#ペルソナ4 ジ・アルティメット イン マヨナカアリーナ&ジ・アルティマックス ウルトラスープレックスホールド 超公式設定資料集
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Some goodies from the P4U x P4U2 combined art book! (So very much not my art, just to make that clear!)
Mainly posting this because I haven’t really seen any of Sho’s concept art from this art book mentioned around the internet so far (although I may just not have come across it yet, but regardless), just the stuff in the P4U2 solo art book, and really the only place I found any confirmation of this book having Sho’s remaining concept art was a stray review on the book on like Amazon Japan I think. So I wanted to share it so people know that it exists! (And also to not look to the P4U2 solo book for it like I did, because you’ll likely end up disappointed, but I have a more comprehensive post for that purpose..)
There’s all sorts of cool stuff in this book in general: concept art, animation frames (with creator notes sprinkled all over!), storyboards, creator interviews (with questions pertaining to Sho! I don’t know fully how yet as I don’t yet know Japanese, but I’ve seen his name pop up several times throughout them), official art, illustrations, art of the stages... they even collected the PQ1-style lobby avatars and the majority of different color palettes for the character sprites in the game. So if that stuff interests you for any of the characters (because all of the main characters in Arena and Ultimax get this treatment, minus the creator interviews since that’s dependent on what questions get asked and what conversations take place), then I definitely recommend it if you ever come across a copy of the book! (Keep in mind that it’s all in Japanese though, because there doesn’t seem to be an official English translation of it.)
Anyway, I’m not going to post all of that in great detail because I don’t want to be disrespectful to the creators, but at the very least this stuff seemed like it might be enjoyable or useful to other Sho fans, so... here it is!
Also sidenote! Though again I can’t read the Japanese, I’m pretty sure that the first picture (with Sho and Yu’s sprite concept drawings standing side by side) is intended to be a height comparison, as this isn’t the only place in the book that that specific Yu art is used in this manner. Take for example this reference for Koromaru:
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Though the horizontal lines aren’t exactly the same, their general purpose seems to be. Therefore, it seems to be that Sho was intended to be slightly taller than Yu? (I think the Dancing game models might have already confirmed this? But if not, then this might.) Of course, official numbers for height haven’t been given for either of them that I recall (I’m not as well-versed in Yu though, so it’s possible that I’m incorrect), but at least it can be approximated when you take illustrations where various characters appear together and do a lot of comparisons, hehe.
Edit: Also adding because I found this, evidently someone else scanned the colored version of the second image’s fullbody, or else had the digital version, and posted it on Tumblr in the past. If you’d like to see it, the post is here!
And if you want to see some of the PQ-style lobby avatar pictures, I included a picture of them in this post here.
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