#//ngl i like the teal hair one but the light teal skin is kind of growing on me?
mechahero · 1 year
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alternate demon au to the one i already have! lambda is still an artificially made demon created by a demon scientist. he’s actually pretty weak compared to regular demons, unable to use or lacking the powers other demons come equipped with. he’s pretty determined to prove his worth though and often sneaks out into the regular world when his creator isn’t around. (and perhaps becoming an accidental con artist along the way)
color scheme junk under the cut
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without opacity 
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zombageddon · 6 years
Well wendy's gang, mabel's gang, and dipper and bill would be great, but if that's a bit much, dipper and bill is fine. Thanks!
Okay, so this might get a bit long for an ask, but I’m gonna do it anyway! I always feel weird describing characters in story, especially when I know the readers probably already have ideas about how they might look, but describing them here will probably be a good exercise for me, so, follow them if you want, or tweak them to suit your own headcanons, it’s all up to you as readers because I suck at putting this stuff on story.
Wendy: My version of Wendy looks a lot like an older version of who was in the show, with a few noticeable differences. Her hair is cut into a bob, and she’s got a bit more muscle now, instead of just being lanky. She’s lost her hat, but her outfits still favor rundown jeans, loose flannel over a tank top (or sometimes tied around her waist, when she gets hot or needs to move freely), and ankle boots. She’s also got a pseudo holster for her hatchet attached to her belt, it’s basically just a couple straps that button together around head to keep it secure. She’s also got a few leather bracelets, because can anyone truly be a badass without them?Robbie: Our awkward goth boy has grown up to be a nearly respectable gentleman! Since entering medical school, Robbie’s worked to make his look a little more professional. His bangs are shorter, and his acne has cleared up. He doesn’t have any facial piercings, but he’s still got both ears pierced, plus a few extra rings on the shell of his right ear. Snice it’s summertime, his outfits have started slipping back into goth tendencies, but his wardrobe has still changed. His jeans no longer have rips in them, and they’re not quite skin tight anymore, though his converse are still old and ratty with little skulls drawn on in sharpie. He also still has his trademark hoodie, and he wears it over various band t-shirts that come out whenever it gets too hot to wear the hoodie, or when the need for mobility outweighs the need to be a goth.
Tambry: Tambry has really just gotten more scene in college. Her hair is still purple, though it’s gotten a bit shorter, and she’s got her ears double pierced on both sides plus a bar on the left side. She also has a nose piercing. She did have to change her style a little bit for the apocalypse. Originally she was in a tight dress with combat boots and fishnets, but after stopping at her apartment for supplies she changed into jeans and a t-shirt that she stole from Robbie at some point. She also wears her pepper spray clipped onto her belt loop.
Thompson: Pretty much the epitome of a gentle giant, Thompson is still the only member of the gang that really nails the “upstanding citizen” look. He tends towards cargo shorts, polo shirts, and Vans. The downside of his look is that whenever he gets splattered in blood, the stains are super visible. Honestly, he kinda looks like a stereotypical horror movie frat boy, just nicer. Thompson is also super big though, he’s the tallest of the gang by a good two heads (three is you’re Tambry and Lee), and he’s pretty bulky too from spending the last few years weight lifting. He’s not quite bodybuilder ripped, but he’s still pretty strong. (Ngl I’m picturing a very similar build to that of Hunk from the new Voltron)
Nate: So, fun fact. When I first started writing thing, I got Nate and Lee confused. And while I did try to switch them back in my head, I couldn’t do it, and honestly? Nate looks like a Lee and Lee looks like a Nate. So I’m pulling a swap a la Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and ya’ll can’t stop me, and hopefully none of you care. So my Nate is the lanky blond guy who looks like he belongs in a band that operates out of a basement. His hair is still pretty long, and his image isn’t being helped by hours in a car with no comb. He wears Metallica tees and ripped up jeans, and the kind of converse that are so ratty that your mother is constantly telling you to throw them out, and that was before they got exposed to a zombie apocalypse.
Lee: So there is an aesthetic for Lee, but fuck if I remember what it’s called, so bear with me, because while you probably know the look I’m talking about, it’s hard to describe. Nate is that short, skinny boy with rubber band bracelets and a snapback. He wear skinny jeans and v necks (blue, in Lee’s case), and plain black Vans. He listens to a lot of EDM and knows all the Top 40 hits, and he can absolutely dance to all of them. He keeps his hair short, and on days when he doesn’t have the snapback he’ll gel it. He looks like a douchebag. That’s what this look is called, I just remembered.
Mabel: Mabel has grown up a bit since she was a kid, but her style hasn’t changed much. She still wears cute sweaters with hand sewn pictures, though they tend to fit better now (yarn is fucking expensive and oversized sweaters are unrealistic on a college budget). She also still wears her hair long, though she started braiding it for the apocalypse. Under the sweater is a plain t-shirt, and on bottom she’s got a short skirt with colored leggings that go down to about mid calf, plus some diy bedazzled converse. Everything is colorful, but nothing clashes. I’m thinking teal, orange, and pink, but let’s be real she totally packed multiple outfits so feel free to experiment.
Pacifica: Purple is still her signature color, even if it does get a little bloodier. She’s got a light, tan leather jacket over a purple v-neck and white capris, plus white sneakers. Now, nothing white will stay white (damn apocalypse), but Paz has more important things on her mind than fashion...mostly. Her makeup is still beyond reproach, and her eyeliner is so on point she could stab a zombie with it. She still has long hair, but she wears it in a tinkerbell bun for practicality. She also has bangs, so that’s a pretty cute look too.
Candy: Candy’s hair is bobbed, and her glasses are black with those cute wings on the edge of the lenses. She’s one of the few people who decided to dress appropriately for an apocalypse too, so her outfit is more function than fashion. Cargo pants, loose T, and a bomber jacket. And I’m talking about a real bomber jacket, not one of those fashion ones from Hot Topic (love them, but not great for movement). If anyone watches Z Nation, Candy is pretty much trying to emulate Warren, because that woman is a badass.
Grenda: Grenda has grown up as a bit of a gym rat. She was studying to be a personal trainer, and the girl is fucking ripped these days. She also wears a lot of athletic wear, so her apocalypse wear consists of running leggings and rainbow Nikes, plus graphic tees. Her hair has gotten a bit longer since her childhood, but for the purposes of the apocalypse she keeps it in a ponytail.
Dipper: Dipper is a scrawny little nerd, and while he’s not completely helpless, his biggest strength is endurance running from years of being chased by bullies in school. He also has a tendency to border on hipster with his fashion choices. Open flannel, graphic tee, jeans, and converse tendencies. Dipper also has a blue hoodie, and his old pine tree ballcap, just for old times sake. His hair is curly and kind of a mess though.
Bill: Bill’s idea of practical comes from a childhood of being dragged on hunting trips, and his outfits now reflect that. Red and black flannel, jeans, and hiking boots. He tends to wear his crossbow over one shoulder, with a quiver on the other. As for what he looks like...this is hard, because I know that everyone and their dog has a head canon for this. But important things, he’s human, he’s got two eyes, and he’s attractive. And he’s got a good jaw, because Dipper may punch him at some point (just for being annoying, probably), and if he did that would hurt. But as for everything else? I picture a white guy light brown eyes and dirty blond hair, but you guys shouldn’t limit yourselves to that! Bill is cool because he has no standard, so play around with him a bit if you want to.
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