#& it was over 7000 šŸ« 
growingboi Ā· 2 months
I genuinely have no idea what came over me yesterday šŸ˜­ I just woke up so horny and hungry & couldn't resist spending almost literally the whole day stuffing my face and obsessing over how fat I've gotten...
Made a little timeline of my gluttony šŸ™ƒ Mid lunch break, post lunch break, post dinner, post dessert
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weirwoodforest Ā· 2 months
Iā€™m almost halfway through with Bessel van der Kolkā€™s well-known book on trauma, The Body Keep The Score (Apple Books tells me Iā€™m 42% done) and Iā€™m taking a break from it for a bit and just wanted to write down some of my thoughts. I donā€™t really talk much about my own experiences here, just some of my thoughts on the book so far, but TW and CW for trauma (obviously), SA, CSA, child ab*se, inc*st, and mention of animal testing.
- I guess for every 1 (one) ā€œniceā€ animal test, there are 4534858943834 horrific and unethical tests lol šŸ«  (the ā€œniceā€ test is scientists found out that the rat moms who lick their babies more in the 12 hours after their birth make their babies braver and cause them to have an overall better life experiences than rat moms who donā€™t lick their babies as much. Idk, Iā€™m not a rodent person but I did think that was cute)
- On the subject of tests, I thought the test that van der Kolk and his colleagues did of the amount of women who had survived inc*st and had an autoimmune disease was so interesting. As an SA survivor myself, I know how we can tend to hate our bodies after the ab*seā€¦ I can only imagine that that hatred for your body is tenfold with inc*st. It makes sense that their body starts attacking itself thenā€¦ Iā€™m summarizing heavily but I thought it was a very interesting study. (Also the recent article by Sarah Zhang about people finding out they were the product of inc*st via ancestry sites isā€¦ I donā€™t really have words. The statistic that AT LEAST 1 out of 7000 people are born from close-relative inc*st is mind boggling. In my home town with a population of 192,366 people, that would be AT LEAST 27 people whose parents were parent and child, sibling and siblings, etc etc. I think about where I grew up, the shopping centers, the parksā€¦ that is a lot of people. Unfortunately it seems inc*st is a lot more common than we think, as van der Kolk points outā€¦)
- I know hindsight is 20/20 and Iā€™m in 2024 reading a book published in 2014 that details many cases and studies stretching back to the 70s but manā€¦ the lack of insight on childhood trauma these doctors had blows my mind. When van der Kolk talks about being at the Boston mental health center for kids and none of the doctors were interested in trauma but just slapped on labels like ODD, ADHD, etc and just pumped these kids full of medication I was justā€¦ wow. (And I say this as someone who is medicated for ADHD, Iā€™m not trying to disparage medication). Of course van der Kolk and his colleagues found out all these kids had suffered horrific trauma. Also, the two and half year old he talked about being labeled as ā€œoppositionalā€ when the doctors later observed his mom actively neglecting himā€¦ god. Yeah!! Of COURSE that has nothing to do with his behavior /sarcasm. Also kids younger than 5 being prescribed seroquel is so ??? to me.
- van der Kolkā€™s criticism of the DSM was really eye-opening and likeā€¦ I understand that yeah, maybe Developmental Trauma Disorder does appear somewhat niche, but kids and adults like myself with high ā€œadverse childhood experiencesā€ scores would benefit greatly from a diagnosis and treatment that is catered to their specific needs. Iā€™ve been diagnosed and treated for PTSD and at times it does feel so broad. My PTSD is not the same as someone who experienced something like Hurricane Katrina or the Fukushima Disaster or someone who went to war. People kind of swear by the DSM and feel comforted by it, but after reading the criticism of it I honestly have become very critical of it myself.
I thinkā€¦ for now thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s a lot of the book that Iā€™ve read so far that Iā€™m still ruminating over in my head, so Iā€™m sure I will come back with more Thoughtsā€¦ but for now, Iā€™ll leave it here.
(Also if youā€™re interested, I have a digital copy I can send mutuals.)
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