#✨ TarGott is eternal.✨
lxvvie · 1 month
A relationship with Morgott the Omen King would consist of:
Embodying the quintessential enemies/frenemies to lovers trope.
Morgott being fascinated by the obvious size difference and as a result, he's much gentler with you.
Bickering like an old married couple. Well, Morgott does.
On the other hand, you think he's your living, breathing jungle gym and so you take every moment you can to just... be all over him.
Him not understanding your fascination with his tail. It's not uncommon to find you playing with it or— are those... flowers wreaths? On his tail?
Of course, Morgott highkey lowkey indulges your fascination, teasing you by holding his tail high enough so you can't reach it.
Chiding Morgott for his self-care. Or lack thereof. It's improved with your help.
Trying to convince him to change that cloak of his to something not so tattered but Skrunklegott can't be bothered so... there's that. For now. You're totally gonna get Boc to rectify this.
Morgott leaning into your touch whenever you touch his horns. Or his face. Hell, whenever you touch him, he's a goner.
Strolls in nature outside of Leyndell. Sometimes you walk alongside him, sometimes you don't and his shoulder is surprisingly comfortable.
Beholding the Erdtree together at night. This is also when you two shared your first kiss.
Morgott being the first to say those three words. You thought it was cute how flustered he was. Morgott was so shocked by his confession (he blurted it out) that he was about to take it back out of embarrassment until you smiled and told him you loved him, too.
Morgott highkey planning your future with him because let him tell it, he knew early on that you'd be his consort.
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