Ooo, Delta's being a very big presence.... any rumors about her among the blades? Betting rings?
Delta queen? Rumors of Delta Queen? Just a few bit of rumors about her within the blades. Mostly about what she is able to do with her ability to transform from her humanoid form to a ship form. They do have a slight idea of what she is able to do, but not enough. Regis ended up bringing up the idea that she might have something weird happening between her and their leader. While he is not fully aware of the two going on between each other, he does know something is definitely brewing. Antok might be only slightly jealous and a bit ruffled about her presence. Just enough to show it for others to pick up on it. which has raised more rumors among the blades. Delta Queen having arrived has brought up more activity and entertainment for the blades than anything else, which is perfectly fine for them, just as long as they are able to get their operations one and focus. not become overly distracted by her presence.
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Rp whishlist for cyber ghost scout
Well here we come and here we go!!!
RP Wishlist for the Cyber ghosty!
((In pinpoints to keep myself from going offtrack to much ^^""
For the main thread
Regris ends up being seperated from the group and Kolivan (With delta and alfor) goes after to save the youngest blade. This leads them to a planet that was thought to have been destroyed during the Galra empire's destruction in that corner of the universe.
Ozar is given some new limbs by the alteans and has to as well face the judgement of Flow's family unit (maybe not ghosty for his sake) once they all reunite.
((Fluff and if it happens)) On Olkarion the group settles in and helps flow move into her new space, Romelle choosing to stay back and help her with daily tasks and handling the upcoming situation with the baby. As well as helping those just arriving to the refuge settling in.
((Crack/Fluff) The giant lions reflect their paladin's moods and state, so when Keith falls ill the bots may have to step up and ensure the Red/black lion doesn't end up destroying anything or one as he recovers, as well as possibly babysit the oversized lionesses and keep her on olkarion while Keith is MIA.
Axca enters the scene after finding the energy signal that matches the bots, entering and infiltrating Olkarion, she ends up stuck in the middle of helping Romelle and Flow, before ending up in the hands of a grubby Phantasmas and her giant crab. ((Crack-Obviously)
((Angst)) Alfor isn't feeling well and some faces come back from the grave which tests the waters of the cloned maned trust and honesty among both blades, fighters, and the bots.
((Crack)) The bots get sick and the freedom fighters (And keith) have to watch over them until they get better for their sake of sanity. Including attempting to feed the cursed creature of unicron
((Cybertronians)) Somehow they ended up on Cybertron, and now they want to go home...but cannot, due to the fact they are now...attractions inside a space zoo.
((fluff)) A mission to find supplies for their next operation leads the group into a rather peaceful, if not stressful, mission into the depths of what civilians enjoy and call---A mall.
Colored tails ((MERMAID AU)) __The fight against the Galra has led the underwater cities and kingdoms into pure chaos, the land dwellers none the wiser to the upcoming threat of the empire's reign and search for a tool; one of which can both summon creatures which can be controlled to the users will, and as well control the waters way of movement and expendenture.
We can be heroes ((superhero au)) The Red Paladin keith is one of the first to arrive at the sight of a crashed ship, upon entering he enoughters the bodies of gigantic humanoid robotic beings, to which he is now debating on either aiding to escape before the government arrives, or keeping down until they arrive to take care of them.
Can we start over? ((Pre-voltron)) King Alfor comes across an incredible sight; one of which holds the inspiration for how he will deal with a comet which had just landed on Daibazzals planet.
Vrepid Sa ((Galra reign AU)) With Votlron now in the Galra's grasp, it is now known to be feared and obeyed, but that may change when a group of humanoid robotic beings appear overnight, sparking a change in a galra commander eyes.
A preservation of life ((Altean empire AU)) The bots end up in a universe in which the alteans took charge, taken in by then once seen as a nonthreat, they are given the option of aiding them or becoming part of the empire themselves. Going out and being shown around Altea by their guide named Axca, a lowly Half-breed of galra and altean, who ends up giving her aid in getting them out of there before things turn for the worst.
((haha- just a few ideas...I hope i did these right. Forgive me if i have not!
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Busy as a bee and soon to be more!
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While they do not know what it is, they do have their human allies to teach them about it. It ends up being just a fun day (days ;3) for then while things begin to look up for them or is a general peaceful moment for all parties.
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Plz... plz give us silly hcs
Hmm…considered and in the works. I’m just super slow anon—Forgive me of my sins of a fogged out mind!
I have some fun kolivan and Alfor hcs, surrounding their favorite memories and one about their take on comforts (like foods, objects, e.t.c I also wanted to do some parenting hcs for Alfor and the blades. As well some more fluff hc’s for some future events (nothing major but fun)
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When I saw the tag Move it move. It forced a locked memory of the singing lemurs from the Magasacar movie.
Subconsciously I believe that may be it too
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Bring in the holiday cheer or chaos. Not picky
And it shall arrive! Maybe when it's a cheerier time ((It is but the muses cannot foresee such events))
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Delta's about to bring a world of hurt onto Ozar for plowing the pastures
You cannot forget about Te-osh and Olia after finding out by Delta Queen and the rest. Or just on their own and being more suspious to why he hadn't told them yet ((but yet the bots know of this))
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The boy got whipped! The poor otter!
Regris will never forgive her for that, especially the rest of the blades. They will become furious at that idea. Even if he kinda got over it a few moments afterwards.
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What happened to the blades right now?
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When I saw the salamander, I thought of the baby water puppies.
It can be applied to both, Regris was quite the squishy baby!
Anyok and a few of the older blade played with him, sometimes squishing him (playfully) to hear his little giggles or see if he'd try to 'attack' them.
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Can be applied to certain muses.
(Assuming Regris boy here?
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Fidelis is like a big stern but supportive dad
Fedelis is very much a supportive father to many of them. Not a father, but his fatherly demeanor and way is very touching or something comforting to them.
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More and more galrians are cat/lizard
I am FULLH into the idea that they certainly do hold traits similar or exactly the same to certain species. It's probably a cliché at this point in the fandom or in general, for alien species holding some sort of animal characteristic, but it's fun and you can explore in the end.
I do have more feline/ cat-like HCs for the galra since I don't have many with lizard or amphibian characteristics (aside from Regris)
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bladedalchemistreplica · 11 months
What going to happen to the sad wet blue mew mew?
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Can't say for sure but he'll be blue still!
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bladedalchemistreplica · 11 months
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I'll be making masterposts for my muses links and whatnot. Since my tags are beings kinda stupid rn-
That's all! Have some fun and enjoy my Shananigans!
Also forgive me of my future last ship pieces of June
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