#<- is a fool who keeps getting into smaller fandoms (aka book fandoms LOL)
camellcat · 7 months
I like that takin' over the asylum is justttt popular enough that if you check the tags (both here and on ao3) like once every few days or so then, yes, you'll probably find something new... but just barely. a single post. an updated fic. MAYBE some art. if ur lucky.
so funny to me I love smaller fandoms
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A Night of Her Dreams
(aka- Happy Birthday Maggie!)
Note: This is not a typical fic, but this mystery author wanted to write something as a birthday gift to me. She knows too much, lol.
Book: The Royal Romance (Kind of)
Word Count: 2,162
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Maggie fidgeted in her seat impatiently, craning her neck to peer out over the balcony to the auditorium seating below her.  The show was not scheduled to start for another thirty minutes, but Maggie was insistent that they arrive as soon as the doors opened so they had time to really absorb the energy of the crowd.  The tickets had been a birthday gift from her friend Tia, who had flown all the way in from Tennessee to share this wondeful experience for the first time in honor of her dear friend’s special day.  One Direction, one night only, live in Chicago!
Maggie continued her people-watching, observing the fans filing in to their seats donning various 1D attire and accessories.  She giggled when she noticed a large, muscular gentleman sporting a tight black t-shirt that read “I ❤️  Larry” in big bold writing across the front.  She swatted Tia next to her to get her attention and pointed out the man’s ensemble with a smirk.  Tia smiled with amusement, but her brow quickly furrowed into a scowl as confusion spread across her face.  “Wait, that’s a joke, right?  I don’t get it.”  She turned questioningly towards Maggie for an explanation.
“Oh Tia, I’m so glad that I get to witness your first One Direction experience and be the one to educate you.  It’s rather entertaining!”  Maggie chuckled before continuing her lesson.  “So Larry is the combined couple name that the One Direction fandom dubbed for Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles.  While they’ve never confirmed it, there have been rumors that the two band members have been a thing for years now.”
Tia nodded in understanding, but still had a perplexed look on her face.  “Okay … but if it’s never been confirmed, why the big deal around it?”  
Maggie shrugged, unsure how to explain the fan theory phenomenon of “Larry” to an outsider looking in.  “I don’t know … it just became a thing.  And the fans love it.  There’s a ton of fanfiction out there about Liam and Harry’s love life … that’s actually how I got started on tumblr.”  She recalls fondly.
“Really?  You started on tumblr because of a boy band?  I guess I always thought it was the beautiful creations of Pixelberry that attracted you to tumblr.”  Tia looked at her friend suspiciously, trying to process this abundance of new information.
“Ha ha … no, actually I found the Choices app through an advertisement on tumblr while I was on there for the One Direction fandom.”  Maggie shook her head, realizing how funny all of these obsessions might seem to anyone else.  But no matter how she got there, she would never regret her tumblr journey.  She had made some wonderful friends, read some fabulous stories, and even started writing herself … not to mention, the special birthday trip for this concert.
The friends continued to chat animatedly about fandoms, their kids, and perhaps some way too-detailed stories about their husbands as they waited for the show to start.  “Hey, I’m going to go get a refill.  You want something?”  Tia offered to her friend as she stood up.  
Maggie studied the ¾ full cup of Diet Coke she was holding, deciding that maybe some snacks wouldn’t be a bad idea.  “Sure maybe a pretzel or a popcorn.  I don’t want any reason to have to get up once the show starts!”
“You got it!  Be right back.”  Tia called over her shoulder as she started up the concrete stairs towards the exit.
Maggie took a sip of her drink and leaned back in her chair, enjoying the quiet for a moment.  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, the footsteps and chatter around her blending together into a soothing form of crowd white noise.  She inhaled deeply, mentally preparing herself for the entertainment she was about to enjoy when-
“Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?” The deep voice jolted her from her trance as she raised her eyes to meet the tall, dark stranger looking over on her right side.  “Oh … I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”  His voice was a gentle grumble, tinged with a strange accent, something between Greek and Italian with a hint of … Texan?!?  
Maggie cleared her throat when she realized she was staring into his deep chocolate orbs.  “Uhh … no, you’re fine.  I mean, it’s fine!”  She paused, taking a deep breath before she continued.  “And I don’t believe anyone has claimed this seat yet.”  She smiled warmly as the stranger nodded his thanks, settling himself into the seat beside her.
She stared ahead out over the bustling crowd below, however she could observe all of the handsome stranger’s movements out of the corner of her eye.  He pulled a flask out of his shirt pocket and took a swig, the aroma of liquor penetrating the air and Maggie’s nostrils as he slyly placed it back into his pocket.
“So what’s your poison of choice?” Maggie inquired playfully, giving him an aloof glance over her shoulder.  
The man chuckled. “Heh, you noticed that … well, I prefer whiskey.  Were you hoping I’d share?”  He gave her a crooked smile, his dark eyes dancing in the light.  
Maggie shook her head, rolling her eyes.  “I wasn’t requesting a sample … merely making conversation.”  
“How polite of you.”  He mocked her, but he didn’t seem to mind her conversation since he couldn’t help but continue it.  “I’m Drake, by the way.”  He held out his right hand to her, a large rough palm attached to a thick forearm sprinkled with coarse hair.  
“Nice to meet you Derek.  I’m Maggie.”  She placed her smaller hand against his and shook it firmly.  
“It’s Drake.  Drraaaakkke.”  Maggie’s jaw dropped in bewilderment as he repeated his name again.  ”But it’s a pleasure to meet you Maggie.”  
“You’re kidding me right?  Is this some kind of joke?  Did Tia hire you?”  
He gave her that crooked smile again and she couldn’t help but stare, studying his features now that she was looking at him straight-on.  
Damn he was amazingly good-looking … a perfect replica in the flesh of her favorite fictional character and love interest.  Drake Walker … even the thought of his name in her mind sent a thrill through her body.  This has to be a set up.  
“I’m sorry Maggie, I’m not sure I’m following … who’s Tia?”  Drake cocked his head, trying to comprehend what she was challenging after their brief introduction.  
“Tia’s my friend I’m here with, she went to get- you know what, nevermind!”  Maggie giggled, resigning herself to enjoy whatever bizarre alternate universe she was in while she could.  “So Drake … tell me, what brings you to a One Direction concert.  Somehow you don’t seem like the type?”  She cocked a brow at him inquisitively.
Drake snickered, running a hand through his disheveled chestnut hair and shrugging his shoulders.  “What, I don’t look like I’m a boy band groupie?” He laughed and shook his head.  “Well, to be honest I’m here, against my wishes mind you, with my friend Max.  He’s a big fan and made a special point that we come to the show while we’re in the states.  But he promised to take me on two different distillery tours if I was a good sport, so it’s not a complete loss.  Besides …” he tapped his index finger twice against the hard metal inside his shirt pocket, “I’m keeping myself entertained.”  He smirked.
Maggie couldn’t help but to giggle at this snarky, attractive man.  Hoax or no, this was fun and he was easy on the eyes.  “Well, Drake … you mentioned you’re not from the states.  Where are you from?”  She leaned forward and propped her elbow on the armrest, resting her chin in her hand as she looked up at him through her lashes.  
“It’s a very small country in the Mediterranean that you’ve probably never heard of.  But enough about me!  Tell me about yourself.”  His eyes flitted to her left hand resting on her lap.  “I see that you’re married.”
Maggie blushed, flattered and dumbfounded by Drake’s boldness.  “Yes, happily married.” she confessed.
“Damn, too bad for me.”  Drake muttered regretfully, his eyes darting over her face.  He coughed and sat up straighter, trying his best to compose himself.  “And any children?  By the look of you I’d say you’re too young …”
Maggie snorted at his ridiculous compliment.  “Ha ha, very funny … I’m 36 today, so too young is definitely not the case.  And yes, we have two beautiful children.”  She beamed into his eyes affectionately.
“Could’ve fooled me…” Drake muttered under his breath, temporarily lost in her gaze.  He stared a moment longer, then blinked his eyes as if he were waking from a dream.  “Sorry, I think the whiskey is catching up with me.  So tell me more … what do you-“
“DRAKE!” A shrill man’s voice called from the aisle.  Drake closed his eyes and exhaled a slow breath, gradually turning to look back over his shoulder at the bouncing bundle of energy coming their way.  “Drake, man!  I’ve been looking everywhere for you!  What have you been doing?”  The younger man bounded towards them and stopped beside Drake, a confused look on his face.  Maggie examined the man, a full-grown manchild sporting a holographic 1D shirt to match his 1D emblem temporary (or at least she hoped so) facial tattoos.  
“Well, Max, I was holding onto our seats while you were off searching for cotton candy.”  Drake responding, not even attempting to mask the annoyance in his voice.
“Yeah, turns out they don’t sell it here.  Bummer …” Max looked down at the floor like a disappointed child denied his favorite candy, before looking back up to his friend.  He looked down at the tickets in his hand and then to the numbers labeling the seats, then back to the tickets again.  “Yeah, and apparently I couldn’t find you … because these are not our seats.  We’re down there.”  He pointed over the railing into the lower level.
“Wow, you really are a fan, aren’t you?” Maggie joked playfully.
“Why yes I am!” Maxwell bowed slightly in acknowledgement.  “And you are …?”
“Oh I’m Maggie!” She extended her hand to the other man, who took it firmly to shake it in his own.  “And, these really are my seats.”  She quipped, gesturing to the two chairs she and Tia were occupying.
“Nice to meet you Maggie, I’m Max …” The lights flickered in the auditorium to signal the five minute warning. “ … and that’s our queue!  Drake we really need to go find our real seats!”
“Yeah yeah, wouldn’t want to miss a second of the boy-band-a-palooza.” He replied sarcastically, shifting in his chair to face Maggie once more.  “Well, it’s been a pleasure Maggie.  Thank you for keeping my company while I waited on Boy Wonder here.”  He scooped her hand up gently from where it lay on the armrest and pressed his lips against the back of her hand.  “I hope tonight is everything you dreamed of.”  He gave her a soft smile, his gaze lingering for a moment.
“Oh I think it already is …” Maggie murmured under her breath, momentarily lost in Drake’s eyes.  She shook her head, trying to shake the daze away.  “I mean … thank you.  It was very nice to meet you Drake.”
Drake gave her one last smirk as he stood, then reluctantly turned to follow his friend to their seats.  Maggie watched him as he walked away, admiring the view of his backside as he faded into the distance.
“Ugh, you would not believe the lines down there, Maggie!”  Tia groaned as she plopped down into her seat, shoving a carton of popcorn towards her friend while she settled in.  When she finally looked up to find Maggie looking back up the auditorium stairs and not retrieving her requested popcorn, she gave her a playful shove.  “Hey, what’re you staring at?”
Maggie smiled as she watched Drake and Max disappear into the tunnel leading towards the door vendors and stairs, Drake looking over his shoulder one last time with a sly grin before ducking inside.  Once there were no traces of the men, she finally turned to face her friend.  “Oh, just a friend.  We were catching up earlier.”
“Oh that’s nice.  Anyone I know?” Tia asked while she stole a few morsels of popcorn from the carton.  
Maggie pondered Tia’s question, unsure she wanted to disclose the details of her surprise visitor. Whether he was a hired actor,  the most authentic reincarnation of the pixelated hunk himself or a figment of her imagination … she wanted to remember this night for just herself, untainted and perfect.  “No, just an old friend.”  She replied softly with a grin, just as the lights dimmed and she felt the music begin pulsing through the air.
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