#𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 / headcanon.
aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//some stuff abt the first springlock incident n how it effected will bc there's no way he survived that and walked away with no lasting damage. remnant is strong but not that strong.
▪︎ I've said this before, but he's covered in scars basically from the head down. his hands and feet are the only other parts of his body that didn't get scarred up.
▪︎ he has chronic post-trauma pain from the whole event. he can deal with it most days, but there are definitely times where it just Isn't a movement day. he hates those days - both because of the really bad pain on his whole body and because he just physically can't be productive. the "walk it off" mentality certainly isn't doing him any favors.
▪︎ the springlock failure started in one of his legs, and now he has a limp, yes it's permanent. it's manageable sometimes, but most of the time he has to use a cane to walk ( he uses it when his pain gets bad, too ). he considers it the most tolerable thing he got out of the whole event, and genuinely doesn't mind it. it's the one thing he has control over. ( this is inspired by the fact that in help wanted, springtrap had a really bad limp,, it isn't a new development by any means, it just got worse after getting springlocked again )
▪︎ another reason he doesn't like touch, any area that's scarred is sometimes extremely sensitive. not all the time, but if it is, being touched can hurt.
▪︎ this is less of a physical effect, but he does not like seeing his scars and would never actively bring them up/show them off ( as opposed to book!will ). he goes out of his way to cover himself up, and would usually rather get his shirt dirty than roll his sleeves up. even his family hardly sees them. he'll talk about them if someone asks, but he would rather not think about it, thank you.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//catch me using this as proof that will cared abt his kids
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//a random assortment of william headcanons because I like writing stuff about him :]
▪︎ despite how social he can be, william is a very quiet person by nature. he's also incredibly soft-spoken, and will only ever raise his voice if it's too loud to hear him otherwise. he doesn't like yelling at people - he's been told it's genuinely frightening, and he doesn't want that.
▪︎ a telltale sign that he trusts someone is if he allows himself to be irritated around them. this isn't him not liking them, it's him being comfortable enough to not care if his facade fades a little bit. on the other side of the spectrum, if the only thing someone ever gets is "haha happy goofy fun dad that's me" he doesn't trust them at all. again, this doesn't necessarily mean he dislikes them, he's just very slow to trust.
▪︎ he doesn't like when people are self-deprecating, it's a BIG pet peeve of his. he constantly tells henry to knock it off, because henry is a smart man, and not everything is your fault, my god-
▪︎ mentioned this before, but purple is his color. it's his whole personal brand. he believes everyone has a color they look best in, and his is purple.
▪︎ his laugh is infectious. if you've ever heard pj heywood laugh you know what I mean.
▪︎ his whole family has a history of being difficult to kill. his refusal to die runs in his veins - remnant just aids in surviving more intense scenarios. a shame only michael inherited that from him.
▪︎ he doesn't like being touched much. this is partly due to his skin being ice cold because of remnant, but he's still not a touch-y person.
▪︎ he's been caught in a full-body springlock failure before, when the diner was still open. he was in the hospital for a while afterwards, but the doctors say he recovered remarkably fast for such bad injuries. he's covered in scars from the neck down. he doesn't like seeing them.
▪︎ he's one of those guys that complains about the names of american football and soccer in america. he refuses to call the sport soccer (but he does watch both sports)
▪︎ his eyes are light grey, but he describes them as silver because he's extra.
▪︎ he met henry when he first moved to the US at about 25 (in 1965, ie four years before michael was born)
▪︎ so my william was born in 1940. the years boomers were born in are 1946-1964. he is six years too old to be a boomer. I thought this was interesting.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
@sistersorry asked : 🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? & ☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning? for william!! :-)
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oc emoji asks / accepting
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🌋 / how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
☀️/ are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
william is very slow to anger. he's able to tolerate a lot, and patience is always something he's had an overabundance of, so it's incredibly rare for him to genuinely get angry at something. it's also hard to tell when he's angry or upset - he absolutely hates raising his voice ( haven't decided why yet ahsjwhd he just Does ) and he usually just...shuts himself in and works. but even that isn't a good indicator of whether or not he's angry about something, because he just DOES that sometimes. but yeah he's very slow to anger and he's not good at coping with it, he just hides out until he can go back to suppressing his emotions <3
he is absolutely a morning person, to no one's surprise ( though he has a rather nasty habit of staying up far too late to work. ) he has a very specific routine he likes to follow: wake up at 4:45, shower, get dressed, and do his hair ( you know he takes forever to do that ) no later than 6:00. start breakfast sometime between 6:25-6:45 so it's ready when the kids get up, help with whatever they need before school, drop them off, get to work at 8:00 ( if he has work. ) this is every day. it's a little meticulous, but he likes having a routine.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//I think sun and moon being unreasonably strong is a really funny concept actually,, must be strong to lift peices of the playplace that might break. they have a habit of picking people up off the ground when they give hugs, yes this includes adults. they could pick up an animatronic if they really wanted to. they probably have. you know how ants can carry up to twenty times their own weight? that's these two.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//lil headcanon about will and honeybun's programming: after michael came out as gay, william altered honeybun and fredbear's programming and changed how they interacted with each other,, their dynamic changes from "friends because kinda have to be" to "implied romantic relationship, but in the way that only gays pick up on" bc he was like. damn there really isn't any characters like my son huh. I should do that.
//michael also lead to the decision of keeping honeybun's gender "undisclosed," so to speak, bc. michael's trans. and even if michael isn't nb specifically, it's easier to casually use they/them pronouns for honeybun than it is to imply the robot is transmasc,, if ever asked abt honeybun's gender, william simply replies "it's a rabbit, who cares?"
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//to borrow ( steal ) a little something from the books, william has a few notepads of notes on people in his life. it's a little creepy admittedly, but he blames it as bad memory. the contents of those notes can be completely random, from various facts about the person to how william feels about them in the moment. it's not nearly as obsessive as it is in the books, though, he just likes to keep track of things ahsjwjr
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
@piiityparty asked : 👫 // michael and ol' foxy
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four headcanons / accepting
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▪︎ michael was originally drawn to foxy because he was scary. he would always stay with him, even when the younger kids didn't want anything to do with him.
▪︎ he went to freddy's so frequently that he had all of foxy's stories memorized,, sometimes he would join in to make it more ~dramatic~ ( whether foxy wanted him to or not )
▪︎ foxy is the first person(?) michael's ever gifted his art to :] that gift is not to be taken lightly coming from him. when he became night guard, he left a sketch or two on the edge of foxy's stage. turns out his shift is great drawing time, when his life isn't being threatened.
▪︎ honestly? younger michael thought of foxy as a member of his family. not specifically a parental figure or anything like that, but. you know.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
@lilhub asked : ☕ For William, and ☺&⍤ for Michael please?
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random headcanon meme / accepting
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☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
william enjoys both, but he has a heavy preference for coffee, especially when he needs the energy to pull an all-nighter. he usually puts cream or milk in it, but he doesn't mind drinking straight black coffee, either. he's heard far too many jokes about "tea and crumpets" to give a detailed opinion on tea ( he likes cinnamon )
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☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
michael has his father's smile, to no one's surprise. it's more obvious when he's older, mostly because of how fake it is. he wasn't a very smiley person up until pizza sim.
michael's voice is relatively deep, though higher in pitch than his father's. his accent is less pronounced, and he often has a hard time controlling the volume and emotion in his voice, especially in his younger years. after the events of sister location, michael has to rely on a voice box to speak. it's still his voice ( fortunately, one of the features the funtimes have is the ability to mimic voices ), but from then on, it's noticeably emptier. it's prone to glitching/stuttering, despite how much work he's done on it to prevent that - in pizza sim, he says he's just developed a stutter over the years.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//walter ramblings because he's my beloved
▪︎ as stated before, he's been working for fazbear entertainment since the beginning. he was never very familiar with fredbear's, and only met henry and/or william after it closed and they began work with fazbear ent.
▪︎ he knows he's a suspect for the missing children's incident, and he understands why, but god is going to police interrogations stressful. he's also familiar with officer burke; but he doesn't think that officer burke thinks he's guilty considering they've seen each other outside of work I mean haha what? no that's crazy clay would never
▪︎ okay but seriously I saw vaguely shippy art of pg and officer burke and uhhh 👀 same goes for him and henry ahsjsjdj walt is probably the muse I'm most likely to ship with
▪︎ he knows a shocking amount about how the animatronics work, only because he recorded how-to's for the employees. they were used as training for maintenance or how to use springlock suits, mostly so no one has to be pulled away from their job to train new people.
▪︎ in the og freddy's location he met and made friends with (the real) dave miller, who he ended up hiring as first night guard in '87. they got along pretty well; he was shocked when "dave" was apprehended for the missing children's incident and genuinely didn't believe dave could do something like that; and he was right, of course, but at least his name was cleared of suspicion.
▪︎ after "dave" was released (no trial took place, as there wasn't enough evidence to arrest him) and the restaurant in '87 closed, walt dedicated a lot of time to trying to figure out who was actually behind the missing childrens incident. the years between then and '92 were less than pleasant, between a new job or two and pouring more time into investigating than he thought even the police force was. he had one of those cork boards in his apartment, with pictures pinned together and connected with string.
▪︎ all of that was to prove his friend's innocence (mostly to himself) until he realized. he'd seen "dave" the day he was moved to the dayshift. and the day after, he was different. not by much, not that anyone who wasn't close with him would notice - but walt did. his hair was less grey than usual, his eyes were lighter, he was just slightly taller, his glasses didn't sit right on his face. and just before then, william afton was declared dead.
▪︎ he figured it out in '92, but was found dead before he could tell anyone, stuffed in a suit in freddy fazbear's pizza. they ended up finding all of his stuff on the case, but "dave" had already gone missing by the time they did. at least they finally found out who the culprit was.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//have some fun facts about michael in security breach
▪︎ he's living in the walls,, he stays primarily in what's left of his family's old house ( ie under the pizzaplex ). there's not much down there that's still functional, other than the TV and VHS player, and an old CD player that he managed to get out of his old room.
▪︎ he's made friends with the rats. real big bruno madrigal vibes coming from sb!mike. he only really leaves his little area to get food - usually popcorn - not because he needs to eat ( still no organs ), but to feed the rats.
▪︎ there is a way to get to the rest of the house, but he doesn't like to go back there. his father's workshop and his siblings's rooms are the only ones still intact. he's not sure if any of the tech in the sister location still works, and he's too afraid to check.
▪︎ basically most of the bathroom is covered in michael's blood, from way back when he was scooped. same goes for the floor in and outside of the sister location elevator. he never bothered to clean it up.
▪︎ no one knows he's in the pizzaplex, as far as he's aware. after the pizza sim fire, he was presumed dead ( again ), so it might be a little weird for the animatronics if they tried to scan him.
▪︎ if he saw gregory, he would go full older brother mode, simply because of how similar he looks to evan.
▪︎ genuinely has no clue what's going on with the pizzaplex and the bots getting taken over,, he doesn't know what the hell a "vanny" is but the attractions are cool as fuck ( his favorite is roxy raceway )
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aftonrobotiics · 3 years
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a collection of headcanons for this bastard
▪︎ will is half australian, so his accent is a very nice mix of australian and british. yes this is entirely inspired by pj heywood.
▪︎ he's very good at keeping his voice steady, it's very easy for him to calm people down.
▪︎ he's a very smiley person. it's rare to see him without a smile, and other looks usually don't look right on his face.
▪︎ presentation is everything. you will never see his hair messy, or his suit wrinkled. he also has somewhat of a brand for himself - whether he's wearing a full suit or a cardigan, purple is His Color.
▪︎ he and michael look so similar it's not even funny. the only huge differences are height (william is taller), hair (different styles, william's hair is greying), and eyes (william's are silver and michael's are a very vibrant blue)
▪︎ he operates off of spite when it comes to people telling his kids what to do. say michael is playing his music too loud outside - william can tell him to turn it down, but the moment a neighbor tells michael to keep it down, william will drag a speaker out of the workshop and blast said music louder. only he's allowed to order his kids around.
▪︎ I've mentioned this before, but he's so bad at saying no to his kids. if it's a genuine danger or health risk, sure, he can go "no and here's why" but if they're in the toy isle and elizabeth is grabbing toys he knows she'll only play with once? if michael wants that new, criminally expensive album? if evan asks to stay home because he just isn't feeling school today? well, he would feel bad if he said no...
▪︎ even if most of his public personality is fake, his care for his kids is very real - and doesn't extend any further than them. he enjoys henry's company and vaguely cares about charlie and sammy, but his kids are above all else. he can't bring himself to have worse than neutral feelings about them ( after evan's death, he doesn't hate michael. he could never. even as a part of springtrap, he doesn't hate him. ). personally, prefer this to the "abusive father" narrative the games seems to have been hinting at - I think it makes him more creepy, knowing he has a family that he loves. knowing he could murder a child in cold blood, then come home and hoist elizabeth into his arms and ask how her day was like nothing was wrong.
▪︎ his care for his robots is completely different than his care for his kids - even if his behavior is, on the surface, the same. he cares about his animatronics, particularly the sister location group, because they're useful. he'll tolerate being treated like a father figure if that's what it takes to make them listen. he'll personally do maintenance checks and chat with them when asked, if that's what it takes to get them cleaned and repaired.
▪︎ baby is the only slightly different case - after elizabeth's death, whether or not she's possessing baby, he treats baby like he did his daughter. on the rare occasion he sees her, that is - she's the only one he's hesitant to work with. brings up bad memories.
▪︎ it is very rare for his "goofy dad" façade to drop, but it still happens - some days, he just doesn't have the energy. these are the days he spends holed up in the workshop, repairing things. he doesn't like to be disturbed ( he doesn't want people to see him outside of the carefully crafted reputation he made for himself ) but he won't snap at people for coming to check on him. usually he won't, anyway.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
anonymous asked : ⚡εїз for uhhh Michael!
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random headcanon meme / accepting
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⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
michael is a fan of stormy weather! he has been since he was little. he likes to sit out on the porch when it rains and just watch the storm ( he's fallen asleep in a rocking chair out there many times ). it's very calming for him, especially after a nightmare.
he's always been a bit squeamish around bugs. he doesn't dislike them, but most gross him out. his friends used to make fun of him for it.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
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//if malhare took off his mask ( something he can do, he just doesn't like to ) he would look very similar to father from KND,, this is an effect of the "only being a piece of william's soul" thing. he is just a silhouette with eyes under that suit.
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aftonrobotiics · 2 years
@the-kings-cavalry asked : ☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate? | im staring at michael n william im very curious BNMKJHN
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random headcanon meme / accepting
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while he's a very logical person at his core, william is a BIG believer in fate. his biggest supporting argument is how he met henry; still new to the US and living in a small town in utah, meeting henry was completely accidental - and the fact that henry had almost the exact same goal william did? the fact that they clicked within minutes of meeting each other? will doesn't describe it as anything else but fate. he does also believe in luck, but not nearly as much as he does fate.
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michael doesn't like to believe in fate, if that makes sense? luck is fine, but he doesn't like the thought that every major event in his life was already set in stone. that he was bound to kill evan eventually. it's not that he doesn't believe in it - with everything he's gone through involving freddy's, it's hard to write it all off as coincidence - he just...doesn't like to think about it.
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