#⬩⬩⟢ au: somnium crystallum
yoroiis · 2 years
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Though he’d offered to give her a spot among his ranks for simple shelter, Gorou wasn’t without a wary ear trained on the girl and her traveling companion. They’d looked beat -- like life had dealt them one too many consecutive battles and they were just barely managing to scrape their way through.
They’d been a sight Gorou couldn’t have just turned away with good conscious, and so, his resistance had become her safe place.
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“ If you’re tired, you should turn in for the night. Though I might not know much about where you came from, you can at least rest easy knowing you’re in good company here. At least, I hope none of the others have been treating you poorly, have they? ”
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sakurarisen · 2 years
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Questions For Mun!
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3. Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write?
I don’t think there’s any AU’s specifically? I do have a fierce love of fantasy, but I also love settings where I can take my muse and put them into something different to explore things in another way - Like the closed verse I have with @honorisen, Somnium Crystallum, where Sera has some snow leopard in her blood, but allows for exploring her trauma in a totally different means to her main verses. Instead of settling down with Zack, she’s on the run and has a different set of eyes on her, expecting and watching and it’s thrust her into another setting she doesn’t know how to handle. In Spellbound, she’s a goddess where talking of what she’s been through isn’t a thing and yet she’s expected to fulfill her duties without complaint - Right until she loses her power,and has a whole new path laid out before her. Even the experiment AU, where she’s been crossed with Shiva in a Shinra experiment, has a whole new set of issues for her to think out and I love that every verse has a new set of things to figure out, but a different means of looking at them?
To that end, I think right now plots I’d like the most are just ones where Sera gets to see other viewpoints,and a chance to just... Be a normal person. I’d also love for her to just make friends and be able to help others, see other viewpoints, get to fight alongside others... A chance for Sera to show who she is and get to be around other people? I’m sure this’ll change - it usually does and I get cravings for certain plots as thing develop, as do most people I think - but right this second, I just want Sera to have friends. I want to be able to explore her feelings regarding things and get to see other viewpoints, talk bout things, get to show her tactician side, all the things she hides... Love my girl, but there’s so much my mama snow leopard here can show, and so many to meet. <3
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
It’ll be okay. Oh Sera - As hard as things can be, It’s going to be okay. There is a sun at the end of the tunnel and it’ll all be all right once you reach it - But until then, it’s okay to be yourself. Nobody will hurt you like that again. You’re safe now... So let go of the marionette’s strings, and let yourself fly free towards that sun. <3
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yoroiis · 2 years
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“ ...Hey, you’re not out here all on your own, are you? ”
His voice was quiet; almost worried, but Aether couldn’t stand by and not say something to the girl he’d seen sitting off the side. He’d thought she’d been with someone before; a male a lot taller and more well built than him, but even if the two of them were traveling together -- the snow pacts of the mountains weren’t exactly the best places to camp out in.
“ Won’t you get cold if you stay out here like this much longer? ”
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yoroiis · 3 months
"We missed you today," Astra called out, slowly coming up behind Thoma. Lunch had become a chance for the three of them to slip away and spend some personal time together, even on the busiest of days, and to not have Thoma there with her and Wriothesley had made things... Duller, to be honest. There was a certain spark missing from things without his presence, and somehow, she'd both expected to find him right where he was, dealing with daily chores and tasks, and hadn't. Or... Maybe it was more appropriate to say she'd hoped he wasn't?
Lips curling into a soft smile, she reached out to lay a hand on his arm, coming up beside him. "Missed you a lot. We were concerned when you never showed up - Is everything all right?"
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Thoma would pause, letting the broom he'd been sweeping out a nearby hallway with click against a doorframe as he'd turned toward the voice.
She'd probably already caught on, hadn't she? Astra could definitely be sharp when she had to be, no matter how much Thoma busying himself with chores wasn't much of a coverup. He usually only used housework for one of three reasons: to give himself something to do when he was bored, to calm himself down when he was feeling restless, or when he had a lot on his mind and needed the space.
This time, Thoma's sweeping was for the option number three. Still, it wasn't like he'd let Astra know that much right away.
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" Yeah, don't worry! Everything's fine. After all, you know the faster I get all these chores done, the sooner I'll be able to do something else with you guys, right? I'm just finishing up a few things here and I should be mostly done- " He'd give Astra and almost expectant look.
" Everything was okay with lunch, wasn't it? "
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