#{ V. The Merrymen has come to Camelot to witness the Wart as a king | Legend Divergence }
unusdesilva · 6 years
Meeting with the King
      It has been a long time since the Sherwood heard the news of the young King Arthur or as everyone in the forest knew that little ‘Wart.’ For anyone who had been part of the Merry band of Robin Hood had met the young knight to be. Wearing boy clothing with no idea left or right how a bow could work till the great Robin took her under his wing. But no one has ever seen hide nor hair of Arturia many believing the new king had forgotten them.
     Even if they had been close, it wouldn’t look good for a King to have such ties to such a rowdy band, and many still had crimes attached to their name. No respecting noble would ever want to taint their own image no matter his much merriment it brought them. The Merrymen were at the Blue Boar’s when the innkeeper told them news about Camelot and how that lad had settled into being a king with even knights.
     One of the men took offense for the group, jeered almost bitterly as they received more news of the King,  “Not even a small message or a mention, it’s like we don’t even exist! Bah, maybe we should just forget that Wart if doesn’t care about us even a bit. How cold can you be?”
     “Exactly, Robin taught the lad everything he knew and not even a message about the coronation!  Wart might even have found someone to marry bet you won’t even get an invitation to that.” Another lamented, many seeming quite upset instead of proud. Only because they have not heard from the ‘King’ for so long just to learn so much has happened.
     "Shut up all of you!”
     Robin snapped, eyes narrowed with rage and his men suddenly became silent for when he spoke they all made sure to listen. His hand gripping his drink with his face flushed glaring at the others at his side Little John stood not saying a thing. Knowing the ginger was the one hurting the most at being ignored by someone had considered a merrymen yet would never speak ill. 
     “Whether it is because we were forgotten or not I won’t allow any of you to bad mouth the king of Camelot. As they had still been our friend and part of the merrymen and we don’t know what has happened to them personally. So keep thy mouth shut least they wish to start a fight!” It was made clear this wasn’t up for discussion though it wasn’t like he was upset but he still had faith that the other did still care.
     Looking into his Ale, he knew his men knew he was upset which is why they talked in such a way as if to say the king isn’t worth his friendship. Though he disagreed with such a sentiment even if every news made him wonder. Having taken the loss of contact quite personally even if won’t say such a thing out loud. Robin Wood chugs the drink without a word before he gets up, finally having enough to drink.
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    Dropping a bag of some gold onto the table, he shouts, “Innkeeper I’m done for the day, here’s the payment for my men that should be more than enough to allow them to drink themselves silly.
     Without a word, the leader of them had left, while the innkeeper quickly snatched up the gold to count it even if knew Robin was a trusty soul it always paid to make sure. The man stepping out and Little John coming to follow him closely as that was his right hand. Robin in Lincoln Green lets out a small sigh as he steps out before looking back at Little John.
    “I know the men mean no ill,” He starts as he had snapped quite coldly something he almost never does as it was his men who would do that for him, “But I been contemplating going off to meet with the King personally. For I worry about the king.”
     He can see the look on Little John’s eyes and the man reacted as he expected as if about to try and convince him to rethink this. But the shorter male soon raised a hand, “No, I know what you are going to say and don’t think you can convince me to send you or anyone else. I have to go personally for if the King can’t recognize me then truly the time we shared meant nothing. But I believe I will be fine, while I’m gone you must be in charge. I will send a message of what happens but you are needed here, tell the men they are not to follow either. Send my apology to the missies as well for the sudden departure~”
     Truly this seemed insane for a rogue with such a reputation even if is pardoned to go up to a fresh new king was insane. The Knights would likely chase him off before he can even get close to the king. But he wasn’t exactly planning to go without a disguise but he needed them to stay and be safe. “I will ready myself tonight and leave by morn to Camelot.”
     It was a statement, no one can change his mind once it was set on something so Little John could only sigh. Wondering if this was a smart idea and if should reject the others wish and follow. Though knew better, it was Robin Hood after all and the man always succeeds no matter what.
     Robin Wood had changed his attire, hiding his Lincoln green underneath on the outside he looked like a normal yeoman. Dressed up in Scarlet red hiding every hint that he is the rogue thief as he journeys to the kingdom that the Wart- or should he call the other King Arthur- resided. It was just the beginning of a kingdom yet it truly was lively and filled with life as he rides in on a horse he had snatched from some greedy fat abbot he looks around.
     Casually selling off the horse for cheap to someone who desired it, he walked the rest of the way to the castle. Noting how they had open doors- Did this king allow peasants to seek an audience with them or was it simply a special time. He had no idea but he knew it only meant good news for him as it meant his chance of seeing the king was higher. With the gates open even if just for a day that was more then enough.
     The sound of cheering and laughter certainly set the stage for how the Wart had dreamed of once. Robin couldn’t help but smile hearing whispers wondering if any of them were at all even aware of the ‘king’ other identity. Arturia Pendragon though seemed to at the least been doing a good job as a king and wasn’t a tyrant. So he knew he definitely could not ever feel any ill will toward the other as he entered he sees some of the knights. 
      Likely around simply to keep order on the festivities, not a single person seeming to recognize the famous rogue much to his delight. Then again quite a few thought he was just a legend with how many of his stories are spread. Moving his hood back to reveal his orange hair he hums in amusement fixing the Oaken staff on his back his only defense as his bow and arrow was meant to be a last resort. He did not wish to end up causing a scene.
     “Wart wart, if you have such festivities where would you be? You should be among the people but are you simply looking down from above.” He mused as he doesn’t see a hint of the king despite apparently there being such festivities. Then he catches sight of the huge canopy above of the castle suddenly spotting the king. Seeming almost unrecognizable in such dark blue colors looking like the royalty she was- Or should he consider the other a ‘he’ for that was what the other was raised and claimed to be.
     As if she sensed his presence her gaze looked down at him instead of glancing among the people and he smiled. 
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     “Wonder if can even recognize me in red,” Robin mused, almost wanting to wave her to come down but stopped himself as it seemed like someone was beside her. Was she not allowed to join the festivities or something? Did they consider it too dangerous or was she abandoning such pleasures despite adoring them?
     “Now that won’t do, do I have to break in and kidnap the king for them to have a good time?” He muttered to himself, guessing there are worst things he could do only annoying thing would be getting passed all the knights. Well, guess he could give it a try after all he is Robin Hood and if he can’t break into a castle to ‘save’ his friend then he shamed his own name.
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unusdesilva · 6 years
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