#✗ the ineffable testimony of spawned hellfire (scorpion)
sasorikigai · 7 days
Difficulty vs Likeable Test
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As expected, Hanzo/Scorpion scored high on risk-taking and aggression (refer to MKX storyline), and honesty and kindness (his general characteristic as Grandmaster Hasashi). While he may not look happy or positive in outwardly demeanor nor the mostly friendliest or approachable person, he likes to hold these principles in order to continue to be a reliable mentor, dutiful leader of the Shirai Ryu, and one of the most formidable and well-known warriors of Earthrealm.
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sasorikigai · 4 months
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The Kiss of Death
The primary instincts of all creatures — sex and death. If you can combine the two they become a bigger selling point. Though not exactly graphic, the Kiss of Death is still sensual, seductive, and very, very deadly. The Kiss of Death comes in many varieties, including: hypnosis, narcotic effect, and sucking out the soul of the victim, which may or may not result in death, depending on the story. Crucially it can also be a symbolic gesture — the kiss itself does not bring death or harm, but the person who receives it knows that his days are numbered.
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The Slap-Slap-Kiss
When two characters with romantic tension spend a lot of time bickering, it is all but inevitable that sooner or later one will interrupt the other mid-rant by suddenly grabbing and kissing them. The kissed one rarely resists and usually responds wholeheartedly. Usually, the cause of this is something that triggers their hostilities to the point of reaching a climax that results in an exchange of slaps or blows, followed by a moment where both stare at each other in combined confusion and shock, after which they dive into the kiss. One such instance would be if one suitor was in danger, causing the other to realize the deep affection they actually have for this person they have spent their entire time fighting with. Either way, the kiss prompts both to realize that they've been in love all this time — the rationale being that they wouldn't argue so much if they didn't give a damn about each other.
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sasorikigai · 6 months
((Can I just say that it's not hard to imagine at some point after the whole thing with the Cyber Lin Kuei factory in 11, Hanzo eventually just finds Kuai's arms around him? Like...that level of loss just hits you eventually, and I have a hard time imagining him not ultimately comforting him. Not just bc Hanzo clearly does care about him, but also because he knows on this raw level that he's in a position to give Kuai something that he himself had so desperately needed back then.))
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In relation to this post (x)
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Had the other MK kombatants (at least the ones that knew about Hanzo's tragic story) empathized and cared about the state of Hanzo's being, I truly believe the horrendous outcome of MKX could have been prevented. Still, in the end, it was Hanzo's own responsibility to control his emotions and not act to impulsively, disregarding the dreadful and dismal consequences of his actions (killing the Revenants for good, Shinnok roaming about with his nihilistic darkness, risking other Earthrealm warriors dying, etc.), but it was that helpless loss of everything he held dear in his heart and soul that caused him to act irrationally.
Grandmaster Hasashi in MK11 is still coping with grief and loss, and he has grown a lot in terms of his character as he developed more patience, intelligence, and self-sacrifice. Since bereavement being the most intense form of grief and mourning, Hanzo is extremely familiar of the waves of intense and very difficult emotions, ranging from profound sadness, emptiness, and despair to shock, numbness, guilt, or regret. Also, it isn’t obviously limited to emotional responses, either. Grief at the death of a loved one can also trigger physical reactions, including weight and appetite changes, difficulty sleeping, aches and pains, and an impaired immune system leading to illness and other health problems.
He's experienced every one of those symptoms, and even when Hanzo doesn't necessarily sympathize with spoken words, he realizes how devastating and acute the excruciating pain is when he comforts Kuai Liang. The only way to deal with grief and loss is to GRIEVE, and Hanzo knows for a fact that Kuai will have to find a way to come to terms with his loss, and that way is to actively face the pain and many intense and unexpected emotions.
At that moment in time in the Cyber Lin Kuei quarry, they had a mission to complete, and they both could not let anything get in their way of preventing from stopping further cyberization - the kidnapping of the Lin Kuei warriors and possibly of the others, if they were to be left alone - so they didn't let their focus dwindle away, but I too, can imagine that they would have had a deep, intimate conversation; reflecting on their unique context and meaning.
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sasorikigai · 2 days
Assigned Character Arc
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redemption arc
your story had a pretty rough start and you did some things you're not proud of, but you made the choice to change. i won't go through how important it is to accept responsibility and keep striving to improve or whatever because you know that already. what i think you should know is that your fuel does not need to be shame. you don’t need to stand over the bathroom sink with your blood in your hands until you can no longer make out your reflection. you will look at your face and you will see the person you used to be, but that person no longer exists. today, you are looking, and that makes all the difference.
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hero arc
well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness. you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
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corruption arc
so. you got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
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sasorikigai · 9 days
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Anyone can be consistent for a few days, but it is harder to be consistent for years upon years, through ups, downs, and everything in between. Here are some ideas that resonates with Hanzo/Scorpion the most when it comes to what it takes to stay steady amidst challenge and grow from change as his character showed throughout the years, most importantly through MKX-MK11.
View life as a continuous cycle of order, disorder, and reorder; while he may crave order and stability, but he knows that stability is a moving target - it's always something new. It doesn't come from resisting change, but it comes from working along with it. He knows he is always somewhere in the cycle of order, disorder, and reorder.
His expectations shape his reality; If he is strenuously training for a mission and expect it to feel easy when he is never pushing beyond his limitations, he will be in for a rude awakening. If he expects it to feel terrible, he will be prepared to grind; perhaps on a good day, he will even be pleasantly surprised. He knows this is true for all hard things.
Lasting progress requires him to be rugged and flexible; To be rugged is to be tough, determined, and durable - it is about showing up over and over again. To be flexible is to adapt and bend easily without breaking - to make adjustments and be fluid when needed. He adopted a mindset that embraced both, and he utilizes the positive aspects of them.
Embrace tragic optimism; acknowledge, accept, and expect that life will contain hardship and hurt, and then do everything he can to trudge forward with a positive attitude nonetheless (further explained in this post). There is a huge space between toxic positivity and despair, and he tries to live in that space.
Diversify his sense of identity; The more he defines himself by any one activity, the more fragile he becomes. If that activity doesn't go well or changes, he loses a sense of who he is. The opposite is "self-complexity," a term researchers use for having multiple components to his reality (for my portrayal of Hanzo/Scorpion, it is him being a warrior, leader, father, husband, poet, artist, philosopher, etc.).
During periods of uncertainty, separate what he can control from what he cannot, and focus on the former. This allows him to respond instead of reacting. He is self-confident and self-assured, because he knows he can navigate through challenges.
Stay patient: It is a nine-inning game. Give things time and space to unfold. Don't try to escape life by moving at warp speed. Don't expect instant results and quit when they don't happen. Go from being a seeker to a practitioner. Stay on the path instead of always veering off.
When life is really challenging, it's okay if his profession simply becomes showing up. It is true that he often grows from adversity (regardless of verses), but that growth happens on the other side. When he is in the thick of it, he focuses on getting through. As simple as that, that is more than plenty and enough (Hanzo/Scorpion struggles with this the most).
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sasorikigai · 11 days
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Hanzo/Scorpion is extremely good at expressing contextual cues, such as body language, micro-expressions and verbal communication, for others to gain a more comprehensive understanding of his emotions. He is also very open and candor about them, although he may use brief, involuntary facial expressions that reveal his true emotions. Such may be the case with his closest friends and significant other(s), as practice and observation would give them away more easily and effortlessly. With others outside of his close circle, they may occur in fractions of a second and are often difficult to detect without training.
Most likely, these are some common emotions that he will reveal.
Happiness: A fleeting smile or crinkling around his eyes can indicate genuine happiness. However, it's essential to consider the context, as the intensity may vary, and Hanzo/Scorpion doesn't often express this emotion.
Sadness: Brief downturned corners of his mouth or a momentary furrowing of his brow may suggest sadness. While context is crucial, as sadness can be concealed or suppressed, Hanzo/Scorpion is much more open and vulnerable with sadness than happiness.
Anger: A sudden tightening of the jaw, narrowing of his eyes, or nostril flaring can signal anger. For Hanzo/Scorpion, this emotion can be particularly challenging to mask, and micro-expressions often reveal it even when he is trying his absolute best to hide it.
Fear: Wide eyes, raised eyebrows, and a slight backward movement of the head may indicate fear. Hanzo/Scorpion may disguise fear with surprise, as he believes he is fearless (will never shy away or back down from participating in dangerous missions or even with brutal fights with disadvantageous position).
Disgust: A sneer, wrinkling of his nose, or lip curl can suggest disgust. This emotion is usually triggered by something unpleasant or offensive.
Surprise: Raised eyebrows, widened eyes, and an open mouth are typical indicators of surprise. Surprise can be either positive or negative, depending on the context. This may be the most difficult emotion to detect for Hanzo/Scorpion, as his expression may remain unchanged (from his neutral serious and grumpy demeanor).
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sasorikigai · 14 days
what ghost haunts you?
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the ghost of devotion
your body was crafted to be loved and to be adored. you write with the touch of a poet, the fingertips of a lover. if you are not loved, you are not whole. you are made to be sculpted by the hands of another into something perfect. without their love, you feel as though you may crumble without the support of purpose their touch provides. when ernest hemingway wrote “it was too good to last.” when ocean vuong wrote, “i miss you more than i remember you.” when david foster wallace wrote, “everything i’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.”
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the ghost of vengeance
you ache for revenge and little else. red paints your vision, and it has grown so thick that it has grown so hard to see. somewhere within your ribs is a child longing for comfort again. you will never let them see the light of day. for now, there is blood on your hands and your teeth. before you were a human, you were an omen with a heart constructed of thorns. when audre lorde wrote, “i feel it’s my anger that helped keep me alive.” when ashe vernon wrote, “isn’t this rage so ugly? and isn’t it mine, still? good god, isn’t it mine?” you will never find peace within your own anger, but you bathe in it anyway. the way you always have.
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sasorikigai · 14 days
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Hanzo && Tragic Optimism
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Tragic optimism is a concept coined by Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and renowned psychiatrist, in his book "Man's Search for Meaning." It refers to the ability to maintain hope and find meaning in life despite experiencing suffering and adversity. Frankl observed that even in the most challenging circumstances, such as the concentration camps during the Holocaust, some individuals were able to maintain a sense of hope and purpose. Tragic optimism acknowledges the reality of suffering and tragedy while emphasizing the human capacity to transcend these experiences through finding meaning and purpose. It suggests that while we may not always have control over our external circumstances, we do have control over how we choose to perceive and respond to them. By embracing tragic optimism, individuals can cultivate resilience and find meaning even in the face of immense suffering.
Hanzo Hasashi, also known as Scorpion, is well known for his tragic backstory and relentless pursuit of vengeance. His story embodies elements of tragic optimism, particularly in his ability to find meaning and purpose despite enduring immense suffering. Hanzo's tragedy begins with the destruction of his clan, the Shirai Ryu, by their rivals, the Lin Kuei. This event leads to the death of his family and his own transformation into the vengeful specter known as Scorpion. Throughout his journey, Hanzo grapples with grief, anger, and the desire for revenge. However, despite the overwhelming tragedy in his life, Hanzo demonstrates elements of tragic optimism. He continues to fight, not just for vengeance, but also to protect Earthrealm from various threats. Despite his personal pain, he finds purpose in serving a greater cause.
Moreover, Hanzo's character development throughout the series often revolves around themes of redemption and the search for meaning beyond his desire for revenge. He learns to reconcile with his past and find a new sense of purpose beyond his initial quest for vengeance. Hanzo Hasashi exemplifies the concept of tragic optimism by finding meaning and purpose in the face of tragedy and suffering, ultimately transcending his personal anguish to serve a higher cause.
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sasorikigai · 8 months
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I am so fucking livid at this recontextualization of Hanzo Hasashi's canon (starting with Kuai Liang being the new Scorpion). While I see the connection between Scorpion's MK11 ending (which I absolutely hated too), I am not vibing with this alternate version of Hanzo scouring the multitudes of timeline in search of reality where his wife Harumi does not get brutally butchered.
The reason why I absolutely fell in love with Hanzo/Scorpion's character is his utterly bleak and tragic backstory; the entire Hasashi family were killed in the Shirai Ryu massacre committed by Lin Kuei, and being reborn as a Revenant full of vitriol vengeance. As if Hanzo's canonical story wasn't absolutely heartbreaking and depressing enough that he became an undead spectre, he has once again, descended into an explosive spell of rage and vowing to burn MK1's timeline to the charred rubble.
This is literally where Lin Kuei has stolen everything from him, desecrated everything that was his worth and character. It took him decades to amend with Kuai Liang (in MKX), and finally come to a realization that he has been a very selfish man who nearly caused Earthrealm to be extinct because of his impulsive, vindictive actions. And I would most definitely like to believe that Hanzo/Scorpion has acted this way not solely because he himself was killed in the massacre, but because of Harumi and Satoshi. His love for Harumi Hasashi goes beyond the realms (literally, enough to become deathly obsessive of searching for a reality where she lives, finally), and his transformative character in MK11 as Grandmaster Hasashi proves that every action he effectuates is due to his eternal love for her and Earthrealm, even for Lin Kuei.
TL:DR; this is such a disservice to Hanzo's character, and this will never bring Scorpion's gratification (further destruction and annihilation never does anything good). This relinquishment from all of Hanzo/Scorpion's character evolvement absolutely SUCKS.
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sasorikigai · 29 days
“Can’t even get out of my grasp? Or is it because you secretly don’t want to?” (modern!)
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IN LOVE AND WAR, EVERYTHING GOES || @kuroyrii || accepting
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💥 || Perhaps their love is more like a chemical reaction, rearranging his brain, his guts, the blood in his veins. As they touch, their cold skin exposed in the elements, it burns to the touch. Being the killers they are, with capabilities to plunge the glinting silver blade where it hurts the most, where they can get the most blood as the poor unfortunate victim would look at them like a domesticated animal with their severed arteries. They know how to tear apart anyone's skin, see their spine exposed, as they poke and prod every little ridge to cause excruciating, unspeakable pain. They take joy in being an observer; treasuring the ability to take the complexities of the world and make it palpable to their unwilling participants. A simple recoil of the firearm would not bring satisfaction on one of those days, as Hanzo Hasashi yearns to become the paradoxical tenderness amidst the devouring viciousness, digging his mighty claws into their flesh, as if he was ravenously devastate what is his to begin with. Their flesh will shrivel, bones hollow, and lives dwindle to nothing. Even when the teeth of their world remain sharp, they become more resilient and sharper along with it.
And even when restlessness taps away at his exhausted bones, sending cold shivers down his spine and into his toes, how his heartbeat twirls and dances under the gentle spring, and yet - how it could feel like a slap in the face, as he would resent every melodious bird song that needled its way through his duvet tomb. How every resplendent blossom that he used to marble at his zenith would merely seem as if they were flaunting their fleeting life. How he wished to press them down into the newly-thawed earth with the toe of his boot, until the petals were torn and muddied by the dirty feeling of false justice settling like a blanket around his bones. But in the end, all of it would have been completely uninterrupted by the devastation in his life. When at first he found it to be mocking, he would find comfort in its steady force.
His memories are mere fragile dreams woven from near-inaudible whispers, and Hanzo no longer becomes torn apart by either the harsh light of reality or the ungraspable perfection of idealized dreams. In all, Sayuri Kobayashi has an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. Equipped with such manifestation of a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way. Her confidence comes from experiences; just as Harumi Hasashi had been a woman who can fall, pick herself up, and more on. "I believe I have already revealed my heart's content, haven't I?" For once, he doesn't have this gut-wrenching pain in his chest when he thinks of his bereaved wife. His head isn't racing with thoughts of her going a million miles a minute.
How metaphorical fire dances across Hanzo's solemn face as he feels his heart and soul burn. How he once thought he'd never get this far, but even as he felt as if he was going to be burned all to ash, he'd start all over again. Whether it had been a newfound love, or absolute unyielding devotion and trust towards his beloved. "You may be the sun that's governing and contributing to life, the air that I breath, bringing vitality and life forces, the water at my feet bringing my lost ship to shore, and the earth; strong and confident, a formidable mountain I could climb forevermore. And I hope to become the fire; sacred light inside you, a flame that will never die." How he yearns to show all of him; unhindered and unbidden, all of his light and dark, flaws and imperfections, grit and resilience through agony and despair that he won't ever hide. 💥 ||
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sasorikigai · 30 days
i am going to tell you what you're experiencing soul-crushing nostalgia towards right now
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a place you once knew
maybe it's somewhere you visited once, somewhere you go regularly, or somewhere you lived at one point. regardless, you long desperately to go back and just be. just exist there. is it the landscape you miss? the excitement of a city or the pleasant solitude of a small town? is it the people? do you need to make something right there? whatever it is, you need to go back. your heart is aching. you can't stop picturing yourself walking the streets, taking in your surroundings. did you know you'd feel this way when you were there? how could you have predicted this feeling when you had it all in the moment?
Tagged by: @hexsreality
Tagging: @sonxflight, @somniaxperdita, @kuroyrii & YOU
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sasorikigai · 1 month
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Shirai Ryu & Nudity
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From the historical standpoint, Japan had a relatively open attitude towards nudity, with public baths (onsen) being an integral part of Japanese culture, and Shirai Ryu is no exception. These communal bathing spaces often involve complete nudity, with separate facilities for men and women. Onsen are not merely places to cleanse oneself but also to relax, socialize, and appreciate nature and they are scattered around the Shirai Ryu grounds.
Hanzo likes to personally explore the concept of nudity in his own artistic expressions as well, for he has been a lifetime practitioner of traditional Japanese art, such as ukiyo-e woodblock prints and sumi-e ink painting which often depicts nudity, particularly in representations of bath scenes or geishas. He enjoys to capture the human form in various states of undress, reflecting an appreciation for natural beauty and sensuality. Also, through literature and poetry, there are numerous themes of nudity, love, and desire - and Hanzo himself often explores and celebrates the human body and intimate relationships (Harumi Hasashi, of course, and verse dependent) through his writings and journal entries.
Shirai Ryu also participates in Hadaka Matsuri (Naked Festival), which sees participants clad only in loincloths as they engage in purification rituals, symbolizing the shedding of impurities and the renewal of the spirit. During the Hadaka Matsuri, thousands of male participants, often clad only in loincloths called "fundoshi," gather to compete for sacred talismans or lucky charms known as "shingi." The central event of the festival involves a mass struggle to seize these talismans, which are thrown into the crowd by a Shinto priest from a platform or shrine. The atmosphere during the festival is lively and energetic, with participants chanting and jostling to grab the coveted talismans.
The belief is that those who obtain the shingi will be blessed with good fortune and prosperity for the coming year. When Hanzo became a star apprentice of the Shirai Ryu despite the opposition of his father and thus soon matured and trained enough to participate in this ritual, he became the one who would obtain the shingi, which would also eventually led him to become Master Hasashi, the youngest ever in Shirai Ryu to obtain such a title.
Over time, the festival has become a symbol of community spirit, endurance, and tradition. Since Shirai Ryu thrives and dwells in the concept of tight-knitted community filled with rich Japanese traditions, Grandmaster Hasashi has implemented this, not only in the context of purification rituals or cultural traditions, but of celebratory cause; with energy, enthusiasm, and reverence, and the symbolic art of stripping away impurities and starting anew with discipline and dedication, rather than literal nudity.
While nudity is generally not acceptable in public spaces and there are laws governing indecent exposure, in Shirai Ryu, there are designated areas such as nude areas or specific hot springs where nudity is permitted and even expected.
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sasorikigai · 2 months
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bold: always
italic: sometimes
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aggressive | annoying | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal |  callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messy | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronising | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-critical | self-righteous | self-indulgent | self-patronising | serialkiller | stubborn | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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sasorikigai · 2 months
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Rate Hanzo/Scorpion's Traits (part 2)
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Recklessness : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (9/10) -  If past Hanzo acted impulsively, making decisions or taking actions without carefully considering the potential consequences or risks involved, acting on immediate desires or emotions without pausing to think things through, canon and modern Hanzo acts recklessly in order to sacrifice himself more than the others. It is not an inability or unwillingness to learn from his past mistakes or alter his behavior accordingly, but it stems from his trauma and that .
Ambition : Hanzo (8/10), Scorpion (5/10), Modern Hanzo (9/10) - In all his verses, Hanzo posesses strong self-discipline and self-control, allowing him to stay focused on his goals and make consistent progress toward them. He is able to delay instant gratification and resist temptation in pursuit of his long-term objectives, which is to seek balance of realms, especially towards Earthrealm's prosperity and peace. Scorpion's drive and motivation comes through the scorching hellfire, simply to seek destruction and decay, to reflect his charred heart and soul, which have been engulfed by wrath and vengeance. Modern Hanzo's own ambition causes him to demonstrate persistence and resilience in the face of obstacles and setbacks. He perseveres through challenges, setbacks, and failures, refusing to give up on his goals or dreams of seeking his own peace and happiness.
Loyalty : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (100/10) - Once Hanzo has established deeply-held commitment and allegiance to someone or something, he is extremely devoted and faithful, more than willing to offer steadfast support. While it may be difficult and challenging to build a strong bond, Hanzo's own willingness to stand by all kinds of circumstances will be unyielding. For his hard-earned loyalty will often involve a willingness to make sacrifices or prioritize the needs and well-being of others above his own interests. It can be seen through Hanzo becoming a surrogate father figure for Takeda Takahashi, and even offering Shirai Ryu Fire Gardens as the 'Last Stand Stronghold' for Raiden's Army in MK11. Hanzo is such a loyal individual who will go great lengths to support and protect those he is most loyal to. In the opposite stance, it goes the same for Scorpion, for Quan Chi, or any other Oni who inhabit Netherrealm.
Love : Hanzo (10/10), Scorpion (2/10), Modern Hanzo (9/10) - Both canon Hanzo and modern Hanzo's way of expressing his affection, care, and appreciation for others in meaningful and genuine ways include quality time (publicly) and physical touch (privately). Spend quality time together, engaging in activities that Hanzo and his beloved both enjoy and that allow for meaningful conversation and connection is significant for him. Whether it's going for a walk, cooking dinner together, or simply sitting and talking, quality time fosters intimacy and connection. For him, physical touch is the most powerful way to communicate closeness and affection, but he would much prefer this in a private manner. While the concept of love exists in Scorpion, his lack of humanity and his fuel for wrath and vengeance masks his concept of love almost completely.
Sense of family : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (100/10) - In every manifestation of Hanzo/Scorpion, having such strong sense of family have offered him emotional support, a sense of belonging, shared values and traditions, quality time and bonding, effective communication, support for growth, resilience and coping skills, positive role modeling, stability and security, and unconditional love and acceptance (even after the tragic loss of his family, as such positive aspects of such makes him one of the best husbands and father figures in MK universe). In a negative and skewed sense of family, as Scorpion, he sought to act upon vengeance and retribution, leaning towards unspeakable acts of violence and brutalism.
Attractiveness : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (10/10) - While this can vary greatly on individual preferences and cultural norm, Every manifestation of Hanzo/Scorpion is extremely attractive, not only in the physical appearance, but of his confidence. He exudes charisma and charm with a healthy sense of self-assurance and poise. No matter what, he is also without pretense or artifice, which could help him be perceived as trustworthy and relatable. Hanzo/Scorpion is also an extremely driven, determined, and passionate and that also could appeal to his attractiveness.
Agility : Hanzo, Scorpion (8/10), Modern Hanzo (7/10) - While Hanzo may not be the fastest kombatant in the MK roster, his ninjutsu skills make him exceptionally stealthy and agile. Hanzo/Scorpion possesses the ability to teleport instantaneously from one location to another, which allows him to quickly reposition himself during combat, evade attacks, or surprise opponents with sudden appearances. Its combat utility is such a versatile skill, which could significantly help him outmaneuver his opponents at any given time. While Modern Hanzo may not possess such supernatural abilities, his professional training makes him an exceptional tactical commander with balanced power and agility.
Sex drive : Hanzo, Modern Hanzo (6/10), Scorpion (8/10) -  He likes to believe that he has a healthy sex drive, which typically involves experiencing a natural desire for sexual activity that feels satisfying and manageable. His sex drive encompasses a degree of flexibility and adaptability in response to changes in circumstances, such as fluctuations in stress levels, professional involvements, relationship dynamics, or life events. Hanzo is more than willing to accommodate not only his, but his significant other's sex drive accordingly as such. Scorpion may see the sexual act itself as a form of aggression, coercion, or control, rather than being consensual and mutually enjoyable experiences. He also has slightly higher sex drive, as he views such act as means to exert power, inflict harm, or violate the rights and autonomy of others.
Tagged by: @hexsreality
Tagging: @sonxflight, @somniaxperdita, @sunsctfcde and YOU
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sasorikigai · 2 months
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Rate Hanzo/Scorpion's Traits (part 1)
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Compassion : Hanzo (9/10), Scorpion (2/10), Modern Hanzo (6/10) - As Hanzo have been seeking redemption from his past mistakes, Hanzo's unadulterated nature of having empathy, altruism, and concern for others also have been restored. It is a deep human quality he encompasses as Grandmaster Hasashi, always ready to give a helping hand to those who require it, and extend sacrificial acts of time and effort to those who desperately needs it (towards selective people whom he is extremely close with). As hellspawn specter, corrupted by Quan Chi's machinations and blinded by vicious wrath and vengeance, Scorpion lacks such multidimensional construct that his human counterpart has. In Hanzo's modern setting, his own trauma can hinder him from understanding other people's emotions, thus he can sometimes come across as indifferent and uncaring, although that is far from what is truly going on in his subconscious.
Bitterness : Hanzo (5/10), Scorpion (11/10), Modern Hanzo (6/10) - While Hanzo is still tormented by the past events and traumas that have transpired, Grandmaster Hasashi, in most part, has moved on from such that he uses those past mistakes and triumphs as his guiding compass, seeking a prospective future full of peace and serenity. Scorpion, on the other hand, is the epitome of bitterness, as he is fueled by everburning hellfire to seek justice upon those who viciously slaughtered Shirai Ryu and his family, which in turn, is misdirected towards the innocent and uninvolved in such barbaric sacrilege. Modern Hanzo still carries certain amount of bitterness in his heart, but he lets it both become his fuel and poison; fuel for his professionalism, to even push beyond his own boundaries to seek limitless possibilities as the harbinger of justice, and to let himself wallow in his self-criticalness as he becomes his own worst judge.
Anger: Hanzo (7/10), Scorpion (10/10), Modern Hanzo (8/10) - Most of Grandmaster Hasashi's anger is either repressed beneath his subconscious, or has manifested and absorbed into his pyromancy, which has grown seamless, thus making his powers more potent and deadly with the mastery of his weapons. Scorpion's, on the other hand, is from sheer hatred towards the world which could not prevent such tragedies, one after the other. Modern Hanzo's anger is also manifested through his workaholic tendencies and wanting to seek perfectionism (although he knows better he could never be), as he uses it as a motivation or action to drive action or change.
Happiness : Hanzo (7/10), Scorpion (1/10), Modern Hanzo (8/10) - Despite his solemn and grouchy exterior, Hanzo strives to seek happiness even in the midst of turmoil and danger. He always appreciates passing moments of cultivated gratitude (focusing on positive aspects of his life and appreciating the good things, mostly of rebuilt Shirai Ryu and the splendor and security of Fire Gardens), and he has strong purpose and meaning in the role he has to play, as one of the most prominent warriors of Earthrealm. For Scorpion, having been corrupted and made to live as a wraith, happiness becomes as rare as it comes. Even his remorseless slaughtering could not satiate his need for violence, as he is a literal and metaphorical hollowed hull of what he used to be as a human. Modern Hanzo's stance with happiness is similar with canon Hanzo's, although his own happiness comes more with precious moments shared with his significant other.
Politeness : Hanzo (9/10), Scorpion (2/10), Modern Hanzo (9/10) - While Hanzo does show respect, consideration, and kindness towards the others, his sense of politeness decreases if he met someone who goes against his moral compass. He will still use polite language and courteous tone of voice and manner, but he will also not restrain himself from being honest in his most raw, visceral ways. With the lack of humanity Scorpion possesses, the hellspawn specter entirely disregards respect and politeness that is associated with such principles and behaviors. Modern Hanzo, whether in personal or professional setting, is almost always polite and uses eloquent and professional language.
Chivalry : Hanzo (10/10), Scorpion (1/10), Modern Hanzo (9/10) - The same vein that Hanzo would value honor, kindness, and courage, he will show his exemplary behavior towards anyone who shares the same moral compass with him. The same goes for Modern Hanzo, and Scorpion lacks the former two, while he is beyond reckless and impulsive when it comes with his courage.
Pride : Hanzo (8/10), Scorpion (9/10), Modern Hanzo (8/10) - Hanzo often feels a positive sense of self-worth, accomplishment, and satisfaction without arrogance or superiority. He has learned to accept himself, including both strengths and weaknesses, by embracing his own identity, experiences, and individuality without the need for constant validation from others. Both canon and modern Hanzo share certain aspect of having developed resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks, which is crucial for maintaining their healthy sense of pride. Being able to bounce back from failures, learn from mistakes, and persevere in the pursuit of goals strengthened both of their sense of self-worth and resilience.
Honesty : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (10/10) - In all of the verses, Hanzo/Scorpion is extremely in touch with his emotions and cannot lie even if he tried to. He is truthful and straightforward in his conversations with everyone (allies and enemies alike), is transparent in his interactions and dealings, being open and forthcoming about his intentions, motivations, and actions, and demonstrates consistency in his words and actions. Since his integrity has been crumbled and jeopardized with his past mistakes and shortcomings, Hanzo has learned to be open and forthcoming about his intentions, motivations, and actions. Maintaining coherence and integrity has been the main aspect Hanzo focuses on his social settings, as he has learned to take responsibility for his actions and their consequences. He is not shy of owning up to his actions and strive to make amends when necessary.
Bravery : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (10/10) - His sense of bravery involves taking initiative and decisive action in the face of fear or uncertainty. Hanzo/Scorpion never lets fear paralyze or deter him, but instead taking proactive steps toward his goals or convictions. In canon and modern Hanzo's story arc, bravery often involves strength of his character, integrity, and moral courage. It means standing up for what is right, even in the face of opposition or criticism, and adhering to his principles and values.
Tagged by: @hexsreality
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sasorikigai · 4 months
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There’s a reason why Hanzo is given a nickname “Grandmaster Grumpyface,” (thanks to Johnny Cage), but he will make a considerable and valiant effort to crack that RBF (resting bitch face) every once in a while, although it may being a questionable result.
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