#[[ hi I'm crying already x'DDD ]]
countlessrealities · 8 months
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@evilmcg sent: “Can I help you with something?” (for Evil Morty)
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Morty found himself freezing in surprise for a moment when the voice that greeted him wasn't the one he had expected. After the odd events of the morning, he had decided to come and check on his counterpart. First of all to know whether anything weird had happened on the other Citadel too or not, and secondly, even if he wouldn't have admitted it openly, to make sure that the other hadn't been affected.
Yet, when he opened the door of the conference room, he hadn't found himself face to face with his mirror image, but with the last person he would have wanted to discuss the matter with.
Or, at least, that was what he would have thought until a moment before his gaze landed on Meg. Yet, after they did, he couldn't remember a single reason why he could have wished not to run into her.
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"As a matter of fact, yes," he spoke, before his mind could catch up with the words. His charming president persona had automatically slipped in place, but there was something off about it. "In all truth, I was looking for you specifically."
A little lie, but spun so fluidly that it sounded like nothing but the honest truth. What was unsettlingly, however, was the intensity with which his amber eyes were locked on her.
"I've been...thinking," he went on, stopping right in front of her, a mere inch too close than it was proper. "All this...animosity isn't doing us any favour. So, perhaps, we should try to find a new ground for our interactions."
Swiftly but oh-so-gently, he caught her hand, lifting it up as he bent over to kiss it. The briefest, lightest touch, like a proper gentleman.
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