#❛ checkmate; i couldn’t loose ❜ [ desires; robin buckley ]
pcrfectstorms · 1 year
Tag drop for robin!
❛ no one wanted to play with me as a little kid ❜ [ muse; robin buckley ]
❛ you see all the wisest women had to do it this way ❜ [ musings; robin buckley ]
❛ the dominoes cascaded in a line ❜ [ aesthetics; robin buckley ]
❛ what if i told you i’m a mastermind ❜ [ headcanons; robin buckley ]
❛ checkmate; i couldn’t loose ❜ [ desires; robin buckley ]
❛ i’m the wind in our free flowing sails ❜ [ visage; robin buckley ]
❛ i’m only cryptic and machiavellian cause i care ❜ [ canon verse; robin buckley ]
❛ if you fail to plan; you plan to fail ❜ [ college verse; robin buckley ]
❛ it was all my design ❜ [ modern verse; robin buckley ]
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