#[ thank you for the kind words tala t-t really made my morning <5 ]
despairforme · 15 days
gently scoops up the toby and mwahs ur lil brain and holds and pampers and loves on. delightful seein you on the dash this morning. uwu love ya lots, keep up the good work - rest ur dang hands :gun: mwahmwahmwah
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[ !!!!!!!!!! TALA MY QUEEN !!!!!!!! ;O; <5<5<5<5<5 * is gently scooped up * ;O; !! Thank you so much dear! <5 Been so busy recently but trying to squeeze in some writing time in between other stuff! Will continue to work hard!! >v< * sends all the love * !! Forever love seeing you on my dash as well and I have so much appreciation for you!! Thank you for being such a great friend t-t <5 I'm very spoiled!! ]
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