#[ for context i rolled: hoard of geese ]
mvsicinthedvrk · 7 months
horror corn maze event 16 starter for xie lian & sophie // @mcrcki
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"Alright, so--" Xie Lian says, a little frazzled by the events of... however many hours he's been in the maze so far. "Geese isn't so bad?" Not compared to the things trying to murder them, or psychologically disturb them, or freeze them to death. Unless the geese are about to pull out knives, or shape shift into monster-sized geese, this part of the maze is... fairly normal. "Ah, I've been to the left of here, and it's no good. I would avoid the left, if at all possible," he advises, with some measure of polite composure. "Have you been to the right at all?" As he speaks, he looks Sophie over from head to toe, as if to make sure they haven't sustained any major physical injuries or disasters.
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