#[ ty for this KSDFK ;u; im in my feelings ]
aetheryic · 11 months
@thecs said: Emet Selch dozed off beside hero, Mina - as his eyes blinked slowly. Before the man fell into a complete slumber, his arm wrapped about the hero's waist, as he nuzzled into contently.
she wanted to be annoyed. this insufferable man... a fossil, really, judging his jagged edges and dusty ideals. yet she kept returning to his side, did she not ? the weary bard now slightly curled up, as she oft was when preparing to sleep -- assuming rest ever washed over her. asi'mina adjusted a bit closer to him, letting the warmth of his body radiate like a safer blanket ; a more comfortable presence than the light infused like stained glass. for the moment... just this one, she shoved each and every worry to the side.
you're not strong enough, not brave enough, worthless . . . if the light destroys you, let it be so. perhaps that's what it would always come to, being a hero. mina sighed, wrapping their arm across emet-selch's waist, letting their fingers bunch into the fabric of his robe like a lifeline.
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