts to push in, splitting you open on his enormous ✨cock✨ and he takes this opportunity to pull you into a bruising kiss.
"We should be lovers instead."
ProHero! Red Riot
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The two of you met in the drugstore one day when he was looking for hairdye. The store was out of his usual brand and he didn't know which one would be closest to Radiant Ruby. So he was staring at the boxes having an internal meltdown. Dark roots are not manly.
"Try Very Vermillion, the undertone is different but its the same shade. If you just touch up the roots you can barely tell the difference." Your soft voice caught his attention, and then your bright smile and similarly dyed hair. It was a deeper red than his and it went well with your (l/d) brown skin. "Thanks, cutie. I really appreciate it." he pulled down his shades and winked, enough to make most ladies swoon but you just smirked back. "No problem, Mr. Riot."
"How'd ya know it was me?" he asked, following you down the aisle. He was shocked, it seemed like a pretty good disguise when he left in the morning. "Kinda had to mistake a killer smile like that" you winked, and the blush that grew on his cheeks was enough to put Radiant Ruby out of business for good. "Can I get your name?" he asked, red eyes never leaving your figure as you checked out. He thought he was being stealthy but you noticed. "(Y/N). How about you get me lunch too?"
Henceforth, you were inseparable.
"Yo, Ei. Where's your twin?" Katsuki teased, referencing your similar hair color and the fact that you were always wearing his merch. He called you his "mini me", which is true since he's a freaking giant. "I'm on my way to her place now!" he beamed, "she promised to make me some American food!" He loved when you cooked for him. One of his favorite pass times was watching you move around the kitchen, whipping up different dishes for him to try. "Tch, you two idiots should just make it official already." Katsuki huffed, nudging his friend who was smiling at his phone. Probably because you'd sent him an "adorable" photo wearing some new merch you picked up. "Nah, she's way too good for me." he'd smile sadly, stuffing his phone, and his feelings, in his back pocket.
You were putting the brownies in the oven when you heard the front door open. "I'm in the kitchen, Red !" you called, eager to see his expression when he saw the spread that you'd prepared for him.
Pro Hero! Red Riot had won a major victory today after an intense battle with some huge villain downtown. It was all over the news. He smiled and waved at the cameras, because it was the manly thing to do, but you could see that he was wore out. You wanted to do something special, so you prepared all his favorite foods. Fried chicken, Cajun steak alfredo, meat buns, and brownies for dessert. The man could eat.
"Hey pebble. What are you- wow ! What's all this ?" he smiled brightly as he entered the kitchen, tossing his mask on the counter and reaching for a piece of chicken. "Aht Aht!" you smacked his hand with a wooden spoon, "wash your hands first. You're filthy". He pouted but complied.
"What's the special occasion?" he asked, watching you fix him a heaping plate of food.
"I saw your fight on the news. You did so good, big guy!" You pinched his flushed cheeks and gave a knowing smirk. Eijiro may seem overly confident but he's actually pretty insecure sometimes; you're constantly reassuring him, being sure to remind him how great he is and how lucky you are to have him. It was fun for you because you liked how giddy he'd get after a few compliments. His praise kink goes crazy.
"(Y/N)- , stopp" he whined, but made no real effort to escape your grasp. "Why would I? You're the best, Riot. So big, and strong and manly." His cheeks were super red now and chewing on his lip.
Loose strands of hair fell into his eyes and you brushed them behind his ear . "(Y/N)" he whispered, you were so close and your words had his heart racing. "So brave. So kind." The game you were playing faded away as you gazed up at him. "So pretty." Your fingers traced the lines of his face, his cheeks, his nose, his lips. "You're so pretty, Red."
His resolve snapped. Trapping you between his arms, he bent down and pressed your lips together. An explorative action, kind of testing the waters. He pulled back and rubbed his nose against yours.
"I think you're pretty too."
One thing led to another and now you're sprawled out on the kitchen counter while his thick tongue swirls around your swollen clit with two fingers in your cunt and his thumb in your asshole. When your pussy contracts around your digits and you cum screaming his name, he licks the slick off his fingers and goes back down for seconds.
The man loves to eat.
ProHero! Mindbreak
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The two of you met when he came into your new coffee shop in downtown Tokyo.
"Just a large black coffee, extra sweet, with a squirt of chocolate" he sighed, placing his card on the counter and rubbing his eyes. He looked miserable so you decided to cheer him up, or at least try to. "Wow, are you ordering a drink or me?" you giggled, a sickeningly sweet bubbly sound. It made him want to puke. "I don't think I could stomach both." he deadpanned. Ouch.
Too stunned to speak, you walked off and busied yourself with his order. "Nice going, Hitoshi. You hurt the airhead's feelings." he mumbled to himself, watching you pout and chew at your lip. He thought you were kind of cute. At least if you were into chunky little bimbos, which he definitely was.
"Sorry about that" he said as you handed him the cup, "hero stuff". "S'Okay!" You giggled again and leaned forward against the counter, flashing him a nice view of your tits. What a little ditz he thought, eyeing you as he took a sip. "Oh wow" he blinked, "this is the best coffee I've ever had". The smile that you gave him was so bright, he almost regretting telling you. It was way too early for this. "Great!" you chirp. sliding his card back to him. "It's on the house. A small thank you keeping the city safe, Mr. Hero."
Now he was too stunned to speak. He wasn't used to people being so nice to him; most folks were intimated by his quirk or his resting bitch face. It didn't bother you though. He mumbled a "thanks" and headed towards the door. "Come back and see us now." Hitoshi raised his cup and nodded, he'd definitely be returning.
He came in the same time everyday, ready to be met with the aroma of coffee and your smiling face. It got to the point that you had it waiting for him before he even made it to the counter. If it wasn't busy, you'd sit at a small table chat; well you'd do most of the talking. Hitoshi would just sip his drink quietly and listen to you ramble on about whatever ditzy thoughts were swirling in your cute little head.
"I don't that's what it means, sweetheart." He'd smirk whenever you misunderstood something. He loved the little face you'd make when you were confused. Your nose would scrunch up and the dimples in your chubby cheeks would pop out. "But 'Toshi, he specifically said 'those buns look delicious' don't you think they look good?" you pouted, pointing towards the freshly baked pastries. The perv was clearly talking about the way your round ass jiggled in that cute little mini skirt when you reached for something high on the shelf, but you didn't need to know that. "They look amazing, sweetheart. I'll take two."
Nothing particularly bad happened during Hitoshi's shift. He was just fucking exhausted. He'd been working the night shift for the past three weeks with no off day. You'd seen how worn out his was so you stopped by his house sometimes to make sure he was taken care off himself. You knew he kept a spare key above his doorframe, so you just let yourself in.
"Welcome home, Toshi !" you greeted him at the door wearing nothing but one of his muscle shirts. What in the actual fuck? "My clothes got wet when I was cleaning so I just grabbed one of your shirts while they dry. I hope you don't mind." Why would he mind when you were wearing the smallest shirt he owned and it fit your soft curves perfectly. You weren't even wearing a bra, round tits spilling out the sides whenever you moved your arms. And did you say you cleaned? He looked around and the place was spotless, hell you even fed his cat. Could you be anymore perfect?
"Thank you, sweetheart" He pulled you into a tight hug, pressing his body against yours and nuzzling against your neck. You always smelled so good. Like coffee and chocolate. "Thanks for what?" you giggled as you rubbed his back. "For everything" he mumbled and you scoffed, "I'd do anything for you, Toshi. It's no big deal." Hitoshi pulled back and looked down at you, "Anything?".
"Of course I would. I love you, silly."
"C'mere", Hitoshi picked you up and laid you on the couch, you were startled and confusion and you watched him curiously when he laid on top of you and pushed his face between your boobs. "I love you, too" he murmured, pulling the fabric to the side with his teeth and popping your nipple into his mouth.
"T-toshi!" you gasped, grinding up against him but he held your hips down. He flicked his tongue against the bud and pulled off with a *pop*, "You'd do anything for me, right?" One finger swirled around your nipple, while the other slid up your thigh and onto you clothed pussy. "Y-yes" you whimpered, taking a shaky breath when his finger snaked under your lacy panties and into your waiting cunt.
"Be mines."
Nastygirls| @xogabbiexo, @thicksimpx, @plussizeficchick, @namjoonswifeyy, @tenyaiidasslut, @po3ticb3auty, @kaizokuluv, @angwritez, @presidentmonica, @indiecursor, @arielspoem, @xosuki, @dejwrites @gabzlovesu
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
— aesthetic words to fill up your vocabulary ♡
✦ if you're tired of using the same repetitive words to describe feelings or actions on your writing, here are some aesthetic words that are not frequently used to help you evolve your vocabulary better and also maybe help you with creative titles <3
ABENDROT: the color of the sky while the sun is setting.
ABIENCE: the strong urge to avoid someone or something.
ACHROOUS: colourless.
AEQUOREAL: marine, oceanic.
AESTHETE: someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature.
ALIFEROUS: having wings.
AMITY: warmth and heartfelt friendliness in a friendship; mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship.
AMORIST: someone who is in love; someone who writes about love.
AMBROSIAL: fragrant, delicious.
ANTHOMANIA: great love for flowers.
AQUAPHILE: someone who is an enthusiast of all things related to the water.
ARENOCOLOUS: living or burrowing in sand.
ASPERSE: change falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
ASTERISM: agroup of stars; a constellation; a cluster of stars.
ATTAR: essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers.
AUREATE: golden or gilded; brilliant, splendid.
AURICOMUS: with golden or yellow colored foliage.
AVIOTHIC: the strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.
BALTER: to dance artlessly, without particular grace and/or skill but usually with enjoyment.
BATHIC: pertaining to depths, especially of sea.
BELAMOUR: the one who is loved; a beloved person.
BELLICOSTIC: aggressive, belligerent, warlike.
BENEFICENCE: the quality of being kind or helpful or generous.
BERCEUSE: a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep.
BLÁFAR: indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health; attractive and possessing charm.
BRONTIDE: the low rumble of a distant thunder.
BURBLE: to speak in an excited manner.
CAELITIS: the divinities who dwell within the celestial planes.
CATHARSIS: the release of emotional tension, especially through kinds of art or music.
CELERITOUS: swift, speedy, fast.
CERAUNOPHILIA: loving thunder and lightning and finding them intensely beautiful.
CHEVELURE: the nebulous tail of a comet.
CINGULOMANIA: a strong desire to hold a person in your arms.
COCCINEOUS: bright red; scarlet.
COCKAIGNE: an imaginary land of luxury and idleness.
CONSTELLATE: to eluster; to compel by stellar influence.
COSMOGYRAL: whirling around the universe.
CORDOLIUM: heartache; heartfelt sorrow.
CORUSCATE: to reflect brillantly, to sparkle.
CRAMOISY: of a crimson color.
CREATURELY: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
CRYSTALLOMANIA: an obsession with crystals and other crystalline objects.
CHRYSALISM: the amnotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
CLINQUANT: glittering with gold and silver.
CLYSMIC: cleaning, washing.
CUPIDITY: greed for money or possessions.
CYANEOUS: a sky-blue color.
CYNOSURE: guiding star; a object of common interest.
DARKLING: of or related to darkness.
DÉCLASSÉ: having fallen in social status.
DEIFORM: god-like or divine in nature.
DEMERSAL: that lives near the bottom or a body of water.
DESIDERIUM: an ardent longing, as for something lost.
DISPITEOUS: cruel and without mercy.
DOUX: sweet, soft, mild, gentle.
DRACONTINE: belonging to a dragon.
DYSANIA: the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
ECCEDENTESIAST: someone who fakes a smile.
EFFLORESCENCE: a period or state of blooming, blossoming.
ELEGY: a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
ELEUTHEROPHILIST: someone who advocates free love.
ELYSIAN: beautiful or creative, divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
EMACITY: desire or fondness for buying things.
EMPYREAL: pertaining to the sky; celestial.
EPHIALTES: a nightmare; the demon Incubus that supposedly causes a nightmare.
EPICARICACY: the joy that results from others misfortune.
EREMOPHOBIA: the deep fear of stillness, solitude, or deserted places.
ETHEREAL: extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
EUMOIRIETY: happiness due to state of innocence and purity.
FLORENTIS: abounding in flowers; being in bloom and adorned with plentiful flowers.
FREICEADAN: guard, garrison, watch, sentinal.
FULMINATE: cause to explode violently and with loud noise.
FURCIFEROUS: brat; rascally, scandalous.
GLOAMING: twilight, dusk.
GRAME: anger, wrath, scorn; sorrow, grief, misery.
HALCYON: calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous.
HELLION: a rowdy or mischievous person.
HELIOPHILIA: desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight.
HEAVENIZE: to render like heaven or fit for heaven, to purify and make a holy place or a person.
HENOTIC: promoting harmony or peace.
HIRAETH: a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
HOLILY: belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power.
HYPNAGOGIC: the state immediately before falling asleep.
IGNICOLIST: a worshiper of fire.
ILLECEBROUS: attractive and alluring.
IMPLUVIOUS: soaked with rain.
INCANDESCENCE: light produced by high temperatures.
INCALESCENCE: the property of being warming.
INCENDIARY: designed for the purpose of causing a fire, likely to cause anger or violence.
INEFFABLE: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
INSOUCIANT: free from worry, concern or anxiety.
IRENIC: aiming or aimed at peace, promoting peace.
IRIDESCENT: producing a display of rainbow-like colors.
INVIDIARE: to envy.
ISOLOPHILIA: a strong preference and affection for solitude.
KALOPSIA: the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
KALON: beauty that is more than skin deep.
LACONIC: expressing much in a few words.
LACUNA: a blank space; a missing part.
LATIBULE: a hiding place, a place of safety and comfort.
LAMBENT: to glow or flicker softly. Luminous, light or brilliant.
LIMERENCE: the state of being infatuated with another person.
LONGANIMITY: still suffering while planning revenge.
LOUCHE: disreputable; morally dubious.
LUCELENCE: the state of being fine and beautiful; shining, brilliant.
LUCIFORM: resembling light in appearance; having, in some respects; the nature of qualities of light.
LUMINESCENCE: light produced by chemical, electrical or physiological means.
MALTALENT: the negative emotions of wanting injury or harm to befall someone; a hostile behavior or attitude towards someone considered an enemy.
MARMORIS: the shining surface of the ocean.
MAZARINE: a dark blue color; rich blue or reddish-blue color.
MELIORISM: the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world.
MÉLOMANIE: an excessive and abnormal love and deep attraction to music and melody.
MERCURIAL: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes.
MESMERIC: appealing; drawing attention.
MORDACIOUS: biting or given to biting; biting or sharp in manner; caustic; capable of wounding.
MORPHEAN: of or relating to Morpheus, to dreams, or to sleep.
MOXIE: courage, nerve, determination.
NEBULOCHAOTIC: a state of being hazy and confused.
NEFARIOUS: wicked, villainous, despicable.
NEMESISM: frustration, anger or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one's way of living.
NERITIC: pertaining to shallow coastal waters.
NOETIC: of or associated with or requiring the use of mind.
NOIRCEUR: the state of being pitch black in color; a state of lacking illumination.
NUBIVAGANT: wandering in the air, moving through the air.
NUMINOUS: spiritual or supernatural; surpassing comprehension or understanding; mysterious.
ONEIRODYNIA: restless, disturbed sleep, characterized by nightmares and sleepwalking.
OPHIOMORMOUS: snake-like.
ORPHIC: mysterious and entrancing, beyond ordinary understanding.
PAVONINE: characteristic of a peacock; resembling the tail of a peacock; as in colors; iridescent.
PETRICHOR: the scent of rain on dry earth.
POIESIS: creation; creative power or ability.
PORPHYROUS: purple; of purple hue.
PRATE: to talk excessively and pointlessly.
PROCELLOUS: tempestuous, stormy.
QUIDDITY: the essence of something.
QUIXOTIC: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical or impracticable.
RANTIPOLE: a wild, reckless young person; to be wild and reckless.
REDAMANCY: the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
REDOLENT: having a strong distinctive fragrance; serving to bring to mind.
REMEANT: coming back, returning.
RESPLENDENT: having brilliant or glowing appearance; dazzling and impressive in appearance through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
REVERIE: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
RODOMEL: juice of roses mixed with honey.
ROSEATE: rose-like; overly optimistic.
RUTILANT: glowing or glittering with red or gold light.
SANGUINEOUS: accompanied by bloodshed.
SASHAY: to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner.
SCIAMACHY: a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow.
SEQUACIOUS: lacking independence of originality of thought.
SERAPHIC: beautiful and pure; having a sweet nature befitting an angel or a cherub; of or relating to an angel of the first order.
SERENDIPITY: finding something good without looking for it.
SKINT: having little or no money avaliable.
SOLIVAGANT: someone who wanders or travels the world alone; a solitary adventurer.
SOMNIATE: to dream, to make sleepy.
SORTIGER: delivering prophecies of the future; having the qualities of being oracular.
STELLIFEROUS: having or abonding with stars.
STELLIFY: to transform from an earthly body into a celestial body; to place in the sky as such.
SUCCIDUOUS: ready to fall, falling.
SPUME: a white mass of bubbles or froth on the top of a wave.
SYNODIC: relating to or involving the conjunction of stars, planets or other celestial objects.
TARANTISM: the uncontrollable urge to dance.
TEMENOS: a sacred circle where no one can be oneself without fear.
THANATOPHOBIA: fear of death.
TYYNEYS: the state of peacefulness; absent of worry or fear, being composed and at ease.
ULTRAMARINE: beyond the sea; greenish-blue color.
VELLEITY: a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.
VENERATION: a profound emotion inspired by a deity.
VESPERTINE: in or of the evening; setting at the same time as, or just after, the sun.
VERDANT: with plants and flowers in abundance.
VERMEIL: a liquid composition applied to a gilded surface to give luster to the gold.
VERTICORDIOUS: to turn the heart from evil.
VIOLESCENT: tending toward violet color.
VORFREUDE: the joyful anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
WANDERLUST: a strong desire to travel and explore the world.
WHIST: to hush or silence; to still, to become still.
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cerezzzitaŠ, 2022 ¡ all rights reserved
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
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ʚ♡ɞ SYNOPSIS: babysitting ryomen sukuna’s son, yuuji, has its perks— money comes easy and he lets you do whatever the hell you want…including fucking your boyfriend on duty. that’s only, of course, if you let him join in.
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ʚ♡ɞ PAIRING: satoru gojo, ryomen sukuna x fem!reader.
ʚ♡ɞ WC: 3.2K.
ʚ♡ɞ RATED:   mature, 18+, mdni.
ʚ♡ɞ GENRE: college!au, babysitter!au, smut.
ʚ♡ɞ CW: please read ! heavy smut, ( characters aged to twenties ), age gap, sukuna is in his fourties, reader and gojo are twenty-one,  dom!sukuna, dom!gojo, heavy!degredation, daddy!kink, slight!cucking,  dub-con, threesomes, oral sex ( female recieving ), impact play, exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, double penetration ( kinda ), unprotected sex, creampie.
ʚ♡ɞ A/N: happy friday my lovelies!! i’m back with another wonderful commission from @pan-cakez who has allowed me to post!! this is my first time writing a full fic for JJK and it was super fun, so i hope you all enjoy!!
ʚ♡ɞ masterlist | requests | kofi
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babysitting yuuji itadori was easy money.
he was a good kid, well behaved and full of energy—it had taken you years to nail a solid bedtime routine for him, although with him starting highschool…you had little need for silly cartoons and a warm glass of turmeric milk before bed. so babysitting him was easy money especially for a college student— all you had to do was keep him fed and make sure he’d done his homework.
the kid was practically old enough to take care of himself but you already knew why his father, ryomen sukuna, had kept you around for this long. 
sukuna was a dilf by all possible standards, a silver fox with a charming personality and cheeky quips that would have filled your tummy with butterflies if you weren’t already dating someone. you knew that whenever yuuji was dropped off at school, all parents stood a little straighter and smiled a little brighter to get sukuna’s attention.
not only was he built to the level of gods, bulking out any t-shirts he wore with a jawline that could cut gems rarer than diamonds— ryomen sukuna was the best boss you could ever ask for. he paid well, more than a sitter should probably earn, left money for food and sometimes booze if yuuji had an early bedtime. sukuna let you have whoever you wanted over, never a need to ask permission.
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taesd-urag ¡ 1 year
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cw: um tonight i offer you a sleazy professor denki with some power play dynamics and groping <3
you have @eijishimas to blame <3
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thinking about sleazy traditional art professor!denki with a manbun, who smokes a joint right before class and lets your college classmates roll up to theory lectures 5 minutes before the end and barely covers any material on the syllabus. who laughs in amusement when you get mad at him for organising a spontaneous field trip to a modern day art exhibition to liberate your souls and tells you that you’re too stiff, to lighten up.
sleazy art professor!denki who finds any chance to humiliate you in front of the student body, whether that he knocking your art supplies over so you bend to pick them up, skirt flying and panties on display for all to see. pushes you into wet and sticky canvases to ruin your shirts and make your nipples shine through.
sleazy art professor!denki who grades you low even though you’re arguably one of the most talented students on campus and tells you to meet him after class. squeezing your thigh with false sympathy, he critiques your work and your passion, telling you he feels nothing but a bland canvas when he looks at a piece you’ve worked on all semester and revels in the way tears start to brim in your pretty eyes, shining like glass. he’ll go home that night, fisting his cock over his desk and your ‘worthless’ assignments.
“thats it sugar, what a dirty little girl you are— my naughty little student failin’ on purpose just so— oh fuck, — s’you can get a taste of your professor’s cum huh?,” moaning your name obscenely over lewd sounds of his fist around his wet, precum slicked shaft and tormenting the vision of you splayed across his mind, bent over his desk in front of all of your colleagues, teary and doe eyed. denki cums all over your files, painting your portfolio with fat droplets of his milky seed— using his dripping head to smear it over your picture as if he’d given you a pretty facial with his cum.
sleazy art professor!denki who tells you he can think of a few extra credit pieces you can do to make up for failing his class. having you strip down and lather yourself in paint in the campus art studio after class, golden eyes watching you closely before he’s towering over you and forcing your paint slicked thighs apart. “we’re gonna make some art pretty girl, get you a good fuckin’ grade, yeah?”
so he fucks you, splattering paint across the canvas spread out on the floor— while he sinks deep into your tight cunt and marks acrylic paint marks against your skin, mixing the freckles and marks and dips and scars against your skin. you’re making beautiful art, modern and not quite your style but sleazy art professor!denki is too keen on fucking the prude behaviour right out of you, practically drooling on the bounce of your tits and the warmth of your dripping walls around him.
“p-professor—kaminari,” you whine so pretty when you’re not scolding him for looking up your skirt or down your top— so pretty for the way his cockhead bears down hard on your g-spot and heavy balls slap against the curve of your ass. denki likes that sound, likes the way your tummy bulges as you take him and smear paint and arousal across your body all for the sake of art. “this— s’not appropriate proff—essor!, s’too much...too much!”
kaminari dropping his mop of electric yellow hair to your neck, contrasting with the red paint that marks your supple flesh and sinks his teeth into you, painting your skin with bruises and evidence of your taboo little after school session— hips snapping ferociously against yours, cock brushing your cervix and making evening all nasty and sticky. 
“it’s—fuck baby, it’s—shit you’re so tight honeypie— d-denki to you,” sleazy art professor!denki slurs, using his free hand to cage you in and press shades of yellow paint against your breasts and pebbled nipples. “and you’ll take what i give you, anythin’ to get the grades up right?”
to say you pass the rest of your semester with flying colours would be an understatement.
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