#//also the mun herself never did well in school nor had many friends between being bullied a lot so I can relate a lot to Iris
dragonxhctred · 3 years
It's nice to see an active Iris again. i feel like she doesn't get enough love in the fandom. dunno why she's hated opposed to misty as they have some similar personalities if not more savage.
Dunno how anyone couldn't love her. I mean LOOKIT HER.
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Not to mention she makes the most hilarious 'im so done with everyone' expression' throughout the series.
I assume most are like that due to 'nostaglia', but I don't think any of Ash's female companions get even the same amount of flak that she does. Plus I also feel like it also comes down to her skin color as well since no one can ever seem to give me why her and misty are so different. I stand by this. I love the game version of Iris along with the anime version as well.
Watched some older seasons of pokemon not too long ago and Ash and Misty bickered WAY more than him and Iris. Has called him immature and childish or just points out his stupidity whenever the chance pop's up (literally roasts him so bad and he does the same pfft), yet my girl gets condemned.
W H Y?
All of his companions always have some sort of goal they're working towards and I always felt like Iris was the most rounded out of all of them. Especially with her background. Having no direct blood related family and practically raised in the wild around pokemon with being abandoned, had trouble making friends in school making her feel like she didn't 'fit in' and had trouble with academics as it wasn't anything she was taught at a young age. Why it's so easy for her to relate and be around pokemon, since that's what she's use to. Traveling with Ash and Cilan really made her feel more comfortable in gaining more human companions.
She's selfless, will help others that she doesn't even know, quick to defend her friends, and throw herself in danger for them along with her pokemon. (Like someone else we know coughcoughashcough). And always pushing others to do better. You see her grow, learn and adapt.
My child is precious and no one thinks so git outta my swamp.
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k-aia-blog · 7 years
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this here is KAIA CHI child one of two that i’m ( brinn, twenty-three, est ayeee get @ me ) bringing to the dash. i’m writing this up at work and kinda developing her as i do it so this will probably be short and sweet for now or rambling af there’s no in-between. i don’t want to fully get too much into her relationship bits so i don’t box anyone who might come in as her partner when it comes to their own ideas about things but i’m going to try and highlight the ideas i have about it the best i can! 
UPDATE: i truly did ramble af i’m so ashamed of the mess under the cut don’t look @ me.
was that COURTNEY EATON i saw at the polihua resort? no, it was just TWENTY-ONE year old KAIA CHI. SHE is ENGAGED to DANE DEHAAN / UTP and has been for THREE years. i heard she’s BISEXUAL and is pretty into DADDY KINK, VOYEURISM, & BREATH PLAY
✘ with her parents splitting before she was born, kaia grew up shuffling between both houses. during the school year she lived with her dad in colorado and during the summer she had to jet off to hawaii to spend the few short months with her mom. an upbringing with guaranteed trips to the aloha state probably sounds like a dream come true but it was anything BUT that for kaia. she didn’t get along with her father very well and definitely didn’t get along with her eventual stepmother nor her children kaia was raised around and when you weren’t going to be available to hang out for the entirety of the summer, it wasn’t easy to maintain TRUE friendships that went deeper than just the surface when they all used the summer to chill and strengthen their friendships with each other. likewise, only being around in the summer made it hard to keep up with friends out there as well as they had the entire school year to grow and bond as a group without her. quite often, kaia felt incredibly lost somewhere in the mix. 
✘ a print model, kaia booked her first few things between six to eight months before not returning to in front of the camera until she was twelve years old and was ‘re-discovered’ over summer break in hawaii, signing at first with a smaller local agency until three years later at fifteen, she was scouted into PREMIER, hawaii’s top agency. back home in colorado, kaia was under the umbrella of WIHELMINA via their offices there.
✘ she’s been booked out into ‘extra’ roles for film, television and music videos and has starred in a low number of both indie and main-stream music videos on rare occasion. she doesn’t have much interest in the runway aspect of modeling but she’s booked a few very obscure shows through-out her career. 
✘ kaia absolutely loves being a model and now at twenty-one has migrated out from under her parents and has lived in new york since the age of seventeen after testing out of high school, tired of having to go through the motions and exhausted from trying to maintain her grades as well as attempting to never have to turn down a job because of school no matter how many times she had to do homework on set, projects on planes or how many eyedrops she had to drop into her red, exhausted, and straining eyes on the way from the airport to school after any number of red-eye flights. with the help of her entertainment lawyer, kaia was able to link up with an attorney who represented her in her court case for emancipation from her family. it wasn’t any sort of toxic situation that brought it on but more-so the fact that at seventeen she NEEDED to be legally emancipated in order to live on her own. 
✘ for the first eight months in new york, kaia crashed at a fellow model she had befriended over the years on sets after the two of them were often booked for the same spreads and shoots until getting her own place. it wasn’t the best, far from it actually, but for the time being it was more than enough because it was hers and hers alone. 
✘ reverting back to her formative years for a minute here ya’ll whoops but having seen her mother go through her fair share of failed relationships and never having seen her parents together ( and her father’s relationship with her cankerous stepmother was far from anything to be envious of ), kaia never had best role models when it came to love and has found herself in a few hairy situations herself due to being too trusting at times and falling far too easily - normally for unsavory types who seem fun in the moment. kaia is bisexual after being exposed to new experiences after moving to new york and falling in deeper with the model crowd and scene than she had been able to while living between her parent’s houses.  
✘ jumping to my ideas of her fiancé, god i’m such a mess bare with me and this mess. DANE DEHAAN was the main idea i had in mind when picturing him, i don’t 100% know why maybe it’s my obsession with him, maybe it’s the fact i’ve watched five of his movies within the last two days?? who knows, who knows, i don’t. i also listed it as UTP but DANE is definitely my main hope. i really want someone older than her ( for example, dane is thirty-one i believe so playing age would be late twenties to early thirties in my best guess ) because i get this vibe maybe he’s a photographer and kaia met him while on a shoot soon after moving to new york. i don’t want to cross any boundaries that could potentially make anyone who takes him up uncomfortable so if it works better for them we can say nothing major happens between them until she’s of age but i could see him quote unquote taking advantage of her youthful trust, her lack of inner-compass when it came to the huge city she suddenly found herself immersed in and the fact she would more than likely easily succumb to his advances ( hell, she would probably have made a few of her own because she’s got an older male / hella daddy af kink ) if any were made even before her eighteenth birthday but again, i’m quite alright with making it eighteen if that’s what the other mun will want! quick hook-ups on set, sneaking around ( i kind of also have an idea maybe he was married when they met which means an affair came to life and eventually his marriage ended it being his doing to be with her or his wife’s doing if she found out?? again, these are all just ideas i have that i’m more than willing to change or expand on with whoever fills the role! ) and all that fun stuff. they’ve been ENGAGED for THREE years, making her nineteen when he popped the question. i’m not sure what’s the hold up with a long engagement but that can def be worked out! maybe he’s not ready to be completely tied down again, maybe she’s not ready for that final walk of commitment or maybe, dun dun dUN his divorce isn’t finalized yet *billions of shocked face emojis* it’ll be figured out in due time and all of this mumbo jumbo will be better English’ed on her full bio page as soon as it is lmao
✘ it’s my belief that kaia and her fiancé are here at the resort because both of them struggle with monogamy ( ya’ll i just wrote and almost left that as mahogany goodbye and goodnight adios can you imagine if i didn’t catch it jfc rip me forever ) and it presents the opportunity to explore other options openly and honestly. maybe they are considering a polygamy lifestyle for their future together or maybe it’s kind of like him wanting to make sure his young fiancée is sure in her choice of him because he’s not about to marry her and a few years down the road have her wanting to know what else could have been out there for her? again, totally can be discussed and figured out!
✘ for the most part, she’s approachable and genuinely a kindhearted person but she has been known to exhibit signs of a temper fairly quickly when things don’t go in certain ways.
✘ definitely the partying type, kaia was thrown headfirst into the wild nightlife world of new york models but was eventually thriving with the best of the best. 
✘ easily jealous with a flair for the dramatics which probably won’t do her very well at a place like the resort but she’s vowed to herself that this was what she wanted to do with her partner and she can’t be jealous of something she brought on herself, right?
✘ okay no, i’m rambling and my break was actually up seven minutes okay so i gotta look busy rip but but more in-depth stuff and WAY better explained stuff will eventually go up on her page and i’ll also eventually be making a stats post for her that will include her likes, dislikes and all that good naughty shit. in the mean time, if anyone wants to plot with kaia, please message me and we can get some ideas rolling!
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