#꒰͡ ♡ luis serra navarro ♡ ͡꒱ㅤ
leonsbunny · 4 months
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Somethin' Stupid ♡
( Luis Serra Navarro x GN!reader || your flirty coworker who has actual feelings for you ♡ mutual pining || office!au , mentions of smoking )
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Luis sighs softly, leaning his head against his desk. He was tired, very, very tired.
Tired of the constant work, stacks of paperwork that didn't seem to end, the fact that his coworker three cubicles over talked so loud about last night's game that he couldn't concentrate on said paperwork.
The sound of keys jingling and familiar footsteps against the office floor makes him lift his head off the table slightly, he perks his head up to check if what he heard matched the image he thought of in his head.
You. You and your stupidly large amount of silly keychains from old kids show you and Luis used to watch. Only Luis could call it stupid. He knew you better than the rest of the people here at this godforsaken place. He could list all the characters hanging from your lanyard off the top of his head if you asked him to.
“Look who's back.” He comments, smiling as soon as you enter through his cubicle door. “Did you get bored or something back at yours? You keep coming back here, you know.” He says, as if he wasn't waiting for this exact moment. Luis always looked forward to seeing you. It made working at this place a lot less shitty.
You made him feel a lot of things, would he tell you that to your face? No. He'd rather die fighting the printer's ink cartridge protector than admit that he has a thing for you. More than a thing, maybe if you could read between the lines of his smile and eyes.
It was hard reading Luis's body language, his reputation around the office as a ‘ladies man’ and as the office flirt made it difficult to tell if he actually liked you or not. You hoped he did. You looked forward to these little meetups in his cubicle, too.
“Wow, you're mean,” you say, hand to your chest, pretending to be hurt by his comments. “So so mean to me, Luis. Words hurt, you know that? Can't I just drop by to say hi? Hello?” The more you talk, with that stupid dramatic tone, the more he smiles. He rolls his eyes playfully before glancing back at you again. “Why are you here, then?” He asks once you finish your little tangent about visiting him. He looks you up and down to find some sort of sign of why you were really here. Usually, you brought him a snack or some copy paper he forgot to pick up.
“To have fun,” you say back, the stupid smile on your face makes him think it's something no good. Well, in the eyes of your coworkers. Not Luis, in his eyes, you'd always be good. At least you were to him. The people here just don't have fun. All stuffy and stuck up in dress shirts and all that. “Fun?” He repeats, leaning himself up in his chair. He tilts his head slightly to the side as he looks at you. Just what were you up to? “Fun.” You repeat back, smiling still.
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“What do you think? We can skip work for a couple of hours going out on a smoke break.” You suggest, though you didn't smoke. He did. Ever since he started hanging out with you, though, he's slowly realizing that he's smoking less and less.
Luis found it hard to read you as well. Always speaking, what was on your mind kept him on his toes.
He finds himself sitting next to you, like he always did on the concrete floor outside the office. He lazily holds his cigarette between his fingers, staring at you as you eat half of his lunch. He always let you have half of his lunch, saying he “packed too much” even though he damn well knew he packed enough for two people. Sharing is caring, right?
“You know, the more you spoil me like this, the more chances you are to be stuck with me.” You joke, wiping your face on a napkin. Luis chuckles softly. He couldn't tell if you knew you were flirting with him, even if he flirted back.
“Really?” He asks, tilting his head at you with a slight smirk on his face. “Then I'll do it more often. Hell, I'd even take you out to dinner if you wanted. Me and you against the man.” Luis doesn't even realize the words coming out of his mouth.
The fact that it came so naturally to him proved that he was deeply, stupidly, in love with you. He didn't even realize he was basically saying he'd take you out on a date. This was his way of confessing to you, offering to take you out to dinner.
Good food is the window to the soul, right? The way to a person's heart was through their stomach, his grandfather told him. From what he remembered, at least.
“...you'd take me out to dinner?” You say aloud, slowly processing his words. Luis's eyes widened, slightly realizing what he said. It took him a solid minute, too. He almost drops his cigarette on the floor.
Quickly, he composes himself again. Clearing his throat, he tries to play it off lightly, trying to live up to his reputation as the office flirt even though he was being genuine with you. “O-of course I would!” He says, putting his cigarette to his lips. He looks away from you, pretending to look over at the parking lot. “You're probably tired of eating Spanish omelets and tomato soup all week.” He comments, puffing cigarette smoke from his lips. “Why would I be tired of Spanish omelets and tomato soup if you made them?” You ask back softly.
“Aren't you tired of my cooking?” He asks, turning back to look at you. “No, why would I be tired of your cooking?” You reply back, leaning slightly closer to Luis. This moment makes him stare into your eyes longer than usual, now that he's this close to you he can finally read you. Your eyes, your face, everything stupid about you. He loved everything stupid about you, your obnoxious collection of keychains, the way you snorted when you laughed at his jokes, everything stupid.
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♡ ⊹ ۫ ۪ ꒰͡₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ reblogs n' feedback r greatly appreciated !! support ur local fanfic writers !! ♡ ͡꒱
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