#& *c:EVAN
lyscndersccmcnder · 2 years
By this point, Lysander had swallowed back a few drinks and was feeling more relaxed as he conversed with Evan. Normally his filter was practically non-existent, it was even less present when alcohol was involved. “I hear what you are saying but I still have no idea who you are. Did you just steal the coat off a healer or something?” He questioned, scratching his head lightly.
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asher-mccarthy · 2 years
In reply to this post
Fucking rude. How is Theo more bearable than me?
I’m sorry, Evan! I barely know you so I don’t really know if you’d be suitable for marriage or not.
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mackenziepctter · 1 year
closed starter - kenzie & evan ( @evanparkinscn​ )
“You’re not going to believe it, but I slept through the night last night, and so did the twins, also you’re coming this weekend for Alex’s first birthday, right? I just need to get a count, I get it if you can’t make it or something,” she said, sitting down across from Evan. “What’s new with you?”
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annieparkinson · 2 years
closed starter - annie & evan ( @evanparkinscn​ )
Annie grabbed onto Evan’s hand nervously as they stood outside the prison awaiting a guard to guide them to their mother. “Is this a bad idea? Maybe this is a bad idea,” Annie said, shaking slightly. “Are you ready? This feels weird.”
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hcrperleeclcrk · 2 years
closed starter - harper & evan ( @evanparkinscn )
Harper smiled when she saw the other. “Evan!” she called out. “What are you doing here?” she questioned. It had been a while since the two of them had hung out. Part of her hoped he had some time to catch up.
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gidprxwxtt · 3 years
Where: At the bar
Who: @reosier
Gideon went out almost every night and he dragged as many of the others out with him as he could. Evan had always been reliable when it came to going out. He was just as ready to party as Gideon was and he liked that about him. He considered Evan a friend though unlike all of his other friends he never saw Evan during the day. It had become something of a joke between them. Evan was always going around insisting Gideon was at least part vampire and though Gideon had always thought of it as a joke he was starting to wonder if Evan really believed it. After all the man never agreed to meet Gideon anywhere until it was dark outside. 
He made his way through the bar sighing dramatically as he came to stand near Evan. “Why is it that I see you holding a drink but I don’t see one for me? Is this how you take care of your friends Evan? And do not make a vampire joke right now. Have you seen anyone else here tonight?” He wanted to find something pretty to flirt with but he was still tired from the night before. “Oh. I brought some scones.” He set a basket on the table pushing it towards Evan. “Make sure you try them. I changed my recipe.”
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ava-avery · 4 years
Lazy Mornings II Evan & Ava
It was nice, having some constant company besides her cat. 
Ava hadn’t realised how empty her flat had felt until she was suddenly sharing it. It was amazing, how much at home it felt with just one extra person existing in the space. An entire life of never being alone had made her co-dependent - but there were worse things to be. Ava might not be the most chatty person in the world but it was still nice having someone to talk to. 
Today was a home-day. At least at the moment it was; maybe later a party invitation would come around or the urge to go out, but right now she was content to loafing around. Ava was slamming around the kitchen cupboards -it had already been depressingly empty most of the time when she was on her own, adding in another person had taken it to dire- but food wasn’t her object. Ava frowned as she slammed another door shut. 
“We’re out of tea,” she called over her shoulders. “Unless you’re hoarding something. Bread too, I think.”
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luciewolffe · 4 years
🎯 - our muses play carnival games together
“So you’re saying I have to climb up that rope ladder and ring the bell to win the massive big stuffed bear? You do realise this is going to end very badly and I am in a skirt.” Yes, she had shorts on underneath given she knew she’d be going on rides here but still. No doubt she would be very clumsy at this game. “Aiden’s the one with the balance for this type of activity, Evan.”
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theoforestgrayson · 4 years
It wasn’t unusual for Theo to wake in the middle of the night. Since the beginning of the war, since Evan had been dragged down into the dangerous world of the Death Eaters, nightmares were no stranger to him. More often than not, though, he simply woke with the need to paint, to get an idea down onto paper or canvas before he forgot it, before whatever image his mind had conjured up filtered away and was lost forever. Lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, for a brief moment he thought that might be why he was conscious. The inspiration had already left him but he strained to remember what idea might have pulled him from his sleep. Then he heard it again and realised suddenly that a noise had been the cause of his disturbance. He sat up, quickly enough to make himself dizzy as he searched for his wand on his bedside table. Gripping it tightly in his right hand, he hesitated for a moment, listening to his heart pounding in his chest before carefully easing himself from the mattress. He was being ridiculous, there was nothing to be afraid of. If anything, the neighbour’s cat had managed to open one of his windows again. Stepping softly so as not to make any noise, he padded his way to the living room, the hardwood flooring cold against his bare feet. “Hello?” He whispered into the darkness, too afraid to turn on the light. “I- I have my wand... Kibbles, I swear to Merlin if that’s you...” @evanxrosierx​
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catferro · 4 years
Harvey was feeling giddy, it was such a fun night with the boys. He definitely needed this after everything that’s happened this week. They had played games and talked about literally everything and anything. It was the best time he’s had. The alcohol also helped a lot, it made him lose most of his inhibition and really enjoy his time instead of focusing on his more negative thoughts. 
After getting all the boys into their respective rides, he stayed behind to help Evan clear everything up. It was his idea after all, there was no way he was going to let someone as sweet as Evan to do the cleaning up. Looking over to where Evan was, he grinned foolishly. He’s always liked Evan and his easy going personality. Harvey always went to his coffee shop for the chance to see him, even though he was always the one to order a tea instead of a coffee. Just recently he told Evan that he liked him, in a flirting way -- it was a good sign that he didn’t immediately rebuke his advances.
Picking up another empty can, Harvey turned back to his task. It didn’t take long before they managed to get the place back to its original state. Still feeling the effects of the alcohol, Harvey sat down with a happy sigh.
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reallifehqgossip · 4 years
Pick the 5 most likely to end up in an orgy
“Roman, Judah, Quentin, Noah, and Evan. You can’t tell me this isn’t going to happen the next time this horny lot get together in a social gathering. You heard it here first, Dayton.”.
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lyscndersccmcnder · 2 years
“And now that our team has won, you have no choice but to celebrate it. I’ve not taken a day off to watch you sit in a corner reading a book with a cup of coffee. You screwed me over with the name change thing, the fact I have been so understanding and that my only compensation was you coming to the match with me and then the afterparty should make you more willing to take part. So, what is your poison of choice?”
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asher-mccarthy · 1 year
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A green fluffy blanket
Merry Christmas, Evan @evanmcintosh
I hope this will keep you snug and warm for the rest of winter.
- Asher
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mackenziepctter · 2 years
closed starter - kenzie & evan ( @evanparkinscn​ )
Mackenzie smiled when Evan walked into the nicu room with Alex. “Thank you,” she said. “For watching him, and for bringing him here,” she insisted. “I know I’ve been asking so much of you lately. Thank you.”
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annieparkinson · 2 years
closed starter - annie & evan ( @evanparkinscn )
“Ev!” Annie said when she saw her twin, calling him over to the little table she got to escape the crowd for a little while and get a drink. “I got your drink.”
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andreahuts · 4 years
+ evan
evan-atthebeach replied to your post “top 5 hottest people in Sander's Bay”
I’m offended .
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Would it make you feel better if I say you’re on the cute list?
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