#아니 온객행 뭐야
shaguagua · 2 years
端的是腰似韌柳 身若飛絮
The waist looks like trimed willow branches, the body looks like fluttered willow flowers.
From 徐再思 (Xu zaixi) 折桂令·春情 (zhe gui ling • cun qing). This poem is talking about love between man and woman. Spring affair often means love making in many different contexts and this poem named right after 春情 (spring affair).
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The rest is,
I didn't know love for my whole life, once I love, I got love sick.
Your body floats like clouds, your heart flutters like willow branches, you breath like spring haze.
There is only slight of silliage left, where to, my precious?
My love gets worse, when would it be? When the lamp light is gone the half, When the moonlight is bright only the half.
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Wen kexing's flirting is seriously too difficult to understand with my chinese literature knowledge limitations. I don't know how Wen kexing learnt all those poems and idioms which really doesn't follow any historical period. Some time it's from BC., sometimes Tang or Song dynasties..🥲
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shaguagua · 1 year
It has been awhile, how are you?
This phrase has two parts the first part is from the poem, 雨霖鈴(yǔ lín líng) by 柳永(liǔ yǒng) in 宋朝(song dynasty). And the later part is from 元曲選·凍蘇秦(yuán qū xuǎn · dòng sū qín). This is such an educated greeting. Well 七爺(Qi ye) is a king no wonder he is a noble man. This short sentence expresses so many meanings. The first part poem goes,
寒蟬淒切 對長亭晚 驟雨初歇 都們帳飲無緒
The cicadas are weeping sadly but the day fades into dark, the rainstorm pauses awhile. Outside of citywall, drinking my farewell away.
放留戀處 蘭舟催發 執手相看淚眼 竟無語凝噎
Unable to leave with brokenheart, the drink hastens my departing. Holding hands, watching your eyes filled with tears. I could not say a word, feeling choked.
念去去 千里煙波 暮靄沈沈楚天濶
I leave far far away, a faraway road of mist, the haze at dusk, the sky is endless.
多情自古傷離別 更那堪冷落清秋節 今宵酒醒何處
It has said, kind heart lingers longer with regrets. How would I bare this cold autumn valediction. Where to sober up from yesterday's drink.
楊柳岸 曉風殘月此去經年 應是良辰好景虛設
On the willow-tide hill. The sinking moon hangs in the wind at dawn. When a few years pass, the beautiful times and good scenery will be useless.
便縱有千種風情 更與何人說
Even if there are thousands and thousands of sceneries, who would I talk to.
This is a poem who is saying farewell to one's lover. The poet is famous because of his writing style that it doesn't have rhyme or rhythm with literacy itself. This modern style has started and grown with his poems. So it's really easy to understand as it describes the poet's situation.
The last part of it goes,
When status and reputation grew, finally you ask my wellbeing.
Here it is uesed for mocking but if you had watched chinese contents you must have heard of it “別來無恙 (biàn lái wú yàng)” which means “how have you been?” it's literal mean is “recently, no illness?” It is widely used in 漢字文化圈(chinese character culture boundary) as greetings.
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So gethering those two phrases, we haven't seen each other for long, how have you been? And also because of the poem, it intends they had parted against their own wills. I'm sure Zhou zishu and Qi ye, they know the meaning, what about Wen kexing?
Please look at Wen kexing's expression, when I have never seen Zhou zishu smiles that big, Wen kexing has weird face expression! 🤭 He must understand and notice where 經年 is from.
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