#[ and also you inexplicably get dream being respectful of drath.
nightmarecountry · 10 months
'I'm not afraid of you.'
"Do you dream? You should be," the Corinthian spat. He was outraged at how easy it was for Drathenia to throw him around like less than a ragdoll, and angrier still that there had been a witness to it: blending with the shadows, Dream of the Endless stood impassive and silent. In the Dreaming, he would have been untouchable, he would have shown the beast why she should fear him, he thought. As much as he craved every taste of the Waking his creator allowed him, there were disadvantages to a corporeal form.
"She does not. Enough," Dream said finally, and the Corinthian looked up hopefully, expecting to see them do... whatever it was xe did to living things that pissed them off. He started to pick himself up, and he was starting to smile again even, the old smug grin--
But Dream hadn't moved. He wasn't looking at Drathenia: he was looking at the Corinthian, and there was displeasure in the burning novas of his eyes. The Corinthian's jaws snapped shut. It looked away from him.
"You must forgive my creation, Drathenia," Dream said, almost warm with respect (what was she to him? Envy burned in the nightmare's chest cavity, and it found its mouths full of saliva suddenly, and swallowed it). He was advancing on her with an air that didn't suit him: he was advancing on her like they were equals. "It has not yet learned its limitations, and I should not like to see either of you harmed."
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