#{ and I need it to pay for my crummy wrists lol }
inmemoratum-blog · 7 years
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{ Short semi-hiatus notice (9/29-10/08)! I should still be on to chip away at replies slowly, but I won’t be terribly active! I have a convention (artist alley) on the 7th that I am rather poorly prepared for and I would like to dedicate most of my free time to working on stock for it! I know I’ve been slow, and that’s partly due to stress from my day job. Unfortunately, there’s a new manager there who very much dislikes me and is actively trying to get me fired or force me to quit (she somehow managed to cut my hours so much that I’m only working two days the week after the con and she wrote me up for something I didn’t do and somehow got away with that too), so work and my general financial situation has been very stressful for me which has made me very slow as I come home drained. I am also hoping to get a doctor’s appointment made soon as I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my wrists lately (they’ve always been bad, but just yesterday a guest at work offered to flip through the pages of an ad for me because my fingers were physically unable to grasp them, so it’s time man). Thank you for your patience, I’m just a mess right now! There are people I need to message about our threads on here as well, and I promise I’ll get those out after this hiatus is over I’m not ignoring thread responses, I just need to clarify a few things! And finally, I know I’m willing to selectively follow minors on my other blog, but I do not follow minors on this blog due to the sheer number of triggers I write here! Thank you for understanding! } 
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